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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.1
42 min

Julia and Big Jim come up with a life-or-death plan involving Eva and Barbie intended to end Christine's control over Chester's Mill. Hunter investigates Aktaion.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

A resistance forms against Christine, who is organizing a massive excavation project in the caves. Hunter and Big Jim make contact with the outside world.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

As the outside world is rocked by a catastrophic meteor shower, unexpected alliances form under the dome. Meanwhile, Eva tries to indoctrinate Barbie deeper into The Kinship.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

After being captured by Aktaion, Big Jim is forced to manipulate Christine for information about her agenda. Meanwhile, when Joe and Norrie question the town's new rules, they find themselves in a dangerous face-off with the increasingly unstable residents.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.7
43 min

When Big Jim and Julia team up to find proof to discredit Christine, they learn something new about the dome. Meanwhile, when Christine's leadership is threatened, she puts a plan into motion with deadly consequences.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.7
42 min

Under the guise of helping Chester's Mill rebuild, Christine urges the townspeople towards specific individuals and projects that remind them of their experience in the tunnels.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The residents of Chester's Mill try to move on after emerging from the cocoons in the tunnels. Big Jim becomes suspicious of Christine and Eva.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.7
43 min

The townspeople are forced to question who they can trust when new residents emerge.

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.4
84 min

After following Melanie through the tunnels, most of the residents of Chester's Mill find themselves outside the dome. Barbie finds Julia dead but along with the other survivors, he moves with his life. A year later, he's working for a private security firm rescuing kidnap victims. He's in a new relationship with Eva Sinclair and decides to to return to Chester's Mill for a memorial service that is being held on the first anniversary of their escape. While newly arrived Christine Price provides counseling to the townsfolk, Barbie begins to realize that everything around them is just too perfect. Written by garykmcd

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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.8
40 min

Pauline is dying but Big Jim refuses to accept that possibility. He tries desperately to find something, anything, to save her. When he is unsuccessful, he goes on a rampage. Joe and Norrie explore the new tunnel and think they may have found a new way out from under the dome. Barbie and Julia begin organizing a evacuation of all of the town's residents. Deep in the tunnels they receive help from an unexpected source. Some people are left behind. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.7
40 min

As the temperatures inside the dome return to normal, it continues to retract forcing everyone into the center of the city. Melanie's health continues to deteriorate and it becomes obvious that her condition is directly related to the fate of the egg. Barbie doesn't react well when he learns that Hunter was spying for his father. He gets his father Don the dome's edge, telling him they need the egg to survive. Don agrees but the military intervenes. An attempt to cure Melanie goes horribly wrong. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

With the portal to get out of the dome now gone - as is the egg - the residents of Chester's Mills face having to deal with frigid temperatures. The clinic has been damaged so all of the sick and those needing shelter move into the school. Meanwhile, Julia has a serious accident and Barbie refuses to leave her behind in the freezing cold. Lyle suddenly reappears. In Zenith, the egg is found in the same park where Barbie and the others arrived when traveling through the portal. Attempts to touch it are having a serious effect on Melanie. Soon, everyone is in danger from the dome. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

Everyone is shocked by the return of Barbie, Sam and Pauline. Big Jim's shock at his wife's return goes from disbelief to anger when he realizes she faked her death. Melanie learns from Sam who her killer was. Sam also confesses to Pauline and Junior about Angie's murder. Julia is relieved by Barbie's return and he fills her in on what's happened to him. He suggests that they give the egg to his father in return for letting everyone leave Chester's Mills. Big Jim has his own plans however - one that leads to disaster. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Barbie finds himself under arrest by unknown men who, not surprisingly, want to know how he got out of the dome. They also want to get their hands on the egg. Pauline, Sam and Lyle try to decipher the meaning of her last postcard - a picture of a red door - and suspect it may be a way back into the dome. They eventually head to Hunter's apartment where they meet up with Barbie who knows exactly where to find it. In Chester's Mills, Big Jim knows that Barbie has got out and presses Junior to tell him what is going on. When he learns about the egg, he tasks Rebecca to find out where it is. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.3

In Zenith, Barbie asks his father to get a message to Julia but learns from a new friend that the message was altered. Barbie also learns that his father's company has been monitoring all activity in the dome for the government - but not necessarily sharing everything they've seen. Meanwhile, Sam and Pauline try an experimental drug on Lyle who manages to come out of his stupor. Back in Chester's Mills, Big Jim makes himself the new sheriff. After someone tears down the windmill and torches a car he sold, he concludes that someone is sending him a message. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.6

Junior refuses to believe that his Uncle Sam killed Angie so Sam returns to the tunnels with Julia and Rebecca intent on recovering Sam's body. As he descends into the black void his equipment fails and threatens to drag Julia down with him so he cuts the rope and falls into the abyss. He awakens in a place that he knows well and turns to the one person he knows could likely help him get a message to Julia. Similarly, Sam has survived his fall and tracks down his sister Pauline. Back in Chester's Mills, Julia believes Barbie is dead and doesn't want Big Jim to learn what's happened fearing he will again take over the town. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.9

Despite Julia's gesture of goodwill, Big Jim is still determined to take charge of his town. Facing a powerful dust storm, Rebecca tells him they need to erect a windmill and spray water into the atmosphere inside the dome. When Big Jim looks for support however, he finds that most have turned against him. Sam, Junior and Barbie set off down the tunnel they've found leading out from under the high school. A explosion leaves Junior on one side of the rock fall. He locates Joe, Norrie and Melanie and tells them of the danger they're in. They head to the lake to try and retrieve the egg. Sam and Barbie meanwhile continue their search down the tunnel and come to a cliff edge with an apparently bottomless abyss below. Barbie soon realizes who is responsible for Angie's death. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.6

Julia takes over as leader of Chester's Mill after the town becomes divided in the wake of Big Jim and Rebecca's plans for population control. Meanwhile, Joe and Norrie continue to help Melanie search for more clues about her identity. Written by ab1995

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.0

As conditions in Chester's Mill worsen, Big Jim and Rebecca consider resorting to population control, which drives a wedge between Barbie and Julia. Meanwhile, clues to Melanie's past and her connection to the Dome are revealed. Written by Jiilo_Kim

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.9

As resources dwindle, Big Jim holds a census in order to forecast how long Chester's Mill can continue to exist under the dome, while chaos ensues when a rainstorm turns into acid rain. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.7

Big Jim seems to have turned over a new leaf, convinced that the dome saved his life. They have an immediate problem when Rebecca determines that the influx of butterflies has led to a massive increase in the caterpillar population with half of their local crops now infested. Rebecca wants to burn half of the crop to save the rest but Big Jim decides that with the infestation the dome is testing him. He has another plan. At the high school, Junior finds Angie's bloodied corpse. They also find a woman's bloody shoe print. Junior thinks his father is responsible but Joe saw him asleep at home. Sam reveals to Julia that his late sister was Big Jim's wife. He also shows her the sketch she made that appears to be the girl Julia rescued from the lake. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.3

Barbie's execution is interrupted by the dome, which seems to have become magnetized. Rachel rescues a drowning girl in the lake and is assisted by a former EMT who lives nearby. He thinks he recognizes the girl. Rebecca Pine, a high school teacher, tells Barbie she thinks the dome's electromagnetic force is interfering with people's brain waves causing the hallucinations, seizures and unconsciousness many are suffering from. While Rebecca works on building a magnet to counteract the force, Angie thinks this is happening because they did not kill Big Jim as their vision showed them. Big Jim is trapped in his underground bunker where he has an unexpected visitor. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
40 min

Julia awakens from her coma and insists that she and Angie free Barbie before they worry about the mini-dome and the black egg. Joe, Norrie and Junior watch the butterfly come out of the chrysalis but it appears trapped in the mini dome. As it flies around, the mini dome blackens as does the big dome, plunging Chester's Mills into darkness. Julia, Barbie and Angie catch up with them and find the mini dome disintegrated. The butterfly is alive however and the monarch is identified. While the monarch races to protect the egg, Barbie is recaptured and led to the gallows. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

The entire town rallies to find Barbie after Big Jim convinces them he is behind the recent murders and shooting Julia. Barbie realizes that Julia's life is in danger - Jim's story will fall apart once she regains consciousness and tells people what really happened. Barbie and Angie hatch a plan to get her out of the clinic but Barbie soon finds himself in jail and Big Jim has a proposition for him. Joe and Norrie move the mini dome to Ben's house but it soon begins to act strangely. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.4
40 min

Big Jim reports to the police station as promised and convinces Linda that his stash of propane is what's saving everyone today. He tells her the biggest threat they face is from Barbie. After spending the night on the couch, Barbie tells Julia he didn't like it much and she admits she didn't much like sleeping alone either. She answers a knock at the door and comes face to face with Maxine who promptly shoots her in the chest. Barbie races to get her to the hospital. Back at the barn, Joe thinks the stars are about them but Junior runs off after failing to convince Angie they should be together. After the shooting and Junior running off, the weather turns nasty. After it clears, Joe and the others head off to the dome and see something they wish they hadn't. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Maxine extends her reach in Chester's Mills by opening a bar where people can gamble on bare-knuckled fights. Big Jim pays a visit to a lake island home hoping to find the information Maxine has on him and Barbie. After Linda finds a safe-deposit box key in Duke's hat, she and Julia head off to the bank. Duke left some incriminating information. Julia checks her husband's box leading her to understand better what happened to her husband. Dodee finds the mini dome but is injured when she touches it. After speaking to a nurse at the hospital, Angie is certain she know the identity of the fourth hand. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

Julia takes Barbie into the woods to show him the mini-dome but it has vanished. A search through the woods yields little information. After Barbie and Sheriff Esquivel arrest a drug user, they first hear of a new drug, rapture. Jim arrives home and finds Maxine, the head of the drug operation, waiting for him. She was in Chester's Mill the day the dome appeared and has been lying low ever since. It turns out Barbie knows her as well. Big Jim wants to disarm everyone in the town. Junior visits Angie at the diner but she collapses and says 'the pink stars are falling'. Angie starts to think Junior's comments about not being well may have some merit. When Joe, Angie and Norrie finally locate the mini-dome and the egg, they also realize the assistance of a fourth person will be required. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

Norrie is grieving over her mom's death and Julia can't help but wonder at the seeming coincidence of the new birth and the death. Norrie blames Joe for taking her to the center of the dome which she believes is what killed her mom. Joe shows Julia the egg and it has a message for her when she touches it. Big Jim has it out with Junior over the shooting of Cliff Dundee. Sheriff Linda Esquivel also tells him off, saying that if they weren't so short-handed she would have fired him. Junior learns that his mother committed suicide. Food shortages are now of concern and Ollie Dinsmore makes it plain to Big Jim that the shortages, including access to his well, will continue until he is thrown out of office. Big Jim's attempt to take control of his land fails when Ollie shows up with a half-dozen men. Junior joins Ollie's army. Big Jim is ready to go to war but Barbie has a better idea. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

Norrie and Joe go to the dome to see if they can figure out what powers they might have over it. Joe wonders if the dome might have a nucleus at its center. It the very middle of the area covered by the dome, they make a discovery. Julia's next door neighbor Harriet is expecting a baby very soon but when she goes into premature labor, she thinks the dome may have done something to her baby. She had a vision of her absent husband just before labor began. A healthy baby is born but tragedy soon follows. Big Jim lays down the law with Junior as regards Angie and throws him out of the house. He also tries to re-establish his authority in the town after he learns that Ollie has taken over his propane supply. The police try to track down the Dundee brothers who killed Rose at the diner. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

The residents of Chester's Mills face a new crisis when the town's water tower is damaged and the lake is found to be polluted. Big Jim knows where water can be found but it's going to cost him dearly. As the townsfolk learn of the shortage, panic sets in and riots erupt. Angie manages to get away from Junior and makes her way to Rose's restaurant. In the middle of the riot however, it's up to Barbie to rescue her from the town bully. Norrie is determined to find her sick mother a supply of insulin. While she and and Joe are out searching, Julia and Doddee are trying to pinpoint a strange power source - and realize it's coming from Norrie and Joe. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Julia hears a TV broadcast and learns the military has set up a 10 mile quarantine zone around the dome. The residents of Chester's Mill receive visitors however - friends and family who can at least see them from the other side of the dome. Norrie has a surprise waiting for her. For others, the reunions are bittersweet. Barbie learns from one of the soldiers that the army is pulling out. Rev. Coggins thinks he's receiving messages from God but his hearing aid is playing a role. He keeps hearing the word MOAB which he thinks is a biblical reference. Barbie knows otherwise. Big Jim finds Angie in his old bomb shelter and frees her. Junior isn't finished with her yet. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

The military units outside the dome are packing up, much to the consternation of many of the townsfolk. There is a much greater problem however when Linda falls sick, the first of many as an outbreak of meningitis spreads across the town. Julia continues to have her doubts about Barbie and visits a site he had marked on his map. She finds her husband Peter's car at DJ Phil's trailer but he says her husband sold it to him. DJ tells her about the cabin and when Junior tells her about meeting Barbie at a cabin, she's desperate to get there but having fallen ill, has to get out of the hospital. Angie, still a prisoner in the bomb shelter, faces rising water after a pipe bursts. Norrie and Joe realize they have a seizure when they touch. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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