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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.5
29 min

Jackie and Kevin are greeted by a surprise visitor during Grace's confirmation rehearsal. On the last day before All Saints closes its doors Jackie is offered a job at Bellevue Hospital, and wants Zoey to come with her.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.3
29 min

Dr. Prince puts a patient's life at risk, forcing Jackie to perform a procedure on her own. Meanwhile, Zoey is shocked to learn Carrie's secret. Eddie gets in hot water with his job - putting Jackie's position in jeopardy.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.4
26 min

Jackie and Eddie's quiet morning is interrupted by an unwelcome knock at the door.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.1
27 min

Jackie and Zoey set out on an unexpected road trip; Zoey confronts her frustration with Jackie.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.0
26 min

When Jackie tells Grace about her news, Grace's reaction surprises her. Dr. Prince attracts a mob to All Saints. Thor reveals a romantic secret.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 7.8
27 min

In an effort to stop dealing, Jackie and Eddie make one last purge of their stash; When Zoey blames herself after a patient dies, she and Dr. Carrie Roman form an unlikely friendship.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Jackie, Dr. Prince and Akalitus are forced to run the ER without nurses when Zoey leads a walk-out.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.2
27 min

Jackie stirs up trouble when she rallies her co-workers against the developers. Coop prepares for his last day at All Saints.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 7.9
26 min

Akalitus doesn't trust Jackie when she shares the news that the hospital is being sold.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.0
27 min

Jackie is not allowed to touch patients, and must undergo daily urine screens.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.2
27 min

Jackie wants to return to All Saints with the help from her lawyer, which she cannot afford.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.6
28 min

Picking up with her arrest, Jackie suffers through detox. Anticipating a heated battle with Gloria Akalitus, Jackie seeks help from a lawyer with her return to All Saints.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 9.0
27 min

Zoey reveals to Akalitus that she believes Jackie is using again, prompting a demand by Akalitus for a drug test. Seeing no other alternative Jackie attempts to flee New York but a car crash on her way to the airport prevents her from making her get away. Shortly after attending to the injured car crash victim Jackie inadvertently crashes into a stationary ambulance resulting in her arrest. Dr Roman informs Coop she is pregnant, and that he's the father. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.7
29 min

It's Kevin's wedding day and Jackie's going-not because she wants to, but because Fiona begged her. Luckily for her, she's got a serious stash to get her through. Akalitus has turned her suspicious eye on Jackie now that the DEA is breathing down her neck. Helen (the drunk nun that Jackie connected with in previous episodes) is brought in after a suicide attempt that will ultimately end her life in a few hours. Jackie cares for Helen along with all the other women in the ER. And to cover her own ass, Jackie convinces Helen to pass herself off as Nancy Wood, which takes Akalitus off the scent. Meanwhile, Carrie demands that Coop introduce her to his mom and he surprises her when he says he can't until they're serious. So Carrie uses her newfound local tv notoriety to out their relationship. But Jackie's drug use is at its zenith and after writing a gorgeous recommendation for Zoey's graduate program, Zoey witnesses Jackie make a near fatal error with a patient. And Zoey's suspicions ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.7
28 min

As Jackie's drug use intensifies, she realizes she needs to clear the decks of the people closest to her if she wants to keep using. She notices Grace and Frank's son getting a little too close for comfort. And this is all the ammunition she needs. She simplifies her life by breaking up with Frank and getting rid of Antoinette once and for all. Meanwhile, Carrie has forgotten Coop's 40th birthday the morning after they've slept together--and Thor manages to save her with the world's greatest present. The DEA investigation becomes more intense--many members of the staff at All Saints are questioned. And the investigation of Nancy Wood zeroes in on a suspect: Akalitus. And Zoey, now that she's single and has some clarity, decides to take the next step in her career and become a Nurse Practitioner. Jackie meets up with Gabe and we realize that she's going to take him to Kevin's wedding.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.0
29 min

As Kevin and Mia plan their wedding Jackie and Frank remain estranged. Though they're 'not talking,' Frank calls Jackie to warn her about a DEA investigation he heard is happening at All Saints involving interviews and urine tests. Jackie asserts she has nothing to worry about and ends the call quickly. It's clear the physician's number she stole is coming home to roost. Meanwhile, the death of the All Saints newsstand proprietor has the staff reflecting on the anonymity of life and Zoey and Thor plan a memorial. Jackie devises a painful spur of the moment solution to the impending DEA urine test involving Akalitus. The homeless nun returns in worse shape than ever and Jackie is happy to have a second chance to help her. Jackie brushes off the overly assuming Antoinette, claiming she wants to do recovery on her own. Antoinette turns to Eddie for help and more. Coop and Carrie find a way to get around their 'no sex in the hospital' rule. Jackie comes home to find a wedding invitation ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 7.9
24 min

Jackie detoxes at home with the help of Frank, Eddie, and Antoinette. It is a painful, embarrassing and emotional process for Jackie. In her detox, Jackie dreams that she is back on the floor at All Saints. Here she meets a mysterious patient who will expose Jackie's greatest fear; that her relationship with Grace is not repairable. When Jackie awakens from her dream, the worst of detox is over. She's on the mend when Grace comes home needing comfort after a really bad day at school. Jackie's worst fears for the future of her relationship with her daughter have not come true. Jackie has a second chance with Grace. Due to Jackie's fragile state, Frank raises objections to Grace moving home. Jackie realizes Frank isn't strong enough to be in a relationship with a life-long addict. She locks him out of the house, snorts a line, and tends to her daughter.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.2
29 min

The pressure of hiding her addiction is beginning to take a serious toll on Jackie. Meanwhile, Grace's friend Mandy tells Jackie that Grace is receiving an award at school that day. Before the girls leave the house, Mandy bullies Grace into letting her stash her party drugs in Grace's room. Meanwhile, Jackie arrives at work only to be ambushed again by Antoinette, who confronts Jackie about her use and makes a harrowing confession that spurs Jackie to get sober. After white-knuckling it through the morning, Jackie asks Eddie to find her some Suboxone - a controversial withdrawal drug - and he reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Akalitus attempts to cheer up Zoey by naming her nurse of the month. Over a patient, Zoey and Carrie clash and then actually begin to build a bond. Coop's dream of becoming chief has finally come true. Just as Jackie's at the end of her rope, Eddie comes through with the Suboxone. Jackie takes it and heads to Grace's awards ceremony, where she is shocked to learn ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.4
29 min

Jackie's fake identity is in compromised, but she has bigger problems to deal with. Prentiss is planning a night out with Zoey, but their date is interrupted when she suspects that something is wrong.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.1
28 min

Certain she has a hidden stash, Frank searches Jackie's house for drugs. Luckily for Jackie, he throws his back out before he can find anything. Laid up and in pain, Frank confesses to Jackie that he saw her use at the poker party the night before and was searching the house. Realizing she dodged a bullet, Jackie quickly removes all drugs from her home and tries to find a hiding place for them at All Saints, finally settling on an old relic in the ladies rest room. Jackie complains to Antoinette about her upcoming dinner with Kevin and his new finance, but Antoinette convinces her to go. Back at work, Jackie connects with a homeless, alcoholic nun who seems to have given up on life. Frank's suspicions are raised once again when Grace announces matter of factly that her mother is the world's best liar. When Frank finds an old drug stash by accident, he calls Jackie to confront her but she brushes him off and heads inside a Williamsburg loft where she finds distraction and excitement in...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.2
28 min

Kevin's engagement has left Jackie reeling. After having a sex dream that involves both Eddie and Kevin, Jackie wakes up with Frank at the foot of her bed asking to move in. She's not ready for that and will have to think of some way to keep him at bay. While staking out Kevin's fiancé's dress shop with Antoinette, Jackie gets more than an eyeful when she witnesses the budding relationship between Kevin's fiancé, Mia, and Grace. Jackie makes a scene, forcing Kevin to cancel the dinner he had planned to formerly introduce them. Meanwhile, back at All Saints, Akalitus's string of luck at poker continues, Coop and Carrie's bond deepens when she decides to put him on television. Prentiss gets a visitor from his past: A childhood friend whose mild symptoms reveal a grave illness, forces Prentiss to reconcile who he was, who he is, and where his life with Zoey is heading. At lunch, Frank is still pressing Jackie to move in. With Mia and Grace on the brain, Jackie reminds Frank that she ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.0
29 min

After a morning of defiant daughters cutting their own hair, Jackie blows off some steam and calls the hipster drug dealer, Gabe, for a re-up. Prentiss and Zoey arrive to find an angry patient defacing the hospital because of Prentiss' bedside manner--and Zoey agrees it needs improvement. Zoey is volunteering later that night at a gay bar giving out free meningitis vaccinations but no one will go with her. Coop gets the disappointing news that his sperm count is too low to allow him to donate. And Carrie gets the lucky break of treating NY1 anchor Pat Kiernan which leads her to be part of an on air medical segment. Akalitus is on a winning streak too--her poker habit is really starting to pay off. Jackie cares for a patient with severe auto-immune issues and non-communicative doctors. So Jackie calls the physicians to the ER under dramatic false pretenses--and her patient can get the care she deserves. However, Jackie's day is interrupted when Frank comes by to tell her that Grace has...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.1
29 min

Jackie steals Dr. Roman's DEA number. Coop is recruited by a 'sperm scout'.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 7.9
29 min

Jackie is starting to go back to her old ways, while maintaining a certain image.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.7
30 min

Season 5 finale. It's Jackie's one year anniversary of sobriety and she and Frank fight about their relationship. Zoey acts very professional and rigid around Prentiss after their intimate evening. Carrie's peer review does not go well. Grace has a breakdown about Jackie. Jackie takes something she shouldn't have. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.2
29 min

Jackie and Frank have sex for the first time and he tells her he loves her. Akalitus has an extra spring in her step. Coop wants to take his mentoring of Carrie to the next level. Kevin and Grace show up at the hospital after Kevin finds a bag of pills in Grace's bag. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.1
29 min

Kevin interrupts Jackie and Frank's night. Akalitus' blood results are in and her memory loss is a result of a medication she's been taking. Zoey helps Prentiss organize his disaster of an office. Meanwhile, Jackie is convinced that Grace is sneaking behind her back to see Danny, but Grace assures her they broke up. Frank urges Jackie to work on her issues - so she attends an AA meeting. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.3
29 min

Akalitus forgets to hire an escort for a psych patient who ends up laying waste to the pharmacy. Frank cancels his lunch date with Jackie because he picked up an extra shift. Zoey hears Coop and Carrie having sex. Jackie worries about Frank when news that a cop has been shot reaches the hospital. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.0
27 min

Jackie and Grace both have to recover from their nights of indiscretion. Carrie uses flashcards to strengthen her skills but then cons Coop into doing more of her work anyway. Cruz arrives for his exit interview, putting everyone on edge. Jackie tries to tell Cruz what they did was a mistake, but he won't hear any of it. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.0
26 min

Jackie is nervous about her date with Frank, so Zoey and Thor help her get ready and Eddie offers some friendly pointers. Prentiss misdiagnoses an injured dancer, but Akalitus and Coop catch his mistake before the patient leaves. Mike Cruz calls Jackie in a moment of need. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 7.9
26 min

A heavily medicated Jane Doe is brought into the ER and Jackie tasks Zoey with finding out who she is. Coop invites Carrie to dinner. Jackie faces conflict with both her daughters - Fiona has been acting out in class while Grace sneaks around the city with her older boyfriend. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.0
27 min

After their custody meeting, Jackie rear-ends Kevin and wakes up as a patient in her own ER. Kevin accuses her of using. Coop begins covering for Carrie and taking on a lot more work. When Carrie checks on Jackie, she writes her a prescription for Oxy, unaware she's an addict. The most unlikely person asks Jackie out on a date. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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