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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Facing accusations from his family about his relationship with Rachel Brian continues to lie but when Rachel phones him he secretly goes to meet her at a caravan plan. She has grand plans for them to elope together to France but he tells her that the relationship is over and any thoughts of their being together were just in her head. Meanwhile Patricia, hearing Liam speak with such emotion about his late wife in the television appeal, wonders whether he really wants to be with her. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Rachel Reid is still missing and things are taking a toll on her sister Niamh and Dad Liam. In a bid to broaden their hunt for the missing schoolgirl, Detective Sergeant Nikki Grogan and Sergeant Angela Tyrell help the Reids prepare a television appeal. Despite agreeing to do the television appeal, Liam is finding it particularly tough as he tries to put everything into words. Seeing Liam on the brink, Niamh calls in Patricia Hennessy as some welcome support for her dad. Patricia tries to gently talk some sense into Liam, encouraging him not to let Niamh do the appeal on her own. Paudge is feeling the pressure when he receives an unwelcome phone call. He tells an inquisitive Sharon that it's just a builder looking for payment and would be sorted once the rent starts flowing on the property, but is there more to the story than Paudge is letting on? Meanwhile, Sharon is still getting a nasty reception at work and when a dead rat is placed in her locker, Paudge tries his best to support ...

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

The man known as Fat Barry is brought to the police station with an irate Liam demanding to see him and Paudge taking abuse from Sean for defending Sharon. Fat Barry is known to have previously stalked a girl in Donegal and whilst he swears innocence a search of his house links him to recently having seen Rachel. There is however cause for optimism with a reported sighting of Rachel but Conor, left alone in the house with his drug cravings whilst Angela is at work and Tommy otherwise diverted, is deteriorating, Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

All the Garda from the station are deployed in looking for the missing Rachel, including Sharon, who faces hostility from some quarters as being responsible for the school-girl's flight. Niamh however is convinced that Brian is to blame and lets him know it. Anxiety increases when it is discovered that Rachel was involved with a suicide website and her coat is found on a beach. Brian's daughter Mel tells the Garda that a man known as Fat Barry used to buy the girls alcohol and when she last saw Rachel she was with him. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.7
23 min

Whilst his parents are out at work Conor gets a visit from his drug dealer, to whom he is considerably in debt. Nikki and Adrijan discover why Phil Rodgers is reluctant to identify his attacker but Sean is able to arrest the offender on other matters, earning praise and the offer of a date from Nikki. Liam demands a formal enquiry from James but on returning home finds that Rachel has run away. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Back home with his parents Conor tries to hide his drug addiction from them Whilst Rachel, increasingly worried that the truth will out, gets drunk and goes looking for Brian, making Liam even more suspicious. Adrijan and Sean find an abandoned, blood-stained car and trace the driver Phil Rodgers, with good detective work from Adrijan leading to his assailant though Sean is not pleased when Nikki congratulates his colleague. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

An angry Liam unsuccessfully attempts to get James to prosecute Brian whilst Angela rushes to Conor's hospital bedside after he falls from a wall and breaks his leg. He claims that he was drunk but keeps from her the fact that he was on heroin. To make matters worse Angela discovers that Tommy is still being unfaithful to her. Meanwhile Vincent devises a way to get rid of the gun and Beaky Burke's hold on the family. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

James and Angela interview Rachel, who backs up Brian's story but Liam is suspicious and attacks Brian outside the police station. Bridget shocks her family by working for drug dealer Beady Burke, who rips her off with some deficient merchandise. Vincent is persuaded to ask for the money back but the condition is that the Kielys look after a gun for him in return. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

James and sergeant Nikki Grogan interview Sharon over her allegations about Brian but the cowardly Paudge is halfhearted in his support and the slimy sergeant manages to clear himself with his lies, making Sharon look the wrong-doer. Tony Delaney arrives at the police station after a severe beating and investigations lead to a dispute with George Carrigan, a rival Elvis Presley tribute act who has employed his cousin Dean to attack Tony. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

The coroner's report exonerates the station but Joan Curry is unforgiving. After a complaint is made against Sharon James orders her to take more time off but she responds by telling him how she caught Brian kissing Rachel and how he is now trying to undermine her. However Brian preempts her by claiming that she is conducting a vendetta against him after he rejected her advances. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Following the discovery of the murder victim Angela has to inform her father, who recognizes her as a friend of his dead daughter. The Kiely family are in celebratory mood following the arrest of Michael - who is given conditional bail - and invite Katie to return home. However she refuses in order to live an independent life. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

When an urn containing the ashes of Derek O'Reilly arrives at the police station with a request that they be scattered in a particular place Angela suspects that he was the perpetrator of an unsolved murder from over thirty years ago - as a result of which she is able to find the victim's remains. Meanwhile Michael is formally charged with Darren Kiely's murder. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

The Hennessy boys are temporarily held in custody with Claire being drawn in on a professional level whilst Katie is made to feel an outcast by her family because of her involvement with David. A police search of the Kiely house finds no evidence of any blackmail money being on the premises but later Bridget confesses to the family that she found the cash and used it to finance Darren's funeral with very little now left. James meanwhile is concerned for Sharon and her apparently uncharacteristic behaviour. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Claire gets the results of her pregnancy test and feels broody when Adrijan and Sean bring in an abandoned baby, whose parents are later charged with neglect. After dumping David Katie confesses to her family the circumstances leading up to Darren's death whilst Niamh discovers that her father is having a secret affair with Patricia. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Simple-minded Eddie Foley, who mistakenly reports events he believes to be crimes is attacked after reporting a genuine burglary whilst Katie learns from Michael about Darren's blackmail and is angry as she believes she could have stopped him. Meanwhile Sharon has to literally fight against Brian as his bullying continues and, in the aftermath of the post-mortem declaring that Gerald Curry died of a heart attack, James faces a community meeting led by Gerald's widow Joan. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Brian continues to sabotage Sharon in an effort to make her look inept and force her to ask for a transfer but she resists. Sean and Adrijan feel increasingly that the public are coming to hate the Garda following the Curry death and Michael discovers that Katie and David are planning to go to Australia. Katie is shocked when David claims that he cannot go as he fears that his brother may be suicidal. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Following Gerard Curry's unexplained death in custody Sean feels guilty for arresting him and James looks for damage limitation - given that Gerard was left unsupervised whilst the team dealt with the rowdy stag party. As the investigation into the death starts widow Joan Curry is in no mood to accept James' condolences. Meanwhile Claire starts further fertility treatment. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

After harassed businessman Gerard Curry is clamped by an officious traffic warden he refuses to pay and Sean and Adrijan are drawn into the stand-off, finally arresting Gerard, who gives cause for alarm in the cells. Sharon returns to work and tells Brian she will keep his secret but the whole team must pull together when the station is invaded by a noisy stag party. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Adrijan and Sean discover that Hakam attacked Sai before she escaped and eventually track her down. Her motives for leaving home are not what they first imagined. Under pressure from Brian Sharon considers a transfer but is dissuaded by James whilst Angela's husband Tommy accuses her of putting her work before family life. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

As the Garda search for the thugs who attacked Sharon Brian is declared a hero for supposedly saving her life but she tells Paudge she knows that he was behind the assault. Paudge believes that she should back off. Meanwhile Hakam Gulati reports his daughter Sai missing but does not immediately admit to Sean and Adrijan that she was on her way to meet her husband in an arranged marriage. Michael is not happy when Claire tells him the maximum sentence he could face. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Maeve Wilson is arrested for trying to kill the dog but Adrijan discovers by accident what really happened and is able to bring about neighbourly reconciliation. Katie is less than happy with Bridget and Keith's new venture whilst Sharon is attacked and seriously injured by three thugs - put up to it by Brian. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.0
21 min

After single mother Maeve Wilson reports her elderly neighbour Mr Duff's noisy dog Adrijan and Sean investigate and soon afterwards the dog is poisoned. Sharon warns Rachel not to carry on seeing Brian and suggests telling her father but the girl feigns innocence and rings Brian to report the conversation. Angela is frustrated when Conor says that he wants to quit university whilst Bridget and Keith go into business selling cheap cigarettes. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Discovering that Rachel is Liam Reid's youngest daughter Sharon again confronts Brian, who threatens her as well as lying to Ollie's drug boss Beaky Burke that the boy is robbing him to get himself off the hook. Angela learns from son Conor that her husband Tommy is seeing another woman but urges him to give their marriage another try whilst Katie accuses Bridget of returning home only to escape her debts and is unconvinced when her mother tells her she was paid money by an old man she nursed whose family now want the cash. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Brian steals the heroin from young drug pusher Ollie Coyne, who then makes a formal complaint about him whilst Sharon meets Rachel in a party of school-children visiting the police station and later sees her meeting Brian after dark. Patricia leans on David to give Katie up but instead he plans for them to leave town together. However they are interrupted by an international debt collector who tells them that Bridget left Spain to return to Red Rock as she owed thousands of euros. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Having bid farewell to Charlene and her newly-found car Sean is horrified to learn that she is a wanted criminal who has abducted her daughter from her ex-husband and that she has rooked him. Katie and David book into a hotel but Patricia is suspicious and gets the truth from Michael. Eventually Michael admits that he knew David was stealing money to give to Darren, who was blackmailing him for still seeing Katie and that his efforts to confront Darren led to the fatal encounter. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

David Hennessy's plots start falling apart. Garda Sergeant Brian McGonigle takes every opportunity to try to rid himself of Garda Sharon Cleere. Though the post-mortem finds no blame, the station has to survive the aftermath of the death in custody.

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Adrijan and Sean become involved in a parking incident that escalates. Meanwhile, a stag night also gets out of hand. The two lead to tragic and far-reaching consequences.

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.4
20 min

Bridget prepares to leave town after a showdown with Patricia at the Hennessey's bar. The Gauda intervenes when thugs launch a racist attack against Eunice Adisile to evict her from a flat leased to both her and elderly Frank Lohan. The petrol bomb is thrown into the flat with Angela saving Frank's life but being taken to hospital herself with smoke inhalation. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Paudge is carpeted for his involvement with the debt collectors whilst Sharon shows Brian the footage of his kissing 15 year old Rachel, though he claims it was a one-off instigated by the girl. Michael gives David the money to repay their mother on condition he stops seeing Katie whilst Angela brings in a young fare dodger who turns out to be her son Connor. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.3
20 min

Sharon shows Paudge the CCTV footage she saw of Brian kissing the under-age Rachel but Paudge has no desire to be involved. Katie is brought in for questioning regarding the missing money but then David makes a confession, claiming he stole it to go to Australia. Meanwhile Tony Power, a small time crook and tenant of Paudge, demands to be arrested to flee a gang of violent collectors to whom Paudge sold his debt. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Matters go from bad to worse between Katie and Bridget and eventually Vincent asks her to leave. However the family is astonished when they find out that Bridget has only moved in next door. Katie starts work at the café with Liam and Niamh but Patricia believes that she has been robbing her and asks James to investigate. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Red Rock

Red Rock


Red Rock

IMDb: 7.2
20 min

Shauna and Sergeant Angela have to tell an elderly man that his daughter has died, only to find that he has a short while to live himself. James makes Claire a special present after she has miscarried again whilst David, backing up Michael's claim that he did not ring Darren prior to meeting him, causes trouble by turning up at the wake. Paudge meanwhile loses his police car. Written by don @ minifie-1

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