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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.9
49 min

Sam leaps into the body of a newly promoted police detective Jake Rawlins. His task is to keep a woman, Beth, from falling in love with a lawyer she is about to meet. Her husband has been listed as missing in action and is in fact in a North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp. Sam doesn't quite get there in time and the two meet. He soon realizes however that Al has been less than honest with him about why it's important they not meet. In fact, Sam has leaped into Rawlins body to keep a junkie from killing his partner, Sgt. Roger Skaggs. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.2
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Philip Dumont who is aboard the Queen Mary and is trying to prevent the marriage of Dumont's ex-wife Catherine Farrington to a gangster, Vincent Loggia, affectionately referred to as Vinny the Viper. She's still in love with Philip who inexplicably disappeared three years before while sailing in the south seas. Her father wants the marriage to go forward because Vinny has offered to buy his failing shipping firm. Catherine's younger sister is on Philip's side but Vinny is prepared to do whatever it takes to get rid of him. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.2
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Buster who is in the process of kidnapping a baby along with a stripper whose stage name is Bunny O'Hare and whose story is constantly changing. Initially, he thinks they might be the parents but Bunny tells him she is trying to get the baby, Christie, back to its real mother. Turns out she had good reason to take the baby away from her father Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.3
49 min

Sam leaps into the body of Victor Panzini a trapeze artist along with his sister Eva and his father Laszlo. There is much tension in the Panzini family resulting from the death of the family matriarch a year ago. She fell during a performance while attempting a triple somersault and Laszlo blames his son who was acting as her catcher. Al tells Sam, who is afraid of heights, that in two days time, Eva Panzini will attempt the triple with her father as her catcher and she too will fall to her death. The only solution is for Sam to overcome his fears and take his father's place. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.8
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Charlie 'Black Magic' Walters, an aging pool pro who tries to help his granddaughter make a success of her club without resorting to pool playing. Al is thrilled at the turn of events having met Black Magic Walters in his youth. Unable to get a legitimate loan from the bank, Magic is forced to play the local loan shark to wipe out the debt. The only problem is that Sam can't play pool. Al comes up with a very practical way of ensuring Sam's success but he's left on his own when a technical glitch gets in the way. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.9
49 min

Sam leaps into the body of Melvin Spooner a small town mortician and part-time coroner. The police bring him the body of 19 year old local girl, Hilly, who they believe committed suicide. Sam isn't so sure that she killed herself when he finds what appears to be a bullet hole in the side of her head. Unfortunately, he doesn't find a bullet or an exit hole. The autopsy also reveals that she was pregnant. She was seeing the son of a prominent businessman who didn't approve of their relationship. Sam realizes that he must solve the crime if he is to leap again. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Sam leaps into the body of George Washaki, a Native American who finds himself in jail with his grandfather. They had been arrested when George stole a pickup truck to help his grandfather run away from his nursing home and go back to his ancestral lands. The old man is dying and he does not want to die anywhere else. Sam decides to help him and they escape from jail setting off a manhunt. Along the way, Sam learns a little bit about himself as the old man dispenses wisdom that is applicable to both Sam as well as his grandson. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.3
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of an FBI Agent who is assigned to protect Dana Berrenger. She testified against her boss who used his company to import drugs, among other things. Unfortunately for her, her ex-boss was found not guilty at his trial and he's now out for revenge. She is in the witness protection program but the man has an uncanny ability of finding her. She thinks her FBI protector is just plain incompetent but it's obvious there is someone working on the inside. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
49 min

Sam finds himself back in high school when he leaps into the body of Eddie Vega. Eddie and his best friend Chuey Martinez both star on the school's football team and Sam is there to keep Chuey from throwing the upcoming championship game. It turns out that Chuey's mother is several months behind in her rent to her landlord who also happens to be a heavy gambler. In return for Chuey throwing the game - he's the team's star receiver - he'll forgive what his mother owes. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of a divorced mother of three whose eldest son, 15 year-old Kevin, will run away from home in the next 24 hours never to be seen again. Kevin is at that awkward age where he's embarrassed that he's still a virgin. His so-called friends decide to pull a practical joke on him leading him to run away. Sam and Al also learn that a young child can see both of them and have to come up with some pretty quick answers. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
47 min

Sam leaps into the body of Knut 'Wild Thing' Wileton, a frat house president who is known for his partying. It's 1967 and protests against the Vietnam war are now common on college campuses. Sam's task is ensure that a fellow student, Elizabeth Spokane, doesn't make an error that will ruin her life. In a few days, she will place a bomb in the chemistry lab to protest work they are doing for the Defense Department. Although the lab is supposed to be empty at the time, a student will be killed. It turns out Sam also has another task, one related to Wild Thing himself. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.2
47 min

Sam leaps into the body of Dr. Timothy Mintz, a parapsychologist who who is working with Troin Claridge who is trying to contact her husband, who died three years ago. Mintz is attracted to the woman and Sam knows one thing - if he can't convince her that there is no ghost, she too will drown in the small lake behind her house just as her husband did. Troin's brother, Jimmy Giovanni, is convinced that Mintz is exploiting her and their very odd housekeeper, Priscilla Stoltz, is nothing short of creepy. Sam however is convinced that there is a very earthly explanation to the voices Troin has been hearing. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.8
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Ray Hutton, a working actor in the touring company of Man of La Mancha. He's the understudy to a renowned actor, John O'Malley, who's a bit of lush. His task is to keep the man from suffering a tragic fall during an upcoming performance. Sam is distracted when he sees his first love, Nicole, his one-time piano teacher. Although only 15 years old at the time - and she 25 - Sam adored her. She also at one time had a relationship with Ray Hutton and Sam is having difficulty differentiating between the two. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.1
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of defense attorney Leonard Dancey just as he is about to enter a plea on behalf of Lila Berry, who is charged with murder. It appears that a plea bargain had already been agreed to but when Sam asks Lila if she did it, she refuses to answer him so he enters a not guilty plea. The sudden change doesn't sit well with the DA and also with Captain Cotter, the most influential man in town and the dead man's father. It's 1957 Louisiana and Sam is appalled at the attitudes toward his client, an African-American. The all-white jury is certain to convict unless he can get Lila to tell him exactly what happened, but she is obviously protecting someone. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Sam leaps into the body of Jimmy LaMotta a mentally disabled man, with the IQ of a 12 year-old, who has recently moved in with his brother Frank and his family. It's 1964 and there is little tolerance for integrating men like Jimmy into mainstream society. At home, Jimmy's sister-in-law is worried having him around, particularly the effect he may be having on their son. Jimmy manages to get a job on the docks with his brother but faces a great deal of prejudice from some fellow workers, particularly from a man named Blue. Blue has a secret of his own, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.3
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Rabbi David Bosch and his mission this time around is to mend relations between his brother Joe and his sister-in-law Irene. Their marriage soured when their son Danny died in an accident and Joe blames his wife. Al's information is that Irene will have an affair in the next 36 hours that will tear the marriage apart. The only problem is that Sam thinks Rabbi David is the man she's supposed to have the affair with. He sets out to try and mend their relationship but also has to deal with Bert Glasserman, the local community Lothario. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.3

Sam leaps into the body of Chick Howell, a rock and roll DJ for radio station WOF. It's 1959 and there is a growing backlash against this new form of music. Station owner and manager Rachel Porter is determined to become the #1 radio station in Peoria but one of her main clients has withdrawn all of his advertising and is urging others to do so. He even gets the town council to pass an ordinance banning rock and roll music from the airwaves. Sam and Rachel barricade themselves in the radio station and vow to fight for what Sam sees as a free speech issue. He also gets to show Chubby Checker the twist! Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

On the eve of the Beatles first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964, Sam has more than a few butterflies in his stomach when he leaps into a blind concert pianist, Andrew Ross. His girlfriend, Michelle Stevens is a meek young woman who still lives at home with her domineering mother. Sam learns from Al that unless something is done, Michelle will become the fourth victim of the Central Park Strangler. Sam has a plan to save her, but his immediate concern is just how he is going to perform a scheduled concert at Carnegie Hall. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.9

Sam leaps into the body of an attractive secretary, Samantha Stormer. It's 1961 and a woman's place in the world, and at the office, is set in stone. She soon finds that her promotion was because her lecherous boss, Buddy Wright, had his eye on her and is hoping to have a fling. Buddy is married but is also having an affair with Samantha's roommate, Gloria. He's promised her that he will soon leave his wife but Sam knows that unless he can convince her to break off the affair, it will only lead to heartbreak and her eventual suicide. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Sam has to deal with racism in 1950's America when he leaps into the body of a young U.S. Navy sailor, Charlie Mackenzie, who returns home to his small mid-western town with his new Japanese bride, Machiko. Not surprisingly, there is a World War II veteran who hates the Japanese and blames the war for ruining his promising professional baseball career. The biggest opposition however comes from his own mother who simply will not accept the young woman into her home. As Sam learns, Charlie's mother is still grieving from the loss of her daughter over a year ago and feels terrible guilt at never having reconciled with her before her death. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

Sam has to save his host's younger brother from his obsessed father who wants him to go into the family business as a movie stuntman.

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

In April 1960 Sam leaps into the body of a New York City police detective, Tom McBride, who is traveling with his new bride Diane on the Honeymoon Express, the train from New York to Niagara Falls. He soon realizes that Diane's violent ex-husband is stalking her and that he has every intention of murdering them. Meanwhile, Adm. Al Calavicci finds himself before a very skeptical Senate committee reviewing the project's budget. What they don't realize is that Sam's trip on the train and the Senate investigation are definitely linked. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

It's the early 1950s an Sam has leaped into the body of a New York City private detective, Nick Allen. Apart from the fact that Allen bears a striking resemblance to Humphrey Bogart, Sam feels that he has leaped into a cheap pulp novel, something that proves to be all too accurate when he realizes he knows the story and is constantly having a sense of déjà vu. With his partner murdered, Sam has to not only find the murderer but launch the career of a prospective writer. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

It's 1961 and Sam leaps into the body of a gawky, pimple-faced teenager, Cam Wilson. His older sister Cheryl represents many of the ideals of the times and is thrilled when she and her fiancé are accepted into the Peace Corps and are headed for Tonga. The fiancé, Bob Thompson, is the problem however and Sam's job is to make sure they don't get married. Bob has no plans to go to Tonga and has actually accepted a partnership in his father's car dealership. He's also a bit of a brute and has already been violent toward Cheryl. Cam tries to expose Bob for what he is by challenging him to a car race. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of an elderly black man, Jesse Tyler, in the US South. It's 1955 and racism is institutionalized. Not realizing initially that he is black, Sam commits a major error when he takes a seat in the local diner, raising the ire of a couple of local rednecks. Sam learns that Jesse is chauffeur to Miss Melny Trafford, a highly respected local citizen. The US civil rights movement has yet to begin, but Sam decides he's going to take action. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.7
48 min

Sam leaps into a mafia hit-man who may not live long since he is romancing the godfather's girlfriend. Also an attempt to bring Sam home causes the 1965 east coast blackout.

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.5
49 min

Sam leaps into the body of a Texas veterinarian, Dr. Daniel Young who carries a torch for a local ranch owner's daughter, Tess McGill. She has a stubborn streak and refuses to marry any man who is unable to out-ranch her. She makes a bet with her Dad that she will give Young one week to prove he can be a better rancher than she is and if he does, she will marry him. Young's helper at the veterinary practice, Buddy, proves to be a bit of a surprise. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.2
48 min

Sam Beckett leaps into the body of a boxer who has a shot a winning the championship. The man's contract is owned by local nuns who inherited his rights from a boxing promoter and their hope is that they could make enough money to build a chapel and drop-in center for the poor. What they don't know is that the boxer's 10 bout winning streak is the result of fixed matches and an unscrupulous boxing promoter now wants him to take in dive in the championship bout. Sam comes up with a clever solution that he hopes will satisfy all parties. Written by garykmcd

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

At a small Ohio college, Sam Beckett is a literature professor who must discourage the amorous advances of a student and finds the woman who left him at the altar. Sam hopes that resolving her conflicts with her father will prevent her from deserting him. Written by laird-3

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

As Tom Stratton, Sam comforts his (Tom's) wife and prevents her from having a premature birth. This is what he was sent to do, allowing him to leap home (he hopes). But instead of leaping home, he leaps into Tim Fox, a minor league baseball player in Texas at the end of the 1968 season, in the middle of a game, where he must make the winning play in order to leap further. Aided by errors, Tim Fox, after a dropped third strike on a wild pitch, rounds the bases for the winning score, and Sam leaps into Dr. Gerald Bryant as a college professor in the middle of a class. Written by Anonymous

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HD Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.9
89 min

Although the Project Quantum Leap isn't ready yet, Sam Beckett doesn't listen to supercomputer Ziggy, hops into the Accelerator and leaps. As Tom Stratton, an Air Force test pilot about to attempt a dangerous flight. Sam finds his memory Swiss cheesed, with only enough left to know that he is not where or when he belongs. According to Sam's friend and partner Al, who appears to him as a hologram nobody else can see, Al explains that the Project has gone awry and in order to leap out of the pilot's body, Sam must successfully fly the X-2 to Mach 3, which according to historical records, ended in a fatal crash. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
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HD Chicago Hope

Chicago Hope


Chicago Hope

IMDb: 8.2

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