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HD Mom




IMDb: 7.8
20 min

Christy tries to come clean about all the things she did when she was drinking. Marjorie tells her she needs to make amends with her former landlord. But when Baxter asks her something she doesn't want to do it because she feels that he did nothing for her and Roscoe but Violet tells her that's not true. Bonnie tries to do the same with Alvin. Written by

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Mom




IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Christy discovers that Baxter is a different person; he gave up his pot business and is all cleaned up and has a regular job which he says he attributes to his new girlfriend, Candace. Christy wants to meet her so Baxter brings her to the restaurant to meet Christy. And when Roscoe goes on about the things Candace gives him, Christy freaks out and forbids Roscoe to stay with them. Bonnie wonders if she's going to fast with Alvin. So they both go to Marjorie for advice. Written by

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Mom




IMDb: 7.9
21 min

While looking through possible couples to adopt the baby, Violet faces Luke about his refusal to put the baby in adoption. Meanwhile, Christy considers the possibility of finishing high school.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.9
46 min

Brody has undergone cold turkey and is now lead asset in a CIA mission at the Iraq-Iranian border. Saul is set under pressure by senator Lockhart, while the mission enforces main setbacks. Carrie stands up trying to diverge the mission back in control. Written by TS

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.6
57 min

Quinn's team discovers that Saul's wife's lover is Mossad agent, who interviewed senator Andrew Lockhart. Saul uses this information, enough for a press scandal, to blackmail his successor in agreeing to delay the CIA director take-over several months. Only now equally discredited Carrie, who recovers from Quinn's expert shot fast, is told that Brody has been found and repatriated from Caracas as part of a daring plan, for which she must help motivate him. After a military team rehabilitates the drug addict, he's to be introduced by double agent Javadi, as a PR boon, to the Iranian secret service chief and assassin him, so Javadi can move up to number three in the republican power pyramid as his presumed successor. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Saul has only nine days left as interim CIA director and successor senator Andrew Lockhart opposes operation Majid, but the chief of staff agrees that Saul can continue the top-secret project so long. Saul also authorizes Quinn to lead a team to investigate Majid's suggestion that Brody didn't place the bomb and the real culprit is still in the States, handled by 'his' law firm. After Dar Adal 'warns' his golf contact, senior partner Leland Bennett, his deputy Paul Franklin is instructed to get rid of him. When he turns up armed, pregnant Carrie breaks orders and has to be shot, obsessed with the only chance to clear Brody. Saul's wife dumps her lover. Financial analyst Fara's Iranian exiled father finds out about her CIA employment when she's rebuked for taking sickies to mind sickly Mr. Sherazi. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.1
48 min

While Saul pretends not to mind being passed over, nominated CIA director senator Andrew Lockhart turns to Dar Adal to 'clean out the closet'. Only Quinn is told about Carrie's triple agent mission. She's roughly abducted and fails Iranian secret service vice director Majlis's lie detector test, but plays the Venezuelan accounts fraud card. He still manages to dispose of his ex first. Jessica is relieved when Dana, who claims the Brody burden is unbearable, adopts her maiden name, but the faithless daughter leaves home to move in with another dubious new friend, Angela. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
49 min

Carrie hopes to be released given effective medication and family support, but sees both as sabotage. Paul Franklin's law firm however gets her released for a day, so they can offer her freedom and an end to the freezing of her assets (so she must crash with and steal from a friend) in exchange for 'consulting' their client, implied Iran, on the sixfold CIA-vengeance-killings, just as Saul hoped. Leo Carras sneaks out of the mental institution for a wild drive with enamored Dana, confiding about his kid brother's suicide, but Mike Faber finds out he has darker secrets. Meanwhile the Venezuelan money trace shows Iranian Revolutionay Guard secret service chief Majid has been stealing a fortune from government funds and laundering them trough a football (soccer) team. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.0
49 min

Nicholas Brody quickly proves himself a welcome father for already doting son Chris and even brat Dana, who for his sake swallows her objections to a hero's perfect family TV show, despite her mother's adultery. Prince Farid Bin Abbud nearly catches Lynne Reed copying his cellphone, which yields no information about financial transactions the CIA hopes to trace, and gives her a precious diamond necklace. Since the CIA refused to provide a protection team and Carrie and Virgil fail to trace her in time, her murderer can easily escape with the necklace. As Saul guesses, it is later used to buy a home for terrorist leader Abu Nazir and his cover wife. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.0
22 min

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.2
22 min

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 5.9
22 min

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.8
22 min

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 5.3
22 min

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Iris returns to the dragon village, and reunites with friends and family.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.0
22 min

The adventurers take a break to watch Zoey win her fifth ribbon. Zoey helps Dawn prepare for her next contest.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

Ash finally arrives at Snowpoint Gym for his battle with Candice. This gym will be different from his previous gym challenges, with each trainer using 4 Pokémon each. Can Ash defeat Candice and win his seventh badge?

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.1
22 min

Ash and company meet up with Zoey in Snowpoint City. The Gym Leader convinces Ash to teach a Pokemon class before their battle.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

Dawn enters the Celestic Town contest. She meets Lila, a top Pokemon Stylist who was once a Pokemon coordinator and a rival/friend of her mother.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.1
22 min

Brock leads the gang to a nearby Maid Cafe that serves Miltank milk. Brock helps Miltank and her trainer build a bond, Ash trains with Turtwig and Dawn tries to decide what she should do next. Before long Team Rocket try to steal Miltank. Written by TKeys

Country: Japan
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Usually cold-hearted Robin is in tears over the news that her mother will not be attending the wedding. In trying to make Robin feel better, Ted, Barney and Lily each are brought back in their memory to a time six months earlier. Then, Lily noticed that the challenges that Barney always accepted in picking up women were those that he issued for himself. So Lily and Robin went on a quest to issue Barney challenges on picking up women that they believed he could not complete. This quest became an all night task. The one challenge that Barney felt like no challenge at all ended up being the most difficult not so much for the challenge itself, but for the advice he got in return. What Robin, Barney and Lily are and were unaware of is that at that same time, Marshall tried to convince Ted that, based on inside information, he should still try to pursue Robin, despite Ted vowing that their relationship was then purely platonic. Events, including a telephone call from Chicago, made Ted truly... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Lily and Marshall's life is in a perfect place, running like a well-oiled machine. A wrench is thrown into that machine when The Captain tells Lily that he is moving to Rome, and wants her to accompany him to continue her work as his art consultant in one of the most important art cities in the world. Lily contemplates making a unilateral decision on the matter without even telling Marshall of the offer before making that decision. Marshall's own perfect job may be only one important consideration, but Lily may have secret motives for what she decides. Meanwhile, Ted and Barney spot a woman in the bar, who Ted knows from attending the same yoga class as her. He says that she has the most redonkulous body he has ever seen, but Barney may never be able to find out as she is wearing this over-sized coat which she doesn't seem to want to take off. Barney does whatever he can to get her to remove that coat. But what will Robin think about Barney's latest mission, especially with this ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Marshall is appearing before the state judiciary committee, the outcome of the hearing which could well determine if he remains a lawyer. It all started with his latest and most important case to date, where the outcome would determine his future at Honeywell and Cootes. The defense lawyer in the case ended up being his once friend and law school colleague Brad, who duped Marshall by believing he was in hard times, which resulted in Marshall getting Brad an interview at Honeywell and Cootes. Alone in the firm's offices, Brad then proceeded to steal Marshall's prosecuting strategy. Brad ended up having more than Marshall's strategy on his side as the case went to trial. Meanwhile, Barney, Robin, Ted and Lily each claim that they were the most bad ass between the four when each was a teenager. And after Robin and Barney's passionate kiss, they, unspoken, have both decided to treat the incident like it never happened. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

Quinn has moved in with Barney, but not all is all right with the living arrangement as Barney doesn't yet feel like he can be himself around Quinn in all its good and bad, which is manifested in part by his evening ritual just outside his apartment building. He decides to take refuge at Ted's new apartment. As Marshall is also there, Ted suggests that they make the evening their boys only triennial viewing of the Star Wars (1977) trilogy, this triennial event which began in 2000 when Ted and Marshall were still at Wesleyan. Although the trilogy is the centerpiece of the get together, it has historically been more about where their life is at that the present time, predicting what their lives will be like in three years time at their next viewing, and reflecting on why their prediction from three years ago went so awry. In most respects, the 2003, 2006 and 2009 events were remarkably similar, but many current issues make the 2012 event a bit different. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

After Marshall leaves GNB to pursue a job with the NRDC, he finds that his chance to work there have been dashed by his ex-boss Arthur. Needing to find a job with a purpose, he gets an opportunity as the lawyer for the Save the Arcadian group headed by Zoey. This move places Marshall and Barney at odds with each other. Their feud escalates to the point of a fight which gets not only them but the rest of the gang banned from MacLaren's. The ban has the equally annoying result for Robin and Lily of relinquishing their booth to a woman who has been hovering and preying on it. Robin and Lily decide they need to mount a scheme to get Marshall and Barney back to being friends, the scheme which entails plying them with a myriad of different cocktails to get them into a specific mood at each stage of their reconciliation. Meanwhile, Ted has stayed out of the Marshall/Barney fray much as he has stayed out of the disagreement of the Arcadian with Zoey: they just don't talk about it. But as Ted ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

A couple of weeks after they make the vow to start a family if they see Barney's doppelgänger - the last of the five whose doppelgänger has not been seen - Lily and Marshall see that person in the form of a cabbie. They even telephone Barney to see if it isn't him in yet another scam to meet and sleep with women. They however decide not to tell anyone of their decision. When Marshall learns that the cabbie they saw really was Barney and not his doppelgänger, Marshall has by that time gotten into his mind that he really does want to start a family. As such, will he tell Lily the truth, she who seems to need that sign from the universe to embark on this important step in their lives? Meanwhile, Robin receives what she considers an offer for her dream job, that as a news anchor. The problem is that the job is in Chicago. Leaving her four friends would be difficult enough, but she isn't sure if she wants to leave Don, who she is finally meshing with both professionally and personally. She... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Barney's recent behavior makes the gang believe he is hiding a girlfriend from them. When they follow him to what they think is a rendezvous with her, they end up at the home of Loretta Stinson, Barney's mother, where they meet Barney's wife and son, Betty and Tyler. In reality, Betty and Tyler are both actors who Barney hired. Margaret has been playing the role of Betty for seven years. To grant Loretta her dying wish of her sons being with someone they loved - Loretta who was on her deathbed at the time (and who obviously survived that ordeal) - Barney hired Margaret to play his fiancée to fulfill that wish. When Margaret, going off script, stated that she was pregnant, Barney eventually had to produce a son Tyler, who in his current incarnation is played by Grant. The already convoluted plot is made even more so when everyone catches Ted making out with Betty. Ted has to use some of the improvisation skills he learned from actress Margaret to get them all out of this mess. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
30 min

Buoyed by the success of an intervention concerning their friend Stuart's over-consumption of alcohol carried out by a large group of their friends, the gang decide to hold interventions for everything that bothers them about the others. So when Ted, Marshall and Lily are packing up the apartment to move on with their respective lives, Ted finds the intervention box with envelopes addressed to him. The others admit that they were going to hold an intervention when Ted first got engaged, believing he was rushing into things, but decided not to after they got to know Stella. As Ted makes them read their letters anyway, Ted comes to realize that they may be right, which in turn makes Marshall and Lily realize that moving to their new apartment does not feel right, and makes Robin realize that moving to Japan does not feel right. Only Barney, trying to win a bet that he, wearing make-up and pretending to be eighty years old, can still pick up a twenty-two year old, may inadvertently have ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
22 min

Ted visits a tattoo removal clinic to get his butterfly tattoo removed and he's attracted to his doctor, Stella. She warns him that he will have to go through ten one hour sessions and it it will be very painful. Ted understands and he wants to go out with her, but she can't, as long as Ted is her patient and it's a violation of AMA rules. In addition, she tells Ted up front when he suggests that they can go out when the sessions are over, the answer will be no. Ted is convinced that he can change that no into a yes after ten sessions. During these sessions, Ted tries to charm Stella, but it appears it's not working. One ploy he tries is to be very nice to Stella's receptionist, Abbey, but Stella still says no and Abbey is attracted to Ted. When session ten arrives, and the tattoo removal is complete, when Ted asks her once again, we find out why Stella can't go out on a date with him. Ted, upset that this isn't going to happen, finds a way so they can go out together. Written by goleafs84

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Ted is going through his usual mourning process after his break-up with Robin. Barney encourages Ted to get out of mourning and become his wing man once again, but Ted isn't sure when he'll be ready to date. He decides the time has come when Robin, who went away to Argentina for her mourning phase, comes back to New York with a new boyfriend, an exotic Argentinean masseur named Gael. Ted wants to show Robin that she is not winning the break-up. So while going out with Barney to pick up women, Ted hooks up with Amy, a woman not generally Ted's type as she's a bit wild and lives on the edge. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily have a double date with Robin and Gael, but Marshall and Lily, as Ted's best friends, vow it's only so they can learn to hate Gael, which ends up being a difficult thing for them to do. As Gael may become a permanent fixture in their lives, Ted comes to the realization that he needs to have some closure to his and Robin's break-up. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

It's the Christmas season 2006, and as usual, Lily, who loves the festive nature of the holidays, is the chief decorator, which everyone else in turn loves and appreciates. On Christmas Eve, Lily finds the old answering machine that was unplugged during the summer while she was gone. It was unplugged because Marshall, still despondent over his and Lily's break-up, would listen to Lily's old messages. Ted and Lily decide they can once again plug it in. However, one of the old messages that Lily hears on the machine is from Ted to Marshall, in which Ted calls Lily a bad name (using the word grinch as a euphemism when the story is later told). Ted is sorry, but he refuses to apologize to Lily, since in his mind, she really was a grinch for what she put Marshall through. Although Ted later tries to make it up to her, Lily already has taken her revenge on Ted. Again for Marshall's sake, Ted has to try to make up with Lily before Marshall comes home, he who is secretly running his own ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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