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IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Dexter continues his close friendship with Miguel Prado who praises him for taking action and accomplishing what he could not. Dexter is still concerned at his secret getting out and decides to show Miguel that what he does is not pretty. Unfortunately, Miguel takes a far greater interest in Dexter's plans than Dexter could have imagined. The Skinner strikes again, this time killing the young boy who worked as Freebo's doorman. It's the second time one of Debra's witnesses has been killed and she's wondering if someone may be following her investigation. She thinks she knows who that might be. Debra is again approached by Internal Affairs who threaten her to get some cooperation. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.6
49 min

Dexter argues with Rita's because of her desire for them to move in together before they get married. While playing golf together, Miguel tells Dexter about a husband who he has been unable to convict over killing not one but two of his wives for financial gain. Dexter sees him as the perfect candidate for his dark passenger and his needs, like any man under with relationship problems, to get away. Dexter tracks the murderer to Bimini however, while on the hunt, Rita has a medical emergency and he is nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, Debra works with Anton, her confidential informant to track down one of Freebo's criminal confidants. But Debra is finding herself oddly attracted to Anton. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.3
54 min

Having decided to be involved in the baby's life, Dexter and Rita decide to tell the kids, but Astor isn't too keen and asks why they're not married. Dexter proposes but Rita declines. He comes up with a way to get her to say yes. Rita's hormones are up to full speed and her short-tempered treatment of a hotel guest gets her fired. Meanwhile, Ramon Prado is upset that the police have not yet found his brother's killer. Miguel Prado suggests to Dexter that they tell him the truth about killing Freebo, but Dexter sets out to show him that the ill-tempered Ramon can't be trusted. Elsewhere, Angel and the squad investigates the murder of man who is discovered by his fiancée. Also, Debra Morgan doesn't appreciate her partner, Quinn's approach to the case. All the while, she continues to receive text messages from Yuki from Internal Affairs asking for her help in their investigation. Angel Batista is almost caught in a police sting operation when he picks up what he thinks is a prostitute. ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
49 min

With Freebo now out of the way, Dexter finds himself trying to re-direct the police investigation into Teegan's death. When a second murder victim appears, Dexter and ADA Miguel Prado both know it couldn't have been Freebo and Prado begins to wonder if Dexter really killed him. Debra arrests the confidential informant she has been using in her investigation. Dexter is still having trouble coming to grips with the possibility of fatherhood but Debra has some good advice for him. Dexter becomes very protective of Astor when a man talks to her in the grocery store. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6
49 min

Dexter is desperate to find Freebo, the man he had intended to kill in the first place. He wants to find the man before his sister does or before ADA Miguel Prado, who has revenge on his mind. Debra tries to identify someone she believes is Freebo's latest victim and uses a fellow officer's confidential informant to get information. Prado isn't satisfied with the police investigation and is using telephone records to try and trace the man. Rita's pregnancy in confirmed and she and Dexter have to decide on the next steps. He has visions of producing someone like himself. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Life is good for Dexter. His relationship with Rita is going really well and he's thrilled when Cody asks him if he would come to his school on Dad's day. He's also disposing of certain individuals according to his father Harry's code of conduct. He chooses his next victim, a drug dealer known as Freebo but on the night in question finds that a stranger is in the house. Dexter is attacked and kills the man who turns out to be Oscar Prado, the younger brother of a highly respected Assistant District Attorney Miguel Prado. Dexter can't quite figure out what Oscar was doing in the house and is bothered by the fact that he has killed someone outside of Harry's code. Dexter's sister Debra is put in charge of the Prado case by newly promoted Sgt. Angel Batista but her big mouth gets her into trouble. She is also approached by an officer from Internal Affairs who have an interest in a new squad member, Joey Quinn, but she refuses to cooperate. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.3
51 min

Using the GPS she stole from Dexter's car, Lila makes her way to the cabin where Dexter has Doakes locked up. Doakes tells Lila that Dexter is the Bay Harbor Butcher, but if he was hoping for a sympathetic ear, he won't get it from Lila; she still views Dexter as her soul mate. Frank and Debra decide to go on an ice fishing holiday, but work gets in the way. Dexter and Rita reconcile, but when Lila threatens the children, Dexter decides he needs a permanent solution to that problem. Lila isn't quite ready to move on quietly. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 9.1
51 min

Dexter continues to brood over the realization that even his father couldn't accept the code of ethics he had developed and seriously considers putting it all to an end. Doakes manages to escape from his cell but the people he ends up with are no improvement on Dexter. In an attempt to get the upper hand on Dexter, Lila accuses Angel Batista of rape and he is relieved of his duties. Debra does a little digging and learns that Lila is in the US illegally. With little progress in the Butcher case, the FBI assigns a Deputy Director to take over the case thereby pushing Agent Lundy off to the side. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 9.0
55 min

With Doakes safely locked away, Dexter has to determine his next move. Dexter learns a bitter truth after Doakes' comment leads him to look more deeply into his father's death. The FBI continues its search for Doakes but Lt. Laguerta doesn't believe a word of it and tries to find evidence proving his innocence. Rita decides that she wants Dexter to be part of her life. Det. Batista continues his fling with Lila but she obviously has something up her sleeve. Debra comes to the realization that with the investigation apparently coming to an end, Special Agent Lundy will leave Miami. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 9.4
50 min

Dexter apologizes to Rita and admits to her that Lila was one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Lila on the other hand isn't quite as ready to give him up and shows up at the station hinting that she may have a few things to share with Dexter's colleagues. Under constant FBI surveillance, Dexter can't get rid of his last victim's remains. With the evidence he's acquired at Dexter's apartment, Sgt. Doakes seeks the help of an old friend in confirming its value. When Dexter realizes his slides are missing, he thinks the jig is up but Lundy and his FBI colleagues don't quite have it right. Special Agent Lundy and Debra spend the night together. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 9.1
49 min

With both Lila and Debra staying at his apartment Morgan finds himself living with, in his own words, a cobra and a mongoose. Rita tells Dexter that he's no longer welcome to just drop in, even if it's just to see the kids. Having decided that the Bay Harbor Butcher has experience in law enforcement, Special Agent Lundy informs the local officers that all of their old cases will be re-examined. Dexter is on the defensive and Lundy almost catches him out over one of his cases. As Dexter helps Lila clean up her loft after the fire, he realizes that something is wrong with her story as to how the fire started. He also comes to realize how dangerous her obsessive behavior can be. Dexter has a close call when his mother's killer decides to pay him a visit so Dexter decides to do what he should have done the first time they met. Sgt. Doakes, suspended for assaulting Dexter, breaks into his apartment looking for evidence. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.8
55 min

The police think they have a break in the case when the Bay Harbor Butcher sends a 32 page manifesto to a local newspaper. Only thing is Dexter had a very specific purpose in doing what he did, as the police now go off into every direction imaginable. With Sgt. Doakes having set his sights on him yet again, Dexter realizes that he's going to have to play hardball to protect himself and so takes him head on. Rita comes to the end of her tether with her domineering mother. Lila sells a sculpture for a tidy sum and she and Dexter have a romantic dinner out. When Dexter tells her that he is going to a school event for Rita's son, she takes drastic action to get his attention. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.7
53 min

Dexter sees an advantage when the police determine that there is a copycat killer on the loose. The bad news is that unless they can locate and stop him, the FBI will take over the Bay Harbor Butcher case completely. He also learns that he was videotaped cleaning his boat at the marina. Since learning that his mother was actually a police informant working for his stepfather, Dexter has been questioning his step-dad's motivation in taking him in. Rita's scheming mother suggests that Dexter's NA sponsor, Lila come to dinner. It all goes well but when Rita later learns that Lila accompanied Dexter on his recent road trip, she announces she never wants to see him again. Dexter and Lila find a new way to relieve Dexter's compulsive urges. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.8
56 min

At Lila's urging and as part of his 'recovery', Dexter agrees to face his past. He learns that one of the three men who killed his mother in the shipping container is still alive and owns a tavern in Naples. With Lila in tow, Dexter sets out to confront the man who has, as he says, taken his life away. Deborah is still seeing Gabriel, but blows up at him when she sneaks a peek at his e-mail. Rita's mother Gail tells Dexter he should leave, but when Rita hears of it, she tells her mother that it is she who will be leaving. Gail has other ideas. The police investigation continues, and the Bay Harbor Butcher's marina is narrowed down to three possible sites. Dexter decides to give his boat a thorough cleaning, but doesn't realize he's being watched. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.6
53 min

Dexter begins to have second thoughts about Lila's suitability as an NA sponsor and Rita encourages him to find someone else, preferably male. While the investigation into the Bay Harbor Butcher continues, Dexter hears that his forensic colleague Vince may have come up with a way to identify where the killer moored his boat. Dexter's attempt to destroy the evidence doesn't quite go as planned. Debra finally hooks up with the man she has been ogling at her gym. Dexter meets Rita's mom who is in town visiting. She tells Rita that there is no doubt in her mind that Dexter is hiding something. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.8
52 min

Having lied to Rita to cover up what he really did to her late husband, Dexter now finds himself attending Narcotics Anonymous classes. He finds the exercise quite difficult and is afraid everyone will see through him. Rita however makes it quite clear that their relationship is entirely dependent on his continued participation in NA. She doesn't react too well though when she sees Dexter's sponsor, the very attractive Lila. Sgt. Doakes follows Dexter to an NA meeting, but surprises him with his reaction. Meanwhile, Debra is assigned to the joint task force with the FBI but is having difficulty dealing with the people and the desperation to find their loved ones. She does however uncover a pattern to the murders. Dexter identifies a serial killer and decides he has to take action, despite the scrutiny of the police and the FBI. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.7
56 min

Dexter's failure to dispose of Little Chino results in the tragic death of a witness against him. He's determined to get it right the next time, but Sgt. Doakes is still following him in his off hours. With the discovery of Dexter's burial ground, a special joint task force with the FBI is established. Doakes hopes to join but is rebuffed. Debra Morgan clearly has not recovered fully from her ordeal with the Ice Truck Killer but her use of excessive force results in a major drug bust. Rita is having trouble coming to grips with the death of her husband and she now realizes that Dexter set him up. In order to explain however, Dexter embellishes his story somewhat. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
53 min

It is now 38 days since Dexter saved his sister and executed the Ice Truck Killer. Since that time however, Sgt. Doakes has spent all of his free time following Dexter sure in his belief that something about him is wrong. Dexter very much wants to kill someone and when the opportunity finally arrives, finds that he is unable to follow through. His sister Debra, apparently recovered from her ordeal, returns to work but Lt. Laguerta isn't so sure. Rita is happy with her relationship with Dexter, but her husband keeps pressuring her to help him with his defense. The police discover Dexter's burial ground. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.6
56 min

Dexter frantically searches for clues for Debra's whereabouts when Rudy, finally revealing himself as the Ice Truck Killer, abducts her and forces Dexter into a series of mind games to find her where he finally reveals his connection to Dexter: Rudy is actually Brian Moser, Dexter's long-long biological brother. Meanwhile, Lt. Laguerta locks horns against her replacement Lt. Esmee Pascal, who's even MORE officious and pompous than her or Captain Matthews, and who hampers the case by ignoring key evidence to further advance her own personal career. Sgt. Doakes finally comes to blows with Dexter over his denial with knowing the Ice Truck Killer, and Rita is contacted by the imprisoned Paul who tells her that Dexter framed him for his drug possession charge.

Country: USA
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IMDb: 9.3
54 min

Dexter investigates when the Ice Truck Killer strikes again, killing the prosthetic arm prostitute and leaving her body before a Christmas tree in Miami's Santa's Cottage. Sgt. Doakes continues to grow more suspicious about Dexter after catching him in a series of lies about his connection to the Ice Truck Killer. Dexter finally finds a connection between him and the Ice Truck Killer over a past case involving Harry Morgan and a bloodbath crime scene back in 1973 involving Dexter's biological mother. Meanwhile, Lt. Maria Laguerta braces herself for dramatic changes in the department when the officious Captain Matthews maliciously makes her the scapegoat for the department's failure in the case to find the Ice Truck Killer, and he has her replaced. Rudy and Debra spend some quality time together in which he proposes marriage to the smitten detective. With Angel in the hospital recovering from the stabbing, his estranged wife pays a visit, while Rita decides to take her children, Astor ... Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.2
56 min

Dexter, sent to investigate a blood soaked crime scene, is gripped by a suppressed memory of childhood trauma. Meanwhile, Rita is charged with assaulting Paul and could lose the children in a custody battle. When Dexter finds out, he decides to take action to remove Paul from his and Rita's lives, but his solution is only temporary. Debra has a falling out with Rudy because he is spending more time bonding with Dexter than with her. Debra is still too naive and neurotic to see Rudy for the person he really is. During an evening out with the rowdy coroner Vince Masuka, Angel spots a local prostitute with a prosthetic hand whose fingernail polish resembles one of the Ice Truck Killer victims. Angel's hunch about a possible connection leads him back to Rudy. Lt. Laguerta's feud with her superior, Captain Matthews, intensifies over their handling of the Ice Truck Killer case. Matthews is more concerned about bad publicity than in uncovering and following all the clues in the case. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.7
55 min

Dexter learns that his biological father (named Joe Driscoll), whom he was told had died 30 years ago, has just recently died and left him everything he owned, including his house. He goes on a trip to pack the items in the house, along with Rita. But later, Debra and Rudy also show up at the house to help out, where Dexter clicks with Rudy, while suspecting something strange about Joe Driscoll's death, and about who Dexter's biological mother was. Flashbacks to Dexter's childhood show him questioning Harry about who his real parents were, and about an accident which an anonymous person donated some of his blood to help the young Dexter during his surgery and it happened to be Mr. Driscoll. Back in Miami, Angel questions a shooting incident involving Doakes and a suspect. Also, Paul begins to slide back into his old habits when he suspects Rita is keeping him away from unsupervised visits to their children. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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IMDb: 9.1
53 min

The suicide of a wealthy and powerful businesswoman leads Dexter to suspect that her psychologist may have killed her. But Dexter gets a surprise of his own when he pays a visit to the suspect, Dr. Emmett Meridian, which he forces Dexter to open up dark secrets from his past. Elsewhere, as Rita becomes more warmer to her ex-husband Paul, who claims to be a changed man, she wants to move onto intimacy with Dexter, who is afraid of consummating their romance. Meanwhile, Lt. Laguerta visits to Neil Perry makes her become more skeptical to his claims as the Ice Truck Killer. Also, Debra's romance with prosthetic specialist, Rudy, begins to heat up. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.8
52 min

Debra and Angel identify the Ice Truck Killer as Neil Perry, a taxidermist with a history of mental illness and violence. After tracking down Perry to a sleazy motel, Debra and Angel arrest him where he gleefully confesses to the crimes. But when Dexter later meets Perry, something about his confession does not sit right with him. Lt. Laguerta sees the arrest of Perry as a way to further advance her political career, but feels betrayed when her superior, Captain Matthews takes the credit. Debra begins to have a meeting of minds with Rudy, the prosthetic manufacturer who works at the hospital, and asks him on a date. Meanwhile, Rita must try to adjust herself when Paul, her violent-tempered and recently paroled husband, shows up and throws his weight around by attempting to be compassionate to their children, Astor and Cody. Also, Dexter tries to cover up his past mistake when Jeremy Downs, one victim who Dexter allowed to escape, is arrested again for a murder charge. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.0
53 min

Dexter struggles to keep in control when the still-unseen Ice Truck Killer leaves the dead body of Valerie Castillo, Dexter's most recent kill, at the auto yard, which puts Dexter in dangerous proximity to being discovered by his colleagues, which is worsened when a young Cuban boy is also found at the scene claiming to have seen who killed Mrs. Castillo. Dexter must stay one step ahead of his own friends by tampering with Vince Masuka, the medical coroner's, e-mails, then tries derailing Debra's suspicions to a copycat killing, and always half-expecting to be arrested. Lt. Laguerta tries to be compassionate to the little Cuban boy whom she tries to asks for a sketch of the man he saw. Meanwhile, Rita gets an unpleasant phone call from her abusive ex-husband, Paul, who has just gotten paroled from prison and wants to visit Rita on her daughter Astor's birthday. Dexter also recalls a row he had with his stepfather over including Debra in their hunting trips. Also, Doakes asks Debra to ... Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.7
56 min

After one of the Ice Truck Killer victims is found alive, that of security guard Tony Tucci, the rest of the squad begins to make headway. Debra locks horns with Sgt. Doakes who disapproves of her gentile and somewhat naive methods for questioning the traumatized Tucci whereas Debra objects to Doakes cynical and hard-nosed investigation. After learning from Rita about a human trafficker smuggling Cubian immigrants into the country, Dexter decides to stalk the most obvious suspect, auto yard owner Jorge Castillo (aka: The Coyote). But Dexter learns he may be in over his head when he discovers that Castillo's wife is also involved in the illegal activities. Also, Dexter finally learns about Angel's marital problems, while Dexter also recalls more tutoring from his stepfather, Harry, about courting a girl during Dexter's junior high school prom. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.8
58 min

The mysterious Ice Truck Killer escalates his killing spree by leaving body parts of his latest victim at sites that relate to memories from Dexter's childhood, leading Dexter to confront his dark personal history. As Halloween approaches, Rita takes drastic steps to quiet a barking dog from its cynical owner who keeps her children up at night. Lt. Laguerta seeks a way to comfort the mother of the latest Ice Truck victim. Angel cannot find the right anniversary gift for his wife, who is currently separated from him. Also, the heat against Sgt. Doakes escalates when Guerrero's thugs begin tailing him. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.5
51 min

After the dead body of another of victim of the so-called Ice Truck Killer is found on the ice rink at Miami's Hockey Dome, Dexter helps out Debra, newly transfered to the homicide squad to investigate when Lt. Laguerta, ambitious for a promotion and the media spotlight, decides to have the department pursue a security guard whom they believe is the Ice Truck Killer. Meanwhile, Rita receives an unpleasant visit from her imprisoned ex-husband's drug dealer who confiscates her car, leading Dexter to drive her to and from her hotel receptionist job, while at the same time, Dexter zeros in on his next victim, a recently paroled teenage murderer who harbors some dark secrets of his own. Dexter also flashes back to committing his first killing: a nurse who he suspected was poisoning his terminally sick stepfather. Elsewhere, Sgt. Doakes continues to hound the drug kingpin Carlos Guerrero, but gets in over his head when a group of dirty cops decide to take matters involving Guerrero into ... Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.4
55 min

Dexter's world of police analyst by day, and serial killer by night, is rocked when he's privately contacted by another serial killer, whom the department is investigating, who claims that the killer knows about Dexter's double life. Meanwhile, Dexter's sister, Debra begins investigating the mysterious killings with Dexter's help, but who lets her take the credit. She then finds a stolen refrigerated truck which contains a gruesome message. Dexter also begins stalking his next victim, a wealthy businessman who gets acquitted of a drunk driving charge. Elsewhere, Sgt. Doakes investigates the murder of an undercover vice cop whom was investigating a powerful drug cartel leader, named Carlos Guerrero, while Lt. Laguerta also learns that Doakes was secretly involved with the murder victim's wife. Also, an unsure Rita tries to try out intimacy with Dexter after they have a get together with Debra and her blind date. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.8
53 min

In Miami, the orphan Dexter is raised by detective Harry Morgan, who discovers that his foster son has the urge to kill. Harry directs the impulse of the boy to kill bad people, teaching him how to operate without leaving any trace. After Harry's death, Dexter works in the forensic department of the Miami Police Department, where his step sister, Debra, works in the Vice and Narcotics Unit. During his free nights, Dexter leads a double-life, chasing and killing murderers and collecting samples of their blood, or dating Rita Bennett. After executing a pedophile and a rapist (who have killed their victims), Dexter investigates an intriguing serial killer that drains the blood and freezes the severed bodies of his victims. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Bill is moving in with some friends and they've found the perfect house rented by the landlord. The wind blows, the floorboards creak and the Doctor thinks something is very wrong.

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Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 7.9
48 min

In a Viking village, a girl named Ashildr is about to make a desperate mistake. The Mire are the deadliest mercenaries in the galaxy, famed for showing no mercy and Ashildr has just declared war on them. The Doctor and Clara have 12 hours to turn a peaceful village into strong fighters, ready for the deadly Mire.

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