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IMDb: 8.7
22 min

In the beginning, the 6 friends plus Tag are sitting on the roof looking for comets. Later, everyone goes inside except for Ross and Joey, who takes the tube that was holding the door open off. Ross and Joey are then locked on the roof until they get the idea to go down the fire escape. Phoebe's fire alarm keeps beeping and it won't stop. She eventually breaks the fire alarm and throws it down the trash chute. A fireman returns the fire alarm to Phoebe, who can't stop the fire alarm because the reset button broke off. Monica and Chandler can't sleep, so Chandler insists on having sex. Rachel realized that she forgets to mail something out at work, so she and Tag stop by the office. Rachel says she left them on Tag's desk, but she finds them on her own desk. She doesn't want to be proved wrong, so she makes Tag go check the copy room and then Rachel drops the papers in Tags desk. Written by rsuddhi93

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Chandler and Rachel eat a cheesecake that was accidentally delivered to their door and it's the best cheesecake they've ever had. Another cheesecake gets delivered and they try to resist and drop it off to their neighbour that was supposed to receive it. Ross is invited to a cousin's wedding but Monica isn't. Monica is very upset because she was the girl's best friend when they grew up together so she gets Ross to take her instead of a date. Rachel and Chandler find the cheesecake untouched in front of the neighbour's door so they take it. Monica wasn't invited to the wedding because she used to date the groom. Phoebe meets David, the love her life, again but he lives in Russia. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Phoebe brings in her late mother's Christmas memorial candy dish, shaped like a skull. Ben stays with Ross for the holidays who intends to teach his son about their Jewish heritage. He feels Ben is only exposed to Christmas traditions. Ross certainly makes his mark on Ben but the idea of a year without Santa sounds like a serious punishment. Chandler presumes that Rachel wants to stay living happily with Joey but Monica wants her to go back to Pheobes so gives Joey drums to drive Rachel out. That doesn't work so they try a tarantula which scares Joey but not Rachel who had one as a kid. Chandler's wait for a restaurant table means he might miss a theater performance; tipping the host doesn't work either as he can't find the paper money. Ross, wants to surprise Ben but can't rent any Christmas suit this late, so he invents Santa's Tex-Mex friend: the Holiday Armadillo. The Armadillo explains about Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights but Chandler appears as Santa to help out Ross. Ross ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Monica makes candy for their neighbours even though they don't know them. The neighbours love the candy and Monica becomes very popular in the building. Rachel and Tag try to hide their relationship at work but when Rachel writes a revealing evaluation as a joke and Tag sends it on to human resources without reading it, they have a problem. Ross finds out that Phoebe never owned a bike so he buys her the prettiest pink bike there is and teaches Phoebe how to ride. Tag and Rachel almost get fired but manage to solve the problem. TOns of people hang around the apartment waiting for more of Monica's candy so Chandler stands up for Monica and tells everyone to go away and leave her alone. Ross buys Phoebe training wheels. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.3
22 min | 22 min

It's Thanksgiving and the friends and Tag are preparing for dinner. Phoebe secretly keeps a dog she is watching for friends who went out of town in her room at Monica and Chandler's apartment. Everybody thought Chandler was allergic to dogs but the truth is that he hates dogs because he scared of them because you can never tell what they're thinking. Tag broke up with his girlfriend and Rachel is thinking about making a move. When Rachel tells Tag that she likes him he doesn't reply because he sees his car being stolen. Later on Rachel says he should just forget about what she said but Tag likes her too and they kiss. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Monica runs into Janice and Janice is shocked to hear that she is getting married to Chandler but invites herself and her boyfriend to the wedding. Ross' doctoral dissertation can be found at the library but when he goes to see it he finds out that the Palaentology section of the library is only used when students make out together. Therefore Ross decides to defend the area. Rachel and Phoebe find the perfect girl for Joey and he is really into her but she doesn't feel the same way. Chandler and Monica can finally get rid of Janice. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.0
22 min

The boys watch Die Hard for the zillionth time and Joey had planned to watch Die Hard II next but rented I again. Chandler splits but Joey and Ross stay but doze off, freaking out when they wake up cuddled together. Worringly both have never felt better rested. Joey is determined to try it again, Ross too afraid of 'being weird'. Monica decides to make the other girls decide themselves who gets to be her bridesmaid. Phoebe claims to have never done it, Rachel has done it twice but both are lying. They accept Joey's idea that he and Ross should audition the candidates, who both play ruthlessly on the judges' weak points. The result is surprising. When Monica meets Chandler's teenager Summercamp-girlfriend Julie Graff, she makes him apologize for dumping Julie on account of her being overweight. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Monica's mom arranged to get their wedding announced in the paper, but they need to get a picture from a professional photographer as any camera makes Chandler grin look like a hyenas. Phoebe dates Kyle, who knows both Chandler and Ross -thwho nicknamed him 'Hums While He Pees'- from their basketball club. Ross gets to divert his crazy ex Whitney by taking her to a ballroom dance-date. Rachel is completely smitten with her office assistant Tag, enough to smell his cloths and be jealous when their colleague Melissa asks him out. Rachel even pays Joey to take Tag out, first to a Knicks game, then to a bar where they meet dozens of potential rivals for Rachel. Rachel then bribes Joey with free Ralph Lauren shirts to stop picking up women together so tag will stop too but Tag decides to go back to his ex-girlfriend. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Joey and Rachel compete over who has the best news. Rachel was promoted by Ralph Lauren, in person, to head a division and subsequently can hire a personal assistant. Although Hilda has all relevant qualifications and plenty of experience, Rachel she still chooses young Tag Johnson, who the girls and Chandler consider beautiful enough to be a model. Tag is greatly surprised that his clumsy interview didn't lose him the job, but gets increasingly suspicious as it seems people believe he gay, a lie spread by Rachel so she can keep him for herself. However he is more interested in Phoebe. Nobody had the heart to tell Joey a pilot he made stunk, so he was overconfident about his lead in Mack and CHEESE, and told director Terry he could stuff a comeback role on Days of Our Lives, especially if Alas, the producers phone to say the sci-if series is canceled, so Joey must beg Terry to take him on board. Meanwhile, Monica tricks Chandler into telling her an embarrassing 'Ross at Disneyland' ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.3
22 min

The gang discuss what to get Monica and Chandler as engagement presents. Monica really wants Phoebe's grandma's chocolate chip cookie recipe but Phoebe's grandma made her swear never to let the recipe out of the family.She finally agrees to give it to Monica. Unfortunately, the fire in Phoebe's apartment destroyed the recipe so she gives Monica and Chandler the only cookie left as a present. Monica tries to figure out the recipe from the cookie and makes heaps of different ones. Rachel tries to teach Joey how to sail which proves to be quite difficult. Chandler wants to bond with Mr. Geller but when they went to the steam room after their racket ball game Chandler accidentally sits on Mr Geller's lap. Monica finds out that Phoebe's grandma didn't have a secret recipe and that she probably got the recipe for Toll House cookies from the back of the Nestles chocolate chip bag, because Phoebe says that her grandma got the recipe from her French friend Nestle Toulouse. Chandler clears ... Written by Lisa Bly

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.4
22 min

The wedding planning starts and Monica already has a whole book full of information on everything you need for a wedding. Joey takes a nap in Rachel's bed and finds out that she reads dirty books and doesn't stop teasing Rachel about it. To give Monica and Chandler a little time on their own Phoebe moves in with Ross for a couple of days. Ross freaks out when Phoebe does her massages at Ross' place and asks her to see her clients elsewhere. One of Phoebe's clients comes by when Phoebe isn't there and Ross gives him a weird massage. Monica's parents spent the money for Monica's wedding on the beach house so there is no money for the wedding. Chandler has saved exactly the amount they need for Monica's dream wedding but Chandler won't spend all of his savings on one day. The old man Ross massaged is not coming back after the bad massage he got. If Monica wants the perfect wedding Chandler will spend all the money they have but Monica decides that she wants a future and not spend their ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.5
22 min

It's still the night of Monica and Chandler's engagement and they all dress up to go drink champagne at the Plaza. Rachel is a little sad and lonely and asks Ross whether they want to have a night together with no strings attached. Monica catches them kissing and is upset because she waited her whole life for that day and thought it would only be about her engagement but now it is about Rachel and Ross getting back together - they stole Monica's thunder. Monica is really upset and doesn't want to go out for champagne anymore. Monica and Rachel have a huge fight and Rachel admits that she kissed Ross because she was sad about not even being close to getting married. Monica forgives Rachel. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 9.3
30 min

Richard tells Monica that letting her go was the stupidest thing he's ever done and he wants to marry her and have kids. Monica is getting weary because Chandler is carrying on about not wanting to get married in order to hide his plans to propose. Rachel finds out that Phoebe and Joey have each other as backup, meaning if they're both not married by the age of 40 they'll marry each other. Rachel is very jealous of Monica and wants a backup as well and asks Ross but Phoebe is Ross' backup. Chandler realizes he has to stop messing with Monica and propose already. Monica goes to see Richard and says wants to be with a grown-up but it isn't fair that Richard wants to marry her now and not before. Monica says she will need some time to think things over. Rachel trades Phoebe and Ross is now Rachel's backup. Chandler talks to Richard and Richard tells Chandler to go get Monica and to never let her go. When Chandler gets home Monica has decorated the whole apartment with candles and they ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.8
22 min

Tonight is the big night for Chandler: he will propose to Monica. Rachel, Phoebe and Joey go to a beneficial dinner organized by Rachel's boss. Joey bids at a silent auction because he thought you had to guess the prize and therefore buys a boat for $20,000. Just as Chandler is about to propose Richard walks into the restaurant with his girlfriend and they sit at the table next to Chandler and Monica so Chandler can't propose. Elizabeth isn't as mature as Ross had thought so he breaks up with her. Chandler doesn't want to make Monica suspicious and find out about his plan so he acts as if he was still afraid of commitment. Richard goes to see Monica at the restaurant and says he still loves her. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Only Phoebe is allowed to know about Chandler's plan to propose to Monica and they look for an engagement ring together. To cover for their secrecy Phoebe tells Ross that Chandler is mad at him. Things are going well between Rachel and Paul except Rachel wishes he would open up a little and talk more about himself. When Paul finally does share some stories he gets very emotional and can't stop crying. Chandler and Phoebe find the perfect ring but somebody buys it when Chandler goes to get his credit card from Joey. Chandler ends up buying a different, less nice ring but they are able to trade with the guy who bought the perfect ring. Rachel dumps Paul for being a cry baby. When Chandler tells the others about his plans they are overwhelmed and very happy. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 9.0
22 min | 22 min

Elizabeth's dad Paul tells Ross not to see Elizabeth anymore or he will call the university and have him fired. Monica, Phoebe and Rachel go to a museum and learn that the beautiful museum can be hired for weddings. There is a 2-year waiting list and they all make a reservation - if they don't have a guy by then they can always cancel it. Elizabeth and Ross don't stop seeing each other and agree to hide their relationship from Paul. They go to Elizabeth's grandma's cottage for the weekend but Rachel and Paul turn up as well. Ross catches Paul doing an embarrassing little dance calling himself the man and the love machine so Ross won't tell Rachel if Paul won't get him fired. Chandler finds out that Monica hired the museum for the wedding in his and her name. Chandler freaks out and tells Monica he isn't ready. She promises that it didn't mean anything and that she didn't mean to pressure him. As soon as Monica leaves the room we find out that Chandler is going to ask Monica to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Elizabeth's dad meets Ross to tell him he doesn't like him going out with Elizabeth. Ross asks for a chance to impress Mr Stevens and he gives him 2 minutes to do so. Ross fails utterly even though the friends try to make him look good. When Rachel meets Mr Stevens again they talk for ages and start dating. Ross sees his chance of getting Mr Stevens blessing because Rachel can change Mr Steven's opinion of Ross. Joey is about to lose his job on Mac and CHEESE because the robot inventor and controller doesn't like him. The robot guy promises Joey to get his job back if Joey teaches him how to talk to women. Rachel accidentally tells Mr Stevens about Ross' three marriages. Elizabeth tells her father that she doesn't care what he thinks of Ross and neither does Ross. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Joey gets his hopes up over his first significant acting job since Dr. Drake Ramore. He has the part of science fiction hero Mac Machiavelli, the crime-fighting partner of a cool robot, C.H.E.E.S.E., which stands for Computerised Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer. Monica bursts into the apartment making Chandler forget to finish a note for Joey that his decisive second audition has been moved two hours earlier. The friends reminisce about other instances when they have messed up. By miracle Joey gets another chance, which Chandler writes down correctly. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Joey's fridge is broken and he tries to get everyone to pay for his fridge. Rachel is looking for a date for a charity ball and Phoebe, Chandler and Monica look for a guy. Phoebe finds a guy and Chandler and Monica find one so they have a big competition to get Rachel pick their guy. Joey has to eat all his food because the fridge is gone. Ross mistakenly thinks that Elizabeth wants to go on a trip with him and is very relieved when she only wants to tell him that she's going on Spring vacation with her friends. But when Ross realizes that she is going to party a lot and probably meet other guys he freaks out. Rachel is really upset about the competition between Monica/Chandler and Phoebe about her date for the ball so she decides to go alone and has a great time. Ross ends up going to Florida with Elizabeth to prevent her from meeting other guys. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Ross gets his anonymous teacher evaluations back and finds out that he has an admirer amongst his students. The student, Elizabeth, asks Ross out. There was a fire in Phoebe's apartment probably due to Phoebe's candles. Phoebe stays at Joey's and Rachel at Monica's until the apartment will be fixed. Chandler's friend Dana from college directs the new Al Pacino movie so Chandler has to take her out to get Joey an audition. Ross and Elizabeth have a great time on their date. Phoebe finds out that the fire was caused by Rachel's hair iron so Rachel has to stay at Joey's and Phoebe can stay at Hotel Monica. Rachel actually enjoys her time at Joey's because she can mess around as much as she wants and Phoebe gets quite annoyed with Monica's constant attention. Ross thinks it isn't against the rules to date a student but people will frown upon their relationship. He decides to go out with her because he doesn't care what people think but his colleagues tell him it actually is against the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 9.1
22 min

Rachel and Phoebe take a self-defense class, and claim they can defeat anyone who attacks them. Ross doesn't believe them, and educates them of a martial arts technique called unagi. Chandler and Monica promise they'd make each other's Valentines Day gifts, but they both forget to make them. Written by rsuddhi93

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.6
22 min | 22 min

In the Friends' continuing imagination, fat Monica dates pedantic Dr. Roger, again without result. She exchanges desperate conquest talk with Chandler and ends up in bed with him. Ross still doesn't get it even when Carole is courted by Susan at his place. Rachel almost cheats on her husband with star Joey, then finds Barry in bed with the dog-walker. She bites Ross's head off for being a man too and makes Ross understand Carol must be a lesbian. Workaholic Phoebe slips out of hospital, only to hear she was just fired. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.6
22 min | 22 min

After Rachel finds our that Barry (her ex-fiancé) and Mindy (her ex-best friend) were getting divorced, the friends imagine what life would be like if: *Ross was still married to Carol, *Rachel had married Barry. *Phoebe had taken a job offer at 'Meryl Lynch' *Chandler had quit his job and wrote stories for 'The Newyorker'. *Joey was still on 'Days of our lives' and *Monica was still fat. ... Written by Phoebe_Friends_Fan

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.6
22 min

The friends can't spy on Ross and Jill's date because of he shut his drapes. Ross tells Rachel he just showed Jill fossil slides. Rachel makes him promise never to date her sister again but when Jill finds out she has a big row with Rachel and rushes straight to Ross clearly planning something more this time. Joey, Monica and Phoebe are worried Chandler can't cry about sad stories or even sad childhood memories and call him dead inside. Phoebe is apparently outed as a porn star to Joey at Central Perk by her 'biggest fan' and by Gunther who also knows about her sordid screen career. The friends rent a video of one of Phoebe's films, only Joey won't watch it until Rachel notices it's actually Phoebe's sister Ursula. Ross tells Rachel he stopped Jill kissing him not to ruin any chance of a relationship with Rachel which finally makes Chandler cry. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Joey surprises the Friends by charging them at Central perk to the cent, but shocks them when he gives pretty girls freebies. When Gunther finds out he takes it out of Joey's pay and the broke Casanova uses the only loophole which is giving the girls free muffins by pretending it's their birthday. Rachel's spoiled sister Jill moves in now, cut off by their father, after she bought a friend a boat. She is supposed to learn financial responsibility from the only daughter dad is proud of but makes a terrible start: shopping on dad's credit cards illegally with the numbers she memorized. Rachel nips that in the bud but fails to stop Jill dating Ross. Monica was send home because she's too sick to work, but maintains beings sick is for sissies and therefore decides to seduce poor germ-threatened Chandler with sex. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Ross has sent a joke to be printed in Playboy magazine, which they did but Chandler claims it was his joke so he starts logging his jokes. While the girls go through the Playboy, Phoebe manages to insult Monica by saying she thinks Rachel the better choice to go out with. Later Rachel also insults Monica by saying she's high-maintenance. When Joey must explain to Gunther he can't pay his bill because he's broke, he gets a job at Central Perk as a waiter. He tries in vain to keep his job a secret from the friends, who end up reassuring him and offering advice. Unable to settle the joke authorship, Chandler and Ross ask Monica to decide, each confident she's in his pocket, only to be told the joke is no credit to anyone. Closing the café after Gunther refused him time off to do an audition, Joey is Joey fired but one word from Rachel has him re-hired. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Rachel ordered an apothecary table but Phoebe will hate it because it is mass manufactured. Joey and Janine go out with Chandler and Monica but Janine thinks they are too much and doesn't want to hang out with them every night. Rachel tells Phoebe she got the table at the flea market and Phoebe loves it. But there is one problem: Ross ordered the exact same table. Rachel orders a whole new living room and tells Phoebe she got it all from the flea market but Phoebe finds out that Rachel lied to her but isn't mad because she likes some stuff from the shop they don't have yet. Joey, Janine, Monica and Chandler go on a double date again but Janine just can't stand them. Janine and Monica have a fight and Joey breaks up with Janine because his friends mean much more to him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Janine is going to be a party person in a New Year's Eve TV broadcast and asks Joey, Monica and Ross to come along for the taping. Rachel, Phoebe and Chandler look for the gifts Monica got for them while the others are at the taping. Monica and Ross really want to be on TV but they would have to dance on the platform which only the selected people can. They put on the routine - a dance they did in primary school - for the selection guy and they get to dance on the platform. Joey wanted to kiss Janine on the fake midnight but missed his chance. When they get back home Janine kisses Joey. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 9.2
22 min | 22 min

The Geller parents are coming over for Thanksgiving but they don't know that Chandler moved in with Monica nor that they are dating because they don't like Chandler. Chandler's plan is to be very charming and make them like him then tell them that he is dating Monica. Rachel made a trifle for dessert but put two recipes together so it has beef and peas in it. Chandler is sucking up to the Gellars but Ross tells him that they don't like him because Ross was caught smoking pot in college and he blamed it on Chandler. Ross has to clear it all up but he first organizes that everybody pretends to like Rachel's dessert. Ross finally tells his parents that it wasn't Chandler. Everybody takes this opportunity to yell out stuff about each other they have wanted to say. The Gellars take a liking to Chandler and thank him for standing by Ross during his drug problems and for taking on Monica as well. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Joey is afraid that Janine makes their place too girlie with all her stuff. Phoebe makes out with Ralph Lauren and it's Rachel's chance to be liked by her boss Kim by gossiping about it. But it turns out that it wasn't Ralph Lauren Phoebe made out with and Rachel will get in trouble if her boss finds out. Monica fixes Ross up with Hillary from work and Ross whitens his teeth for the date until they are shiny bright. They have to find a way to make his teeth look less bright so he puts on make-up. Kim thinks Rachel made out with Ralph Lauren and dislikes her even more. Ross doesn't say a word on his date in order not to show his teeth. But when Hillary finally sees Ross' teeth she freaks out. Joey becomes very girlie when Janine shows him how to knit and arrange flowers. Rachel makes up a story about her and Ralph Lauren and Kim forgives her. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.5
22 min | 22 min

Joey finds sexy Janine, a dancer from Australia, as a roommate. Rachel and Phoebe go jogging together to bond. Phoebe runs like an elephant because it makes running a lot more fun but Rachel doesn't want to go jogging with her anymore because she is embarrassing. Joey can't flirt with Janine because they live together and it would be too complicated. Chandler finds out how obsessed Monica is with everything and he has to move the furniture back to how it was before he moved it. Joey is drawn to Janine and has to find a way to repel her. But Janine tells him she doesn't feel attracted to him anyway. Rachel tries Phoebe's way of running and feels so free and great doing it that she doesn't care about people staring. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Chandler shows Joey how to pay the bills but Joey doesn't have enough money and won't accept money from his friends. It is the night before Chandler moves in and Rachel moves out. Rachel hasn't packed and everyone has to help. Rachel and Monica are mad at each other because they list all the things that have been bothering them about the other. Chandler and Joey play for money and Chandler lets Joey win so Joey doesn't have to accept charity from him. Monica and Rachel get along again after listing the nice things they do for each other and are really sad about not living together anymore. Joey sees through Chandler's trick and won't accept his money. Rachel leaves. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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