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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

When authorities receive a telephone tip from someone named Sydney, the FBI and ATF stage a raid at Temple of the Seven Stars, a religious cult the anonymous caller says is abusing children and has a cache of firearms. Mulder feels that he's been there before and has a powerful sense of deja vu. They arrest the cult leader Vernon Ephesian and several of his followers including one of his wives, Melissa Rydell Ephesian. They don't find the arms cache however and Assistant Director Skinner thinks they have less than a day to get some hard evidence or they will all be released. Melissa seems to be suffering from multiple personality disorder and has a personality known as Sydney, the person who made the call. In fact she has several personalities including a Southern belle who tells Mulder they were there for a Civil War battle. Mulder thinks she's recounting a past life. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

An intended passport photo for a missing woman develops warped and twisted, showing her terrified and surrounded by beings. With a little investigation, Mulder develops a theory that the kidnapper of this woman has the power to psychically display his thoughts on film. Written by EJS

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 6.9
44 min

Scully is asked by Assistant Director Skinner to assist officials from the Center for Disease Control in determining the cause of a recent number of deaths in the Philadelphia area. All of the victims were African American and had lost their pigmentation, with their corpses looking albino-like. She finds the basic reason for the loss of pigmentation - their pituitary glands were necrotic - but not the actual cause. Mulder for his part thinks there is something far more sinister at work and contacts Marita Covarrubias at the U.N. who tells him of a similar incident on flight from West Africa some months before. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the death of a newborn child found in a shallow grave on the outskirts of a small town. Mulder loves the locale and thinks it's small-town America at its best. It even has a sheriff by the name of Andy Taylor. Sheriff Taylor is highly reluctant to investigate the family nearest where the baby was found however. He tells the agents that the three brothers who live there are all simple, the product of generations of inbreeding in the Peacock family. When the Sheriff is killed, all evidence points to the Peacocks and the FBI agents are shocked at what they find in the house. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Mulder is intent on saving Jeremiah Smith from the alien bounty hunter if for no other reason than he hopes Smith could save his mother who has suffered a severe stroke. Smith takes him to rural Alberta where he reveals another aspect of the conspiracy: fields where bees can pollinate that are tended by children, several of whom are identical to his sister when she was abducted at age 12. Scully meanwhile believes she has found a connection between smallpox vaccinations and the encrypted files she' located. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

The agents become involved in the case of a shooting in a fast food restaurant. What interest them the most is the story of a patron who tried to talk the shooter into giving himself up. After several patrons are shot, the man heals them by laying his hands on their wounds. He also has the ability to change his appearance at will. In the middle of the investigation, Mulder learns that his mother has suffered a stroke after a visit by the Cigarette Smoking Man who, it turns out, has known her since before Mulder was born. The man from the fast food restaurant isn't the only shape-shifter however and someone is clearly out to kill him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a series of bizarre murders committed by a man who says he saw the killer on TV. They conclude that several people in the community are affected somehow and Mulder believes that the TV signals are being altered in some way. He finds a device in the cable connections at the telephone pole and the Lone Gunmen confirm that there is additional information being transmitted along with the regular broadcasts. He concludes that the signal creates a sense of paranoia in the recipient, preying on their deepest fears, something that is confirmed when Scully sees Mulder sitting in a car, joking and laughing with the Cigarette Smoking Man. It's up to Mulder to bring these experiments to an end. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Scully and Mulder head off to Georgia when there are reports of people disappearing around a local lake. Scully isn't sure why they're getting involved until she sees a highway sign advertising their own version of the Loch Ness monster called Big Blue. The latest victim is a park ranger, giving the FBI jurisdiction, but Scully thinks it's all nonsense. The killings continue and Mulder thinks there something very real out there. Scully comes around when she is affected by the 'monster' in a very personal way. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

With his marriage on the rocks and on the verge of getting a divorce, a depressed Assistant Director Skinner meets an attractive blond, Carina Sayles, in a hotel bar and they decide to get a room and spend the night together. When he awakens in the morning however, Carina is laying beside him dead from a broken neck. Scully and Mulder investigate on their own as Skinner would prefer they just mind their own business. When they learn that their boss has been having nightmares of sorts, Mulder believes he is being visited by a succubus, an old woman of legend who takes the life force out of a man. Some in the FBI move quickly to have Skinner removed from his post and it becomes obvious that it's all part of a greater conspiracy. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.1
45 min

Well known author Jose Chung is writing a book about the claimed alien abduction of a young couple that was subsequently investigated by agents Mulder and Scully. With Mulder unavailable, Scully provides most of the information on the case. Chrissy and Harold were out on a date when their car suddenly lost all power in the middle of nowhere. From that point on however, their stories and that of the others involved in the investigation begin to vary considerably. It all equally leads to several possible conclusions. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the murder of someone who was burned alive in a funeral parlor crematorium. The autopsy reveals that he was missing several vital organs - an eye, a kidney - and Scully immediately suspects that the man was selling his organs, any of which would fetch a very high price. Working with a local Chinese-speaking detective, Glen Chao, Mulder gets a lead when they find pieces of hell money, fake currency that is used as a symbolic offering. It all leads them to a deadly game among newly arrived immigrants in need of real money. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 6.0
44 min

At a South American dig, archaeologists unearth the grave of an ancient shaman. Transported to the Boston Museum of Natural History against the wishes of the locals, strange occurrences bring Scully and Mulder onto the case of a murdered anthropologist, seemingly killed by a large cat. Central to the case is Dr. Bilac who seems to have some connection to what is happening. As the FBI agents continue their investigation - a profusion of rats in the museum is only one of the things they have to put up with - the State department in Washington is considering whether to return of relics. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a series of deaths, all of which have been ruled to be suicides. Connected to all of the suicides is Robert Patrick Modell who has confessed to the crimes on the telephone and who the FBI has been trying to apprehend. When they do, the car carrying him is in a major traffic accident. Mulder comes to believe that Modell has the ability to suggest to people that they commit suicide. How he does it isn't known and not surprisingly, Scully is skeptical about it all. It all comes down to a battle of wills between Modell and Mulder. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

With Assistant Director Skinner in the hospital recovering from his gunshot wounds, Scully and Mulder pursue various leads. Scully meets with with a retired naval officer, a friend of her father and learns that this is not the first time men have suffered severe radiation burns while investigating that part of the ocean. She fears for Skinner's life when she learns he is being transferred to another hospital. Mulder meanwhile learns the location of the UFO, an abandoned missile site but the Cigarette Smoking Man proves to be a major obstacle. While Mulder pursues his leads on the UFO, Scully continues her investigation into the shooting of her sister and learns that the gun used to kill her was the same as that used on Skinner. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the case of the crew of a French salvage ship who are all, with one exception, suffering from severe radiation burns. Mulder is particularly interested in the case as the ship was working at the coordinates he believes is the site of a UFO crash. Evidence at the home of the one salvager who escaped the radiation burns leads Mulder to Hong Kong where he meets Krycek, who he believes killed his father. It's also obvious that the entity, black oil, is transferring itself from one person to another. Meanwhile, Scully is upset to learn that the police will shut down the investigation into the murder of her sister Melissa. Assistant Director Skinner assures her he will pursue the matter but he is warned off by representatives of the intelligence community. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

The FBI arrests a serial killer John Mostow, responsible for the killing of at least 7 men. Mostow claims he was possessed by an evil spirit, a fairly common claim among serial killers as Scully points out. With Mostow in custody however, other very similar attacks occur leading Mulder to think Mostow may be telling the truth. The agent in charge of the case, the renowned Bill Patterson, doesn't think much of Mulder or the kind of cases he deals in. As the killings continue however, the evidence not only points to Mulder's theory being correct but points to the killer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a series deaths all involving boys from the same high school. The town is in a uproar and rumors of a satanic cult being responsible abound. Everyone in town seems to be acting out of character, including the two FBI agents. Scully has become an exaggerated caricature of her skeptical self while Mulder is even more aloof, taking to mocking her at every turn. Mulder's visit to a local astrologer however reveals an unusual planetary alignment that results in a cosmic forces being centered on two high school girls. Written by garykmcd and New_Light

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Agent Mulder is out investigating reports of strange lights in the night sky when he learns from the local Sheriff that there is another death in town from killer cockroaches. Intrigued, Mulder tags along and a series of deaths ensue with witnesses all claiming the dead body was covered with roaches, though none are to be found by the police arrive. When he learns that there is a local experiment going on, Mulder meets the entomologist involved, the rather attractive Bambi Berenbaum. The answer however, lies with other tests going in town. Throughout, Mulder keeps in touch with Scully who seems to have a logical explanation for everything that's happened so far. As people in the town begin to panic, Scully travels there and joins Mulder to get the poop on just what is going on. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the murder of a popular evangelist who claimed, falsely as it turns out, to bear the wounds Christ bore from the cross - stigmata. Mulder is aware that there have been other similar murders but when they are called to a nearby school, they meet Kevin Kryder, a 12 year-old who seems to genuinely show the signs of stigmata. The boy's father is in prison for child abuse and Mulder is skeptical about it all. Scully however struggles with her own religious views and comes to believe that the boy may be genuine. She also comes to believe that she is there to protect him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Now aboard the mysterious train, Mulder locates the car containing the scientific equipment and what appears to be the autopsy room he saw in the video he purchased. There is also an assassin on board who claims to work for the NSA. When they are locked in, he reveals that there is a bomb aboard which is set to go off and destroy any evidence on the train. Scully meanwhile traces her implant to a medical research facility in West Virginia which she feels provides a logical explanation for what has been happening - rogue medical research by a Japanese scientist working without authority. Mulder remains convinced the work was to create a human-alien hybrid. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

After Mulder buys an alien autopsy video from a mail order house in Allentown, Pa. he thinks he may be onto the real thing. He goes to Allentown with a skeptical Scully to find that the man who distributed the videos has been murdered. They arrest a trespasser in the house only to learn from Assistant Director Skinner that the man is a senior Japanese diplomat. The papers he was carrying however point to the use of rail cars as rolling laboratories as well as the recovery of what was supposed to be a Japanese submarine. Scully meanwhile meets a group of women with whom she may have a particular affinity. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the kidnapping of 15 year-old Amy Jacobs who was snatched from her bedroom in the middle of the night. Mulder is intrigued by the fact that at the same time Amy was being abducted, Lucy Householder collapsed in the fast food restaurant where she worked. Both of them had nosebleeds and the police subsequently learn that Lucy was also a kidnap victim having escaped from her kidnapper some 15 years before after having been kept in a dark room for 5 years. Mulder thinks it's all too much for it to be a coincidence but the police begin to think Lucy is an accomplice to the latest crime when they see her long list of petty crimes and history of drug use. Mulder thinks there is a psychic connection between the two though the Special Agent in charge scoff at the idea. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a series of accidents at a VA hospital in Virginia. Lt. Col. Victor Stans has tried several times to kill himself, but has always survived claiming, He won't let me die. He says that he sees the shadow-like outline of a soldier who is mentally and physically torturing him. As they look into the case they learn that Stans' family died in a house fire some 6 months before. More revealing is the fact that other soldiers' families have also died in similar fires. Mulder initially suspects a cover up on the part of General Thomas Callahan, but comes to realize that something far more sinister is at work. He believes that one of the patients is using astral projection to seek revenge on those around him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

Scully and Mulder go to Cleveland to assist the local police in the investigation of a bizarre death. They've found the remains of a woman in her car but the body is in an advanced state of deterioration, even though she's only been missing for a short while. By the time Scully gets to the autopsy, there is no flesh left on the skeleton. Mulder sees similarities in this death and a series of deaths in another State where all of the victims had responded to a Lonely Hearts personal ad in their local newspaper. They now think the killer has moved on to Internet chat rooms to lure his victims. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

After death row prisoner Napoleon Neech Manley is executed in Florida's electric chair, a number of prison guards are the victims of gruesome murders. Scully and Mulder are called into the case and there are rumors in the prison that there is a death list with five names on it. They learn from Manley's widow Danielle that he had promised to return from the grave and exact revenge but they look for for a less supernatural explanation for the events. They think they've found when they learn that Danielle has been living with one of the guards, Vincent Parmelly. For Mulder however, the final explanation just doesn't sit well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.3
45 min

Scully and Mulder are called into the investigation of a series of murders where the victims were all psychics of some sort. A tea leaf reader, tarot card reader and palm reader are all the apparent victims of a serial killer. The local police have brought in a well-known TV psychic that Mulder finds laughable. He does come across Clyde Bruckman, an insurance salesman who may be a genuine psychic. While Scully is appropriately skeptical, Mulder realizes that Bruckman can only see one thing - how people will die. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Five male teenagers in Connerville, Oklahoma were reported to have been struck by lightning, and one of them has survived. The most recent death draws Mulder and Scully in, and at the confrontation of local law, they must solve the case before they, too, are fried. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.2
45 min

Mulder returns to Skinner and Scully while the deadly pursuit is still at hand. Led by an old photograph of his father and a group of scientists, he and Scully discover more than they could imagine in an old West Virginia warehouse. The truth, of course, may kill everyone. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

A furious pursuit of Agent Mulder is underway, and more importantly, the government wants the data tape he carried. Agent Scully, against all odds, searches to uncover his whereabouts, persisting that he is alive when all others deny it.

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.3
45 min

A man known as The Thinker has hacked into the U.S. Department of Defense mainframe and uncovered 50-years-worth of proof that the Gov't has been dealing with aliens. Mulder and Scully race against time to distinguish truth from lies, uncover the secrets, and survive them. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Reports of foxfire on a field in Dudley, Arkansas lead Mulder and Scully to a bizarre situation regarding the townsfolk. Employees of the Chaco Chicken Corporation are displaying bizarre behavior, and the death rate is slowly increasing.

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Three deaths have occurred around Richmond, Virginia. The only traces which each of the victims seem to have left behind are black scorch marks of unknown origin. Mulder and Scully are called in by an old student of hers, and the search for the truth begins in its shadows. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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