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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Victims of alien abductions are being killed which confounds those responsible for the alien conspiracy. They also have a problem on their hands when Alex Krycek returns to the U.S. from Russia. Maria Covarrubius tells them he has a boy with him that may be particularly problematic. Scully and Mulder meanwhile are at odds. Mulder no longer believes in the alien conspiracy theory convinced that it was all a hoax to hide government experiments. Scully believes the alien conspiracy to be true and visits Cassandra Spender who, like herself, was abducted and has an implant in her neck. She is the mother of FBI Agent Jeffrey Spender who asks her to leave his mother alone. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.4
45 min

After Mulder drives a stake through the heart of a would be vampire, he and Scully review what happened before they meet Assistant Director Skinner. Their recollection of the case is significantly divergent. They had gone to Texas to investigate a death by exsanguination and Scully thinks that someone is playing at being a vampire. Her autopsy finds a high level of chlorohydrate in the dead man's system. There's soon a second victim and she finds that both victims had eaten pizza. As she recalls it, she saved an incapacitated Mulder and tried to capture the culprit. Mulder's recollection is somewhat different. It was he, not Scully who developed the key clues in the case including the fact that the victim's shoes were untied and then discovering a second victim in a runaway RV. Before they can speak to Skinner, they have to return to Texas when the vampire Mulder killed seems to have disappeared. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Mulder and Scully's investigation into a mass shooting in a coffee shop leads them to believe that the targets were not the low level drug dealers and wholesalers who were killed but rather Donald Geldman who had been sitting at a table working on his laptop computer. The Lone Gunmen tell Mulder and Scully that Geldman was one of the original computer geniuses who disappeared years before. His laptop leads the agents to a hacker, Esther Nairn, who goes by the name Invisigoth. She tells them of a vast government conspiracy involving artificial intelligence that allows them to see everything and take action against all enemies. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

While on a weekend off in the small New England town of Ammab Beach, Scully comes across a grocery store full of people who tried to gouge out their own eyes. The people have no idea why they did this to themselves. On the telephone, Mulder tells her it all sounds like witchcraft but she isn't so sure. One woman in the store, Melissa Turner, seemed unaffected by it all but her reputation of being a witch works against her. She was widowed the year before and her boyfriend Dave stabbed himself in the eye and died in the grocery store incident. Scully focuses on Melissa's daughter and in particular, the young girl's doll. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the death of a man who seems to have been buried alive. The main suspect is the man's stepson as the two of them had a argument the evening the man dies. The autopsy reveals the dead man had over 12 lbs of dirt in his stomach and it's obvious that he was buried alive. What's not so obvious is how the stepson could have done it. When a second parent is killed, this time after an argument with his daughter, the FBI agents begin to believe there is something far more sinister going on especially after a school counselor tells them both of the children were being abused. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Robert Modell (see The X Files: Pusher (1996) ) seems to have recovered from his gunshot wounds and is again using his power of suggestion to get his victims to see things that are not there. Scully and Assistant Director Skinner are particularly concerned as they assume Modell is out to take his revenge on Mulder. As the murder count rises however, Mulder however realizes that Modell may not not be the killer this time around and may have another purpose in mind. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

With DNA evidence showing that Scully is in fact Emily's mother, Mulder travels to San Diego to help his partner make sense of it all. Mulder thinks it's all related to Scully's abduction where he believes her kidnappers extracted her ova. Dana continues to receive anonymous phone calls which they trace to the children's center where Emily is staying. Emily falls seriously ill and has a strange cyst on her neck. Mulder finds that his attempt to get information about her illness leads him straight to the shape-shifting alien bounty hunters who have been keeping an eye on her. Mulder traces Emily's birth to a surprising location and makes a shocking discovery. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

At Christmas-time, Scully and her Mom arrive in San Diego to visit her brother Bill and his wife Tara, who is expecting any day. She's no sooner arrived than Scully receives a phone from a stranger saying she needs help. She traces the call but arrives to find that the occupant has committed suicide. The caller sounded like her dead sister Melissa. When she sees the dead woman's little girl, Emily, she is convinced that she's Melissa's child. Birth records confirm that the young girl had been adopted and Scully's examination of the dead woman leads her to believe she was killed. Scully orders DNA tests that prove to be quite informative. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
46 min

Mulder and Scully travel to a small town after Mulder receives a letter asking for his help in solving a mystery. The townsfolk believe there is a Frankenstein-type monster living in the woods and many claim to have seen him. One of the locals has even created a comic book on the creature, which he's called the Great Mutato. Scully of course thinks it's all nonsense but soon changes her mind when they see what appears to be a hideously deformed man in the woods. The episode is filmed in black and white. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

While driving down to Florida with two other FBI agents to attend a team-building seminar, Scully and Mulder are drawn into the disappearance of several men in a wooded area. Rumors are soon circulating in the nearby town that there are monsters in the woods. Mulder soon believes there is definitely something in the woods causing these deaths and nature itself may be seeking revenge in the form of invisible creatures. He and Scully go off into the woods and encounter the creatures firsthand. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

The origins of the Lone Gunmen and their relationship with Mulder are revealed in this episode. All three were at a computer and electronics trade show in Baltimore in 1989 when they put their antagonism to one another aside to help a woman, Susann Modeski, who claims her boyfriend kidnapped her daughter. In fact, she's a government scientist on the run from security officers. She tells them about a massive government conspiracy and they inform their new found friend Mulder, who finds it all a bit far-fetched. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.2
46 min

With Scully in a hospital ICU, the FBI hierarchy learns that Mulder is alive. So do the conspirators but the Cigarette Smoking Man continues to argue that Mulder is worth far more to them alive than dead. He points Mulder in the direction of a cure for Scully's cancer but apparently pays a heavy price for doing so. He tells Mulder that the alien conspiracy is real and offers to prove it to him. His proof however doesn't quite satisfy Mulder who appears before the FBI review committee to reveal the identity of the conspirator inside the FBI. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

In a flashback to 24 hours earlier, Scully returns to her apartment to find Mulder waiting for her return to tell her that there is a dead man in his apartment. He now accepts that he has been duped all of these years into believing the UFO conspiracy and is convinced that Scully may have been given her cancer as part of that plot. He also believes the conspiracy reaches into the depths of the military and the FBI. Mulder uses the dead man's ID to infiltrate the defense research agency where Kritschgau is employed and learns why the military started the UFO hoax. The Cigarette Smoking Man finds something interesting in Mulder's apartment. Scully learns that the ice core samples have interesting microscopic life forms. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Agent Scully appears before a committee chaired by section chief Blevins to account for her and Mulder's recent activities. A Canadian geodetic survey team has apparently found an alien frozen in the ice in the Yukon. A friend of Mulder's at the Smithsonian let's him know of the find and they set off to join the team and see it firsthand. They're not prepared for what they find. Scully meanwhile arrests Michael Kritschgau, a one-time Department of Defense employee, who has an amazing story to tell her - one that will rock the very foundations of Mulder's beliefs in the existence of extra-terrestrials. With her cancer worsening, Scully begins to reexamine her faith. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Mulder awakens on a Sunday in a cheap motel in Providence, Rhode Island. He has no idea how he got there and has no memory of what may have occurred in the last two days. His clothes are also covered in blood. He has been having vivid dreams however. In one, he recalls his parents having an argument with the Cigarette Smoking Man about Samantha. Mulder was only 12 years-old at the time. He also has images of a white house. Scully soon joins him and they locate the white house with two bodies inside. As far as the local police are concerned, Mulder is their main suspect. Scully however doesn't believe he killed anyone and tries to find the common denominator between her partner and the victims. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Mulder and Scully investigate a series of deaths after reports that people are seeing the victims' ghosts just before they die. All of the victims were young women and in the most recent case, a bowling alley owner saw the victims spirit floating above the pin sorting machine at the end of one of the alleys. When they examine the bowling alley, they find the message 'she is me' on the floor. Harold Spuller works at the bowling alley and is slightly autistic. He lives in an institutional setting and to the local police, he is the prime suspect. Mulder begins to believe there is a psychic connection between the current and the next victim. It bodes ill for Scully who is still having nose bleeds and then sees a victim's spirit with the 'she is me' message in a bathroom mirror. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Mulder is contacted by a local police detective who thinks he has an x-files type case for him to look into. A U.S. postal worker who had sneaked into the washroom for a cigarette was killed by numerous bee stings, though there were no bees to be found. Before Mulder can even begin to look into the case, someone is going around erasing the evidence in the washroom and even some of the blood samples taken from the victim. The person doing the erasing however is Assistant Director Skinner who seems to have made a pact with the Cigarette Smoking Man. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.1
45 min

Scully and Mulder travel to a small town when there are reports that five babies were recently born with vestigial tails. Four of the five women were artificially inseminated at the same clinic but the fifth claims to have had sex with Luke Skywalker. Scully thinks it's all nonsense but their focus soon falls on Eddie Van Blundht, a janitor at the fertility clinic. His father had been a circus performer but Eddie seems to have another power: to take the appearance of anyone around him. Things get interesting when he decides to pretend he's Mulder. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Mulder and Scully investigate a accident that was predicted by an old man who accosted the victim a few minutes before to warn him he would be run over by a bus, which is exactly what happens. The man, a university professor, was with one of his students, Jason Nichols when the accident happened. The old man was taken into custody by the campus police but the arresting officer is found frozen to death and mysteriously, is still getting colder. The old man escapes and a visiting Japanese scientist is also found frozen to death. The obvious suspect is Nichols but Mulder begins to suspect that something far more complex is happening. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6

With in Scully having taken Sgt. Louis Frisch to Washington, Mulder goes for a swim in the lake near the crash site and finds what he believes is a crashed UFO. What he finds confirms his belief that Flight 549 was shot down by a USAF fighter that was intercepting a UFO. The cover-up attempt continues and an attempt on Sgt. Frisch's life leads to the death of an FBI Agent. Carter learns what it is that Max Fenig and his friend Sharon stole from a secret government lab. One piece of evidence is still available but transporting it to Washington proves to be something of a challenge. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6

Mulder and Scully get involved in the investigation of a commercial airliner crash that had among its passengers a well-known alien abductee, Max Fennig. One survivor is found at the crash site and Scully is quick to notice that he is suffering from radiation burns. Mulder also notices there is a 9 minute gap between the time the authorities say the plane crashed and the time found on the watches of several of the dead passengers. The government official in charge of the crash investigation, Mike Millar, scoffs at Mulder other-worldly explanation of the crash and that it involved an encounter with a UFO. He begins to change his view when he can't explain some of the physical evidence. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.5

Scully and Mulder investigate the murders of several Army generals who were killed when they were ostensibly alone. Mulder begins to wonder if the killer isn't a Vietnam veteran who has returned from the dead to take revenge against those who left American POWs behind. Closed circuit television footage shows just such a marine, believed killed, who enters the Pentagon undetected. With his ability to disappear not in doubt, it becomes imperative that the FBI stop the killer before he reaches his next target, Major General Benjamin Bloch. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.2

Scully and Mulder investigate a series of murders that began with the beating and shooting of a young Orthodox Jew named Isaac Luria by a gang of young men. One of those men, 16 year-old Tony Oliver, has since been strangled by someone - or something - with Isaac Luria's fingerprints. With rumors that Luria has risen from the dead to seek his revenge, the two remaining killers dig up his grave and find his body in the casket. One of them is killed however. They suspect that Luria's father-in-law, Jacob Weiss, might somehow be involved in the revenge killings but Mulder thinks the solution lies elsewhere - in the legend of the Golem. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6

The horrible truth behind Scully's illness is revealed: she has cancer and may die. Such has been the fate of a dozen other women who, last year, introduced themselves as abductees and made claims of being with Dana on an alien space ship. Mulder must find a cure, and fast. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.8

With Mulder off on a week's mandatory leave, Scully is on her own and feeling put upon. While in Philadelphia she meets Edward Jerse who asks her out to dinner. Ed has recently gone through a nasty divorce. Despondent and more than a little drunk, he gets a tattoo. Soon after, he begins to hear voices and lashing out at work, loses his job and disposes of a neighbor who he thinks is responsible. After drinks, Scully gets a tattoo of her own but the next day two Philadelphia police detectives show up at Jerse's apartment investigating his neighbor's disappearance. Scully may have found a medical reason for Ed's hallucinations. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.5

After an ambulance accident leaves Pittsburgh, PA's EMT of the Year Leonard Betts without a head, and what's left of his body seems to walk right out of the morgue, Mulder and Scully investigate. They find what may be evidence of evolution from man to something... cancerous. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 6.9

Scully and Mulder investigate the death of Maria Dorantes, a migrant farm worker who was found in a field near the shanty town in which she lived. There were reports of a very bright flash of light followed by a yellow rain just as she was killed. Scully's examination of the body reveals that she died as a result of a massive fungal infection. The locals however are certain that the culprit is El Chupacabra, a mythical beast from Mexican folklore. They're also sure the beast is to be found in Eladio Buente, Maria's brother-in-law who was with her when she died. While Scully looks for a scientific explanation, Mulder believes the fungus may be alien in origin. Regardless, they must find Eladio before the fungus spreads. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.0
45 min

A particularly vivid dream leads Mulder to the burial site of a young girl who had been kidnapped and murdered years before. Mulder knows exactly who the murderer is, John Lee Roche whom Mulder an another FBI agent had arrested based in part on the psychological profile Mulder had prepared on him. Roche was convicted of 13 murders in all and Mulder always wondered if there might be more. The girl found as a result of his dream is number 14 and when they locate Roche's 'trophies' - hearts cuts out of the victims' clothing - they realize there are still two victims unaccounted for. The case takes an unexpected turn when Mulder's dreams suggests that Roche may have been involved in his sister Samantha's disappearance. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Mulder and Krycek are taken prisoner in Russia and subjected to bizarre experiments that includes the black oil and vaccinations. They manage to escape but are separated and find different ways out. Back in the U.S., Scully is subpoenaed to appear before a Senate sub-committee and is threatened with jail for contempt when she refuses to tell them where Mulder is. Meanwhile, some of the conspirators, including the Cigarette Smoking Man and the Well-Manicured Man are worried their secret is getting out. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Scully and Mulder participate in a raid on a group of right-wing extremists who are obviously planning an attack of some kind. Mulder has been receiving anonymous notes from someone who knows of the plan. When they stop the terrorists, one of the men turns out to be Mulder's old nemesis Alex Krycek, who claims to be the person who was feeding him information. Meanwhile, a diplomatic courier is caught smuggling a mineral-like object into the United States. Mulder contacts Marita Covarrubias of the UN to learn more about its origin. He and Krycek are soon on their way to Russia. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.2
45 min

While the Cigarette Smoking Man listens in on a conversation Scully and Mulder are having with Froehike, he recalls his own past and how he got to be where he is today. As a young army officer, working alongside Mulder's father, he was recruited by a General and an intelligence operative. His past was effectively erased and from that point working only in the shadow world. He was implicated in the assassination of presidents and civil rights leaders. He was also a frustrated mystery writer but his bizarre tales of assassinations and alien conspiracies are seen as too outlandish by the publishers he's approached. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a particularly gruesome murder at a hospital where a cosmetic surgery patient is butchered by the attending physician. The doctor who performed the operation has no idea why he did it and felt like he was possessed. While Scully looks for a scientific explanation Mulder feels witchcraft may have played a role. He finds 5 burned rings on the floor of the operating room which when joined together form a pentagram. As the uncontrolled killings continue, Mulder discovers a link between the victims' dates of birth and key dates on the witchcraft calendar. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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