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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.5

Al watches the boys while Jill and Tim attend Jill's 20th high school reunion in Washington DC. Jill tries to avoid Joanie, the girl who stole her boyfriend. But, they talk and Jill hears the whole story.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 8.1
24 min

For the Christmas card photo, Tim wants to build a set and have the family dress up as Santa and the elves. On Tool Time, Tim builds the MAN'S bathroom.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.7

Jill's mother gives the three boys bonds to either re-invest or to spend. The boys decide to buy a valuable remote control car. Tim and Jill tell them they cannot play with it, but of course, the boys decide to drive it around.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Binford Tools has a prototype for a new power saw and wants Tim to promote it on Tool Time later that week. Tim tests it out at home and finds it is inferior and not worthy of the Binford name. Tim and Al tell their concerns to the boss.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

The local library has a dinner honoring Jill for her fund raising efforts. Tim provides a picture of Jill for them to blow up for a poster; it is an unflattering picture. Al takes the boys to miniature golf and they do better than him.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

It's Halloween time and the pranks begin. A fan named Rose sends Tim cookies and starts calling him at home. Tim worries about an obsessive fan, but Jill dismisses it. Jill has her own plans for tricking Tim.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 8.0
23 min

Mr Binford of Binford Tools dies. There is sadness for all except for Tim. He does not know how to cry, but learns how to show grief.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.5
24 min

New neighbors move in near Tim and Jill. The husband is a friendly obnoxious type who dents Tim's hotrod. Jill and the wife get along great. Brad takes Home Ec at school to be in a class with the girls.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.7
24 min

Tim installs an intercom at home, but is hurt when Randy calls him a goof-ball and the show should be Fool Time. Tim tries to change on the show. Meanwhile, Brad reads David Copperfield to impress a girl, thinking it is about the magician.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Al celebrates his birthday with Tim's family. His wish is for a wife. Jill sets him up with Ilene. Al is ready to get married on the first date. Meanwhile, Brad and Randy play a trick on Mark with a letter saying Isiah Thomas will visit.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.3
24 min

Jill wants a baby, but Tim is through with kids.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

In Tool Time: Tim announces the poll winner of The Most Popular Guest on Tool Time. The winner will be returning for another episode - despite Tim's attempt to rig the vote. Tim ends up in a lawnmower racing contest against the guest in question. Lisa finally gets more than one scene! At home: Karen has won a day at a spa for two and plans to take Jill with her. Brad and Randy say they won't exclude Mark from their activities if he passes a non-squealer test: he has to hold a tadpole inside his mouth for three seconds. unfortunately, Mark swallows it when Randy gives him a pat on the back. Jill decides to teach the two a lesson... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

At home: Tim's project hot rod is finally in the stage where he can see if it starts up. It doesn't. Tim takes a break. Jill wants him to fix a doorknob, the burner on the stove, the gas line and the ice dispenser. Tim keeps postponing them all because of the hot rod. Jill declares that she will fix the stove and the ice dispenser. Tim forbids that and promises he will fix everything, soon. Jill becomes tired of waiting and calls a repairman to fix the stove. Tim does not approve. Then the repairman sees the hot rod and in an instant forgets all about the stove... In Tool Time: It's Lawn Care Week. Tim gives a speech about mowing the lawn and presents several types of grass. Later during the week, they will salute clippers and sprinklers, but first they salute fertilizers. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.3
24 min

At home: Mother's day is approaching and Tim wants to prove to Jill that he and the boys can actually buy something from the heart. In Tool Time: Tim presents Binford products that clear drain and toilet clogs. Surprisingly, there is no catastrophe. Tim demonstrates how to pour a concrete foundation. Sadly, again no catastrophe. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Tim runs into his high school girlfriend, Stacey Lewis. When she meets Jill, Jill is upset when she finds out Tim never told Stacey that they were through.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

On Tool Time: Tim and Al are building a deck. Surprisingly, there is NO catastrophe! At home: Tim's mother-in-law comes for a visit from Texas. To everyone's surprise, she is no longer super-fat; in fact, she is slim. Since Jill's parents are moving to a new condo, her mother has decided to give some items to her daughters. Jill wishes for their antique wooden clock, but her mother has chosen a tea set for her. Jill is unable to tell her mother about how she feels about the clock, and Tim fails to understand what's the problem. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Tim gets Pistons tickets, but Jill says he has to take Mark to the ballet. Making everything worse, Brad and Randy test out a cigar.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

On Tool Time: Tim has invited an expert to demonstrate how to cut wood using karate. Al believes he can do it too - and he does! Tim's ego can't take this and he tries it too - with predictable results. At home: Brad and Randy won't let Mark play football with them. They say Mark is a geek and a chicken. Tim and Jill agree that Mark should find a way to improve his confidence. Tim suggests karate, Jill gymnastics. Naturally, Mark chooses karate. In karate class, Mark's partner is a bully, and the boy's mother gets into a fight with Jill and Tim. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 8.0
24 min

A woodpecker keeps Tim awake at night. He's trying hard to get rid of it, but Mark has been feeding it and named it Pete. Brad tries to fake being sick in order to be able to stay home because his math homework is not done since Jennifer used to do it until she refused and Brad broke up with her. When Brad flunks in math Randy suggests that he tell Jill that Jennifer left him and he's depressed because of it. This works, until Jennifer turns up and Jill learns the truth. Tim and Jill have to teach Brad and they find out that multiplying compound fractions is not as easy as they thought it would be... In Tool Time: Tim demonstrates how to lay a new floor. Tim has one of his genius ideas regarding how to scrape off the old floor. With the usual results. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.4
24 min

In Tool Time: Tim and Al have built a wooden home entertainment center rack. To which Tim has made a little adjustment that was not in the original plan. At home: Tim and Jill are going to Sheila's wedding. Karen is babysitting the boys. Tim has tossed the driving instructions away since he is confident that he knows the area and how to find the church. However, it is not so easy when it is dark and snowing... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.7
24 min

At home: The boys pull a prank on a sleeping Tim. Tim and Jill's wedding anniversary is coming up. Tim bribes the boys to reveal Jill's surprise gift for him. When he finds out how cool it is, he realizes he has to give Jill something she really wants - ballroom dancing lessons with him! The problem is, Tim can't dance at all. The boys try to pull a prank on a sleeping-as-far-as-they-know Al. In Tool Time: Tim demonstrates a nail gun. With disastrous effects. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Jill takes a compatibility test that shows that she and Tim are not compatible. Randy gets a chance to do a ventriloquist act, but his lips keep moving while he's practicing.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

At home: Jennifer is going away for a while and leaves his goldfish Howard in Brad's care (the episode title might be a clue as to how that ends up). Jill complain's about Tim's reckless driving on her car. Tim decides to tune up the car. Next, Tim learns Jill has opened her own bank account and Jill overhears Tim say to Mark that Jill's car is really his car because he paid for it. They then get into a huge argument about whether possessions belong to one of them or whether they are mutually owned. Once again, Tim has to consult Wilson on how to make up with Jill. In Tool Time: Tim demonstrates a heavy duty drum sander in use. Lisa FINALLY gets more lines to say to the Tool Time audience! Tim has rewired the sander to be more powerful. Which has the usual results. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.9
24 min

Tim wants Jill to throw out some of her clothes or he will remodel the closet. Brad has punched a boy in school who called him names after hugging his Dad.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Tim decorates his house in typical more power fashion. Brad and Randy collect money for charity but decide to keep a portion of the money for themselves. Jill and Tim find out, and tell them they have to return the money to charity.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Jill is going to work and hasn't got time to look after the house. Jill was supposed to make a gingerbread house for the school PTA meeting but as she doesn't have time, Tim says he'll do it.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

On Tool Time: Al claims he can distinguish types of wood by their smell, even blindfolded. Tim agrees to set up a test for Al. At home: Brad and Randy decide to build a catapult. Tim has tuned up his weed whacker - with predictable results. Karen and Dave stop by on their way to the opera. Dave asks a favor from Tim; should Karen ask, Tim is to say that Dave was at lunch with him the previous day. He's actually seeing another woman, but doesn't want to hurt Karen. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.5
24 min

At home: Jill has been trying to get Tim to go to see a lawyer with her in order to update their will. Tim finally agrees to do it. In Tool Time: Al has been building a cabin for 4½ months without any power-tools. Naturally, it is Tim's opinion, that Al needs... yep, more power. He then demonstrates log-cutting with a dangerously powerful Binford chainsaw nicknamed widowmaker... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

In Tool Time: Tim has a huge project: renovating a house from top to bottom. Mr Binford's daughter arrives to announce that she is now the show's producer, which means Tim is no longer in charge. At home: Jill gets a week's job at Inside Detroit magazine. She has to be at work 8 o'clock the next morning and Tim has to be at the project house at the same time. Who's going to get the boys off to school? Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.7
24 min

In Tool time: It's Tool Time's salute to lubricants. Michael and Mario Andretti are going to make an appearance in the show. At home: Mark has chicken pox and Tim's never had it, which means that Tim has to move to Al's place for a while. Which means Tim finds out the answers to questions he never wanted to ask... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

On Tool Time: Tim is demonstrating how to make a brick wall. Since it's Halloween, he also dresses up as a monster in an attempt to scare Al. Together, they carve jack-o-lanterns. Except that Tim has invented a new method for achieving the same result - with, you guessed it, more power! With predictable results. At home: Tim has turned the basement into a haunted house for Brad's Halloween party. Brad has agreed to dress up as Raggedy Andy because Jennifer is coming as Raggedy Ann. But Brad is stunned when she comes as a biker chick with another boy, having changed her mind because she claims Brad had been insensitive to her. Also, the impolite Curtis is back! Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
Watch Episode
HD Home Improvement

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

IMDb: 7.5
24 min

It's weekend. Tim reveals to Al that he is going to put the 350 Chevy engine in his hot rod. Tim has invited some friends to help him. Al wants to come too. Tim thought Al would be spending the weekend with Greta (last seen in season 1 episode 21, Al's Fair in Love and War). But Greta broke up with him. So Tim invites Al. Karen has broken up with Greg and is visiting Jill. When Tim tells that Dave Gibbons is coming, Jill wants to introduce him to Karen. Tim can see what Jill has in mind and protests - he needs Dave in the garage. Another friend of Tim's, Bob, brings his pregnant wife with him. The next to arrive are Hank and Wanda. And Tim's original plan was that no one bring along their wife. Then Jill gets the idea that they should barbecue... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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