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IMDb: 8.6

Sergeant Blaketon is out on patrol when he is overtaken by a long-haired bully wearing a leather jacket on a motorcycle. He catches up with him while he is parked at a petrol station, and when he is asked for his name the bully introduces himself as Mike Bradley, the new police constable. After getting a much needed haircut PC Bradley soon has his baptism of fire when two armed criminals take Greengrass and Gina hostage so that they can hide in their catering truck and get into a pipeline compound to empty the safe. And they make it very clear that they are not afraid to use their firearms. Blaketon has a hard time facing retirement and asks for more tests, but he has to wait another week for the results of these tests. His heart will give him an answer much sooner than that. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.6

Sergeant Blaketon is out on patrol when he is overtaken by a long-haired bully wearing a leather jacket on a motorcycle. He catches up with him while he is parked at a petrol station, and when he is asked for his name the bully introduces himself as Mike Bradley, the new police constable. After getting a much needed haircut PC Bradley soon has his baptism of fire when two armed criminals take Greengrass and Gina hostage so that they can hide in their catering truck and get into a pipeline compound to empty the safe. And they make it very clear that they are not afraid to use their firearms. Blaketon has a hard time facing retirement and asks for more tests, but he has to wait another week for the results of these tests. His heart will give him an answer much sooner than that. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.8

The day of Nick's and Jo's wedding has arrived. To calm his nerves Nick takes a ride in his car when he is flagged down by a woman because of an accident. Suddenly the woman drives away in his car and Nick is stuck miles away from everywhere on the moors with an injured man on his hands. He manages to get the man to hospital, but time is getting short if he has to make it to the church in time. Sergeant Blaketon's day of retirement is nearing and he has applied for a year's extension of service, but the news from his medical exam is not good. News is not all bad though because they will also get a new police constable in Ashfordly. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.8

The day of Nick's and Jo's wedding has arrived. To calm his nerves Nick takes a ride in his car when he is flagged down by a woman because of an accident. Suddenly the woman drives away in his car and Nick is stuck miles away from everywhere on the moors with an injured man on his hands. He manages to get the man to hospital, but time is getting short if he has to make it to the church in time. Sergeant Blaketon's day of retirement is nearing and he has applied for a year's extension of service, but the news from his medical exam is not good. News is not all bad though because they will also get a new police constable in Ashfordly. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Sammy Maxton is found injured on Shafton Moor and witnesses heard a shot and saw Barry Rooksby running from the scene and driving away with is daughter Suzy. Rooksby has recently lost his job as game keeper and blames Maxton for telling lies about him to get the job himself. Alice Jessop is released from hospital after a stroke and hires the butler Alan Lester to look after her. A couple of days later Eileen discovers that a valuable clock is missing from Mrs. Jessop's home Gina is nervous because she has to appear in court to apply for the license to run the Aidensfield Arms. Steve tries to comfort her, but his mind is more occupied by the American pool match, which Greengrass is arranging. But his pool table is confiscated as evidence when it turns out that it was stolen, and Greengrass is under pressure to get a new one. He soon finds out that American pool tables are rare in North Riding. The preparations for Nick's and Jo's wedding are in full swing, and Phil is hoping that Nick ... Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Sammy Maxton is found injured on Shafton Moor and witnesses heard a shot and saw Barry Rooksby running from the scene and driving away with is daughter Suzy. Rooksby has recently lost his job as game keeper and blames Maxton for telling lies about him to get the job himself. Alice Jessop is released from hospital after a stroke and hires the butler Alan Lester to look after her. A couple of days later Eileen discovers that a valuable clock is missing from Mrs. Jessop's home Gina is nervous because she has to appear in court to apply for the license to run the Aidensfield Arms. Steve tries to comfort her, but his mind is more occupied by the American pool match, which Greengrass is arranging. But his pool table is confiscated as evidence when it turns out that it was stolen, and Greengrass is under pressure to get a new one. He soon finds out that American pool tables are rare in North Riding. The preparations for Nick's and Jo's wedding are in full swing, and Phil is hoping that Nick ... Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Terry Ainsworth is more interested in train spotting than going to school, and he is happy when his father Eddie takes him on a train ride. Little does the boy know that his father, who is fresh out of jail, is planning to steal a lot of fur coats and he wants to check out the railway line for the best spot to do it. It does not matter to him that his wife Molly is working at the company which produces the fur coats. Greengrass is doing some gardening for Mr. and Mrs. Dobson when he finds some old, Roman coins. Convinced there are more where they came from he rents an excavator to do some serious digging for them while the Dobsons are away for a couple of days. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Terry Ainsworth is more interested in train spotting than going to school, and he is happy when his father Eddie takes him on a train ride. Little does the boy know that his father, who is fresh out of jail, is planning to steal a lot of fur coats and he wants to check out the railway line for the best spot to do it. It does not matter to him that his wife Molly is working at the company which produces the fur coats. Greengrass is doing some gardening for Mr. and Mrs. Dobson when he finds some old, Roman coins. Convinced there are more where they came from he rents an excavator to do some serious digging for them while the Dobsons are away for a couple of days. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Greengrass has a soft job cleaning Lord Ashfordly's lawns for moles. To ensure a lasting employment him and David puts the moles back again at night. One night they are surprised by his lordship's sister Patricia, who is drunk as a skunk. It soon becomes clear that she has a drinking problem, and she is convinced that the law against drunk driving does not apply to nobilities like herself. She also has a soft spot for Steve's father Harry, whom she had a crush on when they were young. When Lord Ashfordly is away hunting for a couple of days Greengrass decides to put Ashfordly Hall on the map as he calls it and he organizes a poaching party in his lordship's absence. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Greengrass has a soft job cleaning Lord Ashfordly's lawns for moles. To ensure a lasting employment him and David puts the moles back again at night. One night they are surprised by his lordship's sister Patricia, who is drunk as a skunk. It soon becomes clear that she has a drinking problem, and she is convinced that the law against drunk driving does not apply to nobilities like herself. She also has a soft spot for Steve's father Harry, whom she had a crush on when they were young. When Lord Ashfordly is away hunting for a couple of days Greengrass decides to put Ashfordly Hall on the map as he calls it and he organizes a poaching party in his lordship's absence. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.0

A group of farmers are hunting for a dog, which has killed some of their sheep, when one of them, Richard Ealham, gets hit by a shot. Most likely suspect is Jeff Kean, who has just found out that his wife Sheila is having an affair with Ealham. There is great demand for the famous Aidensfield buns, but Bill Dyson is the only one, who knows the recipe, and he does not want to give it to his sons, who runs the bakery, because he has become senile, but do not get along with each other. Instead he trusts it to Greengrass in a clear moment just in case he should forget it one day. Gina gets a letter from her uncle, which says that he will not be able to return to the pub anymore and that he will give up his license. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.0

A group of farmers are hunting for a dog, which has killed some of their sheep, when one of them, Richard Ealham, gets hit by a shot. Most likely suspect is Jeff Kean, who has just found out that his wife Sheila is having an affair with Ealham. There is great demand for the famous Aidensfield buns, but Bill Dyson is the only one, who knows the recipe, and he does not want to give it to his sons, who runs the bakery, because he has become senile, but do not get along with each other. Instead he trusts it to Greengrass in a clear moment just in case he should forget it one day. Gina gets a letter from her uncle, which says that he will not be able to return to the pub anymore and that he will give up his license. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Charlie Fenton has just picked up his girlfriend, Lisa, from the train station, when they nearly run down a little boy Justin, who is saved at the last moment by his grandfather Alec Oxley. Oxley reports the incident to the police because he smells alcohol in Fenton's breath. When PC Rowan lets Fenton off with a warning, Oxley takes matters in his own hand Greengrass gets a very unwelcome visitor, his big brother Cyril. Cyril is on the lookout for a weekend cottage. But his wife Edith does not necessarily need to know. Claude is more interested in taking a ride in Cyril's Rolls Royce. Gina has got a new boyfriend, Steve, who is helping out at the pub. Nick is concerned about his future father-in-law, who seems to have lost his will to live after his wife's funeral. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Charlie Fenton has just picked up his girlfriend, Lisa, from the train station, when they nearly run down a little boy Justin, who is saved at the last moment by his grandfather Alec Oxley. Oxley reports the incident to the police because he smells alcohol in Fenton's breath. When PC Rowan lets Fenton off with a warning, Oxley takes matters in his own hand Greengrass gets a very unwelcome visitor, his big brother Cyril. Cyril is on the lookout for a weekend cottage. But his wife Edith does not necessarily need to know. Claude is more interested in taking a ride in Cyril's Rolls Royce. Gina has got a new boyfriend, Steve, who is helping out at the pub. Nick is concerned about his future father-in-law, who seems to have lost his will to live after his wife's funeral. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Jean Lightfoot believes she is being followed and she receives mysterious phone calls. One day she finds a strange, well dressed woman at her doorstep, Susan Williamson, who claims to be an old sweetheart of Jean's husband Derek, but he says he has never seen her before. The Australian couple Len and Julie Wilcox is in Aidensfield to look for relatives. When Greengrass discovers they have plenty of money he offers his services to them - for a small fee of course. He also discovers that they are distant relatives of his and tries to sell them valuable heirlooms. Jo and her father have to cope with her mother's death and take care of funeral arrangements. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.5

Jean Lightfoot believes she is being followed and she receives mysterious phone calls. One day she finds a strange, well dressed woman at her doorstep, Susan Williamson, who claims to be an old sweetheart of Jean's husband Derek, but he says he has never seen her before. The Australian couple Len and Julie Wilcox is in Aidensfield to look for relatives. When Greengrass discovers they have plenty of money he offers his services to them - for a small fee of course. He also discovers that they are distant relatives of his and tries to sell them valuable heirlooms. Jo and her father have to cope with her mother's death and take care of funeral arrangements. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

A tobacco warehouse has been raided and a van used by the raiders is found burned-out on Berley Moor. The police manage to close off all the roads in the area and the perpetrators, Ned and Pete, hideout at Greengrass' house. When he finds out what they have been up to he wants them out of the house, but Ned leans on him to give them shelter. Clive Thompson is in Aidensfield to paint. He discovers that his daughter Cathy is in love with the landlady's son Stephen and he takes her home the next day, but she makes off to meet him. Jo convinces her mother to go to hospital for some test to find out what the matter is with her. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

A tobacco warehouse has been raided and a van used by the raiders is found burned-out on Berley Moor. The police manage to close off all the roads in the area and the perpetrators, Ned and Pete, hideout at Greengrass' house. When he finds out what they have been up to he wants them out of the house, but Ned leans on him to give them shelter. Clive Thompson is in Aidensfield to paint. He discovers that his daughter Cathy is in love with the landlady's son Stephen and he takes her home the next day, but she makes off to meet him. Jo convinces her mother to go to hospital for some test to find out what the matter is with her. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

Bag-snatchers are at large in Ashfordly and the police know that Ian 'Duster' Murray and Robert 'Red' Broadbent are the perpetrators, but cannot prove it. When they attack Phil Bellamy's grandmother he takes it personally and gets determined to see them behind bars at any cost. Greengrass is also in great demand. Mr. Braithwaite has died and his daughters Joan and Norma are convinced that he hid his will in his stuffed prize ram and that Greengrass knows where it is. Jo's mother has become ill and she does her best to make Jo feel bad about it, because she will not break up her engagement to Nick and Fiona Weston cannot keep up appearances when her daughter is married to a common village bobby. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

Bag-snatchers are at large in Ashfordly and the police know that Ian 'Duster' Murray and Robert 'Red' Broadbent are the perpetrators, but cannot prove it. When they attack Phil Bellamy's grandmother he takes it personally and gets determined to see them behind bars at any cost. Greengrass is also in great demand. Mr. Braithwaite has died and his daughters Joan and Norma are convinced that he hid his will in his stuffed prize ram and that Greengrass knows where it is. Jo's mother has become ill and she does her best to make Jo feel bad about it, because she will not break up her engagement to Nick and Fiona Weston cannot keep up appearances when her daughter is married to a common village bobby. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.3

There has been a break-in at Sanger's Telephone Services. CID suspects a gang, who is behind other break-ins in the area and wants no help from the Ashfordly police, but sergeant Blaketon thinks it is an inside job and pushes his constables hard to solve the case and prove to CID that they are capable of handling their own patch. Greengrass is supplying Tony Mowbray, who works at Sanger's, with pheasants, hares and other kinds of game, but because Mowbray is under suspicion they cannot shift it. Jo Weston is concerned about Dennis Cross, who is absent from school almost every day because he has to take care of his ill mother. When Nick and Jo check on her they find her dead at the bottom of the stairs, but Dennis has made himself scarce. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.3

There has been a break-in at Sanger's Telephone Services. CID suspects a gang, who is behind other break-ins in the area and wants no help from the Ashfordly police, but sergeant Blaketon thinks it is an inside job and pushes his constables hard to solve the case and prove to CID that they are capable of handling their own patch. Greengrass is supplying Tony Mowbray, who works at Sanger's, with pheasants, hares and other kinds of game, but because Mowbray is under suspicion they cannot shift it. Jo Weston is concerned about Dennis Cross, who is absent from school almost every day because he has to take care of his ill mother. When Nick and Jo check on her they find her dead at the bottom of the stairs, but Dennis has made himself scarce. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.0

Somebody has deposited a truckload of pig manure in the driveway of special constable Hector Cowley. He correctly blames his neighbour Sweaty Betty Sutch and her son Simon and goes to their farm to sort out the matter. The next morning the coat of his uniform is found in their pigsty unlike himself, who is nowhere to be found. When his boots, trousers and other items belonging to him are found at the same place, rumour has it that he has been eaten by the pigs. Greengrass has a surprise visitor, Ellen Birley, an old friend from his past. She moves in with him and soon he enjoys the pleasure of well-cooked meals and clean clothes. But before long he misses the good old days, when they were only himself and Alfred. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.0

Somebody has deposited a truckload of pig manure in the driveway of special constable Hector Cowley. He correctly blames his neighbour Sweaty Betty Sutch and her son Simon and goes to their farm to sort out the matter. The next morning the coat of his uniform is found in their pigsty unlike himself, who is nowhere to be found. When his boots, trousers and other items belonging to him are found at the same place, rumour has it that he has been eaten by the pigs. Greengrass has a surprise visitor, Ellen Birley, an old friend from his past. She moves in with him and soon he enjoys the pleasure of well-cooked meals and clean clothes. But before long he misses the good old days, when they were only himself and Alfred. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.0

PC Bellamy surprises a burglar at the Kettley's Coaches bus company, and he and PC Rowan apprehends Keith Megson, an old friend of the police. Megson disposes of the loot before they catch him, and Megson's sleazy lawyer Sellars demands his immediate release. Megson is released on bail in the custody of the well-known pillar to society Claude Jeremiah Greengrass. There is a series of break-ins at older people's homes, and Megson claims the police are trying to pin them on him. Greengrass, who is fed up with the situation, cannot supply him with an alibi and decides never to let him out of sight. Not even when Megson visits his wealthy fiancée Marilyn. Gina is alone in the pub because her uncle has been taken ill. Nick and Jo are getting married and soon it is the worst kept secret in Aidensfield. As expected her mother is not too thrilled about the idea. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.0

PC Bellamy surprises a burglar at the Kettley's Coaches bus company, and he and PC Rowan apprehends Keith Megson, an old friend of the police. Megson disposes of the loot before they catch him, and Megson's sleazy lawyer Sellars demands his immediate release. Megson is released on bail in the custody of the well-known pillar to society Claude Jeremiah Greengrass. There is a series of break-ins at older people's homes, and Megson claims the police are trying to pin them on him. Greengrass, who is fed up with the situation, cannot supply him with an alibi and decides never to let him out of sight. Not even when Megson visits his wealthy fiancée Marilyn. Gina is alone in the pub because her uncle has been taken ill. Nick and Jo are getting married and soon it is the worst kept secret in Aidensfield. As expected her mother is not too thrilled about the idea. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.1
51 min

Christmas is near and there is the traditional nativity play at the village hall with PC Ventress as Santa Claus. Greengrass is supplying half the village with geese, but demand has been higher than expected and he is four birds short. He sends David to pick them up, but the snow causes him to drive off the road and he has to continue on foot to get help. David is not the only one in trouble because of the weather. A bus full of old people from Elsinby gets lost, and Phil Bellamy, who is giving Ventress a lift to Aidensfield, gets stuck in the snow. The falling snow also causes a small plane to crash not far from the police house and Nick and Jo go to see if they can be of any help. They find a very pregnant woman, Sophie, in the plane and tracks in the snow indicate that she was not alone. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.1
51 min

Christmas is near and there is the traditional nativity play at the village hall with PC Ventress as Santa Claus. Greengrass is supplying half the village with geese, but demand has been higher than expected and he is four birds short. He sends David to pick them up, but the snow causes him to drive off the road and he has to continue on foot to get help. David is not the only one in trouble because of the weather. A bus full of old people from Elsinby gets lost, and Phil Bellamy, who is giving Ventress a lift to Aidensfield, gets stuck in the snow. The falling snow also causes a small plane to crash not far from the police house and Nick and Jo go to see if they can be of any help. They find a very pregnant woman, Sophie, in the plane and tracks in the snow indicate that she was not alone. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.1
51 min

Ronnie Savage escapes during transport from one prison to another, and the Ashfordly police is asked to assist Inspector Jennings from CID catching him again. They discover that Savage will be leaving the country on a trawler from Whitby and PC Rowan goes undercover at the local fish market to find out when Savage will be leaving. While he is there he finds out that the foreman Penrice has a sideline selling fish undeclared. Unfortunately Greengrass is one of his customers and he may blow Nick's cover by accident. Aunt Eileen gets a surprise visit by and old, dear friend, Antonin Clarion, who asks her to marry him and go with him back to France. And PC Rowan has passed his sergeants exam. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.1
51 min

Ronnie Savage escapes during transport from one prison to another, and the Ashfordly police is asked to assist Inspector Jennings from CID catching him again. They discover that Savage will be leaving the country on a trawler from Whitby and PC Rowan goes undercover at the local fish market to find out when Savage will be leaving. While he is there he finds out that the foreman Penrice has a sideline selling fish undeclared. Unfortunately Greengrass is one of his customers and he may blow Nick's cover by accident. Aunt Eileen gets a surprise visit by and old, dear friend, Antonin Clarion, who asks her to marry him and go with him back to France. And PC Rowan has passed his sergeants exam. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6
50 min

Joyce Jowett has just lost her husband when a stranger called Nigel Wheeler turns up in Aidensfield asking for him. He is a financial advisor and while he is in the area he might as well visit other potential customers. One of them is Jo Weston and PC Rowan decides to take a closer look at him. George Ward and other villagers have received malicious letters. The only lead is that they are all written on the same typewriter. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6
50 min

Joyce Jowett has just lost her husband when a stranger called Nigel Wheeler turns up in Aidensfield asking for him. He is a financial advisor and while he is in the area he might as well visit other potential customers. One of them is Jo Weston and PC Rowan decides to take a closer look at him. George Ward and other villagers have received malicious letters. The only lead is that they are all written on the same typewriter. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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