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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

When a Vietnam buddy of the team dies, they travel to his hometown for the funeral only to discover that a bullying family that runs the town won't allow anyone to attend the funeral except for his wife, Trish. While returning to town after the funeral, the A-Team van is run off the road and Hannibal and company are unceremoniously greeted by the Watkins clan. After stripping the van, the Watkins' brothers dump the team outside of town and proceed to terrorize Amy and Trish who are holed up in Trish's home. Will the team get back to town in time to stop the Watkins' reign of terror? Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

The A-Team is called in to help out an airline when one of their planes is hijacked by a terrorist group. Hannibal and Face masquerade as airline executives to bargain for the release of the passengers in a prisoner exchange. Meanwhile Murdock and B.A. sneak aboard the plane through the cargo hold in an effort to help neutralize the hijackers. Things get dicey though when the plane takes off unexpectedly and B.A. becomes catatonic, thanks to his fear of flying. To make matters worse, Murdock is accidentally blinded when a gun discharges in his face and it's up to Hannibal to land the jet even though he has no flying experience. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.4

The team is hired to rescue an heiress who is being forced to marry her late father's partner. The team gets her. But because the man has everyone in the county, including the police in his pocket, they're pinned down. Later the girl tells them she suspects her father's partner of killing her father and he wanted to marry her so that he could get full control of the company. She also tells them that there may be evidence in her father's office which he took over after her father's death, that he killed her father. So in order to get it and to get him to back off, Hannibal has Face marry her, which makes him half owner of the company. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.3

Hannibal's reckless motorbike driving at his daring escape from a sleazy monster-movie set finally gets him, Face and BA arrested by Colonel Lynch, who proudly poses for the press after locking them in an army base. However, the State Department offers them at least a day's lead to escape if they carry out an unofficial, virtually suicidal, mission to free their evil Vietnam CO General Ludlam and his daughter Kathy, a missionary, from ruthless Borneo rebel leader Rashaad. Luckily Murdock, alerted by Amy, follows to help out. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.1

Californian watermelon farmer Joe Penhall hires the A-Team to prevent his farm being the next bought cheap at bankruptcy by Chuck Easterland, whose goons stop at nothing to prevent his crop arriving at auction, to drain his ply income. So Face takes over from Joe's daughter Ellen to handle the business side as expert negotiator, Hannibal and the others drive and escort the watermelons and fight off the fiends, who even set up a roadblock. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

On their way back from Guatemala, the A-Team's plane crashes in a remote area of South Carolina and the team find themselves in a firefight with some locals who are preparing to barbecue a local government official. After running the locals off, Murdock, Face and B.A. design and build an ultralight so Howling Mad can fly the wounded man out of there. Meanwhile, the rednecks are re-grouping for another attack on the team -- and the unit is almost out of ammo! Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.4

The A-Team travels to New York City to help out a group of beleaguered shopkeepers who are being extorted by a band of local thugs. Hannibal opens up a small TV repair shop and it isn't long before he gets a visit from the insurance salesmen. B.A. follows them back to their lair, a trendy uptown bistro with a swanky owner. The team proceeds to put the pinch on them as they attempt to recover the extorted money for their clients. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

When two college girls hire the A-Team to rescue their professor who's been nabbed by the mob for a gambling system he's created that seems to work, Hannibal, B.A. and Murdock masquerade as a secret government hit squad in Las Vegas to take out mob boss Gianni Christian unless he turns the professor over to them. Complications arise after the professor's rescue when Christian ends up getting tossed from his penthouse by an overzealous underling and the Team, accused of the murder, is pursued by the mob and the cops as they try to escape. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

After B.A. is seriously wounded in a firefight and has lost a lot of blood, the team decides to hole up in a little town called Bad Rock. They seek the aid of an attractive female doctor, but she calls the sheriff, who immediately arrests Hannibal and Face. Amy, meanwhile, retrieves Murdock from the V.A. hospital since he's got the same rare blood type as B.A. so the doctor can perform a transfusion. Complicating matters is a motorcycle gang that plans to destroy the town since the sheriff has imprisoned their leader. And, of course, the M.P.'s are on the way when the army discovers the A-Team has been captured. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.7
49 min

A police inspector hires the A-Team to shut down a group of crooked SWAT police officers who moonlight as assassins-for-hire. To eavesdrop on the group and gather as much information as possible on their targets, Face and Amy con their way into the police locker room and sew tiny microphones onto the renegade officers' uniforms. Hannibal then proceeds to rattle their cages with a series of phone calls and interruptions until the microphones are discovered. Their edge lost, the officers and the A-Team barrel head on to their final confrontation -- a showdown at a deserted amusement park! Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.5
48 min

When a friend of B.A.'s ends up in a prison in Strykersville, FL, the team goes in with an elaborate plan to rescue him. The warden has developed a fight program and he forces prisoners to duke it out with the loser ending up dead and the winner on the run for his life while prison guards hunt him down. Face masquerades as a prison psychiatrist to gain the warden's trust, while Hannibal, B.A. and Murdock get themselves arrested and infiltrate the fight program. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

A wealthy businessman hires the team to rescue his daughter from a religious cult, but after helping the girl escape, Hannibal, B.A., Face and Amy are captured and sentenced to death by the cult's fanatical leader, Martin James. The four manage to escape from their captors and hole up at a local farm, but James' minions refuse to rest until the fugitives are 'brought to justice'. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.3
120 min

Amy Allen is a reporter who is worried when her friend another reporter went to Mexico to do a story but appears to have disappeared. She tries to use everything she can to find even the newspaper she works for to find him. But her boss who has written the guy off because he has been behaving very erratically but Amy knows that he's grieving over the loss of his wife. Her boss suspends her. Another reporter finds something at her friend's apartment which might help her find him but it's not much. She decides to go to Mexico but it's dangerous there. She decides to try and find the A Team a group of soldiers of fortune who are also fugitives from the Army. It seems like while they were in Vietnam, they robbed a bank but they claim that they were ordered to but the man who supposedly gave them the order died. So they ran and are still wanted by the man who ran the detention center where they escaped from. She finds them through a man they served with but was not with them when they ... Written by

Country: USA
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HD Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender


Avatar: The Last Airbender

IMDb: 8.7
25 min

In this special episode, we go back in time to the moment Appa was stolen, will find out where he has gone and who he has met along the way and more importantly where he is now!

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HD Babylon 5

Babylon 5


Babylon 5

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

A sleeper ship is found adrift near the station, where a deadly force awaits.

Country: USA
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HD Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

IMDb: 6.9
44 min

A beautiful woman thinks that Jimmy is Superman. A criminal wants to force Superman to activate a powerful satellite weapons system.

Country: USA
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HD Family Guy

Family Guy


Family Guy

IMDb: 7.5
23 min

In an attempt to get his favorite teacher re-instated, Peter runs against Lois for a spot on the school board. Written by Bukue_One

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Family Guy

Family Guy


Family Guy

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Peter tries to win his father's approval by inviting him to stay with the family after his retirement. His father, however, is an ultra-religious Catholic who hates Lois and is absolutely intolerant of anyone else. Still, Peter hopes to have the kind of bonding that was missing from his childhood, and when all his plans fair to work out, he resorts to kidnapping the Pope. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

After some arboretum visits Dr. Crusher diagnoses nothing serious, but soon dozens of crew members get behavioral deviations, affecting appetite, memory and emotions. Reg Barclay takes care of Data's cat Spot, who is pregnant like nurse Alyssa Ogawa. Worf first fails testing or diagnosing his new guidance system, so Picard and Data chase a lost torpedo, then bites Deana and turns into an erratic beast due to a bite a sprays venom himself. By the time Picard and Data return, everyone aboard seems mutating and/or molested: the Enterprise has become a 'de-evolution zoo', Data believes by a virus reviving dormant genes from ancestral species. Picard is also infected, causing growing prey-anxiety. Nevertheless he must lure monstrous Worf away so Data can develop a retrovirus from genetic material after finding Spot's kittens remained perfectly feline when ma turned iguana. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Diagnosing anomalies in the recreative Sherlock Holmes hologram game programs, Lieutenant Reginald 'Reg' Barclay III discovers protected memory contains the arch-villain character professor James Moriarty, who has become self-conscious and demands fulfillment of a recent promise by the crew that they would think up a way for him to leave the holodeck . To Picard's astonishment, Moriarty proves empirically his will suffices to leave the Holodeck, he even retains a physical body. Picard grants him the benefit of the doubt despite his crimes in fiction, but refuses to grant life to the countess Barthalomew, who was created as his ideal but holographic mate. Moriarty manages to seize control of the Enterprise to force the crew to obey anyhow at pain of total destruction. That still leaves the technological challenge, but Data's logical deduction comes up with an entirely different viewpoint, inspiring another challenge and approach... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

The Enterprise locates the scientific research ship USS Yosemite, which went missing while exploring plasma streams. Geordi assigns reluctant engineer Lieutenant Reg Barclay, whose idea it was, to help him bridge both ships' transport systems and join Riker's away team, but after a deconstruction phobia-caused hesitation and anxiety counseling with Troi, Barclay goes later, alone. Riker's team finds victims of an explosion, which may fit the Ferengi report Picard receives of an allegedly Cardassian attack. While Barclay beams back, he notices an eel-shaped entity which floats to him and touches his left arm in the phased matter stream, but a full transporter diagnostic finds no problem, so he fears to be a victim of incurable transporter psychosis, although none was reported on modern models for years. Geordi realizes either would fit with the same ionic fluctuation phenomenon suggested by in se acceptable abnormal transporter readings. Worried about Barclay's mental condition, Troi ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

The Enterprise checks on the Argus array, a giant Federation outskirts astronomical telescope, which stopped signaling data months ago. Geordi and mentally rehabilitated engineer Lieutenant Reg Barclay, try to repair it but an intense energy surge from an alien probe of unknown technology electrocutes Barclay and even causes serious damage on board the ship. Barclay soon recovers while the probe follows closely, building up a dangerous field but unresponsive to full phasers. Now Barclay demonstrates surprising insight and knowledge, saving the situation by repairing power and getting photon torpedoes ready which destroy the probe. Reg's useful but inexplicable erudition proves invaluable for telescope repairs too. Even his theatrical, romantic (towards Troi) and formerly inexistent violin performances improve suddenly , thanks to a confidence boost. When Dr. Crusher finds his brain improved more then any human causing unprecedented intelligence, he is also considered a potential risk.... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Lt. Reg Barkley is a self-conscious somewhat neurotic new arrival on the Enterprise. He's always late for meetings and usually mumbles and fumbles his way through them when he's there. Commander Ryker and Lt. Commander La Forge actually ask Captain Picard to transfer him out but the Captain tells Geordi he should try harder and help the young officer along. Reg spends a great deal of time in the holodeck where he has created a Walter Mitty-like fantasy world where he his the major player and those around him - holographic representations of fellow crew members - are his minions. When the Enterprise is apparently infected with a substance that cannot be scanned with normal systems, it's Reg who manages to identify it. Written by garykmcd

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.1
23 min

Craving Mexican food Spider-Man, Power Man and Squirrel Girl sneak out after hours for late-night burritos. Along the way they must contend with some of Spidey's enemies.

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

After Spider-Man and the X-Man Wolverine apprehend the mutant Mesmero, the vengeful super villain uses his mental powers to switch their personalities, creating a serious identity problem for the two so different heroes.

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Exploring a strange and beautiful garden, SG-1 comes across a dome containing a race that are connected to machines. The team are captured by the machines and rendered unconscious, but awake to find themselves reliving pivotal moments of their lives, over and over again. Then they discover it is virtual reality and a mysterious keeper appears to persuade them to try different outcomes for the moments. But can the team escape his clutches, when they don't know what is real and what is not? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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