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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

When a package with infected contents releases the virus on its inmate recipient, a dozen prisoners contract it and Mulder and Scully are mysteriously called in to help. What they find demands that the truth be told to the public, but that's the one thing they cannot do. Written by EJS

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

A two-year-old boy in a Virginia park is mysteriously killed, and a further look shows a ghostly figure luring him. Mulder and Scully investigate despite an existing official inquiry, and learn that the boy's brother is in great danger as well - for evil follows evil. Written by EJS

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8

The strange death of a circus sideshow attraction in Gibsonton, Florida leads Mulder and Scully on a bizarre whodunit adventure into the world of the performing arts. Was the killer the Fiji Mermaid, the Dog-Faced Boy, or any of the town's other inhabitants? Written by EJS

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.7
45 min | 60 min

After a US destroyer vanishes for 42 hours, a group of sailors are rescued but all have aged tremendously. All but one quickly dies and the survivor is under guard in a military hospital. Mulder's archive has reports of a number of ships disappearing in the same area just off Norway. He believes it's all related to the Navy's World War II Philadelphia experiments where the government was trying to find a way to make ships invisible to radar. They find the missing ship, the USS Ardent, in the North Sea abandoned and with all of its crew dead but one, the Captain. Both the ship and the Captain are quite old and they seem to have gone through some type of time anomaly. Scully has a scientific explanation for what has happened but they are going to have to solve the mystery quickly as they begin to age rapidly. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 6.5
44 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully investigate strange occurrences when an invisible forces seems to wreck the downtown of Fairfield, Idaho and an elephant from the local zoo is found lying on the highway some 40 miles away. No one at the zoo can figure out how the elephant got out of its locked enclosure and animal rights activists have been active in condemning the way the zoo treats its animals. It's not the first time animals have escaped or disappeared from the Fairfield Zoo but when an animal activist is mauled by an invisible tiger, they're dealing with something no one has encountered. When Scully determines that the elephant and the tiger had been pregnant leading Mulder to believes that the animals are perhaps being abducted by aliens. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.0
45 min | 60 min

Samantha tells her brother about the shape-shifting Alien Bounty Hunter and why he is out to kill all of them. With Scully taken prisoner by the Alien Bounty Hunter, Mulder arranges to swap his sister for her. Snipers are in the woods to take out the alien creature but it does not go well. The swap takes place on a bridge and while Scully is safe, Samantha and the bounty hunter fall into the waters below. Mulder's father gives him an envelope Samantha had left for him and as a result he goes to a women's health clinic in Maryland. There he gets a greater understanding of what is really going on. When Mulder disappears, it's Assistant Director Skinner who goes the extra mile to find out where he's gone. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.0
45 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully decide to investigate when they anonymously receive three newspaper obituaries for three men who appear to be identical. All of them worked in abortion clinics and they were not brothers. Unbeknown to them, an alien craft immobilized a US submarine patrolling under the Arctic ice and there is now an alien bounty hunter on the loose committing the murders. Mulder's world is turned upside down however when he receives an urgent call from his father telling him to come home. Once there, he finds a young woman in the living room talking to his mother. It's his sister Samantha, who was kidnapped by aliens 11 years ago. She tells him they are being hunted by an alien and that her life is in danger. Scully is surprised when Mulder calls her - because Mulder is standing in the room with her. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the death of a Marine working at a Haitian refugee camp. He drove his car into a tree and his death has been ruled a suicide but the man's wife simply doesn't believe he would have done that. Their investigation unearths rumors that the camp commander, Colonel Wharton, may be systematically abusing some of the detainees. There are also rumors of voodoo and curses but neither agent is prepared when someone completely unexpected suddenly appears. They get help from a young lad in the camp, Chester Bonaparte, but there are secrets in the camp that they may never solve. Mr. X warns Mulder that the military may be behind it all. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.3
45 min | 60 min

Scully and Mulder are called in by a local New Hampshire Sheriff when there is evidence of a satanic cult operating in his town. One teen has already died and paranoia has now gripped everyone there. There is little doubt that a group of teenagers did go off into the woods to perform some type of ceremony but Scully in particular scoffs at any suggestion they were anything more than kids acting out. As the investigation progresses however it becomes apparent that some of the staff are involved in devil worship but the danger it turns out lies outside the group. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.3
45 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully are in Minneapolis on the trail of a serial killer who likes to collect trophies from his victims. The killer is Donald Addie Pfaster, who goes by Donnie. He likes young women, especially blonds and he keeps a lock of their hair or their finger nails as trophies. He's also taken to digging up graves to add to his collection. Scully is having a very hard time dealing with the facts of the case and isn't functioning very well. She has a lot more on her plate however when Donnie sees her and decides to make her his next victim. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.7
45 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully are called in by a local field office when the body of a long dead FBI agent is found by a local police detective in Aubrey, Missouri. The dead FBI agent died in 1942 but the detective who found the body, Inspector B.J. Morrow, can't quite explain why she was digging in the location where it was found. The local police also have a strange murder in their hands: a young woman who had the 'sister' carved on her chest. When Morrow's boss, Lt. Brian Tilman, first sees the crime photos he thinks the FBI has information on the most recent murder but the photos are nearly 60 years old. There is a connection of some sort between the dead and the living however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.2
44 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully investigate the case of a woman, a nurse in an elder care facility, who claims she was raped at the facility by an invisible spirit. Nurse Michelle Charters has the bruises to prove the attack but not surprisingly, no one will take her seriously given the nature of her claim. The elder care home is primarily for Alzheimer's patients and the doctor there is experimenting with a known drug, one that has not been very successful in the past. He is getting positive results however, even if he can't quite explain them. Incidents continue to occur making believers of the agents who believe that the residents are getting drugs from someone else in the institution. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully are called in by a Sheriff who believes a local cult is subjecting some of the town's teenagers to some type of ritual. Several of the teens have appeared after a night in the woods, semi-naked with 'He is One' written on their backs. The Sheriff is convinced that the turban-wearing cult that has made their home in the area is responsible and wants the agents to help him get the evidence he needs. As the agents gather evidence however, they begin to think something far more sinister is going on. All of the teens involved were treated by the same doctor and none had any history of normal childhood disease. They are certain he was experimenting on the them but neither are prepared for Scully's revelation - one of the men she sees in town is the man who killed Deep Throat. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.4
45 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully investigate strange occurrences at a volcano site where at least one scientist has died. A robotic video showed the scientist lying dead at the bottom of a crater where temperatures have reached 130 degrees Fahrenheit. They can then see a shadow cross the body. Once on the site, they find terrified survivors and what Mulder believes is an unknown silicon-based organism, the first of its kind. With different members of the team seemingly infected, Scully and Mulder quarantine the entire group until they know exactly what they are dealing with. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Everyone, including Mulder and Scully's mother, had pretty well given Scully up for dead when she suddenly reappears at a Washington hospital. Details are scanty - the hospital can't really say how she got there - but she is comatose and on a ventilator. With the help of the Lone Gunmen, Mulder learns that her DNA has been altered and that her immune system has shut down. The mysterious Mr. X fails to make contact with him and Mulder hen goes after the Cigarette Smoking Man, ready to do whatever is necessary to save his friend and partner. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Working alone, Mulder travels to Los Angeles when a man is found dead, exsanguinated in his spa. This is the sixth such case Mulder has identified and the evidence at the crime scene is identical to that found at the others. The perpetrators are a trio of would be vampires but even the normally open-minded Mulder is skeptical about their real selves. That is until one of the trio is arrested and bursts into flames in his jail cell when sunlight touches him. Mulder meets someone who knows what they are and what they do. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Mulder sets out with agent Alex Krycek to find Scully, who has been kidnapped by Duane Barry. He's getting very little support from his superiors, including Assistant Director Skinner who wants him out of the case. Mulder believes Barry has kidnapped Scully to offer her to his alien abductees in the hope they will leave him alone. Mulder thinks he knows exactly where he is going but it soon becomes obvious that there are some who will go to great lengths to stop him. Skinner for his part makes a fateful decision. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Mulder is called in to act as a hostage negotiator when a mentally unbalanced convict, Duane Barry, takes four people prisoner. Dwayne believes he's a alien abductee and he believes aliens are coming back to get him. He's also a former FBI agent. Mulder contacts Scully and she does a bit of research for him. What she finds calls into question everything Duane has said. By this time however, Mulder has become a hostage in exchange for one who has been been seriously wounded. When it's all over and Duane is back in the hospital, they discover strange pieces of metal in his body. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Mulder is partnered with a young FBI agent, Alex Krycek, in the investigation of mysterious deaths. An apartment dweller called emergency services to report a fire outside his door but firemen arrive to find no fire and the owner dead with a spent fire extinguisher nearby. Scully's autopsy finds that the dead man's internal physical condition resembles that of someone who has been in intense heat, even though there are no visible burn marks. A second death gives them a connection between both men as they had served together in the Marines in the early 1970s. They subsequently learn that a man by the name of Augustus Cole has somehow escaped from a high security facility and that, incredibly, hasn't slept for 24 years. Mulder concludes that Cole is seeking revenge. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

FBI agent Fox Mulder is called in by a small-town sheriff to investigate a raft of inexplicable killings. The acts are random and committed by well-respected members of the community. Scully performs an autopsy, and Mulder turns to the Lone Gunmen with her findings. He concludes that the local municipality is using a banned pesticide that could lead to psychoses. Having found an electronic device smashed at every killing, he begins to suspect someone of making subliminal suggestions. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

With the X Files still shut down, Mulder is re-assigned from wiretap monitoring to a murder investigation. He finds himself in the sewers of New Jersey and assumes that Assistant Director Skinner is again trying to get him out of the way. Scully offers to perform an autopsy on the dead man and finds a rather large fluke worm attached to the his liver. As the investigation continues, Mulder discovers a human-like creature in the sewer system and Scully believes it is trying to reproduce by finding human hosts. Mulder is also receiving cryptic phone calls from someone stating that he has a friend in the FBI. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

With his main informant dead and the X Files shut down, Mulder finds himself reassigned to regular FBI duties. He is convinced he's being followed and his conversations listened in on. Mulder soon vanishes and heads to Puerto Rico where the giant radio communications dish at Arecibo was recently shut down. There he finds evidence and has a close encounter but Scully has tracked him down and they manage to escape just as the military arrives. Written by garykmcd

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.1
46 min

Deep Throat contacts Mulder in the middle of the night to give him some important information. A man successfully evaded police when at the end of a high speed chase, he jumps into the river and promptly disappears. One of the officers did manage to shoot but the blood he leaves behind is green. Mulder follows the clues and it leads him to information that he only dreamed existed. It does mean death for someone however and perhaps the end of the X Files investigations. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate the murder of a jet propulsion scientist who was trapped in a wind chamber and sucked through a jet engine when the unit was activated. It isn't the first death among the scientists there, with Arthur Grable having died in an accident several months before. As they gather evidence in the case the main suspect becomes the janitor, Roland, who is autistic but with a great knowledge of fluid mechanics. When Mulder finds a connection between Roland and the first dead scientist, it opens up any number of possibilities. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Mulder and Scully are called in by the Buffalo Police Department after an experienced detective, Rudy Barbala, jumped to his death through a window from the upper floor of the 14th precinct. He was interviewing a young girl at the time, Michelle Bishop, but there was no one else in the room with them. Mulder immediately begins to suspect that Michelle may have telekinetic powers, something that seems to be proven when Scully finds a large burn mark on Barbala's body much as Mulder as predicted. Michelle says there was a ghost in the room with them and her rendition of him leads then to the case of dead detective Charlie Morris, who was killed in a police raid. In fact,Charlie may be back and seeking revenge against the policemen who got rid of him. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Mulder seems to be the only person concerned at the prospect that Eugene Tooms is about to be released from the psychiatric institution he's been in for several months. His pleadings fall on deaf ears as Tooms has never been convicted of a crime and the review board find Mulder's claims preposterous. Mulder is convinced Tooms will strike again and begins to follow him while Scully contacts the retired police detective, Frank Briggs, who had helped them in their earlier investigation. An old corpse from a long ago killing helps them out. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Mulder and Scully head off to the Pacific Northwest when there are reports that 30 loggers seem to have simply disappeared. Mulder is aware of a similar case for the 1930s and along with a Forest Ranger and a representative of the logging company, the agents head off into the woods. They know that environmental activists are active in the area and when they come across one of them, he says that a swarm of bugs that only comes out at night is responsible for the deaths. A body they find wrapped in a bug cocoon seems to bear out his claim. With no way to communicate with the outside world and with the gas for the generator running low, they have to find a way to survive. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

A Montana Native American reserve is the center of attention as Mulder and Scully investigate the strange death of a local Indian man. The shooters claim they saw a monster attack them, and an old legend of lycanthropic nature comes forward. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

The FBI is called in to assist Sheriff Maurice Daniels who thinks that a young preacher, Samuel Hartley, is responsible for several deaths. Since he was a young child Hartley has reputedly been able to cure the sick by the laying on of hands. As a boy he revived someone who had been badly burned and pronounced dead at the scene. He and his stepfather, Calvin Hartley, now run a revival-like tent ministry but Samuel's attempts at healing has resulted in several deaths. As far as Sheriff Daniels is concerned, Samuel is a murderer and wants to get the proof to arrest him. Mulder isn't so sure and wonders if there might be other forces at work. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a possible encounter between a trucker and a UFO in Tennessee. For Mulder the evidence of a close encounter is overwhelming. With information from Deep Throat, who turns out not to be as useful as it has in the past, Mulder turns to the three Lone Gunmen for help in locating the truck as it makes its way across America. Scully is amazed the the Lone Gunmen's level of paranoia until she finds a bug in a pen in Mulder's desk. They follow the truck but it doesn't lead to a happy conclusion. Deep throat does explain his motivation, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.5
46 min

The man whom Mulder worked for before calls him to tell him of something weird, a robbery and a note left for him. When Mulder reads it, it's how a criminal whom he pursued 6 years ago would leave notes for him. Thing is the man died a few years ago in prison. But when more crimes occur Mulder wonders, if the man is really dead. And later someone calls Mulder and talks like the man but the voice is younger. Mulder goes to the prison where the man died and inmate says that on the night he died he was in the infirmary being treated for an infection to his hand and the doctor said he's dead but he saw he was alive and the doctor threatened him. Later Mulder's mentor is killed. Mulder later learns that the doctor who treated the man was working on a secret project to reverse the aging process. But he was so reckless that he was shun by the medical community. Mulder thinks the doctor was working on it and needed elderly test subjects like the criminal so he thinks he did it so the man is ... Written by

Country: USA
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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Scully and another agent, Jack Willis, are on a stakeout in a bank that they believe has been targeted by a pair of married robbers. In the ensuing gunfire, both the robber and Agent Willis are seriously wounded. At the hospital, Agent Willis is revived and the robber, Dupre, dies. As time goes on, Mulder becomes convinced that it is Dupre's consciousness that survived but in Willis' body. Scully is disbelieving even after Mulder demonstrates that the new Willis is now left-handed and has forgotten Scully's birthday, even though they were born the same day. When Jack takes Scully prisoner, it's up to Mulder to rescue her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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