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HD Black Sails

Black Sails


Black Sails

IMDb: 9.0
57 min

Silver's course clues actually lead to the Spanish gold galleon and its heavily armed escort's rendezvous island, but Gates tells Flint reckoning for his secret betrayals must follow the capture. Flint kills Gates, but Drefresne openly utters the accusations during the already dangerous canons fight, which thus is lost. The pirates are sunk and marooned, but a storm also wrecks the Spaniard. On Nassau, captain Vance and the wretched men he won from his former orphans 'foster father' in a deadly duel take the fort by surprise. Rather then risk a destructive battle, Eleanor agrees to ally herself with him, after having estranged several captain by intending to cut out her father completely. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.2

Rick, who is seriously wounded and tired, and Carl wander seeking for supplies and shelter. Carl blames his father for the fate of the survivors since he was the leader and did not protect the group. Meanwhile Michonne is also on the road haunted by nightmares. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 9.6
43 min

The Governor convinces his new community that it is in their best interests to take over the prison and if necessary, use force to do so. Not everyone is comfortable with that approach - Lilly and Meghan stay behind, with tragic consequences. The Governor and his crew appear at the prison and has two bargaining chips with him - Herschel and Michonne are his prisoners. He tells Rick to be out by sundown. Rick for his part tries to reason with him but the die is cast. In the ensuing battle, many - from both sides - are killed. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 7.9

The Governor, Lilly, Tara and Megan are welcomed by Martinez's group of survivors. After a patrol of Martinez, Pete, Mitch and the Governor, Martinez plays golf on the roof of a RV. Out of the blue, the Governor kills him and Pete takes the provisional leadership of the group. The Governor also kills him and then he threatens Mitch to assume the leadership of the survivors. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 7.9

Brian Heriot wanders without direction and disconnected from the world, until he meets a family living in a building. Tara and Lilly take care of their terminal father David and Lilly's daughter, the autistic Megan, in a small apartment and they welcome Brian. He helps the family to bring more oxygen supply and to bury David and becomes close to Lilly. Then they decide to move using the delivery truck that belonged to the deceased father. In the middle of the road, the truck breaks down and they need to walk. When a group of walkers comes toward them, they need to run and Megan finally reacts and Brian saves her live and promises that he will always protect her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.9

Hershel fights to keep the outbreak under control, tending to the sick patients and killing those who transform into walkers, first luring them away from the survivors. Rick returns without Carol and tells Maggie what happened to her. When a large number of walkers knock down the fence, Rick and Carl shoot them with automatic weapons. Meanwhile, in the cell block, several patients transform into walkers and Maggie goes to help her father from them and also save Glenn. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The Governor again rouses his people to attack the prison. Tyreese and his sister refuse to join them. Before leaving however, he beats Milton to a pulp and leaves him to die after stabbing him several times in the room where Andrea has been tied to a chair. She has only a short time to set herself free before Milton dies and re-animates as a biter. The Governor's group attack the prison and meet little or no resistance. It appears that Rick and the others have left but its all a ruse. The Governor retreats and when his people refuse to regroup and attack again, he takes his revenge on them. Rick and the others decide to push their advantage but have a change of heart when they see what the Governor has done. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Rick's resolve weakens and he decides to let the Governor have Michonne in exchange for peace. He tells Daryl, Merle and Herschel about what he's decided. Merle doubts that Rick has the gumption to go through with it - he's right as Rick changes his mind again - and so kidnaps Michonne to take her to the Governor and see if he can make things right. On their trip there, she has a few choice words for him that cause him to reflect on what he is doing. At the prison, Rick decides on a different approach to leading the group. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

In Woodbury, the Governor is preparing to go to war. He tells his senior men that anyone who comes to the meeting in two days time from Rick's camp is to be killed. Everyone except Michonne and he's prepared a special room just for her. He doesn't tell Andrea the truth but Milton, disgusted by the Governor's plan to slaughter Rick's group, tells her the truth and she sets off to the prison to warn her friends. When he hears what's happened, the Governor sets off after her. Meanwhile Tyreese begins to wonder what they've got themselves into when he sees the pit full of walkers. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Andrea arranges for Rick and the Governor to meet at a neutral site. They no sooner arrive than the Governor makes it clear he's not there to negotiate but to tell Rick he and his people have to clear out. When Andrea interjects, the Governor tells her to leave. He decides to offer Rick a deal: give him Michonne and he will leave Rick and his group alone. While the two are talking, those that accompanied them wait patiently outside and find that they have more in common than they might have thought. Back at the prison, Merle tries to convince those still there that they should seize the opportunity and attack the Governor. With their negotiations complete, Rick and the Governor agree to meet again in two days time. The Governor has no intention of making a deal however and Rick sees through him and knows they will soon be going to war. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
Watch Episode
HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Rick, Michonne and Carl head off to his hometown police station find more weapons and ammunition. In the town, they come under fire from someone. They knock out their attacker who turns out to be Morgan Jones, the man who saved Rick when Rick left the hospital after first regaining consciousness. Michonne is none too pleased when Rick decides to wait until Morgan comes to. Carl and Michonne go off ostensibly to get Judith a crib but Carl has something else in mind. When Morgan awakens, he's half out of his mind and even after he recognizes Rick, wants nothing more than to die. Rick wants him to join them at the prison. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 7.9

Andrea sees the Governor preparing the dwellers of Woodbury to attack the prison and she decides to sneak out to visit Rick and the survivors to convince them to make an agreement with the Governor. She asks Milton to help her and the minion discloses her plan to the Governor that orders him to help her. Milton helps Andrea to capture a walker and they stumble with Tyreese group that Rick had expelled from the prison. Milton brings them to Woodbury and they offer to help the Governor in the war against Rick. Meanwhile, in the prison, Rick and his group are protecting the prison that is under siege of walkers with short supply and ammunition. When Andrea arrives, she has a cold reception by her former friends that do not trust on her. Carol is the only one that really welcomes her and asks her to kill The Governor. Andrea blames Michonne telling that she poisoned the survivors against her and she returns to Woodbury. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Rick is totally disturbed and seeing Lori everywhere. Meanwhile the Machiavellian Governor asks Andrea to lead his people because he needs time. Daryl and Merle are looking for food and see a Latin family with baby under attack of walkers. Daryl helps them and when Merle is ready to pillage them, Daryl points his weapon to his brother and protects the family. Meanwhile Glenn questions the leadership of Rick to Hershel and wants to attack Woodbury, but Hershel convinces him that it will not be good and he leaves the prison to seek where the breach where the walkers are entering is. Out of the blue, the prison is attacked by The Governor and his men and he brings an armored truck full of walkers to release inside the prison. When the situation is hopeless, Glenn, Daryl and Merle arrive in the prison and help the group against the walkers and The Governor attack. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
Watch Episode
HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The Governor forces Daryl and Merle to fight against each other; however Rick and Maggie help them to escape from Woodbury and Andrea realizes that The Governor had lied to her. When Rick, Maggie and Daryl meet Glenn and Michonne outside Woodbury, they do not accept that Merle joins their group, but Daryl decides to stay with his older brother. Meanwhile in the prison, Hershel gives medical assistance to Tyreese's group but he warns that the group is larger but it is not up to him to decide whether they can stay or not with them. Back to Woodbury, people are panicking and some of them want to leave the town. However The Governor does not take any attitude towards the situation. Andrea assumes her leadership to calm down the dwellers. When Rick returns to the prison, he decides the fate of Tyreese's group against the will of Hershel but shows signs of insanity. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Rick, Daryl, Oscar and Michonne enter Woodbury in search of Glenn and Maggie. When shooting erupts, they are soon reunited but they will have to fight their way out. One will not make it. The Governor needs a scapegoat and he is quick to point the finger at one of his own. Michonne goes off on her own, intent on killing the Governor. She waits for him in his quarters but isn't quite prepared for what she finds there. Back at the prison meanwhile, a new group arrives in need of help. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

At the prison, everyone is surprised by the arrival of Michonne but they have no intention of letting her stay and join the group. She tells them about Glenn and Maggie being taken to Woodbury and offers to lead them there. She makes no mention of Andrea or Daryl's brother. In Woodbury, Merle interrogates Glenn rather forcefully but he refuses to tell him where the others can be found. The Governor decides to interrogate Maggie himself and has more success. Meanwhile, the Governor has asked Andrea to help Milton with an experiment. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

At the prison, Rick is surprised by a ringing telephone after his rampage against the walkers. The callers won't identify themselves or say where they are other than they are in a very safe place. While Rick comes to terms with his own demons, Daryl, Carl and Oscar go to clear out other areas of the prison. Just when he thinks he's done, Daryl makes an amazing discovery. In Woodbury, the Governor sends Merle and three others to track down and kill Michone. They don't have much luck but Merle comes across Glenn and Maggie who were out looking for baby formula. Meanwhile, the Governor and Andrea become better acquainted. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.3
43 min | 42 min (uncut)

At the prison, Rick is nearly catatonic in his grief and heads off on his own inside the prison. Daryl and Maggie go off to find formula for the newborn. In Woodbury, the residents celebrate their survival with a town picnic. A suspicious Michonne takes the opportunity to look around and finds some walkers locked away. She kills them only to find she has interfered with a research project. Unable to convince Andrea that they are really prisoners, Michonne leaves on her own. Andrea is not too keen on the evening festivities. One of the Governor's secrets is revealed. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 9.3
43 min | 42 min (uncut)

Michonne is intent on leaving Woodbury convinced that there is something out of place there. Andrea isn't so sure she wants to leave and on a map shows Merle the location of the farm where she last saw his brother Daryl. Back at the prison, Herschel is hobbling around with the help of crutches. Suddenly, Rick and the others are having to deal with a major attack by walkers. Someone has set off the prison siren and the group is broken up into twos and threes. Lori goes into labor leaving it to Maggie and Carl to help her deliver the baby. T-Dog and Carol have to face an overwhelming number of walkers while Rick, Daryl and Glenn try to get control of the prison yard. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Andrea and Michonne see a helicopter crash and they head to the spot to seek out survivors to help them. However a group of armed men arrives together and they hide in the wood. The men take the pilot from the helicopter and the women are surprised by Merle. The group takes Andrea and Michonne to their community in Woodbury where the women are welcomed with food, medicine, hot shower and clothes. They are introduced to the Governor, a man that rules Woodbury, protecting and giving quality of life to the people in the community. Andrea believes that Woodbury is the perfect place in the chaos, but Michonne does not trust on the Governor and wants to leave the place. Meanwhike, the helicopter pilot tells the location of the National Guard convoy with his friends and the Governor promises to rescue them with his men. But when they arrive in the location, something happens. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Cam goes to the extremes to confront a parent who robbed him of a precious Lily moment during her dance recital.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Claire's new position means Phil feels like a housewife. Gloria's provocative sauce ad gets Jay jealous. Mitch and Cam rent the apartment above their own, but end up spying on their guests

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Manny and Luke have their first day of high school, Cam works as a substitute social studies teacher, Claire begins her new job working for her dad, and Mitchell's boss hits on Haley.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Claire runs into an old lover at her college reunion, a mishap causes Cam to give the baby a disastrous haircut, and Jay has to put his bowling match on hold to build up Manny's confidence.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Jay and Gloria hold a yard sale to help Manny and Luke with their school's charity fundraiser, and the entire family pitches in: Phil feels pressured to both sell and buy something, Mitch and Cam help Claire assess Alex's new 'boy friend,' and Manny finds an old trunk that hides a secret Gloria wants to see remain a secret Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The family helps Claire prepare for her upcoming televised debate with Duane Bailey for the town council seat, but will they do more harm than good? Lily is going to be a precious flower girl for the first time, but the problem is she's just discovered her first expletive and Mitch and Cam don't know how best to deal with this new parenting test. And Jay is very concerned with Stella's recent strange behavior and puts the blame on Gloria. Written by ABC Publicity

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 7.9

Jay is frustrated at work, Manny is stressed out about school work, Gloria would like to help but no one seems to want it. Phil and Claire run into Councilman Duane Bailey again, who is out campaigning for his second run, and he's just as irritating as they remembered -- so much so that Claire may give him a run for his money. Mitch and Cam get into a fender bender and the other car flees, which becomes the tipping point for all the men in the family who decides to take out their frustrations on the kid giving Haley problems. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 7.9

Everyone sets their eyes on a goal: Jay is determined to help Manny sell wrapping paper for a school fundraiser; Claire petitions the city for a stop sign to be installed at a high-traffic intersection; Mitchell is hell bent on proving a point with Cameron, and neither one of them will back down; Phil and Luke will stop at nothing to create a viral video sensation; and Gloria is desperate to find Stella after losing him. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Modern Family

Modern Family


Modern Family

IMDb: 8.8
30 min

Phil and Claire break from their traditional Valentine's Day dinner date and plan a little role play excursion. Meanwhile, Jay and Gloria's ideas of romance clash when he takes her to a comedy show, and Mitchell and Cameron play cupid for Manny. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Strain

The Strain


The Strain

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Humanity teeters on the edge of destruction. The Master finally reveals himself, initiating the end game of a battle in which there can be only one winner. Eph, Fet, Setrakian, and Dutch must overcome their personal differences in a last-ditch effort to vanquish the strain. Written by FX Press Release

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Strain

The Strain


The Strain

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

NYC is falling. Eph and Dutch frantically race to finish their new device to stop the Master before the city is overrun. Justine, Gus, and Angel fight in one last stand to stop the spreading virus. Palmer extracts vengeance for past wrongs but may have crossed the line. Written by FX Press Release

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Strain

The Strain


The Strain

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

The Master's voice proves to be more powerful and potentially fatal than Eph or Dutch anticipated. Fet and Setrakian track down the cargo from the Egyptian vessel and realize they may be in over their heads. Quinlan strikes a deal with the Ancients, but a last minute betrayal proves deadly.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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