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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

McKay finds a system that tracked the location of all Ancient ships. The monitor indicates there's still one left, the warship Aurora. The Daedalus is sent to investigate, and shoots down a Wraith scout ship nearby. The Aurora looks heavily damaged and there's no life support. The entire crew has been in stasis pods for 10.000 years, too long to revive them. McKay discovers they are all connected in a virtual reality network. Sheppard joins them and finds out the ship is carrying an important communique that mentions a weakness in Wraith technology. He tries to retrieve it from their captain, but access to him is constantly denied by a woman. While two Wraith cruisers approach the Daedalus, Teyla and Ronon find a Wraith that entered the network in one of the pods. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

After Sheppard has been bitten by Wraith Ellia in the arm, he is rushed to the infirmary. Dr. Beckett wipes away the blood and finds no wound. He is flabbergasted and releases him. Sheppard feels fine, maybe a bit too fine. Suddenly he's better in running than Ronon and for the first time he beats Teyla with the sticks. Beckett finds out he is infected with the Wraith retrovirus. Like Ellia he will become an Iratus bug. The only treatment the medical team can think of is to inject him with Iratus bug stem cells. Beckett takes a team to a cave crowding with the creatures to obtain the cells from their eggs. With Sheppard not on duty anymore, colonel Caldwell assumes command. Immediately he starts changing things. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

The team arrives in a village where all the people are hiding in a bar. Village elder Goran tells it is not safe to be outside as once about every three months the Daimos sucks the life out of a few people. Ten years ago a ship from the sky crashed and the villagers killed all but one of the monsters inside. Sheppard promises to take care of this Wraith and Ronon is able to track it to a cave. Inside they find a Wraith girl, who runs into the arms of a man, Zaddik. He tells he rescued Ellia ten years ago and has been caring for her ever since. Zaddik has developed a serum that allows her to survive without feeding. Dr. Beckett wants to know all about this serum. He also sees possibilities to perfect a retrovirus that he is working on, turning Wraiths into Humans. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

The away team visits Doranda, inhabited according to the Ancient database. McKay doesn't detect any life signs however. In orbit they find a large destroyed Wraith fleet, on the surface everything is turned into dust. Only one building is left standing and McKay recognizes it as Ancient. It looks like an improved ground based version of the weapons satellite. McKay and Zelenka find out the ancients were experimenting with high-energy physics to find the ultimate power source, harnessing vacuum energy from our own space-time. McKay is one hundred percent convinced he can finish their project. Meanwhile Teyla travels to the planet Belkan to obtain a disease-resistant strain of flaxseed. Ronon joins her and one of the Belkan negotiators tells he's not the only surviving Satedan. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

The puddle jumper arrives on a planet that neither Teyla nor Ronon have visited before. They land near an abandoned campfire, only to find themselves under attack by the indigenous people. They are rescued by a flying vehicle that escorts them to a city of the advanced Olesians. Their magistrate tells the stargate is on a prison island, where only the most violent criminals are sent. According to him this has kept the Wraith away from the city for centuries. He tells McKay their scientists have recently found a mineral that is fissionable, but does not produce any radioactivity. McKay is very interested and the magistrate seems willing to trade. While the jumper returns to get Dr. Weir for the negotiations, the prisoners open fire. They manage to shoot it down. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

An away team is investigating a planet, when suddenly a Wraith dart arrives. Major Sheppard and his team are able to shoot it down, but not before McKay and a soldier, Laura Cadman are scooped up. As there is not enough power in the Wraith dart to re-materialize them both, only McKay is taken out. He passes out immediately and awakens on Atlantis. There is something wrong however. Cadman has appeared in his mind. She is able to see and hear what he does and speak to him, driving him mad. After a meeting with psychologist Heightmeyer, Cadman realizes she also can take over McKay's body. While Zelenka works on a solution, major Sheppard tries to convince Ronon Dex to join forces and convince Weir that he is a worthy addition. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Botanist Dr. Parrish finds a dead Wraith on a planet with a dangerous amount of UV radiation. Beckett does an autopsy and notices the enzyme sac has been removed, making it likely that Ford killed him. Sheppard and Teyla and McKay and major Lorne start a search party. Both groups report they are following someone, shortly after Sheppard and Teyla are stunned. They awake in a cavern with a stranger. Meanwhile Ford stuns Lorne. He's trying to convince McKay he's perfectly normal and that his Wraith enzyme overdose was the best that ever happened to him. He thinks it's the way to defeat them. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Two months after the siege of Atlantis, several members of the expedition had been to Earth and come back to the Pegasus Galaxy aboard the Daedalus. That boring travel becomes dangerous when Rodney McKay discovers a Wraith computer virus is trying to kill them and get control of the ship. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Once again the self-destruct button has been activated and people all over the city seem to be falling at the hands of the Wraith, colonel Everett, Teyla and now also Ford, who falls into the water. Sheppard is the only hope, he's on a suicide mission to nuke one of the two remaining hive ships. Just about to launch the bomb, he gets a message that he needs to decloak. The Daedalus has arrived and the ship is equipped with powerful equipment from the Asgard, including beaming technology. Its commander, Colonel Steven Caldwell, beams Sheppard aboard before the nuke goes off. By beaming a nuke into the last remaining hive ship, Atlantis seems saved. Then Zelenka detects 12 more hive ships on their way. Meanwhile Ford has been found. He should be dead, but Beckett finds out he received an overdose of Wraith enzyme. He's now addicted to it and seems remarkably strong. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Two hive ships are still approaching Atlantis and all hope seems lost. Weir orders evacuation and she and Sheppard activate the city's self destruct. Just when McKay tries to dial the address of the evacuation site, the stargate activates from off-world. All of the sudden help from Earth is under way as a certain colonel Everett arrives with reinforcements. Immediately he gets under everybody's skin. He relieves Weir of command, orders her and Sheppard to cancel the self-destruct and get the evacuated people back. He tells Earth has constructed a new intergalactic battle cruiser, the Daedalus, that will arrive in four days, bringing a ZPM. He brought some supplies to defend the city until then, naquadah powered gun turrets and an improved naquadah generator to power the weapons chair. He also deploys some space mines to keep the hive ships at bay. Will it be enough? Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Teyla has found out the Wraith armada will pass the lagrangian point satellite, the Ancient weapons platform. McKay and Zelenka think it can be repaired and powered up by using a single naquadah generator. McKay, Grodin and pilot Miller take a puddle jumper to fix it. Meanwhile Sheppard's away team is ordered to find an alternate evacuation site. Sergeant Bates has a problem with Teyla. He constantly tries to convince people it's not a good idea to take her along. He fears she will give away the location to the Wraith. A while after a heated argument between him and Teyla, Bates is found unconscious. Zelenka, meanwhile, makes a unpleasant discovery. He tells Weir the city's self destruction plan is not good enough. He's convinced that the Wraith will be able to construct an intergalactic ship with information from the remains of the Ancient database. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

The Atlantis crew are still looking for options for when the Wraith arrive. McKay and Zelenka think a control chair might be useful, but the thing hasn't even been working yet. Sergeant Bates has been investigating a uninhabited planet to use as a possible evacuation site. Meanwhile Teyla hasn't been sleeping much and seems agitated. She's being haunted by terrible nightmares of a Wraith feeding on her and Sheppard. She even imagines she's a Wraith herself. Sheppard arranges a meeting with a psychologist, Kate Heightmeyer, much to her dismay. Heightmeyer tries to dig deeper into Teyla's gift to sense the Wraith, making her decide to go the mainland. She asks an old Athosian woman, Charin, about it. Charin is prepared to tell a secret that Teyla's father wouldn't want her to hear. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Atlantis is preparing for the arrival of the hive ships. McKay has an idea to tell Earth about the imminent danger. He thinks he's able to generate enough power to keep the stargate open for 1.3 seconds, enough to send a substantial amount of data. There's even enough space to include personal video messages and Ford takes the task upon him to record them. Meanwhile Sheppard and Teyla are off to spy on the Wraith ships. On a planet Teyla has visited before, she warns a friend, Orin, about the culling that will soon take place there. She promises him a rescue with the puddle jumper and Sheppard reluctantly agrees. The two find out the Wraith force approaching Atlantis is even more powerful than expected and after a short revisit to the planet, they find themselves locked out from returning with the stargate. They are forced to watch the horrors of a massive culling. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

The team has arrived on Dagan, one of the gate addresses with ZPM's the old Weir gave them. The people from Dagan know about this device they call Potentia. Apparently the Ancients gave a secret Brotherhood the order to keep it safe from the Wraith until it was reclaimed by their descendants. The location of the device is unknown however, since the Brotherhood was wiped out entirely in a culling. Archaelogists have tried for centuries to solve the puzzle and three out of nine key stones have been found recently The team tries to find the rest. Some Genii however, have taken interest in their activities on Dagan and of the archaeologists helping them is starting to have doubts. Meanwhile a console on Atlantis starts behaving strangely. Dr. Zelenka finds out a deep space scanner has activated itself. He makes a disturbing discovery. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Sheppard, Teyla and Ford are inspecting one of the unexplored sections of the city. They discover a strange room with a stasis pod that contains a very old looking woman and a note with gate addresses. It is suspected she is at least ten thousand years old. Weir orders to revive her. Carson soon notices there's something strange about this woman. She seems to know each and everyone's names. When fully awake she claims she is actually Weir and tells an entirely different story of Earth's troublesome arrival on Atlantis. Apparently she ended up with the Ancients ten thousand years ago by using a time machine. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

The team arrive to a new planet that has never been attacked by the Wraith. The Wraith ships are suddenly destroyed before they can approach the planet, its inhabitants assure they don't have any weapons and have never heard about the Wraith. High Priestess Chaya Sar, a beautiful and intriguing woman, could have the key to the mystery, so Mayor Sheppard invites her to spend a few days in Atlantis. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

McKay, Zelenka and Ford and a team of scientists are inspecting a section of the city flooded during the storm, but everything appears to be just fine. When they plan to return, two team members are missing. Over the radio they seem to be frightened by something and are found dead. The team suspects a virus and a city-wide quarantine is set in place. Then one of the other team members collapses. A scientist named Peterson is frightened by the prospect and manages to escape, risking infection to the entire city. Sheppard is forced to defy Weir's orders and goes after him with Teyla. Meanwhile the infected team discovers a viral lab. It is soon found out the virus causes hallucinations and certain death by forming an aneurysm. McKay realizes he is one of the next to go. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Dr. Brendan Gall, one of the scientists on Atlantis, discovers a Lagrangian point satellite and Sheppard, McKay, Gall and another scientist, Dr. Abrams are sent to investigate. It was used by the Ancients as a last line of defense before Atlantis during the war with the Wraith 10.000 years ago, but it seems to be out of commission. Not long after the team picks up a distress call from a planet nearby. It's coming from a Wraith ship that crashed during the war and the team takes a look. McKay is absolutely convinced no living thing could survive that long, but the team discovers signs of Wraith cannibalism and a storage compartment for humans. McKay begins to doubt his assumption. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Dr. McKay makes one last plea to Kolya convincing him he and Weir both need to be kept alive to keep the city standing. He starts repairing the damaged grounding station. Kolya leaves Sheppard under the impression that he actually killed Weir and Sheppard seems not amused. He's determined to stop Kolya and his men by any means possible. While he tries to find opponents with his tracking device, Ladon, Kolya's technical officer finds a way to track him. Meanwhile Teyla, Ford and Beckett are waiting out the storm in a puddle jumper on the mainland. Then suddenly the sky clears up, they are in the eye of the storm. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Teyla and Sheppard discover a combination of two very powerful hurricanes approaching Atlantis. Since the city isn't submerged anymore and the shield isn't working, this might become a real problem. McKay and Zelenka foresee widespread damage. While both scientists work on a plan to save the city, an evacuation is prepared. Sheppard starts negotiating with Smeadon, leader of the Manarians. He has to pull quite a lot of strings to convince him to take in the population of Atlantis for a few days. Smeadon seems to finally agree, but he has a different agenda. He tells Cowen of the Genii Atlantis will be almost empty soon. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Teyla, Sheppard, Weir, Ford and McKay arrive on a planet to find the stargate covered in fog. Rodney finds out the fog is generating a massive amount of energy, allowing travel back to Earth. The team decides to send a message to Earth. Someone responds and mentions there have been some changes on Earth. He tells the Asgard, an alien ally, have equipped the ship Prometheus with engines capable of reaching other galaxies. A while later all four seem to have traveled to Earth. Sheppard is showing Teyla around, Weir visits her partner Simon, Ford is at his parents, Rodney decides to go home for a while. Then an explosion on the Prometheus prevents them from returning and the team finds out some things that are unchangeable have been changed. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Food supplies on Atlantis are dwindling and the team visit the Genii. Teyla has traded with this primitive culture before, but their chief Cowen seems reluctant to trade a large portion of their food reserves. Only when Sheppard shows them they can clear land easily by using C4, they are suddenly interested. Later McKay detects unusual neutron radiation. He and Sheppard find a strange hatch, that leads to a technologically advanced city. They discover the Genii aren't as simple as they appear to be. Cowen tells they are building a nuclear weapon to attack the Wraith and they expect to have at least several years until the next culling. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

The Atlantis team is sightseeing on Hoffa, a planet with an advanced civilization. After a few days chancellor Druhin tells them they've been working for decades on a cure that will prevent the Wraith from feeding on them. In fact, the entire society is focused on this one goal. It is nearing completion, but they expect the Wraith aren't coming for at least fifty years. Major Sheppard hesitates to tell them they've awoken them early. Atlantis offers help to speed things up and Dr. Beckett starts helping Hoffan scientist Perna. With Beckett's help, both soon find a substance that might have success. Dr. Weir gives permission to test it on 'Steve', the very hungry captured Wraith prisoner. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

The away teams investigates a strange energy reading when suddenly the puddle jumper's systems collapse. No technology seems to be working anymore. They soon find a civilization of very young people. Their leader Keras tells no one is older than 24 and that on their 25th birthday everybody commits suicide. They believe that will keep the Wraith away, because they aren't interested in them. Rodney has a different idea, he finds the civilization is contained in a field powered by an almost depleted ZPM. He thinks they aren't coming anymore because none of their technology is working inside the field. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

It can't be a coincidence anymore. On five out of nine missions the Wraith seem to be aware of the presence of the away team and attack very quickly. Dr. Weir is sick of it and thinks somebody has been telling them about the away missions. Sergeant Bates immediately suspects the Athosians and Dr. Weir decides to interview them all. Gate activity is suspended and the Athosians are confined to their quarters, much to their dismay. Halling and others think about leaving Atlantis. Meanwhile Rodney discovers a new command subroutine. It operates the roof in the puddle jumper bay. Sheppard and Ford start exploring the planet and find land. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

A Jumper gets stuck in a Stargate when it was carrying Sheppard, Teyla, Ford and Rodney, making it impossible to pass through it. The fact that Major Sheppard is deadly injured and the Stargate will get closed in thirty eight minutes (which would mean their death) makes necessary to find out quickly a way to fit in the Stargate and escape. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

After receiving Dr. Beckett's revolutionary gene therapy, which aims to allow those born without the Ancient gene to interact with Ancient technology, McKay manages to activate a device that shields him from any and all physical harm. Despite his temporary invulnerability, McKay is forced to swallow his fear in order to help rid the city of a dark, formless entity which is feeding on the city's most vital energy. Written by Fia Reynne

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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.4
88 min

Dr. Elizabeth Weir leads an expedition to find the Ancient's lost city of Atlantis, a journey that brings her and a carefully selected crew of Earth's best and brightest to the Pegasus galaxy, where they embark on the adventure of a lifetime, and awaken among the stars an enemy none of them could have predicted, endangering themselves and the native people of Pegasus alike. Written by Fia Reynne

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HD Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers


Band of Brothers

IMDb: 8.9
59 min (DVD)

It's May 1945 and Easy Company finds itself the first Allied troops to enter Berchtesgarden, Hitler's Bavarian retreat. They find the village virtually empty with only a few people working in the hotel. They're there only a short time when they get the news they've been waiting for: the German army surrenders and the war in Europe is over. For those with enough service, it means a trip home while the rest continue to train for an eventual transfer to the war in the Pacific. For others still, tragedy still awaits. The men of the 101st all have varied futures ahead of them. The bonds of brotherhood shaped in battle will remain with them for their lifetimes and beyond. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Action, Drama, History, War,
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HD Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers


Band of Brothers

IMDb: 9.1
55 min (DVD)

The men of Easy Company are now in Germany, aware that the Germans are surrendering by the thousands and that the war is winding down. With more time to reflect, some of the men are wondering if it was all worth it and begin to question whether the sacrifices they and their absent colleagues have made were worth it. That question is answered when they come across a concentration camp and they see first hand the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Captain Nixon has returned from a jump behind enemy lines that did not go well and resulted in many deaths. He's drinking heavily and has been demoted from Regimental to Battalion intelligence officer. Soon after Hiltler's death, they are ordered to Bertchesgarden, the Nazi leader's mountain-top retreat. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Action, Drama, History, War,
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HD Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers


Band of Brothers

IMDb: 9.1
69 min (DVD)

Easy Company is still in the Ardennes forest but the Germans are in retreat. The men are cold and living in foxholes knowing that they will likely be ordered to try and take the town. The Germans have been pushed back to the town of Foy but they are well positioned and have heavy artillery. Their artillery barrages take a heavy toll and several of the veterans of Easy Company are severely wounded including Bill Guarnere and Joe Toye. Those injuries have a particularly heavy impact on their good friend, Lt. Buck Compton. When the attack does come, Easy Company is led by the ineffectual Lt. Dike who makes several tactical errors leading to unnecessary casualties. Capt. Winters, who is observing the battle would like nothing better than to rush into battle to lead his old Company but cannot. In the end, he orders Lt. Speirs to take command of the attack. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Action, Drama, History, War,
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HD Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers


Band of Brothers

IMDb: 9.0
49 min (DVD)

In the very early hours of the D-Day invasion, Easy Company along with thousands of other Allied paratroopers land behind enemy lines in Normandy. In the chaos of the jump however, they are spread far and wide with many landing far from their expected drop zone. Lt. Winters assembles the few men they can find and slowly make their way to their rendezvous point. As the men straggle in, they also must adjust such as when Malarkey meets a German soldier who grew up in Oregon. Easy's Company commander is still missing so Winters is left in charge and is ordered to take out a German artillery bunker that is wreaking havoc with the troops landing on the beach. They do so with great efficiency and are rewarded with several Bronze and Silver Stars and the Distinguished Service Cross for Winters. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Action, Drama, History, War,
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