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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
60 min | 42 min

Following the murder of Haley by George Foyet and Foyet's subsequent death at Hotch's hands, Hotch needs to take some time to regroup and review both his professional and personal life, especially in how to deal with raising Jack on his own. Strauss provides him with an option. In the meantime, the team, without Hotch, is called to a case in Nashville, Tennessee. Two young brunette women, both high powered executives, have so far been killed in their own homes, the floor around them covered in rose petals. Evidence indicates that the women were being stalked, and that the unsub is hyper-vigilant in his control of the murders, with both being almost identical down to what the women ate prior to death. It seems as if the unsub is romancing the women against their will. It isn't until they discover an anomaly to the routine of one of the victims and look at the unsub profile is a slightly different manner that the team begins to piece together who the unsub is and who he might target ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
42 min | 42 min

Strauss is interviewing each member of the BAU individually in the aftermath of what she refers to as a bloodbath. In the interviews, she is leading the questions toward the fact that this incident, which hopefully will never happen again, was instigated, caused and/or directed by Hotch. There is an inference that whatever has happened involved George Foyet aka the Boston Reaper, and perhaps Haley and Jack, who were in protective custody because of the implied threat on their lives by Foyet. This most recent round of worries for the BAU concerning Foyet are because they found out that Foyet was in contact with Karl Arnold aka The Fox, and not the murderer of the military families. In flashbacks, the recent cat and mouse game between Foyet and the BAU leading to the bloodbath is played out and the role that Haley and Jack play in Foyet's game is revealed. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU flies to Louisville, KY on the case of a spree killer who starts in his local pharmacy. Hotch's projection of a need for attention to detail creates tension and confusion among the team. Among internal obstacles, the BAU discovers their unsub's violent and traumatic childhood. Written by glonner22

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Within 18 hours of their common time together, 12 people who visited Quiet Hills Park in Annapolis, Maryland, have died from anthrax poisoning, with at least 13 more in emergency rooms headed in the same direction. It is a highly sophisticated strain of anthrax, meaning that it was developed by someone with a science background. The military is called in as the BAU believes that such scientific work is the specialty of the military, the resulting pathogen was used as a potential WMD. Although the strain of the pathogen is not being used by the military, military scientists are the most likely candidates able to develop such a strain. The attack site, a family-oriented public park, is contrary to such work, and thus the BAU believes the site is personal to the perpetrator. Because of the panic it could cause, there is a media blackout on the story, which negatively affects some on the team, some for personal and some for professional reasons. The team is hit even harder when deep into ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

Shannon Makely is the second Caucasian woman to be killed by vehicular homicide in Bend, Oregon in two weeks. The BAU know that it is the same person that killed both women and also that it is homicide since the driver backed over the victims after the initial impact. Both women were also killed along secluded stretches of road. With other information at hand, the BAU believe that the two victims were targeted rather than random killings. When a third vehicular homicide in Bend occurs, the BAU are initially confused as that murder occurred in what could have been a busy public parking lot, and the victim is male. However, other clues comes into light, which the BAU disseminates to the public. In watching these reports from the BAU, Gil Bonner believes he has information which could help the investigation, information he has been keeping secret for over a year. Meanwhile, Garcia is awaiting some information which could profoundly affect her personal life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
55 min | 42 min

Twenty-something blond women have been abducted in the Olympia, Washington area. The abductions have taken place about three months apart. The dead bodies of three of the four abducted have just been found, the bodies embalmed causing the deaths. The autopsies also show the abductor is a necrophiliac. Sandra Lombardini, the mother of Brooke Lombardini, the only abducted woman not found, has hired a clairvoyant, Stanley Usher, to help provide information on the case. Usher states that he knows Brooke is still alive. Among the BAU, Rossi in particular is angry about Usher's participation in the case. As the BAU do their analysis to get close to identifying the possible abductor, J.J. thinks that Usher may be able to fill in the missing piece of the puzzle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.5
55 min | 42 min

A man calling himself Professor Rothchild approaches Rossi and Reid, saying that he has killed seven women already - scrambled photographs as proof - and within the next nine hours another five people he abducted will die. Current news reports that Kaylee Robinson and four children under her charge have gone missing, BAU believing they are the five targets. BAU's thought is true as Garcia is sent video footage of the five in a room wearing gas masks and being tortured by acid. Despite the professor asking for Reid, Rossi takes charge of the investigation thinking that he will not bow to Rothchild's wishes. As the investigation progresses, discussion between Rossi and Rothchild of the past killings and the future killings turn to the ideals of perfection. Meanwhile, Todd is feeling like the team does not yet trust her abilities based on actions by Morgan. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.6
43 min | 42 min

The BAU now believe that the subway killings were conducted by several people as part of a larger terrorist plot, those killings just a test for a wider mass attack to come. But a car bomb has just exploded close to the New York FBI headquarters, that car belonging to Joyner. Just outside the vehicle, Hotch is injured with a severe ringing in his ears from the explosion, is shocked, but is alive and mobile. Joyner on the other hand is severely injured. She knows her chances of survival are slim as the emergency responders were previously ordered not to attend such incidents because of the possible terrorist second wave hit. Garcia catches some interesting images at the bomb site which could compromise Hotch and Joyner's safety. The team do not yet realize that other things beyond what Garcia saw on camera are far more dangerous to Hotch and Joyner and the population of New York in general despite the team feeling that the car bomb is just too minor an incident in and of itself. The ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Charles Luvet is found floating dead in a marina in Miami, Florida. He is the third and latest dead person in the area fitting the same profile and cause of death: fit white males in their mid twenties to thirties, traveling through the area, with the cause of death being asphyxiation and no sign of sexual abuse. Small possessions of each of the victims are taken, but not pawned. Four other men that match the victimology are also missing. The one distinct difference with Luvet is that he is a police officer. The person tasked with identifying Luvet's body is his fellow NOPD police officer, Detective Will LaMontagne, who worked on the Jones case with the BAU a year earlier. His initial second meeting with the BAU is an awkward one if only because he and J.J. are in a relationship, of which she has not told anyone on the team and which she still wants to keep a secret from them. The BAU add one more piece to the victimology when they learn that Luvet lied about his reason for traveling ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 42 min

Hotchner and Reid secure a pre-execution interview for research with death-row inmate, Chester Hardwick, who had a secret agenda. Unofficially, and unbeknown to his team, Rossi checks up on the surviving children of an Indianapolis couple who were victims of a still-unsolved, brutal, double-homicide exactly twenty years earlier, that he has never let go of, and to see if their are any new leads. Frustrated with his constant yearly gifts, a painful reminder of their parents' murder, the now-grown children beg Rossi to just leave them alone, but inadvertently provide him with a new lead. Concerned about his state of mind, Morgan, Prentiss, and J.J. join him, just in time to help make sense of the only new lead in twenty years, that may finally lead to the killer. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

At the end of Garcia and Colby's date, Colby shoots her in the chest at close range outside of her apartment building. Before leaving the scene, Colby makes it look like a botched robbery attempt of her apartment. Garcia is rushed to hospital where the rest of the team wait in anticipation. Luckily, the bullet ricocheted in her body in such a way missing all the major vital organs. Hotch's stance is that the BAU will investigate - officially or unofficially as the situation may work itself out to be - and will not accept any other cases until this one is solved. Once Garcia regains consciousness, she is able to provide whatever information she can. However she feels that most of the factual information Colby provided about himself was probably false, and she's not trained to look for details in human behavior. Beyond Garcia's physical and emotional pain, Morgan feels the worst because of the argument he had with Garcia over Colby's possible intentions. To track him, the BAU will need ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 42 min

Aaron Hotchner is contemplating a transfer to another unit, and Emily Prentiss is quitting the FBI, and Jason Gideon is missing. The team, led shakily by Director Erin Strauss, is called to Milwaukee to investigate a serial killer who has had 5 female victims. Horribly, it seems that the killer is using his young son to lure in the victims. As Aaron rejoins the team, along with Emily, this puts his marriage on shaky ground. We learn the fate of Jason Gideon, as this was the final episode starring Mandy Patinkin, who has left the show. Written by Dave Goldhirsch

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
45 min | 42 min

Following the case and ultimate suicide of Frank and Jane, individuals within the BAU are in an uncomfortable position. As Frank's mission was a personal one against him in many respects, Gideon feels guilty for the death of his friend Sarah and others at the hand of Frank. The unit is under review by Hotch's boss Erin Strauss, who has told Hotch in no uncertain terms that she feels the unit's recklessness and disarray is his fault and that his days in the unit are numbered. And without anyone else's knowledge, Strauss has asked Prentiss, whose transfer into the BAU was arranged by her, to assist her not only in getting Hotch removed from his position but also to have him fired from the FBI altogether. In the meantime, work for the BAU continues. Their next case takes them to Flagstaff, Arizona where female brunette students at a liberal arts college are being murdered. Because the victims have had no defensive wounds, the BAU surmise that the unsub is someone who blends into life at ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 42 min

Kansas City, Kansas Police Detective Cal McGee believes that street people in the city are being abducted and probably murdered. While others believe that the decrease in crime is due to his good work in getting the homeless off the street - he recently won a meritorious service award for doing such - he, with copious notes of those he sees on the streets, knows of sixty-three of those people whose whereabouts are no longer known. He also received a letter stating that the award was given to him without him doing any of the work. There is no official case so the BAU cannot get involved. While the rest of team work on putting together a profile of the unsub abductor, Hotch, with J.J. and on her urging, decides to go to Kansas City to at least speak to the KCPD about the detective's theory. This move is despite Hotch's feeling that Detective McGee is mentally unstable himself - he is displaying signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. McGee's superior, Captain Wright, shows obvious ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
45 min | 42 min

When Derek Morgan visits his mother in Chicago, he always visits the grave of a teenager whose corpse he found at age 13. This time he's arrested by detective Stan Gordinski, as a suspected serial killer, blamed for the death of several other teenage boys, none of whom were ever identified, embarrassingly based on a profile Jason wrote without knowing the details. The team is baffled. Derek has a whole past he hid from them, including a gang-related juvenile criminal record expunged by a judge at the recommendation of the highly respected local youth center director Buford, who inspired his - also previously unmentioned - career as a college football-scholarship student until he had a knee injury. Finally, an unlikely alternative suspect is shown to have his own, ongoing hidden past... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
45 min | 42 min

After six weeks of no activity, a serial rapist in Dayton, Ohio has reemerged with a new victimology. Whereas his previous victims were young women attending Holy Trinity University of Ohio - a bible college - his newer victims have been thirtysomething women. What has remained consistent is that the rapist knows very personal details of each victim and that he leaves a voice mail for the victim prior to the attack, which occurs at the victim's home where the unsub lies in wait. This latter aspect may hit a little too close to home for Greenaway, whose recent almost fatal shooting was similar. As rapes are generally under reported, the authorities believe there may be more victims. When they track a previous unreported rape victim down, she who the BAU believe was the final bible college victim, they find the stressor that made the unsub change his victimology and a common link to all the women. Not any closer to finding the actual identity of the unsub, the BAU feel they need to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Red directs the Task Force to track down an individual who provides new identities to criminals on the run. Meanwhile, as Alexander Kirk's medical condition worsens, Liz seeks guidance from Cooper on a crucial decision.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

As Red sets Liz and the Task Force on the trail of an eco-terrorist with a mysterious connection to Alexander Kirk, Tom takes matters into his own hands.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

After the founder of a successful internet start-up is found dead, Red recognizes the crime scene as the work of a notorious killer. Liz and the task force work with Red to track the murderer through a dangerous underground news source. Meanwhile, Tom faces a life threatening situation, while Liz considers options for her baby.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Dembe continues at Solomon's mercy. Red and Keen head to Iowa to investigate a corporation connected to the Cabal, with Ressler and Navabi on their tail. Cooper and Tom join forces.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Red (James Spader) takes Liz (Megan Boone) on an undercover assignment to bring down a freelance Chinese spy who's targeting CIA agents.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Ex-government agent and one of the FBI's Most Wanted fugitives, Raymond Red Reddington (James Spader) mysteriously turns himself in to the FBI and offers to give up everyone he has ever worked with including a long-thought-dead terrorist but under one condition - he'll only talk to newly-minted female FBI profiler, Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone) with whom he seemingly has no connection. For Liz, it's going to be one hell of a first day on the job and what follows is a twisting series of events as the race to stop a terrorist begins. Written by NBC

Country: USA
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HD Battle Creek

Battle Creek


Battle Creek

IMDb: 8.9
43 min | 60 min

Popular high school football coach Richard Zuransky was murdered. Suspects include his deputy, who is now promoted, everybody possibly involved in skimming of donations to the team account, the quarterback he benched when scouts were attending, his domineering father, and the father of a a former quarterback who went downhill till he apparently threw himself in front of a train. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Battle Creek

Battle Creek


Battle Creek

IMDb: 7.8
42 min | 60 min

At Battle Creek's annual public breakfast festival, bullets wound mayor Hardy and the mascot of the local football team. They were shot by cellphone-triggered automatic rifle. Milt and Russ can't even be sure whether the intended target was the drug-abusive party-animal mayor or the gay student, but another attempt is made to assassinate the shameless politician. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
43 min

Despite continuous training for his next encounter with Zoom, Barry's speed ceases to improve. Harrison has only one resort left, a serum he once tried to develop for Jay (The Earth-2 Flash). With Caitlin's help he succeeds, but Jay resolutely warns against its use. Meanwhile, Egyptian immortal Vandal Savage comes to Central City to slaughter the latest reincarnation of warrior priestess Chay-Ara, known to Cisco as his girlfriend Kendra. Barry solicits team Arrow's help in protecting her while he as The Flash, alongside Green Arrow, find dealing with the Egyptian deity difficult. Back at the lab, Patty brings harm to Harrison when she mistakes him for the late Eobard/Wells, Central City's public enemy no.1. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Felicity drops by S.T.A.R. Labs to see what they can do about the proper function of boyfriend Ray The Atom Palmer's new superhero suit. She distinctively catches a negative vibe stemming from Barry trying to mask his knowledge of Dr. Wells as the Reverse-Flash. Meanwhile, overly toxic killer bees begin killing off robotics scientists, Cisco experiences recollections of things that supposedly never happened, and the Eddie/Iris relationship falters over her sensing he's keeping something from her. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

The Flash faces Tony, a new meta-human who can turn himself into girded steel at will. While Dr. Wells and Caitlin worry for Barry's safety, Cisco comes up with a plan to take Tony down. Meanwhile, Iris's blog on The Flash gets her into trouble, and Eddie, witnessing Tony's abilities firsthand, begins to ask questions that Joe doesn't want answered. Joe asks Dr. Wells to help him solve Nora Allen's murder. Written by Jiilo_Kim

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Walter discloses to Peter, Astrid and Etta that September had created a plan to defeat The Observers in the future, but he partitioned Walter's memory to protect the information from The Observers. They look for Olivia and find the possible location covered with amber but cut for the removal of the trapped people. Etta explains that there is a black-market where amber gypsies use to sell people encased in amber. They find that the buyer of Olivia is the librarian Edward Markham that has a crush on her. They head to his apartment to rescue Olivia, but the black market dealer warns The Observers about the group. They head to the building but Peter, Astrid and Etta flee with the encased Olivia in a van. But Walter is captured and taken to Captain Windmark for interrogation. What will happen to Walter? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Peter convinces Olivia to be examined by Walter since she is retrieving memories from his Olivia, but Walter does not find anything wrong. He believes Peter is influencing Olivia with his memories. The Fringe Division is assigned to investigate a teenager, Sean, in a mental institution that described a murder in real time to his nurse. Olivia and Lincoln bring Sean to Walter and after examination, he discovers that the teenager is telepathically connect to the criminal and they have the same DNA. Olivia and Lincoln visit Sean's mother and find an important lead. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

The alternate Olivia and Lincoln arrest David Robert Jones and bring him to the Fringe Division headquarters. Peter uses his knowledge about the criminal to help to interrogate him. However David uses his accomplices to create havoc with a terrorist attack that kills everybody in a hospital. They let him go but with a tracking device, but David is warned by Broyles and uses a similar device in dollar bills to escape from his pursuers. Lincoln discloses to the alternate Olivia and Lincoln that it might have a mole within the Fringe Division. Peter and Astrid find that David is searching for a mineral. Capable to open holes between the two universes. Meanwhile Elizabeth decides to help Peter and has a surprising encounter. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Peter convinces Olivia and Lincoln to help him to go to the parallel universe to ask for help to Walternate to return to his timeline since Walter refuses to help him. They cross using the original device used by Walter and try to reach Walternate; however their plan fails and Lincoln is arrested by the Fringe Division. Peter succeeds to meet Elizabeth and her mother convinces Walternate to help Peter. However Walternate proves to Peter that he is not responsible for the shapeshifters. Further, he asks Peter to help him to convince the other universe that he is facing also problems with shapeshifters. Meanwhile the alternate Olivia and Lincoln decide to investigate Lincoln's information about a mysterious phone call. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Peter successfully enters the machine with Olivia's help, and is transported to the future days where Walternate's universe is the one which has been destroyed. Walter learns about the origins of the machine and its ultimate purpose and sends back Peter to change his choice but gets lost in time warp. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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