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IMDb: 8.2
53 min

Dexter lines up his next victim, Brother Sam a criminal who claims to have found religion and while still running his body repair shop, gives other ex-cons a chance at rehabilitation. Dexter isn't buying any of it and is certain that Sam will be his worthy next victim. Doesn't quite turn out that way. The investigation into the dead man with the snakes put into his torso advances when one of the students finds heavy metals in their system. The two men responsible for that killing continue their preparations. Deb meanwhile has a day to remember. Still getting praise from her colleagues over the restaurant shooting, Quinn has a surprise waiting for her in the refrigerator. It's left to Deputy Chief Tom Matthews to spring the biggest surprise of all however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.7
54 min

Life for Dexter is returning to normal. He's taking care of his son with the help of Angel Batista's sister Jamie. He dispatches two EMTs who have been killing patients to harvest their organs and he's looking forward to his high school 20th anniversary reunion. Not surprisingly, Dexter was something of an outsider in school but one girl, Janet, was at least nice to him. She dated and eventually married the schools star quarterback Joe Walker but committed suicide after they were married. Dexter is certain that Joe killed her and his main interest in the reunion weekend is to get a DNA sample from him. Elsewhere, Maria LaGuerta has been promoted to Captain and she and Angel are divorced. They're still friends and she is recommending him as her replacement as Lieutenant. Deb and Quinn are still living together and he is getting ready to pop the question - only to be interrupted in a restaurant in an unusual way. Finally, the entire squad has to deal with the disappearance of a roadside... Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
56 min

Just as Dexter is about to set off find Jordan Chase, his entire family arrives having decided to travel down from Orlando to celebrate Harrison's birthday in Miami. Cody and Astor have something special to ask him. Having managed to extricate himself from any family obligations from the day, he arrives at the station to learn that Liddy's body has been found and the entire squad is assigned to working on the case. Things quickly deteriorate for Joey Quinn who is taken into custody after they find Liddy's phone and see that Quinn was frequently called on the day he died. Jordan Chase has not yet killed Lumen as he wants to trap Dexter as well and eliminate both of them. Dexter manages to trace Chase to his lair leading to the inevitable confrontation. In the end Dexter, Lumen and Debra will all have choices to make and not everyone will be happy or content with the choices they make. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.0
47 min

Dexter and Lumen are trying to figure out how to get Jordan Chase but Dexter catches on to the fact they have been under video surveillance. He manages to trace the equipment back to Joey Quinn, not realizing that Stan Liddy is behind it all. He and Lumen burglarize Quinn's apartment and find some of the photos of them at the marina. Dexter learns soon enough just who is behind it. Debra meanwhile has pretty well figured out the case and tells her colleagues about her vigilante theory: that the killer is probably the 13th victim who escaped and that she is likely being helped by a man. Lt. Laguerta is dubious however. Jordan Chase has conveniently planned to go to Europe on a speaking tour but not before he lays a trap for Dexter and Lumen. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.0
53 min

Lt. Laguerta has decided to re-open the barrel girls murder case and assigns a reinstated Debra Morgan and Quinn to arrest Cole Harmon. Of course, they don't know that Dexter has already taken care of things. They do find that the men made videos of their attacks. Debra begins putting the pieces together and concludes there is a vigilante killer getting rid of the men who attacked and killed the women. From the blood in the small vial Jordan Chase wears around his neck, Dexter is able to track it to Emily Birch who, to his surprise, is still alive. She's not very cooperative however until Lumen visits her on her own. Emily identifies the fifth man as Alex Tilden and Dexter and Lumen make plans to eliminate him. They don't realize that someone has been watching them. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.0
55 min

Dexter has now set his sights on self-help guru Jordan Chase and is spending some time with him getting to know him better. His life is turned upside down however with the sudden arrival of his step-daughter Astor and her friend Olivia. They're drunk and have lied about where they are. Astor is rebellious, refusing to tell Dexter what she is up to or why she is acting this way. She is also convinced that Lumen is Dexter's new girlfriend. Lumen has a conversation with Olivia that puts the girls escapade in an entirely new light. When the girls disappear from his house, he fears that Chase is on to them and the girls have been kidnapped. Dexter is forced to reveal to his colleagues that he's been seeing Chase and they also learn about Lumen, who Dexter describes as his new tenant. At the station meanwhile, Debra has been assigned to work in the filing room and comes across some startling information about the barrel girl murders. She also learns about Quinn's suspicions of her brother. ... Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
52 min

Having identified one of Lumen's attackers, Cole Harmon, Dexter set out to do what he does best. He attends one of Jordan Chase's seminars and the plan is to rent a hotel room next to Cole Harmon, who is Chase's head of security, and eliminate him there. He shows Lumen how to prepare a killing room but events don't quite unfold as planned. In the end, Dexter gets a vital clue that identifies another of the men who attacked her. Lumen also has to deal with her ex-fiancé who suddenly shows up in Miami. At the station, the fallout from the shootings at the night club begins to take its toll. It's pretty obvious that Lt. Laguerta isn't going to take the rap for the botched operation. Debra sees the writing on the wall when Angel Batista tells her he hasn't written his report yet and is still going over what happened. She feels betrayed by an unexpected source but also gets support where she least expects it. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6
48 min

Having decided to help Lumen find the other men who attacked her, Dexter is at a loss when he is called to the scene of a road accident. There he finds a pick-up truck that has disgorged its contents - several formaldehyde-laden barrels containing the bodies of dead women. Of course the women are Boyd Fowler's victims Dexter had discovered in the swamp some time before. The truck is registered to a celebrity, motivational speaker Jordan Chase, who claims that his truck was stolen. Dexter is more interested in Chase's head of security, Cole Harmon, who fits Lumen's description of one of her attackers. Debra meanwhile is still on the Santa Muerte case and Lt. Laguerta agrees to a sting operation using their new informant, Yasmine Aragon. It doesn't all go as planned resulting in several deaths. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
49 min

Dexter goes after his next victim, Lance Robinson, but before he can complete the deed receives a call from Lumen who hasn't left Miami and has tracked down one of her attackers. She's shot the man and now doesn't know what to do. He goes to the site with Robinson unconscious in his car only to find that the man Lumen shot is alive and has now disappeared. When the police, in the form of his sister Debra, respond to a call at the site Dexter has to be quick on his feet. Still working on the Santa Muerte murderers, Debra sets up a sting for the Fuentes brothers at their favorite nightclub. It's Angel Batista however who comes up with a vital piece of evidence. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Dexter tries to convince Lumen to return to Minnesota but isn't having much success. She is intent on finding the other men who abused her and kill them and Dexter realizes that perhaps the only way to save her from herself is for him to do the killing for them. When he realizes she has a lead on Boyd Fowler's former prison cell mate (a convicted rapist) he decides to do the deed himself. He quickly realizes however that the man could not have been one of her attackers. Debra meanwhile continues her investigation into the rash of be-headings which lead the police to what may be the killers first victims. Lt. Laguerta begins to act strangely and staying out late leading Angel Batista to think she may be seeing someone. Quinn's attempt to contact the Trinity Killer's family forces Laguerta to suspend him without pay. He has other plans to pursue Dexter however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6
51 min

Having disposed of serial killer Boyd Fowler, Dexter now has to figure out what to do with the young woman he found alive in Fowler's house and who saw him get rid of her captor. He manages to identify her as Lumen Pierce from Minnesota but has to get her to trust him. Although still on leave, Dexter agrees to Debra's request that he examine the crime scene where the most recent beheading took place. He finds evidence that gives them their first real lead in the killings. Quinn is convinced that Dexter is the Kyle Butler who had befriended the Trinity Killer and sets out to find Trinity's family so he can show them Dexter's photo. Batista tries to avoid an Internal Affairs investigation by apologizing to the cop he beat up. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6
49 min

Dexter is still off duty recovering from recent events. He enlists Debra's help to find a nanny for 10-month old Harrison and finds the perfect candidate. Having childcare in place allows him to focus on getting rid of serial killer Boyd Fowler, the dead animal sanitation worker. His first attempt doesn't quite go as planned. He's also in for a major surprise. Angel Batista's bar fight with a fellow officer who made disparaging remarks about Maria Laguerta takes a life-threatening turn. Debra enlists the aid of a Spanish-speaking uniformed officer, Cira Manzon, in the beheading case. Most of the police think the now dead husband was responsible for killing his wife but Debra develops a new theory, one that subsequent events seems to prove correct. Finally, Quinn contacts the FBI with information about Kyle Butler, the Trinity Killer's friend. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.3
50 min

Dexter's interview with the FBI goes well he's told they don't suspect him of murder since he was at Trinity's house at the time Rita was killed. He's having trouble being a single parent however. Astor and Cody want to move back into their house - they're all living temporarily with Debra in what is now a very overcrowded apartment - and when they skip school one day to go there, Dexter realizes something has to be done. Meanwhile, Debra is also a bit fed up with the situation and goes over to Quinn's for a decent night's sleep. Dexter focuses on a new serial killer as his next victim. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.0
53 min

In the aftermath of last season's chilling finale, Rita's death has left Dexter feeling responsible, possibly even...guilty. Unable to deal with the trauma, Dexter makes a drastic decision that will impact everyone around him. Quinn stirs up trouble at the station when he notes that Rita's murder, which is being pinned on the Trinity Killer, doesn't fit his normal murder profile. Things get even more heated when Quinn suggests to LaGuerta that they look at the husband: Dexter Morgan. Meanwhile, Quinn offers Debra much needed support, causing her to see Quinn in a new light. Written by Showtime Publicity

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IMDb: 9.8
51 min

Dexter is obsessed with getting the Trinity Killer himself, especially after Arthur has tracked him to Metro Homicide and learns his real identity. Dexter realizes the threat to his family and with the older stepchildren off with their grandparents, he convinces Rita to take Harrison to the Keys where he will join them later for a weekend honeymoon. His first attempt to take care of Arthur goes awry when as a result of a traffic accident, he finds himself in jail for leaving the scene. His second attempt is more successful, but his obsession to kill Arthur comes with a price. Meanwhile, no one can quite understand why Debra is still at work given what happened to Christine Hill, but when the FBI takes over the Trinity Killer case, she refocuses on learning more about her father and his relationship with his confidential informants. Debra finally learns about how her father came to adopt Dexter. Also, Laguerta and Batista now have to decide what to do next in their relationship. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.5
51 min

Dexter is determined to take care of the Trinity Killer/Arthur Mitchell himself, at least in part to atone for the mistake he made. When Dexter learns that Christine Hill is in custody, he realizes that the police will soon be onto Arthur, so he sets up an elaborate ruse to send them down the wrong path. It all backfires and ends in another death. Arthur also learns Dexter's real name and the work he does. Meanwhile, Rita finally tells Dexter about the kiss at Thanksgiving, but isn't quite sure what to make of his nonplussed reaction. Also, Laguerta and Batista are caught kissing on a store surveillance video and Captain Matthews is set on having them both fired. They decide there's only one way to get out of he mess they've created for themselves. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.2
57 min

Dexter is chasing Arthur and sees that he is stalking two siblings with their babysitter and kidnaps the boy Scott Smith in an arcade. Soon Dexter learns that there are several ten year old boys missing and they begin Trinity's cycle of four victims, and not three as Lundy believed. Dexter meets Jonah expecting to discover where his father might have gone and hold the boy captive. Meanwhile Debra gives and interview to Christine and asks Angel to check the journalist's reaction when she asks how she could have been so fast to arrive in the crime scene. Angel sends samples of Christine and after the DNA analysis, they find that Christine and Trinity are relatives and Christine is arrested. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.4
51 min

Dexter stops by Arthur's house for a visit and realizes that though Arthur is in appearance the happy family man, he is in fact terrorizing his family. According to Arthur's son Jonah, they are all regularly beaten. Jonah is afraid to confront his father and invites Dexter for Thanksgiving dinner. The confrontation between Arthur and his family forces Dexter to take action. While Dexter is away for lunch with the Mitchells, neighbor Elliot kisses Rita and she clearly lets him, though she immediately regrets it. Meanwhile, LaGuerta and Batista finally admit to what has been obvious for some time. Elsewhere, Joey Quinn spends the holiday with his reporter girlfriend Christine Hill, but he clearly has commitment issues and is starting to feel hemmed in. After he leaves, she gets a surprise visit from her father. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6
54 min

Dexter is uncomfortable for having killed an innocent. He visits Arthur Mitchell and his family and learns that Trinity is planning to travel to Tampa. Dexter plots a scheme to travel to a Convention of Meteorology in Tampa to kill the serial-killer. He forces Trinity to give a ride to him and they travel together. Dexter tells Trinity that he had killed a man by mistake in a hunting accident. Trinity brings Dexter to the house where he lived when he was a child and he accidentally killed his sister in the bathroom and Dexter concludes that this was the place where it all started. Meanwhile, in the Miami Metro, Debra shows cases of bludgeoning and convinces Lieutenant Maria La Guerta to chase The Trinity Killer. They decide to collect DNA from people that match the killer's profile expecting to find the serial-killer. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.6
53 min

Dexter is resting with his family in his boat not worried about the Trinity Killer that has completed his cycle of murders. Out of the blue, he is summoned by Miami Metro to analyze an arm that has been found in the stomach of an alligator. He discovers that it belonged to the illegal waitress and aspirant model Estrella Carazo that has vanished. After the investigation Sergeant Batista finds that the photographer Jonathan Farrow is the prime suspect, but he gets no search warrant to check Farrow's studio. Farrow jumps to the top of Dexter's list and he breaks in the studio during the night seeking evidences to connect Carazo with Farrow. Meanwhile, Debra moves to Dexter's apartment and becomes disappointed with her father after interviewing his former criminal informant Valerie Hodges, and she gives up to investigate the truth about Harry Morgan interviewing other CIs. Dexter destroys the file of his mother since some secrets should not be found out. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.8
55 min

Dexter knows it's only a matter of time before Miami Metro discovers the Trinity Killer's latest handiwork. Therefore, he has to work doubly hard to stay one step ahead of their investigation. Dexter has begun to realize that the closer he gets to Trinity, the more he stands to learn from this very different beast. Trinity hides behind a well-kept mask, and getting behind that facade will require some extra prodding on Dexter's part. Meanwhile, Debra becomes frustrated when she finds herself shut out from her own case. She considers bending the rules in the name of justice, risking her career in the process. LaGuerta and Batista come to regret a major decision, and realize that by playing by the rules they may have painted themselves into a corner. And when the friction between Rita and Dexter comes to a head, Dexter gleans relationship advice from a most unlikely source. Written by Showtime Publicity

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IMDb: 9.0
49 min

With Debra recovering in the hospital, Dexter re-doubles his efforts to locate the Trinity Killer. Knowing that he is following the same pattern as his murders from 30 years ago, Dexter is sure he knows where he will strike next. Afterward, he follows the serial killer to his home and is shocked by what he finds. Dexter also has some explaining to do when Rita finds out that he never gave up his apartment and still keeps some of his possessions there. Sgt. Batista plants a news item about the suspected Vacation Murderer that bears fruit. Having told her superiors of her relationship with Batista, the Deputy Chief delivers some bad news to Laguerta. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.2
55 min

With Rita away with the kids away attending a cousin's wedding, Dexter finally has the freedom to find another victim. He focuses on Zoey Kruger, a police officer whose husband and child were killed in a house invasion. The blood evidence suggests that she may have actually planted evidence to incriminate a known thief and was in fact responsible herself for the killing. She hears of Dexter's investigation and warns him off in no uncertain terms, but he decides to go ahead anyway. Debra is spending more and more time with ex-Agent Frank Lundy and helping in his pursuit of the Trinity killer. Her boyfriend Anton has noticed but she assures him he has nothing to worry about. Unexpected events forces Debra to re-evaluate her relationships. The Trinity Killer realizes that Lundy may be on to him. Det. Quinn is still sleeping with reporter Christine Hill but she may have stepped over the line with her latest story. Laguerta and Angel Batista argue whether they should inform their superiors... Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.4
51 min

Dexter is facing some marriage and parenting challenges. Rita is smothering him somewhat after the accident and is not allowing him to drive, as per the doctor's orders. Step-daughter Astor is growing up and everything Dexter does seems to be the wrong thing. The neighborhood watch committee goes into action when someone vandalizes property. Dexter soon has a bead on the likely culprit and decides to put his own skills to work. The Trinity Killer strikes again but Debra and ex-Agent Lundy are the only ones who seem to think the death is part of the serial killer's work. Spending a lot of time with Lundy may not be good for her relationship Anton, however. Still worried about what Dexter saw, Joey Quinn continues to try and make nice. He's also still feeding information to the journalist he's sleeping with. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.8
49 min

Dexter wakes up in his totaled car and quickly remembers: Benny Gomez. The guy he killed. The guy whose body parts he has not gotten rid of. The paramedics whisk him away against his will; but soon Dexter is out of the hospital (against the doctor's orders) and out looking for the body parts. They aren't in the car. They aren't at the crash site. He must have stashed them somewhere until he could find them later. Unfortunately, his lack of sleep has deprived him of a key memory. Where did he put the body parts? A vision of Harry tries to help him remember, but work pulls him away from his urgent search. The department is trying to catch the Vacation Killer, who has just struck a second time. Meanwhile, the Trinity Killer is still on the loose, and Lundy joins Debra as she interrogates her prime suspect. Written by J. Spurlin

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IMDb: 8.8
54 min

With a new wife and a newer baby, Dexter is not getting much sleep these days. Baby Harrison cries all night; and Rita robs him of a rare chance to knit up the raveled sleeve of care by preparing a night of sex play. Dexter's sleep deprivation puts his work in jeopardy. He goes to court with the wrong notes, and his screw-up sends a killer free. But maybe that's for the best. His Dark Passenger is calling, and this killer is now available for Dexter to hunt. The trouble is, will the hunter be able to stay awake? Meanwhile: Angel and Maria labor to conceal their new relationship. Debra is shocked to see Lundy back in town. The Trinity Killer claims a new victim. Written by J. Spurlin

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IMDb: 8.9
51 min

With Miguel Prado now out of the way, Dexter thinks all he has to worry about is his wedding. Life isn't so simple however. Ramon Prado, who had been acting as Miguel's bodyguard, is now out to get Dexter. So is the Skinner, though Dexter doesn't quite realize it until he's taken prisoner. Debra is told by Angel Batista that he has recommended her for her detective's shield. That is until he learns that she spent the night with Anton when everyone thought he was a confidential informant. Dexter learns that Rita has been married twice before, her first marriage when she was only 16 followed by a divorce six months later. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
51 min

Lt. Laguerta begins to suspect that Miguel Prado may be Ellen Wolf's killer. She invites him for dinner and checks his car for forensic evidence but he catches on to what she is doing. Dexter starts working on his plan to kill Miguel and frame the Skinner for the crime. Debra has been avoiding Anton and Dexter tells her about their father, who also had an affair with a confidential informant. She does get a lead on the Skinner's whereabouts, but her partner gets injured in the process of trying to arrest him. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.1
50 min

Knowing that Miguel Prado has manipulated him, Dexter decides the time has come for him to gain the upper hand. He finds however that Miguel is a formidable opponent and as Dexter tries to tighten the screws, Miguel threatens an ethics investigation into Debra Morgan's relationship with Anton. Knowing that Miguel took murder victim Ellen Wolf's ring as a memento of his kill, Dexter gets into Prado's house and gets hold of it. Their relationship reaches a breaking point when Rita tells Miguel's wife that her husband is having an affair with Lt. Laguerta. Miguel Prado tells the Skinner that only Dexter knows Freebo's whereabouts. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
51 min

After sharing his innermost secrets with Miguel Prado and allowing him to participate in a kill, Dexter is not pleased to learn that Miguel may have gone out on his own and killed someone. They had agreed at the outset that they would kill together so he decides to teach him a lesson. He soon realizes however that Miguel has been less than honest with him from the very beginning. The Skinner has kidnapped Debra's lover Anton and the police are now quite sure they know who he is. He proves to be an astute suspect and the one witness they do have won't say a word. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.7
54 min

Dexter's relationship with Miguel Prado reaches a new level when he not only identifies the next victim but tells Dexter that he will kill him. Dexter knows he should probably bring this to an end asap, but he's enjoying himself teaching Miguel the ropes. Debra spends the night with Anton, her confidential informant and learns from Joey Quinn that he's never been officially a CI. She tells Anton the good news but he then vanishes. Lt. Laguerta and her friend Ellen Wolf attend a police function together. Rita 's hormones are in full tilt and everyone around her is paying the price. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6
58 min

Dexter begins working with Miguel with killing, but they quickly have differences in selecting a potential victim. Meanwhile, Debra is fearful that Anton might be the Skinner's next victim and tries to persuade him to leave town. Rita discovers that Miguel's wife, Sylvia, suspects him of having an affair, but is not aware about the truth about Miguel association with Dexter as self-proclaimed vigilantes. Also, Camilla an old friend of Dexter's who used to work in files, asks for help in ending her life when she is dying from terminal lung cancer. Written by anonymous

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