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HD Fringe




IMDb: 7.8
57 min

When a group of college age animal activists raid a laboratory to release animals, they unwittingly unleash a genetically altered monster, which goes on a killing rampage. Walter feels responsible since he experimented with combining the DNA of different species in the past, and works hard to come up with a way to trap the new animal before it can breed uncontrollably. Written by Ron Kerrigan

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.6
65 min

Four thieves activates a device to rob the safe of a bank crossing through the solid door. However, the time to flee is over when the last thief is crossing and he is embedded into the steel door. Agent Broyles, Olivia Dunham, Dr. Walter Bishop and Peter investigate the crime scene and Olivia recognizes the criminal. They find that there have been other mysterious heists in other safes. Meanwhile Olivia visits the widow and soon she learns that the memories belongs actually to John Scott. In Frankfurt, the lawyer of David Robert Jones visits his client to report that the last job was successful. Dr. Bishop recalls that the safes belonged to him and he had stored pieces of an experimental teleportation machine capable to bring any person from any place or any time. What is the objective of the criminals and what will happen to Olivia? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.0
49 min

An employee of Massive Dynamic covered in mysterious cuts jumps out a window believing himself to be attacked by a swarm of butterflies. Meanwhile, Olivia becomes fed up with her visions of John Scott and decides to go back into the sensory deprivation tank to get rid of them. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 7.6
47 min (uncut)

Agent Dunham, Dr. Bishop and Peter investigate a number of deaths resulting from an elevator free falling in an office tower. The conditions they find suggest that a high intensity power source may have overridden the electrical system in the elevator. Dr. Bishop recalls experiments in the past that tried to alter a human's energy profile and concludes that the accident was caused by an individual. It is also likely that it was a genuine accident, rather that an overt act. Agent Dunham's prime suspect is a Doctor Jacob Fischer who is wanted by the FBI and is known to have experimented in this area in the past. Meanwhile, Olivia continues to see her dead partner John Scott and is concerned that she may be having a breakdown of some sort. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.3
47 min (uncut)

Agent Dunham and the Bishops investigate the sudden appearance of a strange cylinder after an explosion at a construction site. She learns from an old friend that this is not the first time the cylinder has appeared and that it could disappear just as quickly. She also realizes that an odd looking man appears in several crime scene photos. It turns out that he is already known to the Government and has been dubbed 'The Observer'. Dr. Bishop has a special interest in the cylinder and tells Peter of their own special encounter with 'The Observer' years ago. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 7.9
49 min (uncut)

The team investigates a young man, Roy McComb, who seems to have the ability to predict major incidents before they happen. When they search his apartment, they find drawings and models of a variety of attacks, including the flight from Germany. In the most recent incident, a bus load of people are gassed and a bag stolen from an undercover narcotics agent. Dr. Bishop recalls working on experiments with his old friend, the founder of Massive Dynamics, that could explain what is happening with McComb. When Agent Dunham visits Nina Sharp to get more information on Massive Dynamics' possible role in these experiments, she realizes that she has not been fully briefed on what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Daniel was fatally shot by Kate, shielding Emily, who dragged her down in a fatal fall. David warns her mob father Malcolm Black won't rest until everybody present and their loved-ones are savagely slaughtered, so Jack and Nolan work out how to stage Daniel being shot in self-defense by Emily, while David dumps the corpse. Victoria plays along reluctantly, rather then joining Margaux's quest for vengeance except by banning Emily from the funeral, but despite Ben's professional interest, Emily is officially cleared. Nolan thinks he erased all clues while David set up arrival cartel in Miami, but his guest Louise snooped in Kate's evacuated belongings, for Victoria. Malcolm arrives posing as FBI agent and kills police chief Edward Alvarez who found him out. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 8.5
41 min

Daniel wants a divorce, but the Graysons can't accept ERmily's hefty settlement, until a medical leak about her fake pregnancy offers a cheap way out, yet none of them arranged it so timely. Nolan finds himself forced to put up with just-paroled fellow hacking genius ex-prison-mate Javier Salgado, who proves quite useful. Jack helps them digging up the pre-digital Grayson archives from a law-firm, to work out his mother Stevie's and Margaux's father Pascal's part in David Clark's framing. Conrad plays Pascal, Victoria's ex, to seize the lion-share of his media empire. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 9.1
41 min

Daniel falls for Emily's ploy to get wed anyhow by pretending she expects his child, hence agrees with Sara, despite their mutually requited love, to separate for the baby's sake. Conrad's ex Lydia Davis, presumed dead, dug up by Margaux as secret weapon to publish his dirty laundry, defects to the Graysons, but tries both spouses. Victoria refuses to attend the wedding, but Conrad forces her to complete his family facade by promising to get off sincerely well-willing Patrick's case. Aidan helps lover Emily stage her 'murder' during a yacht party, actually by Daniel, for which locked-up Victoria must be framed. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Despite Nolan's plea to start enjoying life rather then reducing it to ever more extensive revenge, Emily vows to deal with the Graysons no later then her 8/8 wedding day with happily devoted Daniel, who meanwhile finds a job, by demonstrating his networking skills, in the new American edition of a French fashion magazine edited by his ex-model friend Margaux, the LeMarchal heiress, whose romantic overture he firmly turns down. Patrick is appalled, when presented to the Grayson family, to learn from Charlotte and Conrad that his mother even resorted to violent henchman crime to keep him away. Aiden offers hesitant Victoria an alliance for revenge on Emily. Pastor Saunders, formerly Conrad's spin doctor, now offers him moral support, but is taken down when Emily mugs him to stage sexual perversion pictures which she passes to his vestrymen. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 8.6

Daniel delights Conrad by rejoining the family firm, even considers dropping out of Harvard at least a semester for it, but actually intends, naively, to help Victoria's divorce case as her spy. Tyler goes to extreme lengths to rescue his blackmail bid, even violently overpowering Nolan to steal the incriminating recordings back, and when that fails takes Daniel's birthday beach part guests at gun point, but his brother, San Francisco surgeon Alexander Barrol, arrives just in time. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.2
48 min

While researching his family's genealogy, MacGyver discovers that his family name was disgraced during the Middle Ages. He is then knocked unconscious and, not surprisingly, is transported through dreams to the time of King Arthur (a curious Pete look-alike!). Here he must confront some stubborn knights, convince Arthur that he is a friend, and set out in search of his forefathers. Written by clbw

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 6.8
48 min

A man in security guard uniform, carrying a briefcase, enters a hangar alone. There is a helicopter. The man enters the code that opens a storage room door. Inside the room, he steals a book that says Stealth Helicopter Operating Manual - Top Secret and a key-card that opens the helicopter. He replaces the fire extinguisher in the copter with one in his briefcase. Finally, he just flies away in the copter. Elsewhere, MacGyver meets his Jewish godson Jeffrey, who's bar mitzvah is going to be on the following day. Jeffrey's father isn't on the best of terms with his own father, but Jeffrey is convinced that his grandfather will attend the bar mitzvah. Jeffrey entrusts the picking up of his grandfather to MacGyver. Granpa tells MacGyver he has to pick up Jeffrey's present from the post office. He sees a man in a suit, wearing an earpiece, standing in guard outside the post office. He asks MacGyver to pick up the packet that is waiting there, addressed to an alias... There is a tracker ... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 6.8
48 min

Two guys whack a priest in the head with a metal pipe, drag him into a construction site and proceed to rob him of everything valuable. Meanwhile, MacGyver and a woman are attending a hearing about the homeless situation in the area and start wondering why Father Jim is late. The woman is Rachel, Father Jim's assistant whom he had instructed to say to MacGyver black and blue should he be late. It's an old expression from their hockey days, a call for help. Then the word arrives: Father Jim has been taken to hospital in a critical condition. He makes little sense as he mumbles something of Danny and Doc. The police deem it unlikely that the muggers will be caught. Then the doctor comes with the news: Father Jim has expired. It's time for MacGyver to start an investigation of his own. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Tony Garcia, leader of non-violent protest against the use of allegedly cancerogenous fungicides at the Kasabian vineyards, dies in suspicious circumstances. MacGyver investigates for the Phoenix foundation. he must try to control the hothead protest champion Hector Lopez while investigating the main suspects, moderate owner Kasabian and his son and foreman, whose open hostility gets out of hand after Mac, infiltrated as picker, gathered evidence in the field. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.2
48 min

Attacked by criminals, MacGyver finds himself in a coma, bordering death. He experiences an incredible vision as he is reunited with his recently departed grandfather Harry and his long-dead parents. They help him realize the importance of his life and give him the strength to save himself and identify his attackers. Written by clbw

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.3
49 min

Mac goes to attend a log summit between loggers and environmentalists he helped put together with a friend who is an environmentalist. But when he arrives he sees that she canceled it. She says the loggers are not keeping their word. So Mac gets a job at the logging camp. Mac sees that there are some strange things going on. And one of the loggers is his friend's husband. He discovers that the owner of the logging company is in debt to the Yakuza and will do what he has to fill the order. Written by

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.2
60 min

A rock-star friend of MacGyver's is filming a video for the Rock Against Drugs campaign. A series of mysterious accidents that occur during filming convinces her that her twin sister is attempting to kill her.

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.6
49 min

A female defector, who is a witness to a murder, is protected by the Phoenix Foundation. She also holds the key to the location of a priceless necklace.

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.7
49 min

Mac is asked by Pete to follow a man whom he suspects of selling classified information. Mac loses the man who meets his contact, who wants the info but when he refuses to give it, he kills him. Mac finds the info and gives it to Pete who learns that it's from a project the foundation is working on for the DOD. The contact seeks out one of the man's associates who tells him that he needs to complete the task. It seems that he and the man met in school when the man formed a club and all the members are part of the operation and among them is Pete's son Michael whom they are asking to get what they need. Written by

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.5
47 min

Jack Dalton and MacGyver suddenly become dads when a baby is left in Jack's airplane hangar. They search for the mother of the baby, who used to be a girlfriend of Jack's, and thus there is the possibility that Jack is the baby's father.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.5
47 min

MacGyver oversees the approval of a billion-dollar project on behalf of the Phoenix Foundation. The developer, fearing that MacGyver won't approve of the plan, hires a beautiful woman to try to persuade MacGyver to approve it. If that doesn't work, her orders are to kill MacGyver. Written by Muldernscully

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.9
48 min

An insurance investigator who is a friend of Mac's, who's been tracking a diamond thief all over the place comes to Mac telling him that he suspects that the thief is a diplomat which means he has diplomatic immunity which means he can't be arrested. He says he thinks he can find him, but because his employers pulled him off the case, he needs Mac's help. But shortly after talking to him, he was run over. Mac suspects the thief found out he was close. So Mac goes to a function at the embassy to learn what he can about the man. While there he meets a woman who seems to be there for the same reason. He later learns she's his friend's sister and they try to expose the man. Written by

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.2
48 min

Jimmy 'The Eraser' Kendall, a man MacGyver helped put into the witness protection program, has been spotted by he mob. They've kidnapped his daughter and grandson, and they want Jimmy back, or else.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.9
48 min

A pregnant woman is on the run from her husband who wants her dead after she discovers his dark secret. MacGyver becomes trapped with the woman in an abandoned factory with her delivery inching nearer.

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.7
60 min | 48 min (DVD)

Mac is not amused when Peter fixes the Phoenix Foundation flight simulator to crash just before he actually takes a bunch of troubled youths camping by airplane, without any budget. Their regular counselor takes reinforcements as an insult and splits; Mac wins some respect by his ingenious bush cooking skills. The pilot who is returning the party a few days later gets a heart attack, so they crash in the wilderness. The rebellious ruffians (3 guys and one girl) prove quite a handful to get out of trouble - most of which they keep creating - even with macgyverisms, but a serious grudge between gang leaders and a medical emergency really push Mac's resourcefulness to the limit, but at least now they all pull together... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.6
49 min

In the opening gambit, Mac dresses down to a bath-towel to blend in with a Basque extremist group which holds captive a female scientist in the Pyrenees, then makes blow up their open air-shower as a diversion before they flee over a wild mountain stream. In the main story, Mac visits a biologist in Brazilian Amazonia, where an unknown phenomenon causes all kinds of animals to flee massively. Joining the head-strong plantation founder Lucien Trumbo, who employs whole villages of native Indians and created his own self-sufficient little world carved out of the huge forest, they soon find the natural force at work is the unexplained rare awakening of the marabunta, massed colonies of billions of soldier ants who form armies miles wide and long, unstoppable and capable of devouring anything, devastating the whole landscape from grass and grasshoppers to cattle and towering trees. Trumbo, his loyal local lieutenant Luis and Mac try every defense he can think up, from flooding irrigation ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 9.3
48 min

Don learns about Lane's forged check. Don's subsequent discussion with Lane and Don's unilateral decision about what to do about Lane's fraud without telling any of the other partners about the fraud itself lead not only to Lane making his own decision about his future but also Don beginning to think more about SCDP's future as a whole. Don's thoughts about going after bigger accounts leads to even more maneuvering in-house, this time affecting Ken and Pete most directly. Meanwhile, the Francises are planning on going on a weekend ski trip, on which Sally doesn't want to go. An exasperated Betty decides that if Sally is going to be a bother, she will send Sally to stay with Don and Megan regardless of what Don and Megan want. Sally's visit with Don and Megan adds to more strain between Don and Megan as they go about their own lives over the course of Sally's stay - Don's having to do with the work issue around Lane and its aftermath - which Sally tries to use to her advantage in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.8
48 min

Emotional issues are infiltrating life at the office. An incident with Sally causes Don some problems, both because of the issue itself and how it affects his professional and now budding personal relationship with Faye. Sally and Don's life in combination with this issue is not made any easier with Betty's take on it. Although hiding it, Joan is feeling vulnerable with news that Greg is being sent to Vietnam following his stint in basic training. Roger wants to be a support to Joan, and admits that his support is partly for his own lustful wants for Joan although he doesn't expect anything to happen with her. But an additional stressful situation which Roger and Joan face together may change what happens or doesn't happen between them. And Peggy is being wooed by Joyce's friend, the socially conscious Abe Drexler. Abe's attempts to get into Peggy's good graces go slightly awry, and may even get her fired if a gift he gives her, which was supposed to flatter her, is made public. But ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

The 40th anniversary party for Sterling Cooper is approaching, but not many seem to be excited about it. Bertram, who does not feel the need to reminisce, is not planning to attend. And Roger doesn't want to see more praise stowed upon Don, which is supposed to happen at the party. But the Brits at head office want the party to be a success, if only to carry out their clandestine plan. With others in the office, Paul is feeling threatened by Peggy, who he sees as Don's favorite. Paul however comes up with what he believes is a brilliant idea for a campaign, if only he can remember what that idea is. And Lane is feeling pressured by his wife Rebecca, who hates living in New York. At the Draper household, Betty is keeping her distance from Henry Francis, but Don is continuing his affair with Suzanne Farrell. Being the private person that he is, he wants no one to know about it, even Suzanne's epileptic brother Danny, who she wants Don to know. But Betty stumbles across something Don ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 8.5

Revealing doors are opened and lives hang in the balance as Rebecca will stop at nothing in pursuit of the man who killed her partner. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 8.1

Doc and Rebecca close in on a man who may be the key to revealing the secrets behind all the returning criminals. Meanwhile, Hauser makes a discovery beneath the halls of Alcatraz that brings him ever closer to the truth. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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