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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Sheriff Abbott suspects Ed Wells, a close friend of Trampas, of robbery and murder. Fringe from a buckskin shirt may be from a shirt owned by Ed. When Ed and his wife Connie cannot produce the shirt, Ed is arrested. Connie had given the shirt to her brother Willy Packer who has a troubled past. Trampas learns their suspicions but they refuse to tell Abbott hoping to keep Willy out of trouble. They know traveling salesman Gabe Stiles can clear Ed but after he is found dead, Ed and Connie admit that it was her brother Willy who was probably involved but Willy skips town. With Sheriff Abbott going after Willy, Trampas decides to join him along with telegraph operator Case. Abbott is hurt when his horse is kicked by Case forcing him to return to Medicine Bow. He deputizes Trampas and Case so they can continue. Willy is forced to buy a replacement horse from two prospectors who cheat him by selling him fake food. Willy is then forced to invade a couple's home for food and takes the wife to... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.0

Charlie Ryan is in jail in Porterville, Wyoming after shooting a man during a bank robbery. The town people have their mind made up he is a killer. When the chance occurs, Charlie escapes. Charlie arrives in Bottleneck where he meets Harold Bitz, a bank employee, who helped Charlie rob the bank. They agree to meet later to split the money. Charlie finds himself helping Stacey in a fight in Medicine Bow and wins the gratitude of Stacey and his sister Elizabeth. Charlie and Elizabeth become good friends causing Stacey to worry as he has concerns about Charlie after his interactions with Charlie. The law catches up with Charlie as Sheriff Abbott tries to arrest Charlie at Shiloh. Charlie escapes but is wounded by Abbott. When they learn Charlie is wanted, Elizabeth still provides support to Charlie and convinces him to give himself up. She enlists her grandfather's help due to her belief Charlie has to be innocent. Mr. Grainger is able to secure a change of venue for the trial due to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.4
75 min

Trampas stumbles into the yard of the Crayton family with a head injury and collapses. After a doctor tends to him, they learn he has a concussion and amnesia as well as being very weak. The daughter, Sarah, takes an interest in Trampas and helps with his recovery but Trampas does not regain his memory. A stagecoach was robbed and everyone killed within a few miles of their place. When Bobby Crayton sees the pearl handled revolver Trampas is carrying, he believes Trampas is the leader of the outlaw gang. Back at Shiloh everyone is worried because Trampas is missing but his suitcase arrived. Bobby tells Deputy Jim Tyson about the pistol not knowing Tyson is the brother of the outlaw gang leader and part of them. The gang decides Tyson should blame the robberies on Trampas but Trampas escapes. Bobby and Sarah hide Trampas while Sarah sends telegrams for him to see if someone is missing him. Meanwhile, the outlaws now decide Trampas must die as the Sheriff searches for him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
73 min

Jake who can neither speak or hear runs away after accidentally killing a man in a saloon. While on the run he encounters Stacey on the other side of a river trying to pull out a calf. Jake wades in to free the calf and rides off ignoring Stacey's calls as he can't hear him. He lands at Shiloh ranch where he chops a large amount of wood for a meal from Elizabeth. Stacey hearing the story takes him to The Virginian for a job. His extreme strength allows him to become a valued hand in spite of his handicaps. However, two hands, Curley and Packer, take advantage of him but assume he is no threat to talk when he stumbles into cattle they are rustling from Shiloh. Stacey, who learns Jake cannot read or write, realizes Jake is locked into himself as he has no way to express himself. Seeing Jake's interest in a newspaper, Stacey decides to help him develop the ability to communicate via reading and writing. Curley and Packer upon learning Jake can now read and write, decide they need to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

After a trip to deliver horses to Pueblo, Colorado, Trampas decides to stay and visit an old friend Bill living nearby. Trampas arrives at Bill's hometown in time to attend Bill's funeral who was shot. After paying respects to Bill's sister Margaret and her husband Harry, the sheriff, Trampas is asked to stay to visit with Margaret. The little she knows about his death does not mesh with what he is told by the young Chico he finds visiting Bill's grave. He returns to ask Margaret additional questions but she knows no more nor does the Sheriff when Trampas visits him. The undertaker is able to tell Trampas the gun used to kill Bill was a rare pistol firing a heavy bullet. After discussions with Delores who is a friend of Chico, he senses that there are questions to be answered even though his judgment and warnings from Deputy Morrell and his friend Griff indicate he should go home. When he gets too close to the truth, Morrell and Griff beat him up and take his gun. A later ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

While looking for stray cattle, Trampas and Stacey catch a trio of Arapaho Indians stealing Shiloh cattle. They are a husband and wife with an adopted girl Liliota who they discover is a white girl. The girl is not returned to the reservation while the authorities attempt to find her original parents. John Grainger decides to let her stay at Shiloh until her future is decided. The Graingers with Elizabeth taking the lead all work to ease her into a new life in the white world which is a very hard adjustment. She wants to return to her Arapaho life especially when Running Elk to whom she is promised comes to Shiloh to help her escape. Based on the information from her adoptive dad Grey Horse, they learn she was taken from a wagon train 12 years earlier. The Emory family from Oregon responds to ads about her saying she might be their daughter Katherine Ann. They come to Shiloh to meet Liliota who is not receptive to their overtures as she still does not accept the white world. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1

Lemoine Carlson and ranch hand Buxton deliver 50 head of cattle to Grainger for Lemoine's dad. When five head are found missing the next day, The Virginian feels responsible and leaves Shiloh to track them down. He finds a black sod buster Ransome Kiley and his young sons taking them to their farm near Delphi. He says he paid gold coin to a man for them but has no bill of sale. The Virginian is forced to go to the Delphi Sheriff who is in no hurry to help as Kiley is an honest man. At Delphi he thinks he runs into a friend Annie from Abilene eight years earlier. Lemoine sees the meeting between them so he invites The Virginian to dinner with his dad and new wife who turns out to be Annie but The Virginian and Annie act as if they had never meet. She has not told her husband her history. At the saloon that night he spots Buxton playing cards betting gold coins with the initials RK on them. Lemoine tells Buxton The Virginian has Kiley coming to identify Buxton as the rustler. Lemoine is... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

John Grainger and his grandchildren Stacey and Elizabeth move to Shiloh after he purchases the ranch from Judge Garth. John and Elizabeth arrive by train only to find Stacey in jail for a fight over a crooked card game. As part of the sale The Virginian agreed to stay on for at least thirty days. Besides developing a relationship with his new employees, Grainger is faced with learning about Shiloh as well as meeting and fitting in with the citizens of Medicine Bow. The foreman Jim Dawson of a neighboring ranch arrives with the Sheriff searching for several head of missing cattle. Knowing a fence is down between them, The Virginian guesses they wandered over accidentally but Dawson still wants the Sheriff to check it out. They find the cattle but the brands have been altered. When Grainger learns the neighbor is Lee Calder, he knows she blames him for the loss of her husband 25 years ago. Stacey is caught in the Calder barn holding a running iron he found there. If Dawson is able to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.1
75 min

Johnny Younce is a young man in Medicine Bow who feels the world has caved in on him after he is fired by Tolliver at the saloon. While The Virginian is in town, Johnny becomes enraged resulting in a wild rampage against the town breaking windows and setting fires. The Virginian tries to stop him but in the ensuing fight Johnny hits his head on a wagon wheel resulting in a concussion. The action is out of character for Johnny so The Virginian takes an interest in him. The doctor says he is not safe in jail so The Virginian offers to take him to Shiloh and put up his bail. Johnny is friends with Jennifer who tends to him and later helps him. Slowly the Virginian learns what is behind Johnny's problems; wealthy Eben McDevitt believes his daughter Susan is too good for him and wants Johnny run out of town. Susan is a very close friend to Jennifer who knows all the details. Johnny apologizes to the Jewish tailor Jake for breaking his window resulting in Jake helping Johnny with a new suit... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 6.6
75 min

Members of Randy's family arrives in Medicine Bow from Bald Knob in the hill country. They have come to protect him from James Claiborne who was recently recently released after six years from prison for murdering a member of the Benton family. Randy was a key witness at his trial. Claiborne says he has decided to settle in Medicine Bow with his daughter Gloria where he hopes to work with the local doctor. Gloria was a childhood friend of Randy but she is now an attractive woman. A relationship between her and Randy quickly develops. The intentions of the others on both sides are less than honorable creating a tense situation for Randy and Gloria. A wagon wheel comes off nearly killing Randy and his uncle followed by the Bentons finding a fake grave with Randy's name on a grave marker. Randy has his family stay at Shiloh to keep them out of town and trouble but their actions upset the Shiloh hands and The Virginian. Things come to head when Randy decides to settle down with Gloria but... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 6.5
75 min

Morgan Starr is involved in a cattle deal planned along with a treaty between Mexico and the United State to be signed at a small village in Mexico. The treaty is to be signed by U.S. Senator Mills and Mexican governor Delgado. Starr and Trampas agree to travels to the site in advance to check the security as the Senator does not want to send a military delegation. They find the village quiet and peaceful with a few Americans visiting. Trampas leaves to report all is well for the signing the next day. After he leaves Starr discovers some 7th Calvary troops there with a fake story. He along with a female bar owner and a padre are taken captive by a group run by an old friend Cleve Mason who was a U.S. Marshal at Cimarron hired to assassinate the two men who are to sign the agreement. The group has brought a Gatling gun in a casket to use in the assassination. Starr works with the padre to undermine the plot and salvage the agreement while the female bartender renews a relationship with... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6

Della Saunders arrives in Medicine Bow on the stage to start a new career as a seamstress after twelve years in prison. She meets The Virginian when he rescues her from the drunk Sam Jenkins who rode on the stage with her. The Virginian has his own dispute with Jenkins who sold Shiloh $8000 of diseased cattle. Her friend from the past in Medicine Bow is John Ballinger, an attorney from whom she rents a shop. The Virginian asks Ballinger to represent Shiloh to recoup its money from Jenkins. Unknown to everyone Jenkins works with Alfred Krebs who is a respected businessman in Medicine Bow. Krebs recognizes Della from her trial in St. Louis where she was represented by Ballinger. He decides to use the knowledge to cover up the suspect business dealings. Her meetings with Krebs and beauty bring out the worst in the people of Medicine Bow with The Virginian being one who refuses to judge her. Her and John Ballinger's past connections are revealed and come back to haunt them when she is ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6
75 min

Randy heads to Montana to pick up a mare for a future horse ranch he and a friend Georgie Sam Smith who is there hope to start. His friend convinces Randy to stay over to meet a girl Dulcie Colby that Georgie has been trying to meet. Randy goes to the Colby ranch to see her and check out their horses but finds himself working on the horse ranch after he meets Dulcie. Dulcie's brother Ben tells Randy to drive the lunch wagon with Dulcie. Randy tries to give the job to Georgie but Ben and Dulcie are adamant that Randy drive it. They soon fall in love with each other as Randy becomes embroiled in a family problem. Frank Colby shows up after leaving nearly fifteen years earlier. There is bad blood between the brothers Frank and Ben with Frank the favorite of their father who is wheelchair bound. Frank has commissioned a tombstone for a Colby. Ben thinks Frank wishes to kill him. Randy gives Ben a wanted poster Georgie found for Frank adding to the tension. Dulcie decides she wants to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 6.7
75 min

Morgan Starr and Randy Benton ride a long way to the Dakotas to sell a herd of cattle for the consumption of an Indian tribe. Starr planned to sell 3000 head but the crooked, heartless Indian agent Harry Weatherby will only buy 500 head. One of the older braves High Sun had left the reservation illegally but when he saw a herd of buffaloes, he returned to tell the other braves who see it as a sign of life. Bowers, son of a Comanchero, who brought back High Sun is told by Weatherby to prevent High Sun from talking to anyone. The young brave Tonka and his father Two Hawks ask Morgan to help them talk to High Sun. After High Sun reveals the existence of the buffalo herd, the braves rejoice. The two men become embroiled in the local tribe's problems when Two Hawks and Tonka steal Morgan and Randy's horses as well as Morgan's saddle. After buying new horses from Weatherby who puts a $100 bounty on the heads of the two Indians, they track them to the herd of buffalo. Along the way they are ... Written by heathentart

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

Trampas, returning to Shiloh, stops at a remote store to warm himself. A Mexican gentleman being gouged on price as he buys a horse and milk is killed when a group of gunmen enter. They force the dying man to give the location of two children. The men leave as does Trampas who stops later at a farm house. In it he comes across a young boy and his baby sister, on the run from their wealthy hidalgo grandfather in Mexico, determined to reach their mother in Laramie. Realizing their guardian is dead, Trampas becomes their de facto guardian, defender and babysitter. He has to evade the gunmen sent after the children and later a war party of Oglala Sioux. Along the way, he meets a hungry lady faro dealer Melinda who decides to team with Trampas and the children in their quest to reach Laramie. They come upon a dying man attacked by the Sioux. They take his wagon which provides them with better transportation. The experience draws Trampas and Melinda closer especially as Melinda feels for a ... Written by heathentart

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 6.5
75 min

Ryker has to leave Medicine Bow for a few days so he deputizes Regan to handle things. As the train pulls out a group of men consisting of French Canadians and Cree Indians known at Metis arrive at Medicine Bow well armed. Although they intend no harm to Medicine Bow, the people react negatively to them. Complicating matters is an engaged Louise Devers who desires attention from random men who wrongly accuses their leader of assaulting her resulting in additional confrontations including a small boy being wounded. Morgan Starr tries to counsel their acceptance especially after he learns one of them Jeremiah Chilton is an old friend. The people create vigilantes to keep peace as Regan quit as deputy when the Metis arrived. The one accepting person in town is the saloon woman Connie Burns who becomes friends with Chilton. When the town goes berserk, Starr hopes to settle things while The Virginian confronts the person who caused the uproar.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Because Judge Garth has been appointed Governor of the Wyoming Territory, he has asked his Civil War friend Morgan Starr to take over running Shiloh in his place. Morgan Starr is a tough man with little thought for the feelings of others but he gets the job done and pays his help well but drives them hard. Having lost his wife and daughter he keeps his feelings internal and doesn't reach out to others. The ranch hands and residents of Medicine Bow believe that The Virginian should have received the job and are surprised he is staying at Shiloh. Starr has controversial new ideas on how to operate the ranch with plans that disrupt the normal seasonal plans of the other ranchers when he pulls Shiloh out of the roundup. When the government reports a locust plague coming, it pits him against the neighbors and the proposed plan to save the pasture land and cattle. The Virginian backs Starr to fight the locust but afterwards is another story. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
73 min

Niles Tait is working at Shiloh breaking horses to help his family and save money to leave home. The family hides his sister Marcy who is learning challenged as they worry what others will think based on past experiences and it has hindered Marcy's learning and socialization. When Jennifer learns about her, she tries to help educate her. Niles seeing Marcy as a millstone around his neck and future wants to put Marcy in a home. The bank in Medicine Bow is held up by two men who get away but one is wounded. Marcy witnesses one robber Henry Brodie murder his wounded partner and hide the money. When she mentions it to her brother, he thinks she is talking about the picture on the front of a dime novel. Alone now, Brodie takes a job as a ranch hand at Shiloh to hide. The issue surfaces when Marcy meets Brodie during her attempt to attend her first party with the help of Jennifer and The Virginian. However, they think her fear is a reaction to the party instead of seeing Brodie. It puts her... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
75 min

Micah Ellis with his son Clipper and daughter Becky are run out of Laramie for causing a fight and cheating leaving their Uncle Clemmet in jail on a minor charge. The group of vagabonds are headed for Medicine Bow and on the way are befriended when their wagon breaks down by Randy and Jennifer. They are looking for a steer Clipper shot that had broken its leg. Jennifer asks The Virginian to hire the men for the ranch and Becky to help Jennifer. The Virginian personally questions their motives but he finds they work hard. The kids enjoy the honest work but are bored since Clipper is used to gambling and Becky is used to singing in saloons . Their father unknown to them plots to rustle cattle from Shiloh with their uncle who found them at Shiloh after being released from jail. They mess up his plans when they decide to leave Shiloh feeling they don't belong there. The day they leave Clemmet shoots Randy when caught with stolen cattle causing The Virginian to question all their motives ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

The Virginian's friend, Benjy, finds a man Hobey Kendall attacking his wife and threatens to kill him after taking a shot at him. The next day the man is found dead after Benjy left his place. He proclaims innocence but is convicted and sentenced to hang. Benjy says a mountain man with the name Jonah McIntosh was there waiting for Kendall when Benjy left. A local search did not turn up McIntosh. The Virginian leaves to track down the mountain man Benjy says was at the site widening the search. The Virginian tracks down the man he is after, Jonah, but Jonah refuses to return as he committed the murder in self-defense. He plans to kill The Virginian but The Virginian escapes with Jonah as his prisoner. On the way back to Medicine Bow they run into many roadblocks and problems forcing them to ultimately rely on each other. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
75 min

Trampas and Randy are sent to retrieve Arabian horses from Colonel Bliss at New Hope. On the way there they find a woman sitting on a wagon in the road. Trampas follows drag marks to find the woman's friend Gina Larsen filling the grave of the woman's husband. They are in the middle of a feud between the eccentric Bliss and his son Lem versus the pacifist settlers in the town of New Hope. Bliss sold them the property giving them five years to pay for it. Bliss wants the land back after the settlers have increased its worth via hard work and irrigation after only four years. They bought it for $4 per acre but it is worth $100 per acre now. His goal is to leave something for his son Lem who has eyes for Gina the daughter of the settler's leader Eric Larsen. Trampas falls for Gina and involves himself in the feud by urging the people to fight back although he is told to leave town. In the end the leader of each side pays a heavy cost. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.1
75 min

Upon hearing Captain Piper Pritican has been released from Leavenworth Prison, photographer Ansil Miller who lost an arm at Andersonville goes on a drunken rampage. He attempts to attack Pritican with a weight but is shot and killed by Pritican as he arrives in Medicine Bow after being released from prison for crimes he committed at Andersonville during the Civil War. The community wants Pritican and his family removed from Medicine Bow. Pritican feels Judge Garth has profited from his notoriety as Pritican's defense counsel and preventing Pritican from being hanged. Pritican's wife and son who is a close friend of Jennifer live in Medicine Bow but everyone including Judge Garth wants them to leave but Laura Pritican is very ill. Since no one will hire them, Judge Garth hires the son to work on Shiloh while the father turns to drinking resulting in conflicts. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

Bill King is a well respected retired lawman from Medicine Bow who is trying to make a living for him and his daughter farming and prospecting. He is about to lose his ranch to foreclosure when an outlaw appears wanting Bill to hide him out on his ranch for pay with gold from a freight robbery. The young man was once caught as a kid by King bur released due to his age. Bill agrees as he needs the money and finds himself with a trio of robbers and their plan to steal another gold shipment. Ryker devises a plan for shipping the gold that will make them less attractive to steal. At the same time his daughter who has Trampas' eye, wants to travel back east. During his visits to see her, he notices a horse matching one used during the holdup. Bill has to decide what his next actions will be; preserve his name or go along with the planned crime when the trio threatens his daughter. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Judge Garth and others believe Curt Wesley was improperly tried and convicted for a robbery for which he has been in prison two years. Garth goes directly to the Governor for a new trial but no relief is available until another train robber confesses to the crime and location of some of the money as he dies. Curt is given parole instead of a pardon due to doubts about him letting him return to his wife at Medicine Bow. A security agent, Charles Sanders, and his assistant Kip Lathrop still believe Curt is guilty and has the rest of the money. Sanders believes he has an instinct to tell who is guilty and who isn't telling him he shouldn't trust Ryker as well. Sanders warns Curt and his wife Joan that in time Curt will return to prison. Curt is framed for another robbery and it is up to Ryker to determine how and who framed him along with why. This results in a revelation for the hard-nosed Sanders. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

Shiloh ranch is having problems breaking a group of mustangs resulting in injured wranglers. Sam Willock, a well known old time horse wrangler, shows up at the ranch looking to be hired to break the mustangs. The Virginian, who saw Sam work when he was much younger, hires him to break the horses except for a black stallion which has proved to be dangerous. Sam asks for a helper with no experience and selects Randy. Randy eventually lets Sam know he has a dream of his own horse ranch in the future wanting Sam to join him. They bond as they work with the horses and Sam eventually tries to break the black stallion which Randy succeeds with when the horse is too rough for Sam. Unknown to Randy and others Sam is working with two other men to steal the Shiloh payroll resulting in conflicts for Randy. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Two vagabonds traveling through Medicine Bow appear to have murdered the wife of a local bartender. The residents are upset and afraid the two men may be released due to a lack of proof. The two vagabonds kill the sheriff while trying to escape with a knife they hid. Deputy Sherrif Ryker has to take over and is unable to control the mob threatening the jail led by the husband Ev and his friend Hezekiah. At the urging of his girlfriend Velvet Rose when they threaten to dynamite the front of the jail, Ryker decides to move the prisoners to Laramie. He stops at Shiloh for help where Judge Garth forces the lynch mod to back down for a while. With the help of The Virginian Ryker heads for the Laramie stage but realizes he must face the residents of Medicine Bow if he is have their respect as sheriff in the future. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Stavros Karas is a recent older widower with two children and a budding fig farm. He sends a request to the old country, Greece, to ask for a wife to be sent to help him. He has told them he has a nice home and a working fig farm. He is hoping for an older woman to take care of the home and his kids but ends up with a young attractive Eleni Niarcos who attracts the attention of his neighbor's son. Realizing he lied to Eleni's father and her, Stavros is not sure he should marry her or that she will want to marry an older poor man like him. Stavros asks for water from his neighbor for his new fig plants but the issue erupts in controversy and a shooting. The Shiloh folks try to help keep the peace and Stavros decide whether to marry Eleni. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1

The Virginian and Trampas travel to Mexico to pickup six palomino horses for Judge Garth. The Virginian becomes sick as they reach the Mexican border. He is forced to rest at a Mexican hotel that is the hangout for an outlaw gang. The gang leader's girlfriend, Maggie, is there and becoming tired of the secondary role she plays in the gang leader's life. Trampas leaves The Virginian in her care while he goes to retrieve the horses. While he is gone The Virginian and Maggie fall in love and she decides she wishes to return to Medicine Bow with the Virginian but life is never simple. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.4
75 min

While traveling Trampas rescues Frank Colter from a runaway wagon and in so doing his horse is injured. Trampas is forced to stay over in Eagle Rock while his horse heals and becomes friends with the residents. Colter and others have rebuilt Eagle Rock hoping for the railroad to come through it based on inside information Colter learned in his previous job. A gambling tycoon wants to take over the city and sends Midge Conway to force the town to accept his terms and offers Conway control of the gambling in Eagle Rock if he gets the contract. Midge is an old friend of Trampas and must resort to rough methods to get what he wants from Colter and the town. Trampas hopes to stay out of the conflict. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Ben Justin along with his wife Mary and son by a previous wife move onto a ranch adjoining Shiloh. Due to past business failures and being abandoned by previous business partners, Ben has developed a wall around him avoiding help and contact with everyone around him, including his son and wife. He wants to prove he can succeed on his own and rejects even casual help. It alienates his wife and son who look to Shiloh for friends and help. The Virginian and Garth provide his son Will with a horse and teach him how to ride so he can help Ben. Mary has keeps it secret from Ben as she is doing it partly for her own benefit. Ben takes it the wrong way thinking there is something between Mary and The Virginian. When Ben takes a risky chance to improve his herd with an expensive bull, it backfires when his ranch is hit with the cattle disease aftosa. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
75 min

Judge Garth's sister and husband are killed back East at Boston. He has not seen them since their daughter was a baby and he never approved of his sister's husband. The orphaned niece meets the young man Johnny Bradford who gets on the stage in Tylerville and has been on his own since he was eleven. Jennifer is coming to Shiloh to live but is concerned about her relationship with her uncle. Judge Garth who is concerned with Jennifer's attitude and unwillingness to open up to him tries to make her stay pleasant and agrees to hire Johnny who impressed her to work at the ranch. Although a good worker, Ryker is suspicious about his background since it coincides with a murder in Tylerville and a young man resembling Johnny is of interest. Johnny turns out to be wanted for several crimes including murder. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

While on the way back to Medicine Bow, Sheriff Ryker is on a stage coach with four other passengers, the driver and the shotgun. They are trapped by a group of Mexicans at a prospector's cabin on a detour. Their leader knows Ryker and they want one of the passengers Wiley for the rape and murder of a girl from their village in Mexico. Wiley claims to be innocent and Ryker wants the Mexicans to allow Wiley to be taken back to town for a trial. The group lead by Ryker refuses to turn Wiley over to the Mexicans. Tensions increase as the Mexicans put pressure on the group first by running off their horses resulting in the death of the man riding shotgun followed by the cutoff of their water supply. The old drunk who led them to the cabin agrees to try to reach help. He marks a trail but ends up dead with Ryker's pistol which The Virginian and Trampas recognize when the body is found. They follow the trail to force the release of the group after they kidnap the Mexican leader's son but ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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