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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Hercules volunteers himself and the boys to take a trunk containing a dowry for the bride of Philemon, son of the wealthy Medios, across the desert to Helios. Pythagoras has a bad feeling about it, increased when his brother Arcas arrives and joins their caravan. Fleeing robbers the party takes shelter in a cave, the home of the Furies, who punish murderers. Seeking revenge for the death of his father Arcas invokes them and they chase the caravan across the desert but when the Furies catch up with the group the killer's identity is unexpected and his fate depends on a test of loyalty and forgiveness. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.4
43 min

A messenger brings Ariadne news that her exiled brother Therus wants to see her so Jason, Pythagoras and Hercules escort her to a hunting lodge in the forest where he is hiding out. Pasiphae gets wind of what is happening and sends soldiers after them but they elude the soldiers. Therus wants Ariadne to come away with him. He tells her that he is exiled because the evil, power-mad Pasiphae framed him as a plotter trying to kill their father Minos and he fears that Pasiphae will harm Ariadne as well. However she refuses, claiming that she must stay in the city to help thwart any of her stepmother's machinations and returns with Jason. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Hunting in the woods with Pythagoras and Hercules Jason finds an abandoned baby which, against the others' advice, he takes home to nurse with help from Medusa. Unbeknown to Jason the child is the son of King Laius and his wife Jocasta and Laius, with help from Pasiphae, has abandoned the child as a seer told the king one day his son would kill him. Learning that the baby has disappeared Laius sends soldiers to find him but Jocasta and royal adviser Tiresias get to him first. Tiresias is anxious to help the unhappy Jocasta save her son and so he tells Laius the baby is dead. In the meantime Hercules and the boys safely escape from the city and hand over to Jocasta's family her baby, Oedipus. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Jason beats an arrogant bully who is striking an old man but the bully is Heptarian, nephew of queen Pasiphae - who is also betrothed to a reluctant Ariadne. For punishment Jason, along with Pythagoras and Hercules, must join a group of slaves training for the sport of bull leaping. If they can jump over a charging bull they will be spared. Aware of Ariadne's attraction to Jason Pasiphae, a witch, acquires a lock of his hair, with which she fashions a doll and sticks pins in it to incapacitate the boy on the day of the bull leaping. However Hercules sends a message to Medusa, who destroys the doll and breaks the spell. Thus Jason and all the slaves manage to leap over the bull and win their freedom. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Now regarded as a local hero after killing the Minotaur, Jason is approached by elderly Itheus to find his daughter Demetria, who went missing in the forest and has been captured by the Maenads, a group of female worshipers of the god Dionysus, in order to join their number. Jason sets out to find her accompanied by Pythagoras and Hercules, but they are caught by the Maenads and meet Medusa, another unwilling abductee, who helps them escape with Demetria. They are pursued by the high priestess Anysia, but Jason and Medusa thwart the attackers, though Jason fears the dying Anysia has cursed Medusa. On his return, the Oracle again tells him that the fate of Atlantis lies in his hands. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Whilst deep sea diving in search of his father, feared drowned, young Jason travels through a white light and ends up in the ancient city of Atlantis. Pursued by soldiers he is rescued by budding mathematician Pythagoras, who shares a house with the former hero Hercules, now an over-weight drunk. Pythagoras is selected by lottery as one of seven young people to be sacrificed to the monster the Minotaur, in the labyrinthine caverns outside the city, to ensure Atlantis's future safety. Jason opts to take his place but is joined by Pythagoras and Hercules after an unsuccessful attempt to rescue him. Fortunately Ariadne, the king's daughter, has given Jason a thread so that, after killing the Minotaur, he and his friends find their way out of the caves. Jason is declared a hero. However the Oracle, who has told Jason that he was born in Atlantis and taken away by his father when small, foretells that his return is fortuitous in order to save the city but he will be faced with even more ... Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Stephen Walker's first day with the BAU coincides with Rossi's birthday, something he no longer celebrates. It's because a serial killer he helped put away named Tommy Yates aka the Womb Raider - so coined because he mutilated his female victims' reproductive organs along with their vocal cords - made a deal with Rossi that once every year, on his birthday, he would divulge the location of one of his missing victims in return for his death sentence being commuted to life in prison without chance of parole. Yates was one of the inmates who escaped during the mass prison break last year, this the first year he's been out since the deal was made. Yates does contact Rossi today, not to divulge the location of one of his old victims, but of his latest victim, killed following the telephone call. She is Jody Wilson, unlike Yates' other victims who all led a high risk lifestyle. For this case, the team enlists the help of the agents in Rossi's latest advanced profiling seminar - by ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

When a known child predator resurfaces at one of Jack Hotchner's ball games, Hotch formally resigns for the BAU and goes off grid in attempt to keep Jack safe. Emily Prentiss is offered the post as the team gets a new case of 3 teen boys by the names of William Bones Jarvis, Josh Harmon P.K. Riggins missing from Clayton, Delaware. Written by Donald Gulledge

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.3
43 min

The eighth of thirteen serial killers that recently escaped from prison has just been apprehended. The latest capture and many of the others were led by Agent Luke Alvez, who sees his role in the FBI solely as a manhunter. He accepts the invitation to join the BAU in the search for number nine, Daniel Cullen aka the Crimson King, who seems to have surfaced in the Tempe, Arizona area. Alvez's interest in Cullen is a personal one. Cullen's latest victim, a young man named Brian Phillips, emerges from the desert with all the hallmarks of Cullen's victims: his arms bound behind his head to an arm stretcher, and a word carved into his abdomen, in this case the letters BAU. Hotch and Tara quickly notice that the abdominal wounds are not hallmark to Cullen, being much more shallow than Cullen would have inflicted. In interviewing Brian and gleaning from him what little he remembers of his abduction, the team comes to the conclusion that the perpetrator of this crime is not Cullen but the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

The authorities believed that two Virginia based cases of missing boys, Adam Morrissey and Jimmy Bennett, from two years ago were unrelated, until their bloodied clothes, those in which they were last seen, had just arrived in one intercepted package at Fletcham Correctional Center in Troy, Virginia. The addressee of that package is Antonia Slade, a serial killer of young teens, she who was convicted in part by work of the BAU, most specifically Gideon. A social worker, she ran a fake youth hot-line as a means to lure her victims to her home, where the dead bodies of the young teens were found encased behind her basement drywall. Since, she has never talked about the murders, and has refused all visitors. However, she seems to know about the clothes and the missing boys before the BAU's arrival at the facility to speak to her. They know that she, a narcissist despite not responding to the correspondence from any of her legion of groupies, has no compelling reason to talk to them ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Because she has been having nightmares about the aftermath of the issue, Garcia feels the need to go to Texas to speak to Greg Baylor, the man on death row who almost killed her and Reid. She needs to tell him that his death is not what she wants and that she has tried to stop it. Hotch allows her the time off to go to Texas. She finds that she is way in over her head and needs Morgan's support, but he may not be able to provide it as he does not understand or agree with what she is doing. In Garcia's absence, Lynch takes over her analyst duties in the team's next case, which takes them to Seattle, Washington, where two men have been found murdered in separate incidents. Beyond their being in the same age range, the two victims are seemingly unrelated, with dissimilar murder M.O.'s beyond their respective vehicles being found abandoned nearby, and random mutilations around the mouth. By the time the team arrives in Seattle, there is a third victim. At the M.E.'s office, Reid discovers... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

A series of targeted abductions near Memphis have the BAU searching for a commonality between the missing persons and a motive that will lead them to the unsub. Meanwhile, Savannah vents her frustration to Morgan about the amount of traveling he does for his job. Written by MissFortuneCookie

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Will arrives at the BAU office with news that JJ has gone missing. On JJ's directive if she ever did go missing, Will has come to inform Mat, who would know what to do as the two are still working on a top secret case from their joint State Department days. This news surprises the rest of the team, as they had no idea JJ and Mat even knew each other prior to him being appointed Section Chief. However, they all discover that Mat is also missing, which they fear the worst for both JJ and Mat. Hotch is able to find out some basic information about what JJ and Mat were working on - that is was an Afghanistan based mission in trying to locate Osama bin Laden - but the BAU is told by the State Department not only to mind their own business as their disappearances are a State Department matter, but that they are to cease any work in trying to find either JJ or Mat or face the consequences if they do. The team ignores this directive, but they know that they have to work clandestinely to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The team is called back to Glendale, Arizona, when it is determined that who was arrested for the praying mantis murders was the wrong person. They did not apprehend Wallace Hines as they thought, but rather Jesse Gentry, who they learn is Wallace's twin brother and was given up for adoption when he was a child. The two did not know of the other growing up. A paralegal, Jesse has a strong legal team, headed by his boss Mark Anderson, who threatens to sue the FBI if they continue to harass Jesse in any way. The team knows that Jesse is involved in the case in some manner as his reappearance after all these years cannot be coincidental. They also learn that Carla Hines is not as innocent as she first appeared, as in their search for Wallace and going through her house, they find that she tried to burn evidence, the nature of that evidence which they do not know. But they determine that that evidence probably has to do with whoever the twins' biological father, whose identity Carla has... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

Hotch receives a telephone call from his estranged New York based brother Sean, who he has not heard from in four years and coincidentally while Hotch and Jack are in New York visiting Beth. Now working as a bartender in a club, Sean wants Hotch's help in a death that occurred in the club, where the woman in question quickly bled out through her eyes, mouth and nose just before her death. Hotch convinces the team that this death is the basis for a case when Sean tells him that his own girlfriend also recently died the same way. The team quickly learns that these two deaths are not the only ones, most to hit drug users in clubs. But what confounds the team is that a few victims, such as Sean's girlfriend, were non-drug users. The drug found in each of the victim's systems was Ecstasy. They later learn that the form of the drug that killed the victims was a more lethal variety that has not yet been known to have hit the US. They have to find the source of the drug and how it was ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

Two men are savagely killed in the working class neighborhood of South Chicago, Illinois, Morgan's old stomping grounds, with a third victim by the time the team arrives in the area. There are no signs of sexual assault, although all victims had their pants and underwear pulled down to their ankles. There is the same written message at each crime scene, Look Up to the Sky, which Morgan recognizes as the mantra of Carl Buford, Morgan's childhood mentor who molested young boys including him when he was a child. The team believes the unsub is one of Buford's former victims who is killing men acting as surrogates for Buford. Morgan may be the key through his personal knowledge to the team finding out who the unsub is, which may include confronting Buford himself, as well as the salvation for many of Buford's other victims, many of who, like Morgan, suppressed their victimization. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.5
41 min

The BAU is disturbed by their finding that the Replicator has had such intimate access to all the team members. However, Strauss gives a directive for them to put that case aside since there are no new leads which may give them some perspective over time of who the Replicator is, and focus their attentions on their regular cases. That next case takes them to Saint Paul, Minnesota, where women have been stabbed to death, but more disturbing have had their tongues pulled out pre-mortem. They know that the tongue removal is the key to understanding the motivation of the unsub. The disparate set of women victims is seemingly chosen at random until the team discovers one common bond: that they all have a very strong on-line presence, their deaths telegraphed by stories in their own on-line blogs, messages or texts. To catch the unsub, they may have to dig a little deeper into the world of on-line chatter and who else may be sharing stories about violent deaths. Meanwhile, Kevin catches ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The team is called to Salisbury, Maryland for their latest case of a seemingly happy family with an underlying dysfunction. Bruce Morrison is a university professor and writer on mandatory sabbatical for personal issues. He just telephoned 9-1-1 to report his two teen-aged daughters, Sarah and Katie Morrison, missing. The call was 36 hours after they disappeared. Their disappearance and the 9-1-1 call are one year to the day after he made a similar 9-1-1 call 36 hours after the fact that his wife, Judy Morrison, went missing and was never found. Many suspected Bruce of killing Judy, as she had had an affair with a colleague, Jeff Godwin, about which Bruce had discovered. Bruce is also an alcoholic, who over the immediate past has been in various stages of sobriety. That alcoholism is perhaps the reason why he can't remember why he didn't call 9-1-1 earlier in both cases than he did. The team has to dig a little deeper into the Morrison family to discover if Bruce, Jeff Godwin - who ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
41 min

In the Washington DC area, a school bus transporting twenty-four high school students home after school is commandeered. The GPS on the bus is disabled, meaning that the bus disappears without a trace along with all its passengers, which not only includes the students, but also the driver, Roy Webster, and the bus monitor, Carol Roberts. Cell phone calls to the students are unanswered. The bus and the cell phones are eventually found, but the twenty-six are nowhere to be found. Initially the BAU believes the abduction has something to do with a previous altercation between Webster and the students, which resulted in the need for the bus monitor. However as the BAU gathers evidence on the case, Rossi notices that much of that evidence is remarkably similar to a video game called Gods of Combat, pointing to the suspicion that the unsubs are extreme gamers who are turning their love of the game into reality. So the team delves into the psyche of gamers and the codes by which they live in... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The team is called to southwest California when two murders occur within three hours of each other in San Diego and Los Angeles. Each victim was chained to the back of a vehicle and dragged. The first was dragged post mortem, while the second was still alive when initially dragged, which shows either two unsubs or a quick escalation in the evolution of the single unsub's psyche. The victimology is different, the first a middle class wife and mother, the second an ex-con drug addict. These differences are brought together when a third murder occurs. Garcia determines that a common factor is a connection to the violent death of two specific children, and people associated with those children being brought together through an online support group. They quickly identify the two unsubs and their intended fourth target. However, the nature of that fourth intended victim has an impact on how this final encounter will play out. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

The team is still attending to the latest bank robbery committed by the Face Cards. Following an explosion inside the bank orchestrated by the queen of diamonds, the team, after assessing the human casualties, find that the two surviving robbers - the king Chris Stratton, and the still unidentifiable queen of diamonds - have managed to escape, this method which they surmise was the queen's plan all along, with her association with the Stratton brothers and the robberies only a front for her grander plans. They also discover that Will, who was inside the bank at the time of the explosion and who was shot by Chris prior to the explosion, is probably still alive and the sole remaining hostage of Chris and the queen. After viewing the surveillance footage of inside the bank prior to the explosion, the team find out that their earlier assessment of the queen having an accomplice on the outside was only half correct, as the accomplice was one of the supposed hostages inside the bank. The ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
40 min

It's a lazy Saturday morning, a day off for the BAU. Beth has come over to Hotch's house to spend the day with him and Jack. JJ is playing with Henry while Will goes off to work. Morgan is going through Prentiss' just purchased house with her, the purchase pending the inspection which she seems to want to go badly as she seems to have buyer's remorse. Reid is Garcia's unofficial date to a sci-fi convention since she and Kevin split over his planned marriage proposal. And Rossi is heading home to bed after an all night cigar aficionado event... or so he says to Garcia and Reid, who he runs into. Their collective quiet is shattered when they are called to a botched bank robbery attempt, at which Will and his partner are one of the first on the scene. The reason the team is called in is that this robbery is the latest in a string committed by a group calling themselves the Face Cards, since the three robbers wear a mask of a playing card king, queen and jack respectively. At each of the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU is called to Seattle, Washington, where two couples have been murdered execution style in their respective homes. There is no sign of forced entry in either case, there was no sexual assault, and the gunshot wounds were muffled by the use of a pillow. By the time the team reaches Seattle, a third couple has been murdered with the same MO. Each couple were upstanding citizens and community minded. The team learns that a common link between all three is that each belonged to the emergency foster parent list. The team surmises that the female unsub has access to that foster parent list, and has either lost a child herself or is infertile and wants a child. They also surmise that she is killing in lieu of a child not being in the home at the time of entry into the home. But when the team learns that the same child was recently in each home, they know that the unsub is the birth mother. When they find out her identity, they learn that her mission is not one solely of getting back ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
42 min

Early on a Sunday morning, a just woken up and extremely hung over Garcia is lamenting the fact of the huge argument she and Kevin had the previous night. Not one to face confrontation head on, she is not looking forward to her first post-fight talk with Kevin, which will happen sooner than later as she can hear that he will soon be finished his shower. That talk will be complicated by the person knocking on her front door. Meanwhile, the team is called to Atlantic City, New Jersey, where Danny Savino, a casino floor manager, was found dead in his office by a severe beating. He had turned the surveillance video in his office off, so there is no video of the unsub. The reason the BAU is called is that Savino has deep ties to the mob, and that eight $1 bills were found scattered around an eight playing card on his body, which indicates some sort of ritual to the killing. On looking into Savino's background, the BAU learns that he acted as a loan shark to casino patrons on the side, ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

The team travels to Durant, Oklahoma, where two females - both low risk in their late teens, long blond hair and blue eyes - were found sexually assaulted then murdered within a three day span. Other similarities between the two murders are that the body dump sites are public, the victims were not wearing their own clothes but rather 1980's vintage clothing, and that the killer used sulfuric acid to blind the victims. From this evidence, the team believes the unsub is homeless, and is using the acid as a measure of power. They also know that the victims are surrogates for who the unsub will actually target, she probably someone he knew from the 1980's. When another young woman named Tammy Bradstone goes missing, she who fits the profile, Morgan and Prentiss, in interviewing Tammy's parents, believe they have uncovered the unsub's identity and who his real target is. They just have to use that information to find a hopefully still alive Tammy. Meanwhile, Reid is angry at those who knew... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

Hotch calls an early morning meeting, the first he's called since Gideon left, which raises the curiosity of the team. He tells them that because of budget issues, there is going to be some restructuring at the FBI, and although he would like them all to stay with the BAU, they may be approached by other units. The meeting affects Garcia and Rossi the most, and Rossi ends up having a subsequent late-night meeting in his office because of it. Meanwhile, the team is called to assist in the investigation of a local car accident in which an unidentified male driver careened over a cliff and ultimately succumbed to his injuries. They are called because the murdered bodies of two young adults were found in the trunk of his car. They are later identified as Jake Wattay and Paige Hawley, both of whom are on the missing persons list, each on the list for differing amounts of time and who are from different parts of the country. Because of the nature of their injuries, the team believes there ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

Hotch is assigned as the team's grief assessor in Prentiss' death. A common theme among some on the team is who is acting as his grief assessor. Meanwhile, the team travels to Tampa, Florida, where a woman that morning entered a gun shop and shot four dead. When they arrive at the gun shop, the team realize that she brought her own ammunition into the shop and used one of the shop's own guns as the weapon. That shooting and two subsequent events show the BAU that she has some issue with authority. As they track her movement through Tampa, they also realize that she is not on the run but has a specific target that she needs to get to on this specific day. They have to figure out who that target is and the significance of the date in her life. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Prentiss has disappeared - without her badge and gun - as soon as her BAU colleagues piece together her connection to Doyle. They bring in an old friend, J.J., to use her role in the State Department to provide information on Prentiss' CIA past, and her connection to the international team that profiled Doyle and his role in IRA related terrorism. Some of what the team learn makes them understand Prentiss' behavior over the past month, but some of her past angers especially Morgan, who cannot reconcile what she did for her past job. As they learn more about Doyle, they realize that Prentiss, who they know has gone after him, is up against not only Doyle but his sizable army who will do anything to protect him. They also learn that of the profiling cell in which Prentiss previously worked, the only other surviving member is Clyde Easter, who they believe is the one who sold out the rest of the team to Doyle. As the BAU detain Easter, they have to see if he can or will divulge whatever ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

In Syracuse, New York, twenty-five year old Molly Grandin has been missing for 24 hours. The BAU believe her disappearance mirrors that of Gail Langston, a woman found dead four months earlier. Besides the similarities in their lives - both older Syracuse University undergrads, both petite females, both from blue collar backgrounds - the actual disappearance is the same: their abandoned car found with an overnight bag packed for a several day excursion. If Gail's death holds true to Molly's situation, the BAU have thirty-six hours to find Molly before the unsub kills her. The team initially believe both Molly and Gail had a intimate relationship with the male unsub, until evidence points to the unsub being a woman, changing the unsub profile to a trusted female friend. The biggest obstacle in finding Molly may be both the Langston and Grandin families believing that guarding secrets may be more beneficial than telling the truth. Meanwhile, Prentiss gets in touch with another of her ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU travel to Montana to investigate a mass murder shooting at a gas station. By witness accounts, a young male/female couple were the shooters. Evidence at the scene suggests that the couple are newlyweds, that the shooting was not planned, but that the shooters' primary need is to please each other. The BAU know that they will kill again. When the unsubs end up having another killing spree at an alcoholics support group meeting, the BAU believe that the unsubs are recovering alcoholics themselves who met at a support group meeting, but who have violated what is known as the thirteenth step of getting involved with another in the program. Piecing together the clues, the team are able to identify the male of the couple as Ray Donovan, and ultimately the female as Sydney Manning. Knowing their identities leads to knowing their next intended hit. That results in a standoff with innocent hostages involved. The team use the knowledge of Ray being a sociopath and Sydney being a ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

The BAU travel to Akron, Ohio, where two sets of married couples have been murdered in the span of a week. The husbands, who had Viagra in their system but who were not prescribed the drug, were shot while the wives were stabbed. The couples were forced to have sex with the husband wearing a condom, before they were killed. In reviewing the crime scenes, Morgan and Prentiss determine that the unsub is not a sexual sadist as he was trying to set a romantic mood for the kills, and is compensating for a probable recent bout of impotence. In interviewing the victims' families, the team also determine that the husband is the key to the unsub's targets as stereotypical alpha male types. When the unsub hits a broader target, the team are only then able to figure out how the unsub is able to gain access to the victims without a struggle, and from where he has devolved. Meanwhile, Hotch is surprised by an applicant for the communications liaison job. Despite the applicant not being an obvious ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min | 42 min

The BAU head to the small fishing town of Franklin, Alaska - population 1,500 - where there have been three murders in the span of a week. These three murders are the first ever in the town. On the surface, there is no similarity in either victimology or modus operandi, although each successive murder is becoming more confident in its approach. The case is made all the more difficult because everyone in town knows everyone's business, meaning that everyone is connected in some manner and if there is even the suspicion of someone being the killer, vigilante-ism could come into play. The key suspect is Joshua Beardsley, who was born and raised in Franklin, moved away to go the school and returned to town two weeks ago to help his recently widowed mother operate the town's only hotel/tavern. But when another person is murdered, the BAU not only believe they have a better profile and an understanding of why the victims were targeted, but that Joshua is the key to tracking the unsub. This ... Written by Huggo

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