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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.1
75 min

Upon hearing Captain Piper Pritican has been released from Leavenworth Prison, photographer Ansil Miller who lost an arm at Andersonville goes on a drunken rampage. He attempts to attack Pritican with a weight but is shot and killed by Pritican as he arrives in Medicine Bow after being released from prison for crimes he committed at Andersonville during the Civil War. The community wants Pritican and his family removed from Medicine Bow. Pritican feels Judge Garth has profited from his notoriety as Pritican's defense counsel and preventing Pritican from being hanged. Pritican's wife and son who is a close friend of Jennifer live in Medicine Bow but everyone including Judge Garth wants them to leave but Laura Pritican is very ill. Since no one will hire them, Judge Garth hires the son to work on Shiloh while the father turns to drinking resulting in conflicts. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

Bill King is a well respected retired lawman from Medicine Bow who is trying to make a living for him and his daughter farming and prospecting. He is about to lose his ranch to foreclosure when an outlaw appears wanting Bill to hide him out on his ranch for pay with gold from a freight robbery. The young man was once caught as a kid by King bur released due to his age. Bill agrees as he needs the money and finds himself with a trio of robbers and their plan to steal another gold shipment. Ryker devises a plan for shipping the gold that will make them less attractive to steal. At the same time his daughter who has Trampas' eye, wants to travel back east. During his visits to see her, he notices a horse matching one used during the holdup. Bill has to decide what his next actions will be; preserve his name or go along with the planned crime when the trio threatens his daughter. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Judge Garth and others believe Curt Wesley was improperly tried and convicted for a robbery for which he has been in prison two years. Garth goes directly to the Governor for a new trial but no relief is available until another train robber confesses to the crime and location of some of the money as he dies. Curt is given parole instead of a pardon due to doubts about him letting him return to his wife at Medicine Bow. A security agent, Charles Sanders, and his assistant Kip Lathrop still believe Curt is guilty and has the rest of the money. Sanders believes he has an instinct to tell who is guilty and who isn't telling him he shouldn't trust Ryker as well. Sanders warns Curt and his wife Joan that in time Curt will return to prison. Curt is framed for another robbery and it is up to Ryker to determine how and who framed him along with why. This results in a revelation for the hard-nosed Sanders. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

Shiloh ranch is having problems breaking a group of mustangs resulting in injured wranglers. Sam Willock, a well known old time horse wrangler, shows up at the ranch looking to be hired to break the mustangs. The Virginian, who saw Sam work when he was much younger, hires him to break the horses except for a black stallion which has proved to be dangerous. Sam asks for a helper with no experience and selects Randy. Randy eventually lets Sam know he has a dream of his own horse ranch in the future wanting Sam to join him. They bond as they work with the horses and Sam eventually tries to break the black stallion which Randy succeeds with when the horse is too rough for Sam. Unknown to Randy and others Sam is working with two other men to steal the Shiloh payroll resulting in conflicts for Randy. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Two vagabonds traveling through Medicine Bow appear to have murdered the wife of a local bartender. The residents are upset and afraid the two men may be released due to a lack of proof. The two vagabonds kill the sheriff while trying to escape with a knife they hid. Deputy Sherrif Ryker has to take over and is unable to control the mob threatening the jail led by the husband Ev and his friend Hezekiah. At the urging of his girlfriend Velvet Rose when they threaten to dynamite the front of the jail, Ryker decides to move the prisoners to Laramie. He stops at Shiloh for help where Judge Garth forces the lynch mod to back down for a while. With the help of The Virginian Ryker heads for the Laramie stage but realizes he must face the residents of Medicine Bow if he is have their respect as sheriff in the future. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Stavros Karas is a recent older widower with two children and a budding fig farm. He sends a request to the old country, Greece, to ask for a wife to be sent to help him. He has told them he has a nice home and a working fig farm. He is hoping for an older woman to take care of the home and his kids but ends up with a young attractive Eleni Niarcos who attracts the attention of his neighbor's son. Realizing he lied to Eleni's father and her, Stavros is not sure he should marry her or that she will want to marry an older poor man like him. Stavros asks for water from his neighbor for his new fig plants but the issue erupts in controversy and a shooting. The Shiloh folks try to help keep the peace and Stavros decide whether to marry Eleni. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1

The Virginian and Trampas travel to Mexico to pickup six palomino horses for Judge Garth. The Virginian becomes sick as they reach the Mexican border. He is forced to rest at a Mexican hotel that is the hangout for an outlaw gang. The gang leader's girlfriend, Maggie, is there and becoming tired of the secondary role she plays in the gang leader's life. Trampas leaves The Virginian in her care while he goes to retrieve the horses. While he is gone The Virginian and Maggie fall in love and she decides she wishes to return to Medicine Bow with the Virginian but life is never simple. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.4
75 min

While traveling Trampas rescues Frank Colter from a runaway wagon and in so doing his horse is injured. Trampas is forced to stay over in Eagle Rock while his horse heals and becomes friends with the residents. Colter and others have rebuilt Eagle Rock hoping for the railroad to come through it based on inside information Colter learned in his previous job. A gambling tycoon wants to take over the city and sends Midge Conway to force the town to accept his terms and offers Conway control of the gambling in Eagle Rock if he gets the contract. Midge is an old friend of Trampas and must resort to rough methods to get what he wants from Colter and the town. Trampas hopes to stay out of the conflict. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Ben Justin along with his wife Mary and son by a previous wife move onto a ranch adjoining Shiloh. Due to past business failures and being abandoned by previous business partners, Ben has developed a wall around him avoiding help and contact with everyone around him, including his son and wife. He wants to prove he can succeed on his own and rejects even casual help. It alienates his wife and son who look to Shiloh for friends and help. The Virginian and Garth provide his son Will with a horse and teach him how to ride so he can help Ben. Mary has keeps it secret from Ben as she is doing it partly for her own benefit. Ben takes it the wrong way thinking there is something between Mary and The Virginian. When Ben takes a risky chance to improve his herd with an expensive bull, it backfires when his ranch is hit with the cattle disease aftosa. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
75 min

Judge Garth's sister and husband are killed back East at Boston. He has not seen them since their daughter was a baby and he never approved of his sister's husband. The orphaned niece meets the young man Johnny Bradford who gets on the stage in Tylerville and has been on his own since he was eleven. Jennifer is coming to Shiloh to live but is concerned about her relationship with her uncle. Judge Garth who is concerned with Jennifer's attitude and unwillingness to open up to him tries to make her stay pleasant and agrees to hire Johnny who impressed her to work at the ranch. Although a good worker, Ryker is suspicious about his background since it coincides with a murder in Tylerville and a young man resembling Johnny is of interest. Johnny turns out to be wanted for several crimes including murder. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

While on the way back to Medicine Bow, Sheriff Ryker is on a stage coach with four other passengers, the driver and the shotgun. They are trapped by a group of Mexicans at a prospector's cabin on a detour. Their leader knows Ryker and they want one of the passengers Wiley for the rape and murder of a girl from their village in Mexico. Wiley claims to be innocent and Ryker wants the Mexicans to allow Wiley to be taken back to town for a trial. The group lead by Ryker refuses to turn Wiley over to the Mexicans. Tensions increase as the Mexicans put pressure on the group first by running off their horses resulting in the death of the man riding shotgun followed by the cutoff of their water supply. The old drunk who led them to the cabin agrees to try to reach help. He marks a trail but ends up dead with Ryker's pistol which The Virginian and Trampas recognize when the body is found. They follow the trail to force the release of the group after they kidnap the Mexican leader's son but ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

Betsy runs into David Henderson who is on foot and trying to catch a fish by hand during his wandering trip to the west. She offers a meal for work at the ranch but he spurns her offer. Later, Trampas brings him in and Betsy becomes intrigued while feeding him. An unsafe mine with labor problems has Ryker asking for Judge Garth's help and draws David's interest due to a cave-in. The leader of the miners is trapped and killed in the cave-in although David helps rescue him and reveals he is a minister. David worked in a mining community back east and the leaderless miners ask him to lead their fight. Ryker is forced by the mine manager Calder to evict the striking miners while he brings in replacement workers. David becomes involved in resolving the mine issues while allowing more contact between him and Betsy who is looking for something special in her life as well. They fall in love but he is reluctant due to a previous wife's death and other issues. They decide to marry and move back... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

Trampas is getting tired of the day to day work at Shiloh. When his old friend Luke Milford, who is a vagabond, shows up in Medicine Bow, Trampas becomes irritated with the Virginian's push for more work so he quits Shiloh. Trampas and Luke decide to head for Deadwood where there is action which they find plentiful. They meet an old prospector Finley who says he has found gold but needs someone to back him. They have the money so they decide to go prospecting with him as he says the claim is not on Sioux land. As they approach the claim, they notice sign of others but Finley denies they are on Sioux land but at the claim he tells them not to fire guns. The three hit it big on the claim making them leery when a lone rider appears saying his horse is lame and he is leaving the area. Later, when they hear a noise, Luke spots an Indian and kills him followed by Finley admitting they are on Sioux land. Trampas says it is time to leave but Luke is fixated on getting more gold. He ties up ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
75 min

A new attractive school teacher, Martha Perry, is asked by a man, Rafe Simmons, who many in the town consider a fool to teach him how to read so he can read his mother's diary. Many of the local men including Trampas, the Virginian, and the deputy are interested in dating her. Unknown to everyone she is married to a man, Bert Kramer, she met while working in a saloon. Bert has been released from prison and is in town wanting her back. She wants a divorce and some of the men trick Bert into thinking Rafe is interested in her romantically leading to problems for Rafe. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

The Tercell family which raises sheep is moving into the area from Australia. The son Abel and daughter Reagan arrive first with ranch hands o prepare for the sheep. This is creating panic among the cattlemen who find Abel Tercell to be unwilling to compromise on sharing the public grazing lands. The son who is a bully becomes embroiled in a fight with the Virginian and loses. He confronts the Virginian on the road and is accidentally killed during the mêlée. The Virginian falls in love with the daughter, Reagan who sees her brother for what he was. When the father Adam arrives and learns Abel was killed by The Virginian but will not be prosecuted, he decides he can legally kill him in a range war. Adam Tercell is a hardened man who lost his wife and land in Australia who has few feelings for his daughter and never had much love or time for his dead son and wife. As tensions grow awaiting the arrival of the sheep and the fight that ensues to cross Shiloh land, Adams feelings toward ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
75 min

Matt Denning, a rancher at Medicine Bow, breaks his brother Will out of the guard house at a military fort the night before he is to be executed believing Will to be innocent. Matt tells Will they are going to his ranch to pickup Matt's wife and son and then they will leave for Canada. Sheriff Ryker, who is good friends with Matt, is notified of the breakout and that a guard was killed during the escape. The military sends a squad to capture the brothers and Ryker goes after them as well. The army and Ryker catch up with the Dennings as well as a group of Indians on the warpath due to the Ghost Dance. During the action Matt learns Will was guilty. Now it is Matt's turn to face the law for killing the guard which is an emotional impact on Ryker as well as Will and his family as the coarse law of the West is applied. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Tacoma FD

Tacoma FD


Tacoma FD

IMDb: 7.7

Lucy wants new uniforms that fit better after being mistaken for a man. Granny and Eddie join a firefighters a cappella group run by Wolf Boykins.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Between Two Worlds

Between Two Worlds


Between Two Worlds

IMDb: 0

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Genre: Drama,
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HD Dirty Jobs: Rowe'd Trip

Dirty Jobs: Rowe'd Trip


Dirty Jobs: Rowe'd Trip

IMDb: 8.6

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Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Believers




IMDb: 6.2

This is a paranormal production from the viewpoint of eyewitnesses to supernatural events. This series combines archival footage with dramatic re-enactments and eyewitness accounts that changed them into believers in the paranormal.

Country: USA
Genre: Horror,
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HD The Alienist

The Alienist


The Alienist

IMDb: 8.9

The clock is ticking for the team to locate baby Ana. Meanwhile, Sara is worries about her young undercover detective Bitsy Sussman, and William Randolph Hearst hosts a lavish ball celebrating his goddaughter Violet's engagement to Moore.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Alienist

The Alienist


The Alienist

IMDb: 8.3

Sara persuades a young nurse to disclose what happens behind closed doors. Meanwhile, Kreizler is convinced that hypnosis might unlock the traumatic memories of Señora Linares, and Moore introduces Sara to a well-connected friend to further the investigation.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

Helen must face reality when a Patrick look-a-like arrives in town. David Blake is an insurance agent who is in search of a death beneficiary known only as trousers. Intrigued by the new arrival, Helen offers to help and the two spend the perfect day together. Toby sets his sights on a new vehicle and is eager to expand the business but Michael, after surviving a near-death experience, abruptly quits his job.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

Jack reacquaints himself with the joys of meditation in a makeshift sweat lodge and is shown a tantalising glimpse of his future: an abandoned mine shaft, a skeleton in a Hawaiian shirt, and a glorious reef of gold in a bed of quartz. Jess' guilt about sleeping with Toby the night before her engagement to Darren resurfaces. Jack finds himself an unwilling participant in a love triangle when finds himself reunited with a feuding couple. As events in his life begin to resemble those in his vision, Jack realises what he saw may have been a premonition of his death. Matt's pride won't allow him to lose the hospital's charity fun run to Nat. Ellie has a decision to make about her future in the Alice when she receives a job offer in Germany.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

Simon Westlake messes in Jack's patch by luring Rusty away with daily treats of prime porterhouse steak and becoming interested in Helen when he asks her to show him some real estate, neither of which Jack likes. When Simon suggests a friendly game of football between the Bull Bar Bulls and the Baa Bar Rams to Jack, he accepts the challenge, but the Rams have to deal with a secret agenda. Written by Allister Coots

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

Jack loses his job as the lead singer of the band. Toby is concerned about a woman who has just lost her son. Helen's real estate job gets steamy and she may ruin her chances of staying in the profession. Matt and Natalie have an accidental kiss, which changes the situation entirely. Hugh helps Ellie overcome her fear of being alone.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

When nude sketches of Helen are stolen during a burglary, she fears that her secret will be exposed. Natalie pretends she is dating Matt to make Will jealous, and the two boys find themselves competing to capture a rogue cane toad that has been causing havoc in Alice Springs. Written by Allister Coots

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

Michael travels to Purgatory Hill with Jack on a hunt for Lara. Jess and Darren return to the Alice for one last day before Darren must leave to work on the mine again. Matt continues to irritate Jess and Darren. Ellie's sculpture, on display in the foyer, is turned upside down, and Ellie goes to extreme measures to return it to normal.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

On the anniversary of Patrick's death, his younger brother shows up and searches Helen. Ellie and Matt finally break up and Toby starts to worry about Ellie. Meanwhile Matt already tries to hook up with Claude. Jack makes Helen an offer about her caravan and Natalie challenges Michael to a land-sailing race. Jack and Helen help Hugh to clean his house from bad spirits.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

The pressure becomes too overwhelming for Jess. Jack offers to pay for the wedding even though he is going broke. To improve his financial status, Jack attempts a camel race where the prize money is $10,000. Jack is concerned that Helen and Simon Westlake are having an affair. Matt and Ellie have different plans for the future.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

Jess tries to pull it off with Darren, but inadvertently starts wedding preparations. Toby does what he can to get Jess back. Helen decides to become a model for an artist. Jack tries bonding with Darren. With Kyas Sherriff as Natalie Anderson, Kick Gurry as Darren, Evelyn Rankmore as Receptionist, Jacob Allan as Rob, Hayley Law as Ann, Emma Buzzo as Sam and Archie Woodhouse as Ben.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Alice

The Alice


The Alice

IMDb: 0

Toby and Darren vie for the Jess. While one proposes, the other reveals his true feelings for her. Matt goes too far in purchasing a vintage motorbike. Toby and Michael's car is stolen by a juvenile work experience kid. Helen and Jack appear to be rekindling their love for each other.

Country: Australia
Genre: Drama,
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