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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.3
42 min

Agent Murphy calls upon the sisters to help captured a demon who has been infected with a government created virus that causes magical beings to turn Incredible Hulk. They have to find an antidote to the virus after Billie catches it.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.1
42 min

When Paige uses a spell to counter a series of bad luck, she unknowingly answers the call for help from the leprechauns, bringers of good and bad luck to mortals, who are systematically targeted by upper demon Saleel who hopes, with his cahoots, to seize the evil throne by killing them and stealing all their magical rainbow-gold. Shamus and his leprechaun colleagues now throw their luck at the sisters, even in such private matters as gambling and Phoebe's budding romance with newspaper owner Jason. The battle is up between given and stolen luck mixed with each side's magic, but soon makes victims, causing doubts while a trap is set... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The Seer gives Cole a potion hidden in chocolates so that Phoebe will conceive a son. When Piper and Phoebe save the life of the innocent columnist Karen Young, Phoebe has a premonition and realizes that Karen has been attacked and infected by a ball of light of a demon. Meanwhile, Paige unexpectedly arrives at home and sees Cole using demonic power on Karen. She tells Piper, who does not believe her. Cole sends a demon to infect Paige and destroy her credibility. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Minelli orders Patrick Jane and Lisbon and company to play nice and work together with Bosco and his team to locate a kidnapped woman being held for ransom. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Chin is kidnapped by a cartel in Mexico and Five-0 races to rescue him before he is executed by his vengeful abductors. Meanwhile, Grover goes undercover as a car salesman to investigate a murder that turns out to be far more complex and dangerous than expected.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

A body is found in a pig sty and has been eaten up to destroy evidence of a murder. They discover the victim is a professor who is not liked by his students. McGarrett sends Danny undercover as the professor's replacement to see if one of his students was the one who killed him. Danny's nephew Eric also goes undercover to pose as a student in the class. McGarrett learns that Nehele's father who's an ex-con has filed for custody of him. McGarrett encourages Nehele to tell him why he does not want to be with his father. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 5.3
43 min

Commander William Riker has heard his former ship Pegasus, wrecked, has presumably been found by Romulans and Starfleet wants to excavate the ship before they do. Something seems to bother him however. He asks counselor Deanna Troi to help. She advises him to open Enterprise' last mission in the holodeck. Riker follows the events and takes over chef's character to learn more insights. Enterprise, meanwhile, is making its last flight through space. Captain Archer is on its way to Earth to give a speech at the signing of the charter that will finally mark the beginning of an alliance between a host of alien races. Then he is suddenly contacted by the presumed dead Andorian Shran, who asks for one last favor. His daughter is kidnapped and he wants Enterprise to help liberate her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

With T'Pol and Trip hostage, John Frederick Paxton demands that all aliens leave the solar system or else he will destroy Starfleet Headquarters. With that warning and the clock counting, Starfleet orders Archer and the Enterprise to Mars to take out the weapon threatening Earth. Meanwhile, the cloned baby of T'Pol and Trip is getting sicker and time is running out for her as well. Imprisoned, Gannet Brooks reveals to Travis that she is a secret member of Starfleet Intelligence. She has been assigned to find a Terra Prime operative working undercover on the Enterprise. With the clock ticking, the future of the planned Federation lies in the balance. Written by timdalton007

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Enterprise is back on Earth where the crew visits a conference led by minister Nathan Samuels. Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, Denobulans, Rigelians and Coridanites are discussing the formation of an alliance. Suddenly a woman bumps into T'Pol, telling her to prevent the death of somebody. She hands her a vial with a hair before dying of a phase pistol wounds. Dr. Phlox finds out the hair belongs to a child of Trip and T'Pol, but T'Pol claims never to have been pregnant. Archer asks Samuels about the investigation, but senses he is withholding something. He orders Reed to contact Harris. Harris tells him the woman, Susan Khouri, was a member of the xenophobic organization Terra Prime. Meanwhile Travis meets an old friend, reporter Gannet Brooks. She wants to restart the relationship they had. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Archer and his crew have taken over the Defiant and soon find out the firepower of the vessel. The Tholian ships have no chance whatsoever. There's still one problem as there seems to be a saboteur on board. Two warp regulators are stolen and Kelby is found with a reptilian bite. After Archer takes care of the problem, the Enterprise travels back into familiar space. They interfere in a battle between the rebels and the Empire. Only the Avenger is left and Captain Archer has no trouble saving it. Admiral Blake is on board and is impressed by the ship. Archer gets the idea he isn't the one who will gain the credits for this victory and once again decides to take the matter into his own hands. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Another Enterprise is traveling in a mirror universe where everything is a great deal different. Zefram Cochrane shot the first Vulcan setting foot on Earth and mankind went the aggressive way. Today humans have formed the Terran Empire, assimilating many other species, but there's a devastating war with rebels going on. First officer Jonathan Archer disagrees with a decision Captain Forrest is making. He decides to take matters into his own hands and starts a mutiny. In command of the Enterprise, Archer sets course for Tholian space. Reports have shown that the Tholians have captured an Earth ship that might have come from another universe. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.1

Enterprise is en route, to the Berengaria system, one of the supposed places for a starbase, when an hostile Orion ship approaches. Its captain, Harrad-Sar, agrees to stand down weapons and he has a proposal for captain Archer. Harrad-Sar wants Starfleet to cooperate in a mining operation. He claims he found a source of magnesite, enough to build a thousand warp drives. To improve relations with the Orion Syndicate, Archer decides to agree with the proposal. Harrad-Sar insists on transporting three slave girls to Enterprise as part of the deal. While Archer tries to convince them they are not slaves anymore, the crew seem to be affected by their arrival. The men seem entranced and preoccupied, getting sloppy with their work, the women develop headaches. Meanwhile Trip and T'Pol discuss their relationship. Trip feels compelled to tell the truth about him having dreams about her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Picking up from the cliffhanger Affliction, Enterprise's engine is sabotaged and near overload. The Columbia sends Trip to reboot the reactor. Phlox rushes to cure Klingon plague before the forced sterilization of the colony. With Reed in the brig, Archer contacts Harris for answers to the Lieutenant's betrayal. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

On Earth Dr. Phlox and Hoshi are attacked by aliens, who kidnap Phlox. Captain Archer vows to find him. Reed tries to access the satellite logs, but suddenly gets in contact with a person he seems to know. He orders him to acknowledge his past and works against Archer. T'Pol mind melds with Hoshi and they both find out Rigellians were responsible for the kidnapping. Archer orders Enterprise to follow their trail, not bringing Trip along. He transferred to the Columbia, where some of the crew find him difficult to work with. Trip dreams about T'Pol and strangely she seems to have the same dream. Meanwhile Phlox finds himself amongst Klingons. They want him to find a cure for a lethal virus that has the potential to wipe out the entire population of the Empire. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Analyzing the data brought back by Trip and Reed, T'Pol discovers the marauder is being remote controlled by a telepresence. She believes Enterprise is capable of making their own unit, which can disrupt the controls, but a strong telepath is needed. T'Pol and Phlox also discover the pilot was Andorian. The Andorians find out the bio pattern is that of an Aenar, a highly telepathic ice-dwelling subspecies. Archer and Shran descend to the surface of Andoria to visit their compound. Meanwhile Senator Vrax is starting to lose face. Admiral Valdore is convinced things can be still turned around. He plans to destroy Enterprise with two drones, both controlled by their pilot. On Enterprise Trip seems to be distracted at work. He's having trouble adjusting to the new situation with T'Pol. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

The Romulan chameleon ship changes its appearance to that of Enterprise and destroys a Rigellian ship. It's becoming more and more clear they are trying to destabilize the region and captain Archer is determined to find it. T'Pol suggests creating a network of 128 ships. Since the Vulcans can't send enough ships, Archer must convince the Tellarites and Andorians to cooperate. It will be hard, especially Shran seems really upset that his partner Talas has been injured. Meanwhile Trip and Reed try to disable the ship from the inside. They are up against the Romulans controlling the ship, who do everything in their power to stop them. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Enterprise agrees to escort Tellarite delegates to peace talks with Andorians. En route they rescue several Andorians who abandoned the ship Kumari, who insist it was Tellarites who attacked them. When Enterprise is soon attacked by the same ship which now appears to be a Andorian ship, Archer must prove to the warring races that a third party must be setting them up to fail at their attempt at peace. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Trip and Hoshi are returning from a visit to a planet where the Klingons once landed. Nothing interesting could be found, but in the shuttle pod back Trip suddenly starts coughing. A while later he collapses. Dr. Phlox finds out they are infected by a silicon-based virus. He estimates that the pathogen will kill them in five hours. Meanwhile an alien species seems to have taken over Mayweather and Reed. They are discussing the behavior of the Humans. For 10000 years they have been observing the reactions to the viruses to measure the intelligence of the infected species. Will the crew surprise them? Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 6.4
43 min

Dr. Emory Erickson, the father of transporter technology and old friend of Archer's father tricks Enterprise into helping him retrieve his son, Quinn. The crew reluctantly follows Erickson's lead as he tries to re-materialize Quinn from a phantom-like state stemming from a transporter accident 15 years ago. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Enterprise has set a course to Andoria to warn them for the attack administrator V'Las is planning. Tucker sees only one way to approach them. They try to contact commander Shran, who is hiding in a nebula. On Vulcan Archer is still possessed by the Katra of Surak. He is determined to bring the Kir'Shara to the High Command in the capital city. T'Pau and Archer think it will bring a tremendous difference on Vulcan, but T'Pol has doubts. Meanwhile V'Las explains his attack plans to the High Command. He tells the Andorians have already been deceived by fake warp signatures. But some of the members of the High Command are starting to have doubts. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

After crossing the desert and surviving the sand storms, T'Pol and Archer confront the Syrranites in the Forge. The pair meet T'Pau, who denies any connection with the embassy bombing and Admiral Forrest's death. Archer, now possessing the mental essence of Surak known as the 'katra', agrees to let T'Pau extract it, even after T'Pol's mother T'Les warns the ritual may kill him. Meanwhile Vulcan administrator V'Las is willing to destroy Enterprise to make sure an attack on the Syrrannites isn't witnessed. Former Ambassador Soval allies with Commander Tucker to try to rescue Archer and T'Pol. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Admiral Maxwell Forrest is having a discussion with ambassador Soval in the Earth embassy on Vulcan about joint-fleet operations. Then a bomb explodes, killing 43 people including Forrest. The Vulcans suggest Syrrannites, a group that has a different interpretation of the teachings of philosopher Surak, may be responsible and evidence supports that theory. DNA of a certain T'Pau is found on a bomb, a well known Syrrannite. The Vulcan chief investigator Stel however demands that Vulcan takes the matter entirely into its own hands. T'Pol gets an unexpected visit from her husband Koss, bringing an artifact from her mother. She is a Syrrannite and is hiding. The artifact shows a map that leads into a dangerous desert known as The Forge, following the same route Surak once did 1800 years ago. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Captain Archer is only barely able to escape a horrible death and once again the Augments have gotten away. They disappear into Klingon space. Dr. Soong decides the ship should head to an area called Briar Patch, that will be hard to detect because of radiation. There he wants to let the embryos grow up peacefully. Once again Malik completely disagrees with him. He has taken dangerous pathogens from Cold Station 12 and plans to bombard a Klingon colony, ensuring the Federation will be too busy fighting a war with the Klingons. Malik is very convinced his plan is the best. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The Augments have escaped in a bird of prey with their 'father' Dr. Arik Soong. To find out where they went, Enterprise goes to the location Soong told the Augments were raised. Someone has been left behind. The augments are on their way to Cold Station 12, where the last Augment embryos are kept. They brought incubators to grow them up. Tensions are building however between Augments leader Malik and Soong. He constantly questions the doctor's leadership and disagrees with about every decision made by him. He thinks it is nonsense that Soong orders that no human life should be taken on the station. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The crew of a Klingon bird of prey is completely overpowered by two humans and the ship is stolen. The Klingons are not amused, a war seems unavoidable. Starfleet has a pretty good idea who might have something to do with the attack; captain Archer pays a visit to Dr. Soong, a genetic engineer. He's imprisoned because of his plans to make genetically enhanced humans, augments. Years ago Dr. Arik Soong kidnapped embryos and raised them ten years before he was captured. No one ever knows what happened to them, until now. They're responsible for the attack. Archer takes Soong to stop them and prevent a war. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Enterprise is finally back home and the crew is taking some time off. T'Pol invites Tucker, who has nowhere else to go, for a trip to Vulcan. Back there she finds out Koss, still wants to marry her, even after she rejected her. Phlox finds out opinions of aliens have changed after the Xindi attack. In a bar he's 'asked' to do further drinking in the Vulcan consulate. Archer meets an old friend, Erika Hernandez, who has been appointed captain of the second warp 5 starship, the Columbia. After a not so well briefing with the Vulcans who have some offending questions about the destruction of the Vulcan ship Seleya in the Expanse, Archer decides he needs to take some time off in the mountains. He is joined by Erika. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.6
43 min

The crew of Enterprise is still trying to find out why they were brought back by Daniels to the 20th Century. Back on Earth Silik has entered the complex of Vosk, where he attacks Trip. Meanwhile Vosk finds out Trip and Mayweather are not temporal agents. He contacts Archer for a meeting to return them and make an offer for a deal. He wants supplies from Enterprise to complete his time machine and in return send Enterprise back to its own century. Archer tells he'll consider the offer. Back on Enterprise he soon notices Trip is not who he appears to be. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.5
43 min

After destroying the Xindi weapon, Enterprise is on its way to Earth. Unable to make contact with Starfleet, Shuttlepod One is sent to the surface, only to be fired upon by P-51 Mustangs. Meanwhile captain Archer is captured by German soldiers under leadership of a red-eyed alien. Something's is definitely wrong here. Enterprise seems stuck in World War Two. It gets even stranger when Reed finds out this is not World War Two as we know it, he hears reports of battles in Virginia and Ohio. Then Enterprise is suddenly visited by two familiar beings. Crewman Daniels, the time traveler, has severely aged and is about to die. Suliban Silik tries to steal a shuttle. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Due to the intervention of the Sphere Builders, the coalition of Humans, Primates, Arboreals and Aquatics was unable to stop the weapon from being launched. It is now only 10 hours before the weapon arrives at Earth. Only one ship is capable of catching up: the lightning-fast, but nearly powerless ship of Degra. While Archer and a team embark on a seemingly impossible mission, they get some unexpected help. Meanwhile Enterprise is send to keep their promise to the Aquatics. T'Pol and Trip still believe the destruction of Sphere 41 will do the trick, but the Sphere Builders are aware of their plans. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

While the weapon is in control of the Reptilians and Insectoids, they still can't launch it. Three species must give their codes and the Reptilian commander Dolim forces the kidnapped Hoshi to decipher the code of the Aquatics. The Primates, Arboreals and Archer think of a plan to stop the weapon. They see only one option: to convince the Aquatics to join their cause with their powerful ships. Archer makes an emotional plea to their two council members. Trip and T'Pol try to find a way to destroy Sphere 41, which might be the hub holding the system intact. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Enterprise has arrived at the location of the Xindi Council and with the help of Degra, Archer can make his plea in front of the five races of Xindi. Archer needs to prove that the Sphere Builders have been telling lies. While the Primates and Arboreals are already aware of the truth, convincing the other three races will not be easy. The Reptilians and Insectoids refuse to even listen to Archer. Meanwhile, the Sphere Builders haven't been sitting still, and have arranged a secret meeting with the Reptilians. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

To get to their appointment with Degra on time, Enterprise must pass a subspace corridor which is guarded by the aggressive Kovaalans. Just about to make an attempt, Enterprise is stopped by Enterprise. Their captain, Lorian, tells them crossing the subspace corridor will put Enterprise 117 years back in time and that his crew all are descendants of the original crew. He wants to make some modifications to the ship, so the time shift will not happen. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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