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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.3

Charlotte is completely besotted with Trey, who she just met by accident but already considers him, her groom. At a chic boat party Charlotte presents him to Carry, who is already tired of the meeting by fate story and bumps into Mr. Big there, without Natasha- despite her living with Aidan they clearly miss each-other. Samantha, who just moved to the meat packing district, is invited by a much older new neighbor, Len; discovering her period is five days late, she gets drunk and accepts to go all the way, but then nature steps in. To Miranda's utter and sarcastically uttered surprise, Steve suggests they consider making a baby; they settle for the time on a puppy he would care for, but when that doesn't work out... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.3

Miranda and Steve are finally feeling comfortable together, until she watches the laundry. Samantha has hot nights with a doctor, and decides to follow his example taking Viagra purely for recreational purposes. Charlotte is inspired by a book to start looking for a fiancé more methodically, and commandeers a wedded friend of hers, allegedly the ideal ally, to tell his friend Phil he is supposed to become her dream date - when he stands up the all too eager would be-bride at the opera, she goes with Carrie, who was just getting comfortable with Aidan but suddenly crosses glances with Mr. Big. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.5

Carrie can't understand why Aidan doesn't want to sleep with her, and then feels jaded when she finds out that Aidan doesn't go for sex for the old-fashioned reason he is still romantic. She wonders if modern Manhattan girls like her are just sluts, and is he serious, or, as Samantha suggests, becoming just a friend? Charlotte has a great lover, a gentle gentleman, with one flaw: without knowing it, he calls her a bitch and whore during sex; when she tells the poor boy, he's as horrified as she, and struck impotent. Miranda discovers she has chlamydia, so she calls all her 42 former partners, and Steve suffers an intimate test despite being monogamous. One of Samantha's countless dates accidentally allowed a violent robber into her posh building; as soon as the other tenants find out, she feels shunned... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.3

Carrie is attracted to a furniture maker named Aidan and starts dating but he can't date a smoker. She must decide on Aidan or smoking. Charlotte attempts to coach a bad kisser while Miranda finds difficulty in supporting Steve's pipe dream of making a half court shot at the Knick's game. Samantha begins dating an African-American record executive who has a strong-willed sister who runs a new restaurant. Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.2

Charlotte's gallery scores a big hit with the works of the artist Baird Johnson, rare even for New Yorkers' almost un-shockable standards: drag kings, women completely dressed-up as men; Baird, himself a gentleman, even gets conservative WASP lady Charlotte to pose for him, his way. Samantha was looking for an assistant, but one look on sexy stud Matt decided her mind in his favor; his professionally unacceptable arrogant attitude to her PR clients still gets him fired, but both are immediately eager to start jumping each-other's bones now are they no longer ethically barred. Carrie's boyfriend Sean isn't just young enough to be more boy then her others friends, he's also openly bisexual, which starts her wondering if gender is a dying concept. Miranda is back with Steve and gave him a key, but really wrestles with his tendency to 'invade' her apartment territory, such as sleeping with his head touching 'her' pillow. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.5

Steve Brady wants to go steady exclusively with Miranda, but even without any contender she doesn't feel ready to decide- till he finds the magic word. After three weeks dating and joining the electoral campaign of city councilman Bill Kelley, Carrie starts to feel like a politician's wife; Charlotte stresses her political greenness, Sam the aphrodisiac value of power, Carrie the electoral value of fashion-sense. Sam is bluntly picked up at a bar by Wall Street hedge-man Jeff Fenton, but gets doubts when she sees how short he is. At a Kelley fund-raiser, continuing to look for a potential husband, Charlotte learns a lovely couple met at a party where each girl brought an ex she doesn't dig any more; Stanford asks Carrie to introduce him to Bill's hot young campaign manager Mark, but he's only into other hunks. At Charlotte's used dates party, the adventurer Greg Miller she liked is snapped back by his suddenly jealous ex; when Jeff realizes Sam intended to dump him, he dares her to ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

The Manhattan quartet takes the ferry to Staten Island when Carrie is on the jury for the New York Fire Department's annual male calendar finalists selection, together with a politician who's rather interested in her. Sam gets the hottest fireman in her opinion in her bed, but her fantasy of doing it in the fire station proves less romantic then she hoped. Charlotte's next dream prince suddenly turns out too macho. Miranda insists on proving her independence by refusing the practical assistance Steve volunteers when she's scheduled for laser eye-surgery. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 8.1

Three of the girls deal with loved ones from their past. For Carrie it's trying to become just good friends again with Mr. Big, who now is with Natasha and even tells her they are already engaged. For Charlotte it means the pony Taddy which threw her off as a child, or a substitute horse. For Miranda it's becoming friends again with barman Steve, but then they get physical again... Samantha however finds by chance a new, huge hunky man who seems about as cocky as she is, and proves he has a cock of matching (record) size which even she may not be able to handle. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Miranda considered Sunday a nightmare because children swarm everywhere, there is even a family hour at her gym, but it did allow her to meet hunky Simon Cobb, indulgent divorced father of rascal Simon, who loves to push the elevator's buttons, and his; when Simon surprises her naked in the lo after a hot night, that signs her marching-orders. Carrie met fiction writer Vaughn Wysel at a lunch; he presents her to mother Wallis, her partner Duncan, a teacher, and sisters Franny and Zoe, who all insist she stays for a seafood feast; six hours later he can finally jump her bones, yet his sperm beats him to the post. She keeps dating and doing him for his whole family, mainly the fascinating mother, an Oscar-nominated documentary maker, despite his recurring precipitous wetness, but precisely her liberating education without sexual taboos proves unsurmountable. Charlotte receives her studly brother Wesley, about to be divorced from Lesley; he tickles Samantha's fancy at first sight. ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.2

Carrie meets Miranda's ex Skipper, a sweet guy who is getting desperate as all women seem to turn him down in favor of jerks - like Kevin, the bossy colleague Miranda is dating right then. When she confesses this to her friends, this contradiction bugs her too. Sam declares monogamy fits none of them, as its high expectations are never met. To everyone's surprise, Charlotte takes that advice to the extreme, double-dating two fine men - till they find out and walk out on her together. After a few lonely weeks without Big, Carrie invites John, her dependable rebound-lover just-for-sex who always repairs her self-esteem, and wonders why she never tried committing to him, so the next time they actually go out for dinner, which only proves their conversation is as uninspiring as their sex is enjoyable; the following movie is their last date ever. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.5

The girls wrestle with social inequalities. When Samantha dates super-rich Harvey, she enjoys the perks she claims not to crave, but finds his relationship with female servant Sum is not as one-sided as it seems. Charlotte's date with celebrity actor Wylie Ford starts as a luxury dream, but she soon finds she's expected to become more of an abjectly servile fan then a self-respecting lover. Miranda takes Steve shopping for his wardrobe but has a taste he cannot afford and yet won't allow her to pick up the bill, even if that breaks them up. Carrie is insecure again when Big takes her to a socialite party on Park Avenue but never seems able to express his love, and therefore she goes out with an artistic flirt without means she find waitering there. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.0

The girls wrestle with the question how and if partners can/want to change for each-other. For Miranda this means fitting her busy schedule to lover Steves late hours as barman and cuddling appetite when she wants to start the working day. Carrie wants to stop Big ogling other women and other 'little' things. When Charlotte decides her uncircumcised lover, restaurant critic Mike, looks like a sharpei below the belt, he decides to everyones surprise to get cut, but the psychological side-effect of his 'second virginity' makes her regret his move. Samantha is happy being the flexible one, but it rattles even her to meet a former lover who had a sex operation and renamed himself after her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.7

After walking out on her date who turned out to be still married despite his claim to be divorced, Miranda is happy to be picked up by cocky barman Steve, who soon wants more then their one-night stand. Carrie believes her rekindled relationship with Mr. Big is good enough to get him to know her friends a little better. Samantha has an atypical lover, even for a man-eater like her: Donald Trump's single friend Ed is past 70, so will his old-fashioned wooing and lavish gifts outweigh his physical decay? Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.4
25 min

When Miranda's friend Jeremy Fields, a reporter in London who is often flirtatious in their e-emails, visits New York Miranda is happy to put him up - however he proves more flirtatious with a local friend of hers who just decorated her apartment, and at the farewell party she throws for him even announces their upcoming wedding! The friends have mixed feelings being invited, three of them rather commandeered in various capacities. Miranda feels the invisible woman, 'in charge' of the self-explicative guest-book; Sam feels her Manhattan life is ending when she realizes she slept with a man she already had some 15 years ago; Carrie goes from a high when Mr. Big accepts to accompany her to the wedding to hear her requested occasional poem to a low when he declines signing the card with their wedding gift and leaves during her recitation for a business call; bridesmaid Charlotte is tickled pink she finally may choose herself a gorgeous dress and team up with eligible best man Martin ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.5

Carrie ponders the theory that all Manhattan men are freaks. After Samantha found out an eligible lawyer has a masochistic closet, she decides too cheer up herself by scheduling having her fanny's fat injected in her facial cheeks. When Carrie meets charming journalist Ben, she doubled-dates with his mate Luke and Miranda - a total misfit because she abhors his position that nothing outside is worth leaving Manhattan even for a holiday. Charlotte meets the legendary Mitch(ell) 'pussy' and experiences he never disappoints in bed, but can she really be satisfied without an actual relationship? Meanwhile Carrie gets freaked out by her failing to find Ben's freaky side, so she takes drastic action at his place. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.7

After weeks sharing a bed, Carrie feels comfortable actually sleeping with M. Big, yet mortified when she farts in bed, but really worried when he stops to want sex every night. It really hits her when he prefers to watch a boxing match to kissing, so she paints her apartment. Miranda tells Carrie to be herself and feels she's worse off not having had anyone for three months, but how often is normal? Samantha is horny for her hunky yoga instructor Siddharta, who claims to practice Bhramacharya, Tantric celibacy, since three years, yet still gets hard-ons. Charlotte tells Carrie to be happy her boyfriend Kevin didn't even kiss in three weeks, takes it as an aphrodisiac that he's Carrie's ex from three years ago and a sex maniac, but then learns he has given up sex to cure his former bad temper by Prozac, indeed even a hand-job has no result. Carrie's neighbors, who frequently have amazingly long, naked sex in front of the open window, are a spectacle for the envious quartet- and ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.3

Carrie put asides her misgivings about a photo session for a promotional picture for her columns, to go on buses, because she was allowed to keep the sexy dress, which she wears on her first 'official' dinner date with Big, and has sex against Charlotte's Victorian restraint rules. Her friend Mike Singer found an ideal sex-partner in sales clerk Libby Biyalick, but prefers to keep the affair discrete as she wouldn't do as life-partner; Carrie realizes and resents being Big's, till she confronts him. Miranda meets 32-year old sports doctor Ted Baker by punching him in gym class, they become fine sex partners, but when he learns she found in his flat his secret passion, spanking videos, which the other girls regard quite differently, he walks out for good. Charlotte recalls her Chassidic ex-lover Shmuel, an artist. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.3

Carrie is invited to stay with a married friend and her husband, Peter, at their beach house. Her trip is unexpectedly cut short when she walks in on Peter who is naked in the kitchen. Back in Manhattan, she contemplates whether there is a secret war going on between the singles and the married. Later on, she is introduced to a guy who's desperately trying to start a family. It seems that dating the marrying-type guy has suddenly made her a member of a club for married couples. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

The purge of the College of Cardinals continues, it's latest victim being Cardinal Versucci. He accuses the Pope of lining his own pockets and proceeds to set the Vatican treasury on fire.Cesare travels to Naples to negotiate Lucrezia's marriage contract and also to see if they might be of help against Caterina Sforza. He finds people starving and is not impressed with his allies. The King of Naples claims to have an army of 10,000 but Cesare is not so easily duped. The contract is successfully negotiated but the King refuses to accept Lucrezia's child. The new French ambassador tells the Pope of the French King's unhappy marriage and Alexander sees the possibility of a new alliance. The King of Naples also sees the possibility of new allies and invites Caterina and the four major families to the wedding. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.1
50 min

Having failed to eliminate the Borgias, Caterina Sforza moves on to a new plan - uniting several warring families into a confederacy of hatred directed to removing the Borgia Pope. Pope Alexander knows who his enemies are - Cardinals from the same families that Caterina Sforza is approaching - and he decides to purge the Vatican's nest of vipers - the College of Cardinals. Cardinal De Luca, fearing he will find himself on the torturer's rack, accuses the heads of those same great families of plotting against the Pope. One among them however has a plan to get rid of him. As Alexander recovers from the attempt on his life, he decides that his mistress should go away. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.4
52 min

With Pope Alexander poisoned but still alive, Cesare takes charge of the situation. It takes him little time to learn that Della Rovere was behind the assassination attempt but his mother suggests he think of what they will do if Alexander die. He seeks Cardinal Sforza's assistance in learning who aspires to being Pope. Della Rovere is arrested but manages to escape. He also learns that there is a second plot, this one concocted by Caterina Sforza and her new henchman. She means to kill all of the Borgias. After Alexander recovers he doesn't understand why, on the verge of death, he did not see the face of God. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.9
58 min

The Pope is increasingly worried about the welfare of his son Juan, who has vanished and orders Cesare to find him. Cardinal Sforza tells his men to start looking in the city's morgues. When his body is found, the Pope is grief-stricken and orders that his son will not be buried until his killer is found. Cesare is also tasked with getting a confession from Brother Savonarola but that is also proving to be a difficult task. In the end, Cesare follows Machiavelli's advice. Lucrezia has a new suitor but toys with him pretending to be one of Lucrezia's servants. When the young man falls in love with her she decides to reveal her true identity and agrees to marry him. Meanwhile, Cardinal Della Rovere's assassin strikes. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.6
50 min

The Pope has decided once and for all to rid himself of Brother Savonarola by excommunicating him. Cesare travels to Florence to give him one last chance to present himself to the Pope but to no avail. He challenges Savonarola to prove he is right, a challenge the Brother foolishly accepts. In Rome, the Duke of Genoa withdraws his marriage proposal in favor of his brother who is in love with Lucrezia. Juan Borgia's health continues to deteriorate. When he threatens Lucrezia's recently baptized son, she wishes him dead. It is Cesare however who takes action. Meanwhile, Cardinal Della Rovere's plot to poison the Pope is moving forward. Having found his food tester's body in the river, the Pope selects a new tester, Della Rovere's young assassin. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.1
49 min

Juan Borgia returns from the siege the Catherina Sforza's Forli castle with a tale of his bravery and of standing by his men. Cesare learns the truth from Hernando de Caballos and also that Sforza's son is being kept in the dungeons. Rumors however begin to circulate about what really happened but Juan denies it all. The Pope's doubts are proven correct when Benito Sforza is released from his prison cell and tells the Pope what truly happened. The Pope orders Cesare to return the boy to his mother. Cardinal della Rovere's plan to poison the Pope is moving forward with his young assassin now ready to strike. They must eliminate the Pope food tester first. The Pope is growing ever more impatient with Lucrezia's delay in choosing her next husband. Her mother tells her that she doesn't have to chose between the Duke of Genoa and his brother: she should marry one and take the other as her lover. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.3
51 min

Juan returns from Spain with gifts: a panther from the New World for Lucrezia, which promptly bites her and something new for his father, a box of cigars. Juan is married but his pregnant wife has stayed behind in Spain. The Pope is pleased with the way his son's life has taken shape. Juan is suffering from syphilis however and seeks treatment from a doctor. The Pope puts Juan in command of the Papal army and sends him to lay siege to Forli Castle with authority to eliminate Catherina Sforza if she refuse to come to Rome. At Forli, Juan makes it clear what lies in store for Catherina should she refuse the Papal edict. Under a white flag, Juan takes her 15 year-old son hostage and tortures the boy in front of her. Ludovico Sforza of Milan comes to her assistance and surprises Juan's troops on the battlefield. Cesare is in Florence where Brother Savonarola is preaching in defiance of the Papal order. His young acolytes are going house to house collecting anything of value that can be ... Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
50 min

The Pope has not yet come to terms with the lightning strike and his new-found piety is to some just an act. Prior Savonarola's excesses continue as do his rants against the De Medicis. The Pope has a plan to deal with him. Cardinal Della Rovere's plot to poison the Pope continues with a young monk preparing to be the assassin. Cesare returns from his visit to the Sforzas and confesses his sins to his father. Cesare wants to take an army north to finish what he started but the Pope admits they do not have the resources. Now that Lucrezia is again free to marry, a new political alliance may be in the offing. Lucrezia isn't keen on re-marrying whoever her father chooses. Machiavelli is in Rome to prepare Piero De Medici's house for his arrival. Giulia, Vanozza and Lucrezia apply pressure on the Curia in order to obtain funds to house the poor. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

Lucrezia is devastated when Paolo is found hanging and his death is ruled a suicide. It leads the Pope to refuse him a Christian burial and Lucrezia goes on a hunger strike to get him to change his mind. Her protest also means her baby is not being fed. Lucrezia accuses Juan of killing the boy and has proof that Paolo did not take his own life. The Pope decides to send Juan to Spain to find a bride but Lucrezia has her own plans for him. Caterina Sforza and her cousin Giovanni, Lucrezia's ex-husband, offer their support to King Charles VIII of France should he decide to march against Rome. Micheletto arrives in Rome with news that the King will soon be on the move. The Pope has a plan to defend the city but Cesare is forced to improvise. Cardinal Della Rovere meanwhile returns to Rome and seeks to join the Dominican order and obtain their help in eliminating the Pope. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

The Pope decides to go out on the streets of Rome to see what he can learn about the people. Dressed in simple clothes and accompanied by his mistress Giulia Farnese and artist Vittoria, they wander about the city. The Pope is appalled at the poverty he sees around him (and the disgusting number of pigeons) and takes Cardinal Versucci, responsible for distributing money to the poor, to task. The Pope notes the number of beautiful villas he's constructed for himself in recent years. He's ordered to do better by the poor. Paolo, the father of Lucrezia Borgia's child, arrives in Rome looking for her. He's something of a laughing stock among the street women he meets when they learn who he's looking for. Paolo and Lucrezia meet and he sees his child. Juan however has his own plans for the peasant boy. Cardinal Della Rovere recovers sufficiently from the attempt to poison him him to leave the convent where he's been recovering. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
54 min

With the King of France in Naples and a peace of sorts arrived at, Rodrigo swears revenge against those who plotted against him. Cardinal Della Rovere is poisoned, though he survives the attempt on his life. Cesare and Juan continue to fight despite Rodrigo's pleas to unite with him against their enemies. Rodrigo also decides to hold a celebration for the people of Rome on a pagan feast day featuring a horse race and a large effigy of a bull. He also discovers a beautiful young woman, Vittoria, who is posing as a boy so that she can be an artists apprentice. The Pope's mistress, Giulia Farnese, is not pleased. In Naples, plague has wiped out much of the population and Prince Alfonso, who introduced the plague, is tracked down and taken prisoner. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

The French army enters Rome but the Pope has a particular way of welcoming the King. Della Rovere's plan to depose the Pope faces a problem given that virtually all of the Cardinals have fled and only the College of Cardinals can remove him. The Pope's promise to recognize French sovereignty over the Kingdom of Naples seals a pact between the two. The King wants Cesare to accompany his army to Naples, effectively giving him a hostage. The Pope searches for a way of punishing the Cardinals who fled, wanting them to appear in sackcloth and ashes. He also makes them pay in another way. At Cesare's suggestion, Lucretia takes up residence in the same nunnery where Ursula Bonnadeo, now Sister Martha, has agreed to care for her. The Pope decides to do something about Lucrezia's marriage. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Lucrezia and Giulia Farnese leave Sforza's castle for Rome but Paulo the groom pays a heavy price for helping them get away. The two women soon encounter a French patrol but Lucrezia manages to charm the French King. The Pope meets with the Spanish ambassador but doesn't get the help he was expecting. Despite the advice of his Cardinals that they decamp and leave Rome, he refuses to do so. Juan does come up with a plan to meet the French forces long before they reach Rome. They find themselves just a bit outnumbered however. It's Lucrezia who comes up with a solution. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

The King of France invades Italy but Cardinal Della Rovere is appalled at the violence and destruction the first battle brings. He obtains the King's permission to try and negotiate a peace with the Florentines, who quickly agree to all of their demands. Realizing that everything they have worked for is at risk, the Pope contacts the Spanish envoy. Cesare meanwhile traces Ursula to a nunnery but she refuses to renounce her vows and leave. Despite Sancia's marriage to his younger brother Gioffre, Juan continues his affair with her in secret. The Pope's mistress, Giula Farnese, visits Lucrezia and is disturbed by what she finds. Written by garykmcd

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