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HD Victoria




IMDb: 8.9
46 min

Following another attempt on her life Victoria and Albert travel incognito to the Scottish Highlands to get away from it all, but the trip does not prove to be the romantic retreat she imagined.

Country: UK
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HD Victoria




IMDb: 8.9

Horrified by news of the famine sweeping Ireland, Victoria tries to persuade the government to take action. Peel is reluctant to send aid fearing it may destabilise his own party.

Country: UK
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HD Victoria




IMDb: 9.2
47 min

Moved by the plight of a silk weaver in Spitalfields, Victoria throws a lavish medieval ball at the palace with all attendees wearing outfits made in the impoverished area. Though a success the event outrages the public.

Country: UK
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HD Victoria




IMDb: 8.6

Victoria discovers she is pregnant with a second child and suspects her husband is attracted to another woman. Below stairs, Cleary thinks the palace is haunted but Brodie thinks there is a natural explanation for events.

Country: UK
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HD Endeavour




IMDb: 8.0
88 min

Morse is exonerated but still under suspension and goes to stay with his friend Tony Donn, meeting glamorous tennis player Elva Piper. Elva takes him to a party given by Joss Bixby, a reclusive millionaire who seems only too familiar with the wife of Bruce Belborough, another of Morse's friends. Meanwhile Thursday investigates the killing of bus conductress Jeannie Hearne, who vanished after a visit to a funfair and seeks Morse's help but in vain. However when Bixby is also murdered there appears to be a connexion with Jeannie and Thursday allows Morse to do a little sleuthing of his own. Together they discover a drug smuggling operation, a scenario redolent of 'The Great Gatsby', and a fairground magician, paving the way to solving the murders. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

Edward plans a war with the French but, sensing that too much blood has already been shed, makes peace with king Louis, angering George, who will now not assume the title Regent of France. He becomes convinced that Elizabeth, like her late mother, is a sorceress who caused Isabel to miscarry and who has bewitched her husband. Her two sons also stand in his way to the throne. When Isabel dies he accuses Elizabeth of poisoning her but his public outcries and dealings with Louis lead to his being accused of treason and he is arrested. Despite pleas for mercy from his mother and Elizabeth Edward has George drowned in a barrel of wine. This gives his title back to Henry Tudor, whose mother Margaret Beaufort is now a lady-in-waiting to the queen, thus giving her hope that her son is nearer to becoming king. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.7
61 min

Having witnessed the murder of Henry VI the pregnant Elizabeth is again shocked when she discovers her husband having sex with courtier Jane Shore. Her isolation is increased as Jacquetta falls dangerously ill and, aware of George's dislike of her, she appoints Anthony as her sons' guardian. Also wary of George is Anne Neville, pardoned by Edward for her part in the revolt and reunited with Isabel at court. However Anne is upset that she is not allowed to contact her mother in exile and feels that George and Isabel are controlling her every move. She has one ally in Richard and is unhappy to learn that he is considering marriage to Margaret Beaufort to effect peace. However he proposes to Anne, declaring that he loves her, and she accepts. Edward approves of the match as Elizabeth's new baby son is born. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.9
58 min

1470:- George returns to fight with his brothers, to the chagrin of Warwick, who moves the decrepit Henry VI into the tower of London for his protection whilst Jasper Tudor escorts his nephew Henry to Wales for safety. The possessed Lady Beaufort is angry that her husband Stafford chooses to fight for Edward, seeing him as the lesser of two evils, but both Stafford and Warwick are slain at the battle of Barnet. Edward rides to meet Margaret of Anjou, who has the nervous Anne Neville in her company, and he defeats Margaret and Jasper at the battle of Tewkesbury. Richard of Gloucester exiles Margaret, having rescued Anne from would-be rapists. The Yorkists celebrate their victory though Elizabeth is shocked to stumble upon her family's nocturnal activities. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.9
61 min

Margaret Beaufort is pleased to learn that Warwick, whose daughter Isabel is George's reluctant bride, is holding a parliament in York to have George declared the rightful monarch. However the parliament opposes Warwick's idea and Edward, Elizabeth and Jacquetta are all released. Edward, to his wife's annoyance, suggests alliances with Warwick to prevent further factions and even Elizabeth's surviving brother Anthony appears to acquiesce. However Edward has another revolt on his hands, supposedly led by Henry's wife Margaret of Anjou but in reality staged by Warwick and George. Margaret Beaufort's husband wants no part in it but the obsessive matriarch prevails upon her nervous brother Richard to lead her cause. He is killed by Edward after telling him that the rebels are actually Warwick and George, who are forced to flee abroad. Whilst on board ship Isabel miscarries George's baby but Elizabeth is pregnant again and swears that this shall be a son. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.8
59 min

The pregnant Elizabeth is crowned queen and welcomed by Edward's brothers Richard and George though Warwick and his daughters do not disguise their disapproval and Cecily refuses to attend the coronation. Warwick is especially aggrieved that the king is neglecting a peace treaty with France and entertaining the Duke of Burgundy, a relation of Elizabeth and enemy to the French king. As it becomes clear that Warwick intends to make himself powerful Edward gives key posts at court to Baron Rivers and his sons, which also enrages Margaret Beaufort,whose young son Henry Tudor has had to forfeit a title to the Rivers family. Margaret is also angry when Warwick captures the deposed fugitive former king Henry and Edward imprisons him. As a reward Warwick asks that his daughters are betrothed to the king's brothers but the request is denied. When Elizabeth gives birth to a daughter, rather than an heir, Warwick is delighted and organizes a rebellion, incarcerating Edward, Elizabeth and ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.7
59 min

In 1464 Elizabeth Grey, née Woodville, widowed when her husband Thomas was killed at the battle of St Alban's fighting for the Lancastrian king Henry VI approaches the young Yorkist king Edward IV. She requests him to enforce restitution from her husband's family for herself and her two little boys. Against the wishes of his powerful cousin Warwick, Edward falls for Elizabeth, a suit encouraged by her mother, sorceress Jacquetta - though not her father, Baron Rivers who lacks Jacquetta's pragmatism when Edward requires him and his sons to fight on the Yorkist side. When Elizabeth refuses to be Edward's mistress they secretly marry. Her brother Anthony finds out and is appalled, believing the wedding was a sham and the king intends to marry a French princess. However Edward publicly announces that Elizabeth is his wife. The Lancastrian Margaret Beaufort is unhappy with the news, as is Edward's mother Cecily but Jacquetta cleverly outwits her and Elizabeth is hailed as the queen of ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 8.1
55 min

Eight years later, Jack's fixation with the cathedral leaves him little time or energy for anything else, while Aliena's fixation with the distant Earldom of Shiring has married her to Alfred, a man she hates. Waleran and Alfred develop a plot to get rid of Jack for good and it seems to be working until evidence comes to light that makes all wrongs rectified. Written by Starz Publicity

Country: Hungary
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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 8.0
54 min

As a result of his journeys, Jack has learned how to fulfill Tom Builder's dream of a cathedral filled with light. Aliena tracks Jack by following the trail of his carvings. Waleran offers Philip a new position, but it means that Philip must always obey Waleran. Kingsbridge becomes prosperous again which infuriates Regan and William, who plan an attack that is met with resistance from Richard, Jack and Philip. Written by Starz Publicity

Country: Hungary
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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 7.8
51 min

The war is over and Maude has returned to France leaving King Stephen once again unchallenged. Richard returns to Kingsbridge just after William Hamleigh's attack on the market. Aliena has lost everything and can no longer support Richard's knighthood. Alfred sees an opportunity and asks Aliena to marry him, promising to support Richard as well. After Tom Builder's funeral, Alfred also offers himself as master builder promising to build a vaulted roof made of stone. When the day to bless the church arrives 8 months later, tragedy strikes leaving many dead. Events also reveal Aliena's betrayal of Alfred who promptly throws her out of the house. The tragedy also has an unwelcome effect on Bishop Waleran and Prior Philip. Jack meanwhile has long ago left Kingsbridge and gone off to France to find his father's family. Now without a place to live, Aliena sets off to find him. Written by garykmcd

Country: Hungary
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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 7.9
54 min

Princess Maude seems to have gained the upper hand having defeated King Stephen on the battlefield and taken him prisoner. However, her brother, Gloucester, has been taken prisoner by the other side, and a prisoner exchange is arranged. It doesn't go well and the self-styled Empress Maude and King Stephen are again at war. Philip's life is saved when his brother unexpectedly arrives in Lincoln. He manages to get access to the quarry to complete the cathedral and also a license to hold a market. Aliena's suggestion that they hold a fleece fair in direct competition with Shiring has tragic results. Jack and a jealous Alfred continue to fight and bicker and force Tom to choose between them. Bishop Waleran reveals his true ambition. Written by garykmcd

Country: Hungary
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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 7.9
47 min

William applies to have his father's title of Earl transferred to him, and discovers a mysterious knight is also a rival for the Earldom. King Stephen, frightened by Jack's appearance, orders an assassin to kill him. The battle between King Stephen and Maud sees each side's leader being taken hostage. Philip is tortured into a confession when Waleran tells Maud that he is the man who betrayed Earl Bartholomew. Written by Starz Publicity

Country: Hungary
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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 8.0
53 min

Construction of the new church at Kingsbridge Priory is underway. They have too few men and Prior Philip hopes the sale of this year's wool will give them the money they need to hire more workers. When the time comes to quarry the stone William Hamleigh prevents Tom Builder from starting working leading to a major confrontation with the monks of the Priory. Meanwhile, Aliena and her brother Richard travel to Winchester to witness their father's execution and plead for mercy. King Stephen refuses but does offer Richard a place in his army. Aliena comes up with a scheme to make enough money to buy Richard the horse and armor he will need to be a Knight. King Stephen has also been having nightmares and a visit to Kingsbridge Priory to view the progress of the church construction pushes him over the edge. Written by garykmcd

Country: Hungary
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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 7.9
52 min

Tom Builder, his children, Ellen and her son Jack arrive at Kingsbridge Priory in the hope of finding work. The church is in need of repair but Prior Philip has no money and is unable to hire them. After the church burns down, Tom presents a plan for a new a new style of church with pointed arches and large windows. Philip decides to ask the King for funds and learns a hard lesson in politics after making a deal, or so he thought, with Percy Hamleigh's scheming wife. His dealings with the Hamleighs also earns him the enmity of Bishop Waleran. With Philip away from the Priory, Tom's son accuses Ellen of witchcraft and she is arrested. Valeran is most keen for the trial to begin and it's revealed she may be privy to a deeply held secret she revealed to him during confession. Meanwhile William Hamleigh, son of the new Earl of Shiring visits the castle and assaults Bartholomew daughter Aliena. She swears she will get her revenge and restore the title and property to her brother. In France... Written by garykmcd

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HD The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth


The Pillars of the Earth

IMDb: 7.6
105 min

On the death of King Henry I, there is a schism in the succession leading eventually to civil war during a period now known as the Anarchy. Before his death, the King had sought the support of the noblemen and the clergy in favor of his newborn grandson, the future Henry II and requested that they all recognize his daughter Maude as the rightful ruler until his grandson comes of age. Henry's nephew Stephen has his eye on the throne and with the support of the Church, is soon crowned King. Maude has her supporters however, including Bartholomew, the Earl of Shiring, whose nemesis Percy Hamleigh would like nothing better than to find an excuse to take his lands and his title. Meanwhile a monk, Philip, returns to Kingsbridge Priory when his mentor falls gravely ill and receives an interesting offer from Father Waleran - in return for the Priory's support in making him Bishop, Philip will be made Prior. Meanwhile, Tom Builder, a stone mason, travels the countryside with his wife, daughter... Written by garykmcd

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HD Victoria




IMDb: 8.3
47 min | 65 min

There is speculation above and below stairs as to the queen's surviving child-birth with predatory heir to the throne Cumberland arriving at court. Now more confident Victoria goes for a carriage ride meeting the fanatical but harmless Captain Childers. Albert is angry that he was not told of the captain's regular letters to his wife and saves her from a gun attack by Edward Oxford, a member of the Young England party, to which Cumberland is suspected of having links. Some days later Victoria gives birth to a daughter whilst Ernest fights his feelings for the duchess of Sutherland and Nancy regrets not leaving with Francotelli to open his own bakers shop. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Victoria




IMDb: 8.3
46 min | 60 min

Though happily married to Victoria Albert feels redundant and disrespected by many at the court. When abolitionists approach the royal couple for their active support at an anti-slavery rally Albert sees his opportunity and gives a rousing, heart-felt speech which wins him support from all quarters. Victoria meanwhile has her own methods of gaining acceptance for him. Albert's brother Ernest returns to Germany having shocked Albert by having an affair with the marries Duchess of Sutherland whilst Miss Skerritt is grateful to Francotelli for helping her to get medicine to her cousin and her sick child. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Victoria




IMDb: 8.5
47 min | 60 min

As Victoria announces her engagement Leopold demands a settlement and a title for Albert. However the privy council, resistant to the marriage, only agree to a reduced stipend and refuse a title as requested by Victoria. Even Lehzen seems less than enthusiastic about the marriage. Nonetheless Victoria presses ahead with her plans, departing from traditional custom, promising to 'obey' her husband in an attempt to overcome Albert's fears that he will dominate her. After the wedding she bids goodbye to Melbourne whilst below stairs Francatelli makes Miss Skerrett an offer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Victoria




IMDb: 8.6
46 min | 60 min

Despite Leopold's assertion that it is Victoria's destiny to marry Albert she is cool towards her cousin, and more impressed by the new penny post system. However on a visit to Windsor she comes to realize that they have common interests and is grateful when he saves her injured dog - though she resents his passing his political opinions. As Melbourne announces his intention to resign Victoria finally proposes to Albert, declaring that theirs will be a marriage of inconvenience. Below stairs Miss Skerrett commits a crime to help her impoverished cousin but, thanks to the queen's generosity, is undetected. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD The Living and the Dead

The Living and the Dead


The Living and the Dead

IMDb: 7.5
57 min

In the present a young mother called Lara, a descendant of Nathan, is troubled by seeing Gabriel's ghost and travels to Shepzoy to commune with him and persuade him to tell Nathan he forgives him. In 1895 Nathan's increasingly odd behaviour forces Charlotte to take over the management of the farm, dealing with handsome neighbour William Payne, rather to Nathan's annoyance. Lara is the ghostly woman who keeps appearing to Nathan and she aims to ease his grief, appearing to Charlotte and stopping Nathan from killing himself. An unusual object is unearthed on the farm, leading Nathan's employees to tell him they believe that it has caused the recent supernatural events and its discovery will bring them to an end. Gabriel stops troubling his father and it would appear that Nathan has found closure at last - though a séance some thirty years later may suggest otherwise. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Living and the Dead

The Living and the Dead


The Living and the Dead

IMDb: 7.2

Whilst Nathan tries to contact Clarity for the reasons she was haunting Peter Hare Charlotte discovers sabotage on the farm, and Peter's tormentor, the exiled Jack Langtree, is suspect. School-teacher Martha Enderby tells Nathan she is concerned for Alice, a young girl who was about to elope with Langtree and takes Nathan to the woods where he is living, only to find that Alice is dead. When cornered Langtree denies her murder, leading to a surprising confession from Martha which endangers Charlotte, who is now fearful for her unborn child. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.9
58 min

The Pope is increasingly worried about the welfare of his son Juan, who has vanished and orders Cesare to find him. Cardinal Sforza tells his men to start looking in the city's morgues. When his body is found, the Pope is grief-stricken and orders that his son will not be buried until his killer is found. Cesare is also tasked with getting a confession from Brother Savonarola but that is also proving to be a difficult task. In the end, Cesare follows Machiavelli's advice. Lucrezia has a new suitor but toys with him pretending to be one of Lucrezia's servants. When the young man falls in love with her she decides to reveal her true identity and agrees to marry him. Meanwhile, Cardinal Della Rovere's assassin strikes. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.6
50 min

The Pope has decided once and for all to rid himself of Brother Savonarola by excommunicating him. Cesare travels to Florence to give him one last chance to present himself to the Pope but to no avail. He challenges Savonarola to prove he is right, a challenge the Brother foolishly accepts. In Rome, the Duke of Genoa withdraws his marriage proposal in favor of his brother who is in love with Lucrezia. Juan Borgia's health continues to deteriorate. When he threatens Lucrezia's recently baptized son, she wishes him dead. It is Cesare however who takes action. Meanwhile, Cardinal Della Rovere's plot to poison the Pope is moving forward. Having found his food tester's body in the river, the Pope selects a new tester, Della Rovere's young assassin. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.1
49 min

Juan Borgia returns from the siege the Catherina Sforza's Forli castle with a tale of his bravery and of standing by his men. Cesare learns the truth from Hernando de Caballos and also that Sforza's son is being kept in the dungeons. Rumors however begin to circulate about what really happened but Juan denies it all. The Pope's doubts are proven correct when Benito Sforza is released from his prison cell and tells the Pope what truly happened. The Pope orders Cesare to return the boy to his mother. Cardinal della Rovere's plan to poison the Pope is moving forward with his young assassin now ready to strike. They must eliminate the Pope food tester first. The Pope is growing ever more impatient with Lucrezia's delay in choosing her next husband. Her mother tells her that she doesn't have to chose between the Duke of Genoa and his brother: she should marry one and take the other as her lover. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.3
51 min

Juan returns from Spain with gifts: a panther from the New World for Lucrezia, which promptly bites her and something new for his father, a box of cigars. Juan is married but his pregnant wife has stayed behind in Spain. The Pope is pleased with the way his son's life has taken shape. Juan is suffering from syphilis however and seeks treatment from a doctor. The Pope puts Juan in command of the Papal army and sends him to lay siege to Forli Castle with authority to eliminate Catherina Sforza if she refuse to come to Rome. At Forli, Juan makes it clear what lies in store for Catherina should she refuse the Papal edict. Under a white flag, Juan takes her 15 year-old son hostage and tortures the boy in front of her. Ludovico Sforza of Milan comes to her assistance and surprises Juan's troops on the battlefield. Cesare is in Florence where Brother Savonarola is preaching in defiance of the Papal order. His young acolytes are going house to house collecting anything of value that can be ... Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
50 min

The Pope has not yet come to terms with the lightning strike and his new-found piety is to some just an act. Prior Savonarola's excesses continue as do his rants against the De Medicis. The Pope has a plan to deal with him. Cardinal Della Rovere's plot to poison the Pope continues with a young monk preparing to be the assassin. Cesare returns from his visit to the Sforzas and confesses his sins to his father. Cesare wants to take an army north to finish what he started but the Pope admits they do not have the resources. Now that Lucrezia is again free to marry, a new political alliance may be in the offing. Lucrezia isn't keen on re-marrying whoever her father chooses. Machiavelli is in Rome to prepare Piero De Medici's house for his arrival. Giulia, Vanozza and Lucrezia apply pressure on the Curia in order to obtain funds to house the poor. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

Lucrezia is devastated when Paolo is found hanging and his death is ruled a suicide. It leads the Pope to refuse him a Christian burial and Lucrezia goes on a hunger strike to get him to change his mind. Her protest also means her baby is not being fed. Lucrezia accuses Juan of killing the boy and has proof that Paolo did not take his own life. The Pope decides to send Juan to Spain to find a bride but Lucrezia has her own plans for him. Caterina Sforza and her cousin Giovanni, Lucrezia's ex-husband, offer their support to King Charles VIII of France should he decide to march against Rome. Micheletto arrives in Rome with news that the King will soon be on the move. The Pope has a plan to defend the city but Cesare is forced to improvise. Cardinal Della Rovere meanwhile returns to Rome and seeks to join the Dominican order and obtain their help in eliminating the Pope. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

The Pope decides to go out on the streets of Rome to see what he can learn about the people. Dressed in simple clothes and accompanied by his mistress Giulia Farnese and artist Vittoria, they wander about the city. The Pope is appalled at the poverty he sees around him (and the disgusting number of pigeons) and takes Cardinal Versucci, responsible for distributing money to the poor, to task. The Pope notes the number of beautiful villas he's constructed for himself in recent years. He's ordered to do better by the poor. Paolo, the father of Lucrezia Borgia's child, arrives in Rome looking for her. He's something of a laughing stock among the street women he meets when they learn who he's looking for. Paolo and Lucrezia meet and he sees his child. Juan however has his own plans for the peasant boy. Cardinal Della Rovere recovers sufficiently from the attempt to poison him him to leave the convent where he's been recovering. Written by garykmcd

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