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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Scouting Apaches nearby, Blue spots a blonde woman. Blue wants to free her but Buck and Manolito stop him. Buck says she is now Apache and he does not want to break the treaty Big John has with the Apaches. The next day Blue secretly goes to retrieve the girl. He is able to reach Sarah who wants to leave the tribe and husband Santos. Blue gets her on his horse but as he is attacked by the guards, he sets the horse free with Sarah on it. Buck and Manolito upon catching up with her are told Blue is dead. They return to the ranch to tell Victoria what happened but Big John is away. Sarah tells Victoria she does not want to return to Santos. The Apaches leave a symbol at the ranch indicating Blue is alive so the men leave to find Blue. Buck alone is allowed to see Blue and told he has three days to return Sarah. He returns to the ranch with the intention of returning Sarah to Santos the next day. However, that night the squaw Terza who wants Santos and dislikes Sarah frees Blue. Santos ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 7.5

Watching a wild stallion on the ranch gives Manolito the itch to get away from the constraints of the ranch. He gathers his things and heads to Mexico where he enjoys the company of wine and women. His old friend/enemy El Lobo arrives with his gang who are wanted. Shortly afterwards two women and a man arrive who are members of the Salvation Army on the way Tombstone. They have been robbed - by El Lobo. Manolito recovers one of their musical instruments but Manolito is forced to provide funds for them to leave as El Lobo has already spent their money. They ask Manolito to guide them to Tombstone but he only leads them back to the US where he heads to Tucson. Lost, the trio follows him to Tucson where he must once again befriend them with a place to stay in his room. Buck looking for Manolito barges into their room waking up the sleeping women thinking they are Manolito. Buck pushes Manolito into helping the women gather funds and guide them to Tombstone. Of course on the trip the trio... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.4

Lucien Charot runs a freight line into Tucson. He has been faking attacks by the Apaches to allow him to raise the prices of the goods he brings in with the aid of some local businessmen. Big John is fed up and after Charot doubles the prices on his last trip he decides to have competition by having a line come in from El Paso through the Apache lands with whom he has peace. Charot keeps pushing the fact there are Apache attacks by having an Apache lance found at the site of High Chaparral cattle killed. To counteract this news, Big John makes a personal trip into Apache land to meet with Cochise who agrees to the freight line. When this doesn't stop Big John, Charot has a local rancher burned out. This causes the local support for the new line to die so Big John and Victoria agree to bring a stagecoach through themselves. Charot tries to take out the coach but Big John's men drive off the attack and leave Charot a choice between Cochise and the law in Tucson. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Manolito takes Victoria to church where she is kidnapped and he is knocked out by a shot. Her captors take her to the mountains and stage an accident with her wagon going over a cliff. When they notice she is missing, Big John and Sam find Manolito. Big John goes after Victoria while Sam waits with Manolito for the other men led by Buck. Big John finds the wreck but when he returns to his horse it is dead. As he continues his markers for the men are moved and his water is destroyed. Buck noticing his markers seem to be changing oddly, splits the group and catches Hank who is moving the markers. Big John is captured by Finley Carr, his brother Stacey and his gang. Carr wants revenge for Big John cutting off his hand in battle nine days before the end of the war. He is scarred both physically and mentally. He forces Big John to exercise without food or water to tire him. His plan is to re-stage the event between them but with Big John being Carr. The other men led by Hank scale the ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Scalped Apaches are being found on the High Chaparral. In Tucson Big John discovers the owner of a mining company is paying bounty for Apache scalps because they closed his mine. An irritated Big John hits the owner. A group of hunters shoots a trio of Apaches. When Chad son of the leader Jake Stoner turns his back, one of the braves playing possum knifes him. They take Chad to the High Chaparral where Victoria forces Big John to allow Chad to stay but he runs the rest off the ranch. The mine owner offers Jake $500 to kill Cannon but Jake refuses to kill a white man. The owner tries to goad Jake into killing Big John by saying Big John is holding Chad hostage. Jake returns to the ranch finding Chad well tended but with no desire to return to his father. Later while hunting the Apaches, Jake's partners are killed but he escapes. As the Apache chase him, he meets Big John, Blue and Chad. All four take cover in a ravine. After a short battle, the Apache leader Soldado tells Big John he ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Blue's attention is else where causing Big John to berate him so frequently Blue leaves the ranch to find his own future. Shortly after leaving he is chased by two Apaches. He escapes running into an Army patrol leading Mr. Kelly and his adopted Apache daughter Moonfire to Cochise. Lt. Corey knowing Kelly wants to be rid of the Army, asks Blue to scout for Kelly. Kelly lost his family to Indians but rescued Moonfire from a carnival back east. He wants to create peace with Cochise. They are attacked as Blue leads them to Cochise but Kelly and Moonfire are able to convince the braves to take them to Cochise where they learn Moonfire's father was killed by the Cannons. When Prowling Dog claims Moonfire as his, Blue challenges him winning Moonfire who he wishes to marry. Cochise dictates terms for peace Blue knows Big John won't accept. The trio rides to High Chaparral where Big John rejects the offer as unreasonable. The trio and Big John visiting Blue's mother's grave are caught outside... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

A group of men attack a band of bandits led by El Tigre believe they killed him. When Blue finds him while moving cattle, he takes El Tigre to the ranch where they tend to his severe wounds with some thinking they should let him die. As he heals becoming more lucid and mobile he tries to convince Victoria and Vaquero he is a Mexican Robin Hood trying to help them and their people. Although the group who shot him and many of his men want El Tigre dead now, Big John plans to turn him over to federal officials. Rafael, El Tigre's brother, tries to convince Big John to release El Tigre with the threat of an attack by his Comancheros. Big John refuses resulting in an attack in which Blue is wounded. Victoria not wanting any more bloodshed frees El Tigre but immediately finds herself and Blue as hostages with El Tigre wanting the money in Big John's safe believing Big John is wealthy. When the safe is opened, he is faced with the fact Big John has land but no money. As he tries to leave ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.3

Buck and Manolito spot two young white girls on foot being chased by three Apaches on horseback. They are able to save the older girl but her sister is retaken by the Apaches. They give chase but run into a larger group of Apaches. Buck promises the girl they will retrieve her sister later. Back at the ranch they learn the girls parents were killed five years earlier and they have been slaves ever since. Big John hopes the Army who is expected shortly to go after the girl but they refuse. Given the girl's pleas Buck decides to go to Tucson to find help but no one thinks anyone will volunteer. Manolito joins Buck with the idea to buy the slave girl. An attack by three Apaches results in Manolito's horse being killed. They find a troop of soldiers putting up telegraph lines who sell them a horse and saddle after the Sergeant refuses to parley with some Apaches. Buck and Manolito leave but hear gunfire. They return to find the soldiers dead and themselves prisoners of the Apache who own ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 7.7

Blue is saved from being killed by a highwayman by Paddy O'Bannion, a prize fighter in the Tucson Fourth of July celebration. On a trip to Tucson Blue spots a silver saddle for $300. Blue immediately falls in love with it but has only $18 which he puts down on it with the rest promised by 5:00 pm July 4. He and the other ranch hands believe they can win the money at the rodeo for the saddle while Victoria declares she is fed up with the men fighting. The men fail at the rodeo except for John. It doesn't look good for buying the saddle. Blue is shoved into sparring with one of the prize fighters for fun. However, when Blue breaks the fighter's jaw, it appears the fight will be called off until Buck nominates Blue to take the injured fighter's slot with the guarantee that if he wins, he earns enough for the saddle. The fight goes nearly thirty rounds when both men collapse. The fight is called a draw and all bets canceled. Blue and Victoria both end up winners when Blue finally agrees ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.0

The High Chaparral men rescue an Apache chased by three miners. The Apache had shot at them while prospecting on High Chaparral property. Big John warns them to stay off his ranch and frees the Apache. Victoria is upset with Buck and Blue when they come to dinner filthy. When she berates them, Big John over reacts causing her to feel unwanted by him. Big John has Buck and Sam take Victoria to town to shop after apologizing to her. Buck is to buy black powder to blow up the old mine the miners were prospecting. The miners ask two Indians to ambush Buck, Sam and Victoria on their return trip home. The three are trapped at the mine but escape using the black powder. While protecting Victoria, Buck misjudges her thanks along with her earlier comments as her having an interest in him. Later, the miners create a diversion to draw Big John and his men away from the ranch hoping a lone Indian can kill Victoria. Buck left behind to protect Victoria kills the Indian. When the attack is over, he... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.1

While looking for a trail with water to move cattle over. Big John and Blue separate from the others taking a trail busy with Apache sign. A lone Apache steals one of their horses so Blue races after him, wounds the brave and returns with the stolen horse. However, they find themselves surrounded by Apaches lead by sub-chief Soldado. He takes their horses, water, hats and weapons telling them they will see if they can survive as well as Apaches. They decide to track the lone Apache Blue wounded who is on foot with the hope he leads them to water. They capture him and his knife. In a sandstorm they spot Buck and Manolito but cannot catch them. Big John falls into a cactus during the storm hurting him plus he is required to remove the bullet from the brave's shoulder. The three come across a wild burro so they decide to look for burro tracks with the hope they lead to water. Due to their weakness the brave is able to escape and the waterhole they find is dry. Blue digs for water but ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 7.6

Posing as a priest Manolito helps break his friend Santos Castaneda out of jail in Mexico before he is executed. He smuggles Santos and his sister Pilar into the United States to High Chaparral where they can rest and await the arrival of Benito Juarez, the Mexican revolutionary. Unbeknowst to Manolito and Pilar, Santos wants to be dictator of Mexico so he is planning to assassinate Juarez at the High Chaparral. Santos men steal High Chaparral cattle causing John to send his men out to look for the cattle leaving few people at the ranch house. Manolito's suspicions already on high alert are aroused when Santos returns from a hard ride at night. Santos gives the signal for him men to attack forcing Manolito to agree to work with Santos. While they await the arrival of Juarez, Manolito pretends to become drunk engaging some of the Santos men in the drinking. He is able to take out Santos's men one by one until it is down to him and Santos. Santos does not believe his childhood friend ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2

A man attempts to steal Blue's horse but Buck stops him only to learn he is an old friend of Buck's from wilder times. The man Tracy Conlin is nearly dead from the heat but recovers at the High Chaparral. John sensing he is wanted which Buck confirms asks Buck to have him leave. Tracy who once saved Buck's life asks for more time, a horse, and $50 which Buck does not have but agrees to. While trying to purchase supplies in Tucson, John and Victoria are told they can no longer purchase supplies as Fey Leyton has bought all the stores. She hates the Montoyas for refusing her husband water leading to them selling High Chaparral and her husband's death. when a bartender refuses Buck, Blue, and Tracy drinks, Tracy pulverizes the bouncer catching Leyton's eye. She offers him a job to run the Cannons off High Chaparral. He takes the job but her ideas on how to do it prove too weak. He tells her John and Buck will have to be killed to get the ranch. She agrees to his demand for half the ranch... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.6

While tending cattle Blue sees an Indian girl bathing in a river. When he hears her cries, he spots an Army Lieutenant molesting her. Blue jumps in the water to stop the attack finding himself in a fight that ends with the Lieutenant dying from a stab wound with his own knife and the girl gone on the officer's horse. Blue returns the body to the fort where he learns the officer is the son of General Warren. Warren tells Major Anderson he wants Blue convicted of first degree murder in a court martial. Anderson is only too willing to accommodate the general. When he is turned down for a civilian trial, Big John wires east to have the trial moved but Anderson ignores the answer. Buck and Manolito try to convince Cochise to let the Indian woman testify but he refuses so Blue escapes the stockade but Big John convinces him to return. Buck and Manolito return with horses for Cochise who decides to let her testify but when Anderson learns Cochise was paid, it negates her testimony. The ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 50 min (DVD)

Dr. Henry, a dentist, is traveling across the desert to Tombstone, Arizona. He encounters Blue, Joe, and Pedro being chased by Apaches and saves them by showing a war belt given him by Cochise. On the way to High Chaparral he saves Blue from three bandits who slaughtered a maverick. At the ranch he removes Pedro's bad tooth and learns the two bandits left have a $1000 bounty on them. He decides to leave for Tucson. Blue joins him to meet Buck there but on the way the two bandits kidnap Blue so Dr. Henry decides to join them and act as a go between asking for a $10,000 ransom although he knows they have no money. Victoria offers her jewelry and Dr. Henry hides a derringer in his hat. At the hideout he knocks out Kid Curry and kills the Frenchman. Kid Curry escapes so Dr. Henry goes after him taking the jewelry leaving Blue tied up. John and Sam catch Dr. Henry followed by Blue arriving after escaping. John challenges Dr. Henry to a duel but Dr. Henry kills Kid Curry first. John decides... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2

John has a contract to deliver 500 head of cattle to the Army at $10 per head but he has trouble finding enough cattle on the ranch to fill it. He offers to buy cattle from smaller ranchers for $7.50 but learns they are forced to sell their cattle to Dolph Tanner at a price he sets - $3.50. After killing an Apache, they find he had a new Spencer repeating rifle. John tries to change the local ranchers mind about selling to him but with no luck. At the same time Buck surmises that Tanner is selling the rifles to the Apaches in return for protection from them. At the High Chaparral Victoria has Vaquero take down John's first wife's wind chimes. John starts to stop it but relents realizing Victoria is now his wife. Tanner's foreman is killed by Manolito after he kills a rancher. It sets the stage for a showdown with Tanner in a ravine. Tanner tries to stampede his cattle through John's blockade plus he has the Apaches with their Spencers shooting at Cannon's men from above. Hearing the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2
50 min (DVD)

Big John plans to send Buck to bargain with Montoya for a bull and cows to build up his stock while he deals with selling cattle to the Army. Buck racing on horseback with Manolita and Blue falls off breaking his leg preventing him from making the trip. It is suggested that Manolito and Blue go in his stead but Big John thinks they are too immature to handle the task. Victoria persuades Big John to let them take the responsibility as Manolito can do the bargaining. At the same time she learns that Big John has accepted her as his wife in place of Annalee. On the trip the men encounter Comancheros led by Miguel Morales who knows Manolito. Manolito tricks the Comancheros into an ambush where all but Miguel are killed. Manolito talks Montoya into selling his second bull and twenty cows using the story that it will help his expected grandchildren. However, the next day when Manolito finds Montoya's primary bull with the herd he takes it anyway. When Montoya learns about it, he asks Miguel... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 50 min (DVD)

Buck unable to hire any locals takes on a group of men who come into Tuscon on a wagon who unknown to Buck are Army deserters and killers. While they are away from High Chaparral looking after cattle, an Army patrol led by Captain Thomas Dabney arrives documenting fights with the Apaches. Learning the new hands had been in a skirmish, Blue is sent out to retrieve them. The next day they find Blue tied up and the deserters gone. Buck and Blue try to trail them but the Apache danger stops them. An Army detail arrives at High Chaparral with Apache hostages including a high ranking woman close to Cochise. Dabney refuses to release them against John's wishes. The Apaches attack the ranch taking a soldier hostage. Sam tries to rescue a downed soldier but is captured. The two men are put on displayed along with one of the deserters. After an escaping Apache is killed, Cochise has the deserter killed. John creates a diversion while Blue frees the hostages and takes them to Cochise who allows ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.0

While out riding Blue sees an Indian, who is tied to a rock by a gang of Mexicans after being tortured. Blue liberates the Indian and brings him to High Chaparral, where Victoria takes care of him. Some Indians threaten to kill Victoria, if Big John doesn't release Little Cloud, who explains the situation and goes away with them. Suddenly a most unexpected guest arrives to the ranch. It's the young Lord Ashbury, who Victoria met in Europe some years ago. He has come this long way to ask her to marry him. In his company are two of the Mexicans who tortured Little Cloud. Don Sebastian is their master, and Big John keeps his promise to him, by protecting them from the attacking Indians. Victoria is in low spirits, because Big John doesn't treat her as his wife, but only sees her as a component in his peace agreement with her father. She thinks it's the ghost of his first wife, Anna Lee, who makes everything impossible. But when she suddenly finds Anna Lee's diary, she sees that Anna Lee ... Written by Maths Jesperson {}

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Big John and Buck arrive to a saloon at the Mexican side of the border. They have come to get in touch with Don Sebastian Montoya, but don't know how. The only other guest in the saloon happens to be the Mexican man who saved Big John's life. He is now presented to them as Manolito. Some Mexican bandits enter the saloon, capture Manolito and intend to kill him, but Big John and Buck knock them down. Manolito brings Big John and Buck to Don Sebastian, who reveals to them that Manolito is his son. Big John proposes an agreement between him and Don Sebastian, whereby they can support each other in the war against the Apaches. Don Sebastian agrees if Big John marries his daughter Victoria as a security measure. When Big John returns to the High Chaparral together with Victoria, Blue is upset by finding a new wife at his father's side. The Apaches attack the ranch, but are defeated after a bloody fight. A wounded Apache is cared for by Victoria, and when he leaves some days later, Big John... Written by Maths Jesperson {}

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.4

Big John Cannon has brought his wife, son, and brother to a new ranch near Tuscon, Arizona. His brother Buck is brash while son Blue is shy. As they approach the ranch they see Apaches burning a nearby ranch and carrying off the children as captives. Their ranch buildings are unharmed due to the Army protecting them but Lt. Ellis recommends they leave for their safety. Big John ignores the advice, sending Buck to Tuscon with Blue to bring back a crew to work and protect the ranch. Contrary to orders, Buck goes drinking to select the men he wants. At the ranch John learns a Mexican bandit not Apaches has stolen his cattle. After the drunk Buck returns, they go after the cattle taking them back by holding up the thieves as they camp with a warning future cattle rustlers will be hung. As they return Annalee meets John and decides to name the ranch High Chaparral. That night while John, Buck and Blue patrol for Apaches, Annalee is killed by an Apache arrow as she hears children crying in ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

The daughter, Eileen Linden, of a friend of the Graingers comes to visit them. Her father has asked her to take a six week hiatus from seeing Peter Bowers who she wants to marry but her father does not trust him. As usual Trampas takes no time in asking Eileen to attend a local dance with him as Elizabeth predicted. Shortly after she arrives, Eileen and Elizabeth return from a ride. As they approach the bunk house Eileen sees Peter who has followed her and taken a job as a cowhand at Shiloh. That night Peter uses bird calls to ask Eileen to come out and talk to him. Elizabeth seeing their meeting and not knowing who Peter is ashamed of Eileen shunning her until Eileen confesses who Peter is. The next day Trampas sees what he believes is Peter trying to force his attentions on Eileen so he breaks it up. Eileen eventually tells him the situation putting him in the middle as well. Eileen finally comes clean with Clay easing the tension for everyone. However, unknown to them Peter's ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Hosea McKinley finds himself being evicted by Sheriff Abbott and Caleb Welles due to a shady contract crafted by Welles. During the eviction Caleb Welles is shot dead and the Sheriff is severely wounded and unconscious. McKinley decides to run as Trampas rides up after hearing the shots. Trampas takes Abbott to Shiloh where a party is occurring. They decide to let the Shiloh men search for McKinley while Elizabeth tends to Abbott at Shiloh. The next morning Clay leads a group of men but they have to split up due to two sets of overlapping tracks. The Virginian, Trampas, and Dave Sutton track down McKinley at a remote cabin with his wife and son. McKinley is exhausted and starved so they stay overnight. David at one point wants to let McKinley go but The Virginian stops him. They return him and his family to Medicine Bow for a trial but Caleb's brother Jack wants revenge, a lynching and to show Medicine Bow who is now in charge. He uses his brother's lending business to threaten ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6
75 min

Rafe Judson, a Shiloh ranch hand, finds himself being mistaken for the outlaw Wally McCullough. Ben Robbins riding by Shiloh spots Rafe and reports him to Sheriff Abbott who arrests Rafe at Shiloh. Rafe is able to clear himself when he realizes he was branding cattle with Trampas and The Virginian at the time of the stagecoach holdup. The real Wally McCullough and his girlfriend Angie are holding up near Medicine Bow in a remote cabin until the heat dies down. They learn about the confusion from an article in the Medicine Bow newspaper. When Rafe learns he will lose the option on a ranch for which he has been saving, he decides to take advantage of the confusion and hold up the stage himself when he learns it will be carrying a $10,000 payroll. When Wally and Angie learn what Rafe has done, they decide to confront Rafe and take over his life to escape the law. Rafe finds he has dug a hole for himself, literally. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.2
75 min

Rustlers are hitting Shiloh with small raids but there is no proof who is behind it. Jean is slightly wounded with a warning shot from them but Clay doesn't want to go to the sheriff yet as he thinks the rustlers are local. Clay continues to help an old friend, Tim Bradbury, from 20 years ago in Texas who he feels obliged to since Tim went broke due to a drought after buying out Clay's share of their ranch and cattle. Clay went north and became wealthy. Tim has two sons. One, Mike, works for Clay but is unreliable and gambles heavily. The other son, Walt, is industrious but wants to farm to become financially solvent while his father continues to dream of rebuilding his Texas ranch life. Tim with a reluctant Walt goes to Clay to ask to delay his payment on the second mortgage to allow Tim to buy a $300 bull to start a herd. Due to his gambling, Mike becomes involved with the rustlers who are hitting Shiloh and adds to the strain in his family. Holly Grainger attempts to make Clay see ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Dan Sheppard and his son Jeremy arrive in Medicine Bow via a private rail car to photograph the west at Shiloh. Dan takes pictures of life on Shiloh while Jeremy uses their studio on the rail car to take pictures of local customers. Della Price's dressmaker suggests she have pictures taken. Jeremy shows the resulting pictures to Dan who realizes his old sweetheart Della is in Medicine Bow. She is a widow with a ranch caught in a bidding war between an oil speculator and the local ranchers who are afraid of the negative aspects of the oil industry. The primary source of water for the local ranches will be polluted if oil wells are allowed on her ranch. Unknown to everyone her foreman Spector is working with the oil speculator Carstairs to cover gambling losses he incurred with the ranch's money. Della tries to rekindle their lost romance while Dan tries to help the Graingers. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8

An injured cougar is killing calves on Shiloh so The Virginian sends Tramps to hunt the cougar. While hunting, Trampas encounters a lost and sick teenager who calls himself Seth. Trampas tends to him and adopts him as an assistant on the rest of the hunt. Although Seth stays with Trampas, he occasionally takes side trips unknown to Trampas. After the cougar is killed, Seth changes his mind and returns to Shiloh where Trampas convinces The Virginian to give him a job for quarter wages. Seth continues to work at Shiloh until the sheriff at the request of Trampas tracks down his family. His uncle Judd 's partner Cally reads a notice in the Medicine Bow Banner about Seth. Judd had been in jail for weeks under suspicion for a bank robbery. Although reluctant to go with his uncle Judd, Trampas eventually convinces Seth he must go with Judd although The Virginian, the Sheriff, and Trampas dislike Judd. The sheriff learns that the uncle is an outlaw resulting in him and Trampas tracking down ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.9
73 min

Sheriff Dan Porter leaves his job as sheriff of Mason City to follow his wife to Medicine Bow as she is terrified of him being killed on the job. He signs on as a ranch hand at Shiloh to learn ranching but Trampas has a grudge against him for putting Trampas in jail for a week and hitting him with a gun during a fight. Porter hopes to buy and start his own ranch once he has learned the basics. Only The Virginian knows Porter's reason for taking the job. Although The Virginian tells Trampas to leave Porter alone, Trampas continues to fume resulting in Trampas starting a fight with Porter when he sees him grab a woman - his wife - on the street in Medicine Bow. The Virginian eventually breaks up the rough fight and tells Trampas the truth and who the woman is. Trampas realizing Porter is not such a bad guy makes up with him and they become good friends. When a Shiloh cattle drive has to divert to Mason City, Porter finds the young man he left in charge is not up to the challenge of the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.7
75 min

Ward Bowden is pressing his father Arnold to fight for total ownership of the Ogallala Strip between their ranch and Shiloh that has been shared. A drifter, Jim, comes to the aid of Trampas when Ward leaves him knocked out on a runaway wagon. One of the Bowden hands recognizes him as the gunfighter Ned Mullens from Virginia City leading the Bowdens to believe Shiloh has upped the ante in the conflict. Since Jim needs a job, Trampas convinces The Virginian to hire him to do chores even though he may be Mullens as it will help keep the Bowdens quiet until the land commissioner makes a decision about the land in ten days. As the Shiloh handyman, Jim continues to come to the aid of Trampas including backing him up with an empty shotgun when Trampas goes to the Bowden ranch to finish the fight with Ward. When their attorney tells the Bowdens their case is weak, Ward initiates activities to sway public opinion in their favor especially after a drifter in the saloon tells him he saw Ned ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

Janie Buell with encouragement from her mother has developed what appears to be a serious relationship with Stacey. Stacey is in a buggy accident with Janie resulting in a broken arm. The broken bones heal but the arm and hand are numb with no feeling or control. Dr. Spaulding calls in a specialist who believes a nerve in his shoulder was affected during the accident. He feels an operation is needed with no guarantee of success plus the chance of infection and losing the arm. Stacey facing a limited future decides to have the operation but there is no immediate change so the doctor orders massages for Stacey and for him to try moving the arm and hand. Mrs. Buell has raised Janie in an affection-less environment resulting in an emotionless Janie not visiting Stacey after the surgery and unable to handle the potential that Stacey may lose the use of him arm permanently. Stacey seeing no recovery plus losing the interest of Janie finds himself losing all hope. Clay fearing Stacey has ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6
75 min

Kiley Cheever's father, the sheriff, is fed up with his son's bratty behavior. After publicly humiliating him, Kiley decides to leave Texas and head to Medicine Bow to find his old friend Trampas from his childhood and ask for a job at Shiloh. His personality trait of embellishing his abilities creates tension with the hands at Shiloh plus his interest in Granger's niece Melissa who arrived while the Grangers are gone. Melissa visiting Shiloh takes a shine to Kiley while still seeing his flaws and letting him know it. A feud develops between Kiley and ranch hand Moran when Kiley trick shoots a mug in Moran's hand which eventually erupts into a fist fight between them. An old hand, Charlie, who knows Kiley's dad takes a shine to Kiley but loses his job when Kiley lets him take the blame for starting a fire in the stable while drunk which was really started by Kiley. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
75 min

Elizabeth finds the outlaw Jim Dewey shot and about to die from blood loss. Her and Clay bring him back to Shiloh where everyone is gone except the two of them and Holly due to a cattle drive. While they nurse Dewey back to health, the bounty hunter Ben Hicks arrives revealing the outlaw's identity and wanting to take him in preferably dead but Clay stops him. He goes to Medicine Bow where he learns more about Graingers and the hands being gone as he looks for help. The trio helps Dewey recover as Clay reveals to Thomas Baker they know his real name is Jim Dewey who is wanted in Nebraska for murder. Elizabeth is persuaded by Jim he really has a good side and she is torn on whether to help his gang find him by putting a tepee symbol on the gate to the ranch. Meanwhile, in Medicine Bow Hicks finds a group of drifters willing to help for $100 in gold each as Dewey has a $5,000 bounty on his head. At the same time the Dewey gang member Powell finds Elizabeth's mark. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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