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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

When a charlatan passes through town selling shares in a nonexistent invention, nearly everyone in Colorado Springs buys into the scam.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

A famous graphic novelist is being haunted by the ghost of a teenage boy. As the novelist installs his new novel strange things start happening to him as Melinda tries to solve the mystery of who is trying to stop his work the novelist will be tormented. Melinda then finds out that whatever the writer wrote in his novel is predicted by what the ghost is doing to the writer. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

When the ghost of a high school boy accuses a Grandview cop of murdering him, Melinda is convinced that his death wasn't a mere skateboarding accident. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Melinda battles with Wide Brim Man for Andrea's soul, and her chance encounter with a reporter piques the interest of a mysterious man.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.6
49 min

Miss Ives seeks new help as she knows who she is up against. Ethan has a head to head with his father. Interrupted by Sir Malcolm as new guests show up for dinner. Tempers flare. Lilly leads more women ,as she builds her army of ladies of the evening. Victor and Dr Jekyll perfect the dose to change Lilly into a pain free being. Justine overstepped her boundary and causes Dorian to question the endeavor. Written by stephen scialli

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.2
54 min

Hounded through the desert by Kaetenay and others, Ethan faces a reckoning. In London, Victor makes a dire modification to Jekyll's cure for madness.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.4
52 min

Sir Malcolm and Kaetnay continue their search for Ethan, while Inspector Rusk hunts him down. Vanessa is confronted by yet another creature from her past. John Clare visits his family. Victor and Jekyll continue their experiment. Dorian and Lily show Justine the nature of their plan.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.6
54 min

Lily and Dorian, rescue a young woman. Sir Malcolm continues on his journey with the enigmatic Kaetenay. Meanwhile, Ethan gets some unexpected help from Hecate. Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll hatch a plan. Vanessa's relationship with Dr. Sweet grows but, unbeknownst to her, evil forces are tracking her every move.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

In the season 3 premiere of Penny Dreadful; Ethan is a prisoner under Inspector Rusk's watch heading through America. Sir Malcolm meets a mysterious native american while in Africa. Frankenstein gets a visit from an old friend: Dr. Jekyl. Vanessa seeks the help of a very intriguing and interesting doctor. Written by Adriana Pinto

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 9.1
57 min

At Madame Kali's house, it's left to Vanessa to fight her and her master. Sir Malcolm and Victor Frankenstein are immobilized by hallucinations where those they have wronged torment them. Ethan for his part is still under the effect of the full moon. Elsewhere, John Clare learns the new rules now that he has been imprisoned in the cellar at Putney's wax museum. Dorian and Lily are prepared to take on the world. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 9.0
56 min

Ethan and Vanessa's stay at the cottage is interrupted when Ethan's pursuer, Warren Roper, catches up with him. They soon make short shrift of him but Victor Frankenstein arrives and they return to London to rescue him from Mrs. Poole. Inspector Rusk is waiting for Ethan, but doesn't arrest him. Sir Malcolm's friends and colleagues agree that they cannot go to Mrs. Poole's house in the night when the witches' powers are strongest and will instead go in the morning. Vanessa seemingly agrees but leaves the house on her own intent on saving him. The others follow, but it's a full moon and Ethan loses control. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.8
56 min

It's now morning and John Clare confronts Victor over permitting Lily to go out with another man. Victor has no idea where she is and he realizes he has little control over her in any event. Clare visits her when she is at home alone but isn't prepared for what she reveals. Inspector Rusk calls on Sir Malcolm to learn why he visited Scotland Yard the previous September but Malcolm refuses to divulge any details. Lyle has completed translating the diary which explains the evil they are facing and the nature of their most potent weapon against it. Sir Malcolm breaks the spell Mrs. Poole placed on him and goes to her home to confront her. Meanwhile, Angelique finds Dorian's secret room which contains a very special painting. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.6
55 min

After spending the night with Madame Kali, Sir Malcolm returns home to learn that his wife has taken her own life. His reaction however is not what you would expect. Everyone agrees that he is acting strangely and clearly not himself. Ethan gets a visits from the sole survivor of the attack at the Mariner's Inn who makes it clear that he will not not give up and will continue to pursue him. Dorian Grey throws a ball, a coming out party for Angelique, and invites Vanessa and Victor Frankenstein. Lily attends as well and is the belle of the ball drawing a good deal of attention from Dorian which upsets both Angelique and Victor. Vanessa attends alone but has an encounter - real or imagined - with Mrs. Poole's daughters. Meanwhile Ethan, who declined attending the ball with Vanessa, turns to Sembene to help him with what will happen that evening. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.1
57 min

Sir Malcolm and the others prepare for an attack from Madame Kali and her children. Insp. Rush questions Ethan as to why he has recently been buying a large amount of ammunition. Madame Kali seduces Sir Malcolm and uses a voodoo doll to inflict great pain on someone who is standing in her way. The Creature challenges Victor Frankenstein and insists on seeing Lily but when he does so, it's clear that she does not love him. Lily, Victor and Vanessa have and it's clear to Vanessa that he is very much in love with her. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.4
51 min

Having recounted her tale of the cut-wife, Lyle tells them what he found in the artifacts from the British Museum. Insp. Rusk continues his investigation into the killings at the Mariner's Inn but finds the sole survivor has no recollection of what happened. He also investigates the murder of a young couple whose baby has apparently been stolen. He notes some similarities with the earlier killings. At Putney's waxworks, John Clare spends time with the blind Lavinia. A chance encounter is nothing of the sort for Ethan when he meets Hecate Poole. Victor Frankenstein asks Vanessa to help him buy clothes for Lily, who he passes off as his distant cousin. Dorian Grey introduces his new friend to the latest fad sweeping London. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.4
53 min

Vanessa survives a nighttime visit from the three witches and Sir Malcolm promises to do his best to protect her. He shows her a soup kitchen and medical clinic of sorts where he donates some of his time and money. There, Vanessa meets the Creature. Sir Malcolm meets Mrs. Poole in a department store where she mesmerizes him. Ethan, Vanessa, Dr. Frankenstein and Sir Malcolm invite Ferdinand Lyle to translate the verbis diablo for them. He tells them that in the 11th century, a monk named Father Gregory claimed he was possessed by a demon who spoke to him in the verbis diablo. He wrote down what he was told and those artifacts are now in the British Museum. Dr. Frankenstein meanwhile has successfully reanimated Lily but he struggles with his own feelings for her. She quickly learns to speak - and has lost her accent - but has no memory of her past life. Dorian Gray meets Angelique, who works in a brothel. Finally, Insp. Rusk visits Warren Roper, one of the men who was severely injured ... Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.5
55 min

At the Mariner's Inn, Ethan Chandler awakes from another of his blackouts to find those that those who threatened him are all dead. He joins Vanessa for a carriage ride to tell her about the blackouts - he has no idea what happens to him - and what he normally finds when he awakens. He's decided to leave London but before he can even finish his story, the carriage is attacked by three female creatures. Vanessa is clearly their target but she and Ethan survive with only minor injuries. Sir Malcolm Murray returns and she tells him the creatures spoke the Verbis Diabo, a dead language known as the word of the devil which according to legend is the language Adam spoke in Eden after the devil tempted him. Vanessa says the women were Nightcomers, witches. Meanwhile, Dr. Victor Frankenstein is now ready to reanimate Brona Croft and needs only for the weather to cooperate. The Creature finds a job at Putney's Family Waxworks where the owner, Oscar Putney, is working on his latest tableau, the... Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.0
26 min

Vince writes a screenplay and Billy Walsh decides to use Drama as the lead. Meanwhile, Ari learns what Mrs. Ari has been up to and now has a sworn enemy.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 9.0
32 min

Ari's surprise birthday for Mrs. Ari is undermined by work. The boys are worried about Vince's out-of-control behavior, Eric receives a business proposal from Terrance, and Turtle could lose the tequila business.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.2
26 min

While E gets a new office and tries to announce his position as Vince's manager, Vince and Turtle fight with Gary Busey over an antique desk with a rich Hollywood history.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.9
43 min

Shaw visits Root's grave to say her final goodbyes. Mr. Reese and Lionel are given the rough edge tongue by the police chief, who figures out that John is in fact the man in a suit. The police arrest them and are ready to make them disappear forever. However, they are interrupted by Mr. Finch's arrival. The team splits in two, Lionel and Shaw who remain with the the Machine in order to protect it, while Mr. Reese and Mr. Finch attempt to destroy Samaritan's back-up servers. Mr. Finch says his final goodbye to his friend, Mr. Reese. Wounded by a gunshot, he starts hallucinating Root, while Mr. Reese sacrifices himself. Shaw finally avenges Root's death. Written by Andy Ward

Country: USA
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Problems occur when Agent Murphy sees Billie use her powers to save an innocent. Billie also casts a spell to make Phoebe happy that causes complications for Phoebe and Dex.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

While the Sisters and Leo are still pondering P-names for the newborn, he proves to have an effective protective force shield during a first demonic attack. The Elders refuse to take care of him, although there's clearly a Hawker Demon at work, to sell him to order placed by a Crone on an evil magic market. At the newspaper, Phoebe was just showing baby pictures when the surprisingly young new owner arrives, Jason Dean, who clearly digs Phoebe both personally and professionally, but objects to her recent baby-centric columns. Paige masquerades as a hawker to set a trap at the evil market, alas on her own, and gets caught by two hawkers, who steal her powers and during Phoebe and Piper's rescue mission attack in the mansion, with a surprise outcome... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The demon Jeric frequently needs to find a fresh witch so his lover, the Egyptian goddess Isis, can inhabit her body, which always dies and is mummified. This time he picks as victim Phoebe. Darryl, who has a unique SFDP promotion opportunity, is on the trail of five mummy-murders in the US. Paige steals Isis's crystal but the scribing is just too late to prevent Jeric seizing Phoebe to a tomb in Egypt. When Piper and Page seek help from Cole, whose suicide attempts still all fail, he is well-informed and decides to propose Jeric a deal, exchanging Phoebe for Paige... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.6
42 min

On the day of Piper's wedding, Prue is tired after successive nightmares. When a man is killed in a bar and Prue is the prime suspect, Phoebe casts a spell and finds that Prue's innermost desires released from her body through her astral projection looking for passion and freedom. T.J., the boyfriend of the astral projection of Prue, breaks in the house to rescue Prue from the police and spoiling the wedding. Cole and Leo find the criminal and Piper and Leo finally get married. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

While watching her favorite movie on video, Phoebe sees Cole and he contacts her. Meanwhile, the evil high-priestess Dantalian uses the warlock Zile to shift to the shape of Piper and steal Prue's lipstick. She prepares a magic potion with the lipstick and when the shape-shift Zile changes to Justin Harper, he dates and kisses Prue. She freezes and Dantalian marries them, turning Prue evil. Piper, Phoebe and the Book of Shadows also become evil through their connection with Prue, and the sisters enjoy their evil warlock powers. However Cole helps Phoebe to find Prue, while Phoebe calls out Belthazor. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Hannibal




IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Hannibal proposes that Will be brought in to help when a woman's body is found inside a horse. Will appears to have shed his distrust of Hannibal but Alana isn't convinced and worries about Hannibal's safety. But Will's own judgment may be in peril as he and Hannibal rush to keep a witness safe. Written by

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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Everything that begins must eventually end, as the beginnings and endings walk us both forwards and backwards, taking our final stroll down Wistera Lane.

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Bree's trial finally comes to an end with a surprise confession; Tom takes steps to finalize his divorce.

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Bree's lawyer may help her out during her trial; Gabrielle's attitude shocks the ladies; Susan has a disagreement with the teacher while in childbirth class with Julie; Lynette goes to great lengths to stop Tom from going to India. Tom breaks up with Jane after revealing that he is still in love with Lynette.

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Susan tries to build a car for M.J.'s soapbox derby; Trip learns of Bree's past history, and must come clean; Renee discovers Ben is keeping a secret.

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Susan learns Mike had been keeping a secret; Bree needs a lawyer to get her murder charges cleared; Carlos is concerned with Gabrielle's job.

Country: USA
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