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IMDb: 8.0

Oscar Blaketon is on his way home late one night when he sees strange lights around St. Michael's Church, but he is knocked down before he can investigate any further. Nothing appears to be missing, but a few days later a grave is desecrated and a human skull has been removed from it. Are there witches and black masses in Aidensfield? It seems so, because the farmer Mr. Follet is just wasting away as if he is bewitched and a voodoo doll and other signs of witchcraft are found on his farm. Greengrass is doing some gardening for Dorothea Cliveden, who is a queen in the cosmetic world. He surprises her one day with her face all covered in mud and learns, that people will pay a lot of money for mud intended for beauty care. Of course he cannot resist an opportunity like that. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.0

Oscar Blaketon is on his way home late one night when he sees strange lights around St. Michael's Church, but he is knocked down before he can investigate any further. Nothing appears to be missing, but a few days later a grave is desecrated and a human skull has been removed from it. Are there witches and black masses in Aidensfield? It seems so, because the farmer Mr. Follet is just wasting away as if he is bewitched and a voodoo doll and other signs of witchcraft are found on his farm. Greengrass is doing some gardening for Dorothea Cliveden, who is a queen in the cosmetic world. He surprises her one day with her face all covered in mud and learns, that people will pay a lot of money for mud intended for beauty care. Of course he cannot resist an opportunity like that. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.4

Somebody breaks in at Jenny and Tim McDonald's house, but nothing seems to be taken. The next morning Tim McDonald is two hours late at work at a bank, because the intruder put back their clocks. The intruder turns out to be an old friend of Tim McDonald, a really bad apple called Carl Southall, and he claims that McDonald owes him a favour. There is an open tournament at the local golf club, and Greengrass plans to make a killing by entering a B. Scripps in the tournament and bet on him. Only it is not Bernie Scripps as the club manager Trevor Snape thinks, but Bernie's nephew Barry, who is a professional golf player. Greengrass spots an opportunity to make an even bigger killing when he learns that outside investors want to buy the club and turn it into an upmarket country club. He only has to become a member of the golf club to get a share of the sales money. That is all - or is it? Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.4

Somebody breaks in at Jenny and Tim McDonald's house, but nothing seems to be taken. The next morning Tim McDonald is two hours late at work at a bank, because the intruder put back their clocks. The intruder turns out to be an old friend of Tim McDonald, a really bad apple called Carl Southall, and he claims that McDonald owes him a favour. There is an open tournament at the local golf club, and Greengrass plans to make a killing by entering a B. Scripps in the tournament and bet on him. Only it is not Bernie Scripps as the club manager Trevor Snape thinks, but Bernie's nephew Barry, who is a professional golf player. Greengrass spots an opportunity to make an even bigger killing when he learns that outside investors want to buy the club and turn it into an upmarket country club. He only has to become a member of the golf club to get a share of the sales money. That is all - or is it? Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Brian Rider buys his first car at Marsden Motor Co. and like all young men he likes it sporty and fast. When the proud new car owner takes his vehicle for a fast spin he loses control and collides with a stone wall. His mother blames Marsden for selling her son a defective car. But it is destroyed by fire before forensics can have a look at it. And that is not Marsden's only trouble. His wife has been caught shoplifting on several occasions and it turns out that she has been beaten as well. PC Bradley thinks Marsden is behind both incidents. Greengrass has bought a couple of racing pigeons and wants everybody to buy shares. But it appears that even Greengrass does not know everything about racing pigeons. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Brian Rider buys his first car at Marsden Motor Co. and like all young men he likes it sporty and fast. When the proud new car owner takes his vehicle for a fast spin he loses control and collides with a stone wall. His mother blames Marsden for selling her son a defective car. But it is destroyed by fire before forensics can have a look at it. And that is not Marsden's only trouble. His wife has been caught shoplifting on several occasions and it turns out that she has been beaten as well. PC Bradley thinks Marsden is behind both incidents. Greengrass has bought a couple of racing pigeons and wants everybody to buy shares. But it appears that even Greengrass does not know everything about racing pigeons. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Alec Formby and his fiancée Sonia Harding are on route with a radioactive isotope to a laboratory in Leeds and make a stop at the Aidensfield Arms to get something to eat. When they have finished their car has been stolen. The Police recover the car again after it has been involved in an accident, but the lead bottle containing the isotope is gone. Greengrass' brother Cyril calls on him with a business proposition He has bought a racing dog and needs a place to keep it for a couple of days. The dog is very fast and Greengrass races the dog without his brother's knowledge. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Alec Formby and his fiancée Sonia Harding are on route with a radioactive isotope to a laboratory in Leeds and make a stop at the Aidensfield Arms to get something to eat. When they have finished their car has been stolen. The Police recover the car again after it has been involved in an accident, but the lead bottle containing the isotope is gone. Greengrass' brother Cyril calls on him with a business proposition He has bought a racing dog and needs a place to keep it for a couple of days. The dog is very fast and Greengrass races the dog without his brother's knowledge. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

The neighbours Clive Harris and Stuart Parsons are not the best of friends to put it mildly. When Oscar Blaketon tries to mediate between their families Parsons' wife Frances and his son-in-law John Nixon are rushed to hospital with signs of food poisoning. Naturally Harris comes under suspicion, but when Gina gets ill with the same symptoms PC Bradley is sure there is another reason. While Gina is in hospital her aunt Mary comes to Aidensfield to visit her. Bernie sells a car to Laslo Riles for Claude Greengrass, but when Riles goes bankrupt before he can pay Greengrass makes him pay in kind. Thus the old scoundrel suddenly becomes the proud owner of a snake. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

The neighbours Clive Harris and Stuart Parsons are not the best of friends to put it mildly. When Oscar Blaketon tries to mediate between their families Parsons' wife Frances and his son-in-law John Nixon are rushed to hospital with signs of food poisoning. Naturally Harris comes under suspicion, but when Gina gets ill with the same symptoms PC Bradley is sure there is another reason. While Gina is in hospital her aunt Mary comes to Aidensfield to visit her. Bernie sells a car to Laslo Riles for Claude Greengrass, but when Riles goes bankrupt before he can pay Greengrass makes him pay in kind. Thus the old scoundrel suddenly becomes the proud owner of a snake. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

There has been a dance at the youth club in Aidensfield and 15-year old Maureen asks PC Bradley if he would walk her home. Bradley thinks it is only a schoolgirl prank and tells her to ask a boy of her own age. She has a crush on him, but she also claims that somebody is following her. And a couple of nights later Maureen disappears on her way home from the club. The new sergeant, Raymond Craddock, arrives at Ashfordly police station. He is very narrow-minded and goes strictly by the book and when his mind has been made up it stays that way - even if he is wrong. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

There has been a dance at the youth club in Aidensfield and 15-year old Maureen asks PC Bradley if he would walk her home. Bradley thinks it is only a schoolgirl prank and tells her to ask a boy of her own age. She has a crush on him, but she also claims that somebody is following her. And a couple of nights later Maureen disappears on her way home from the club. The new sergeant, Raymond Craddock, arrives at Ashfordly police station. He is very narrow-minded and goes strictly by the book and when his mind has been made up it stays that way - even if he is wrong. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

The schoolboys Trevor and Stuart Chivers break into the house of WWI hero Gerard Sefton, while he is in hospital, and smashes up everything searching for money. The boys also have a little sideline collecting lost golf balls at the golf club and selling them to Claude Greengrass. But the youngest, Stuart, is fascinated by Sefton's war exploits and visits the old man at the hospital. When PCs Bellamy and Ventress want to question the boys their battleaxe of a mother says that her little angels have nothing to do with it, and throws them out. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

The schoolboys Trevor and Stuart Chivers break into the house of WWI hero Gerard Sefton, while he is in hospital, and smashes up everything searching for money. The boys also have a little sideline collecting lost golf balls at the golf club and selling them to Claude Greengrass. But the youngest, Stuart, is fascinated by Sefton's war exploits and visits the old man at the hospital. When PCs Bellamy and Ventress want to question the boys their battleaxe of a mother says that her little angels have nothing to do with it, and throws them out. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Oscar Blaketon gets into trouble when two young criminals steal his car and run away from an accident they have caused, because he will not account for his whereabouts at the time of the accident and did not report the car stolen. Meanwhile the two criminals, Joey Sharp and Frank Collins, supplies drugs to the schoolgirl Lizzie Tyler and her friend Babs. Greengrass overhears how PC Bradley talks to a friend about buying classic motorcycles and spots an opportunity to earn a quit or two. He even knows where hen can get his hands on some if he can get Bernie Scripps to assemble them. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Oscar Blaketon gets into trouble when two young criminals steal his car and run away from an accident they have caused, because he will not account for his whereabouts at the time of the accident and did not report the car stolen. Meanwhile the two criminals, Joey Sharp and Frank Collins, supplies drugs to the schoolgirl Lizzie Tyler and her friend Babs. Greengrass overhears how PC Bradley talks to a friend about buying classic motorcycles and spots an opportunity to earn a quit or two. He even knows where hen can get his hands on some if he can get Bernie Scripps to assemble them. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Oscar Blaketon gets a visit from Jim Ryan, his sergeant from the war in the Far East who has recently lost his wife. He enjoys seeing his old friend, but he gets worried about him, when Ryan sees a couple of biology students, Jill and Kathy, with a Japanese camera at the Aidensfield Arms and goes completely mad. Greengrass buys a herd of sheep from his friend Charlie Blunkett, but when the sheep turns out to be stolen, Greengrass wants his money back. Only Blunkett suddenly remembers nothing about any sheep and Greengrass must resort to drastic means to clear his good name. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Oscar Blaketon gets a visit from Jim Ryan, his sergeant from the war in the Far East who has recently lost his wife. He enjoys seeing his old friend, but he gets worried about him, when Ryan sees a couple of biology students, Jill and Kathy, with a Japanese camera at the Aidensfield Arms and goes completely mad. Greengrass buys a herd of sheep from his friend Charlie Blunkett, but when the sheep turns out to be stolen, Greengrass wants his money back. Only Blunkett suddenly remembers nothing about any sheep and Greengrass must resort to drastic means to clear his good name. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.7

Nathaniel Clegghorn believes his farm is haunted and has sent for paranormal investigators to authenticate it so that he can arrange guided tours for a fee. Greengrass thinks that is a brilliant idea and produces a couple of ghostly manifestations himself. An old acquaintance of Oscar Blaketon and the police, Jimmy Turpin, is back in Aidensfield and Blaketon warns sergeant Rowan that he might be up to something. He is, but gets his daughter Mitzi and her husband Johnny Wyler to do the dirty work. Nick Rowan has got a new job with the Royal Mounted Police and he and his family prepare to leave for Canada. PC Bradley takes over his position as village bobby in Aidensfield. Neil Bolton is tired of working at the hospital and has a look at Kate Rowan's old practice in Aidensfield. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.7

Nathaniel Clegghorn believes his farm is haunted and has sent for paranormal investigators to authenticate it so that he can arrange guided tours for a fee. Greengrass thinks that is a brilliant idea and produces a couple of ghostly manifestations himself. An old acquaintance of Oscar Blaketon and the police, Jimmy Turpin, is back in Aidensfield and Blaketon warns sergeant Rowan that he might be up to something. He is, but gets his daughter Mitzi and her husband Johnny Wyler to do the dirty work. Nick Rowan has got a new job with the Royal Mounted Police and he and his family prepare to leave for Canada. PC Bradley takes over his position as village bobby in Aidensfield. Neil Bolton is tired of working at the hospital and has a look at Kate Rowan's old practice in Aidensfield. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.3

The Upton family returns home only to find much of their furniture stolen and most of the rest smashed to pieces. John Upton suspects Harry Somers, who has been seeing his daughter Ruth a lot against his wishes. The Uptons move to the Aidensfield Arms while their home is repaired, but Ruth is attacked, when she returns to the house in the evening. The upcoming artist Moira Hamilton has rented a cottage in the village and is very interested in some of Greengrass' old car parts. She even paints a portrait of the old scoundrel - well sort of. Greengrass and Bernie Scripps decide also to try their luck in the world of modern art. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.3

The Upton family returns home only to find much of their furniture stolen and most of the rest smashed to pieces. John Upton suspects Harry Somers, who has been seeing his daughter Ruth a lot against his wishes. The Uptons move to the Aidensfield Arms while their home is repaired, but Ruth is attacked, when she returns to the house in the evening. The upcoming artist Moira Hamilton has rented a cottage in the village and is very interested in some of Greengrass' old car parts. She even paints a portrait of the old scoundrel - well sort of. Greengrass and Bernie Scripps decide also to try their luck in the world of modern art. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.6

Somebody has been snatching Gina's empty bottles and PC Bradley has offered to stake out the pub. Meanwhile his past is catching up with him due to the death in custody case. His former girlfriend Penny turns up in Aidensfield with her baby son Tommy claiming that Bradley is the father. But also the gangsters Linden and Martin, who Bradley helped put away when he was with the Met, are eager to get hold of him when their sentences are reversed. Greengrass is liberating some fish from Lord Ashfordly when he befriends the tramp Tessa, who is doing a little liberating herself. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.6

Somebody has been snatching Gina's empty bottles and PC Bradley has offered to stake out the pub. Meanwhile his past is catching up with him due to the death in custody case. His former girlfriend Penny turns up in Aidensfield with her baby son Tommy claiming that Bradley is the father. But also the gangsters Linden and Martin, who Bradley helped put away when he was with the Met, are eager to get hold of him when their sentences are reversed. Greengrass is liberating some fish from Lord Ashfordly when he befriends the tramp Tessa, who is doing a little liberating herself. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

Greengrass buys a used police car at an auction, where Bernie Scripps recognizes the former racing driver Russell Palmer, who now works for his cousin Keith Hibbert. Hibbert and Palmer are arrested after a brawl at the Aidensfield Arms and have to spend the night in prison at the police station under the watchful eyes of PC Bradley, who has the night watch. During the night Palmer complains of head aches and early next morning he is found dead in his cell. Hibbert accuses PC Bradley of beating Palmer up and thus causing his death. Acting sergeant Rowan has no other option than to launch a full investigation and suspend Bradley. Meanwhile Greengrass has converted his police car into a taxi cab and happens to overhear a little too much on his radio. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

Greengrass buys a used police car at an auction, where Bernie Scripps recognizes the former racing driver Russell Palmer, who now works for his cousin Keith Hibbert. Hibbert and Palmer are arrested after a brawl at the Aidensfield Arms and have to spend the night in prison at the police station under the watchful eyes of PC Bradley, who has the night watch. During the night Palmer complains of head aches and early next morning he is found dead in his cell. Hibbert accuses PC Bradley of beating Palmer up and thus causing his death. Acting sergeant Rowan has no other option than to launch a full investigation and suspend Bradley. Meanwhile Greengrass has converted his police car into a taxi cab and happens to overhear a little too much on his radio. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Demand for TV sets is high due to Christmas and the upcoming message from her majesty the queen, and especially one customer, Jim Brody, is set on getting a new set - in colour. But only if he gets the very first colour TV set in the area. That is one of the reasons why Rex Hawkins TV rentals and repair shop is very popular and Hawkins is also very popular among the wives of his customers. But he is bullied by Lol Baxter because has failed to pay for a shipment of very cheap, but defective TV sets. Also PC Ventress carries a grudge against Hawkins because Hawkins got him sacked from the local choir. So when Hawkins is attacked outside the Aidensfield Arms there are a lot of suspects to choose from. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Demand for TV sets is high due to Christmas and the upcoming message from her majesty the queen, and especially one customer, Jim Brody, is set on getting a new set - in colour. But only if he gets the very first colour TV set in the area. That is one of the reasons why Rex Hawkins TV rentals and repair shop is very popular and Hawkins is also very popular among the wives of his customers. But he is bullied by Lol Baxter because has failed to pay for a shipment of very cheap, but defective TV sets. Also PC Ventress carries a grudge against Hawkins because Hawkins got him sacked from the local choir. So when Hawkins is attacked outside the Aidensfield Arms there are a lot of suspects to choose from. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.4

Nick and Jo Rowan return from their honeymoon in Spain. They find out that he has been made acting sergeant at the Ashfordly police station, while Blaketon has taken over the post office. A fair is visiting Aidensfield and one of its main attractions is the wall of death and its riders Dirk and Liam. Especially 15-year old Tracey Knight is fascinated by Dirk who has promised her a spot on the show. Dirk is seriously injured when he crashes off the wall during practice. The police soon find out it was not an accident. Another attraction is the mouse show, which Greengrass' lurcher Alfred decides by eating the favourite owned by the very unpopular Trevor Lammas. The next day Greengrass finds his dog lying on the floor with all signs of poisoning and accuses Lammas, who starts to have a series of small mishaps. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.4

Nick and Jo Rowan return from their honeymoon in Spain. They find out that he has been made acting sergeant at the Ashfordly police station, while Blaketon has taken over the post office. A fair is visiting Aidensfield and one of its main attractions is the wall of death and its riders Dirk and Liam. Especially 15-year old Tracey Knight is fascinated by Dirk who has promised her a spot on the show. Dirk is seriously injured when he crashes off the wall during practice. The police soon find out it was not an accident. Another attraction is the mouse show, which Greengrass' lurcher Alfred decides by eating the favourite owned by the very unpopular Trevor Lammas. The next day Greengrass finds his dog lying on the floor with all signs of poisoning and accuses Lammas, who starts to have a series of small mishaps. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.6

Sergeant Blaketon is recuperating from his heart attack and cannot get back to work fast enough, when Dr. Bolton informs him that his days on the police force are over due to risk of another heart attack. That does not suit him at all and especially not when he learns that the Deighton family is back in Aidensfield. The Deightons have done mischief in the area before and they are definitely up to no good this time either. From his hospital bed Blaketon tells his constables to keep a close eye on them. Greengrass lets Lieutenant Craig and her girl scouts camp on his land. That brings the girls on a collision course with the Deightons when they stage a paper chase. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.6

Sergeant Blaketon is recuperating from his heart attack and cannot get back to work fast enough, when Dr. Bolton informs him that his days on the police force are over due to risk of another heart attack. That does not suit him at all and especially not when he learns that the Deighton family is back in Aidensfield. The Deightons have done mischief in the area before and they are definitely up to no good this time either. From his hospital bed Blaketon tells his constables to keep a close eye on them. Greengrass lets Lieutenant Craig and her girl scouts camp on his land. That brings the girls on a collision course with the Deightons when they stage a paper chase. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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