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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

The recovering Reid arrests Lady Vera Montacute, an aristocrat who enjoys slumming it, who has been found unconscious in a Whitechapel lodging house next to the corpse of flower seller Ida Watts. Both women were drugged and Ida's cousin Tom Denton, a known thief who drugs his victims, is also brought in. He explains that he procured Ida for sex with Lady Vera and her husband, who arrives at the police station demanding his wife's release. Lady Vera admits to the murder but the modern finger-printing device proves that hers was not the hand upon the fatal weapon. When Abberline intervenes Reid realizes that he may not be able to make an arrest after all. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.3
63 min

A destructive gang of youths unleash hell upon the streets, but it?s not until daylight breaks that the true horror of their brutal work is revealed. The trail leads the team of H Division into the heartland of one of the city?s oldest trades - the London Breweries - where conflicted loyalties reign, and grief and anger create a potent concoction.

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.7
66 min

Drake discovers a dirty, dishevelled Reid hiding in a Margate beach hut and informs him that nobody else saw him kill Buckley and that Mathilda is alive. They return to Whitechapel and eventually locate Mathilda at a brothel, where she had been taken by teen-aged pimp Harry Ward. Reid is reunited with his daughter but Dr Frayn tells him she has reason to believe Mathilda saw Jack the Ripper murder two of his victims. Suspicious of Capshaw's part in the train robbery Fred Best shadows him and produces evidence to show that the stolen money belonged to Susan's father - which he gives to Jackson. Jackson confronts Susan but believes she is innocent and points Reid towards Capshaw but before he can arrest the solicitor Susan shoots him and then kills Capshaw, making it look as if they shot each other in self defence. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.2
67 min

Whilst giving a performance for bereaved train wreck relatives fake psychic Alex Le Cheyne drops down dead on stage, poisoned. In the absence of Reid, who has disappeared, Drake interviews the dead man's girlfriend Juniper Kohl and discovers that his jealous assistant Ezra Marvell stood to gain from his death whilst Jackson believes that his client, widowed Mrs Wakefield, also had the means and motive for murder. Furthermore Juniper was about to leave Alex for Mrs Wakefield's far from dead husband. Drake solves the murder but then finds himself faced with two more. Best approaches Jackson with evidence to link Susan to the robbery whilst Rose discovers that the little girl Susan said was dead is very much alive and is Reid's daughter Mathilda. He goes to find Reid to tell him but in the meantime Mathilda runs away. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.4
66 min

Four years have passed. Rose is now an established music-hall performer and Susan has financed a clinic. Abberline is keen to promote the recently-widowed Reid and replace him with Drake, also an inspector, but Reid prefers to stay in Whitechapel, building up resources. A gang led by a man called Davies bribes embittered ex-signalman Enright to help them rob a train but this leads to a head-on collision with another train on which Drake is a passenger. Fifty-five people die. Reid and Drake team up with Jackson to pool their knowledge and instincts and to arrest the gang. However the mastermind is Susan's solicitor Caldwell and she is shocked when he tells her that he did it to gain badly-needed finances for the clinic though she keeps his secret on the condition he returns the money. Reid has his suspicions about Caldwell. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.8
59 min

Three rotting corpses are found in a building Jane Cobden plans to clear for new housing, along with the body of Hinchcliffe. Jackson, aided by his brother - released on discovery of the fake diamond - deduces all three were killed by the same person and identifies the trio as a family of property owners who stood in the way of Duggan's development plans and were probably murdered by Shine on his orders. Using the diamond as bait Jackson finally traps Duggan and has him arrested for its theft. Meanwhile Flight admits to Reid that he is Shine's spy and saw him kill Hinchcliffe. Shine is arrested but released through insufficient evidence. However Bennet Drake determines to take his revenge on him in the boxing ring. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.4
62 min

Homer's brother Daniel, whom he has not seen for eight years, returns from prospecting in South Africa with a large, uncut diamond. At the same time Constable Flight investigates con-man Werner, who has cheated tradesman Nathaniel Hinchcliffe but Werner flees to Limehouse, where he is under the aegis of corrupt Inspector Shine. Shine has a hold on the young constable, making him back off before killing Hinchcliffe. To flush Werner out Daniel uses the diamond as bait but he is discovered and captured as Jackson has taken the real diamond to help Susan pay off Duggan, substituting a fake. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.2
62 min

A church is fire-bombed and Jews are blamed, leading to an attack on a synagogue though Reid suspects that one person is trying to create a religious war. At the same time Drake's wife Bella vanishes, reappearing with Gabriel Cain, apparently her recently deceased uncle whilst prostitute Rose leaves Susan's brothel and is befriended by a sect living in a squat. Reid discovers that Cain is not Bella's uncle but the self-appointed head of the suicidal cult who have adopted Rose and he must stop them from further atrocities as well as rescuing Bennet from their clutches. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.1
61 min (with previews)

As the police raid a homosexual brothel Reid investigates the murder of telegraph boy Otto Roberts though the intended victim David Goodbody was in bed with his boyfriend Vincent at the time. The boys were planning to blackmail Solomon Quint, a married banker recently dismissed from his post. Quint is found dead but Homer deduces that he was murdered and his death made to resemble suicide. Reid discovers that a rent boy ring was being run from the GPO offices but David tells him that Quint's boss Franklin Stone was the man who most wanted his disposal and indeed the eventual motive has nothing to do with sexual peccadilloes and everything with money. Meanwhile Homer's attempt to confront Duggan over the money Susan owes does not end well for him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.0
61 min (previews included)

Irish bomber Aiden Galvin escapes from a police van and blows up and kills Cecil Knightly, a bigoted MP opposed to Home Rule. Abberline suspects the recently recognized Irish Republican Brotherhood as complicit but Reid believes otherwise and sends young Irish policeman Flight undercover to gain the confidence of Galvin's daughter, barmaid Evelyn. Flight is present when Galvin suggests that he and Evie flee to America but she is puzzled by letters sent from the States by a man claiming that he, not Galvin, is her father. Reid also learns that Knightly was a key figure in deciding which of two contenders should have the contract to bring electricity to Shadwell and suspects a link between one of them and Galvin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.5
62 min

After attending Linklater's funeral Reid and Drake investigate the murder of a young woman and the abduction of her new-born baby from the London hospital. The fact that the woman has a tail leads them to a circus freak show where another exhibit, John Goode, proves to be the child's father but he panics and flees. Goode spent time in a mental asylum treated by Dr Crabbe, who explains that Goode had a deformity and points them towards Goode's doctor father, a man obsessed with perfection and anxious to stamp out any abnormalities. Also instrumental in helping solve the case is Joseph Merrick, the 'Elephant Man' but he is done away with before he can help Reid solve Linklater's murder and identify Blush Pang's accomplice. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.7
62 min

When a murdered woman is found at his lodgings Jackson is accused of being Jack the Ripper and arrested. Meanwhile ex-prostitute Rose answers a personal ad in the newspaper and meets a seemingly charming young man,Victor Silver. However he and his family are white slavers who drug and abduct Rose along with other young girls.Silver was once a suspect in the Ripper case but went missing in the pleasure boat accident in which the Reids' daughter also disappeared and Reid fears Silver may have killed her. The police set a trap,using a friend of Rose to pose as a want ad correspondent and Silver takes the bait. Reid then over-rules his superiors to release Jackson to help him and Drake smash the slavers ring and save Rose and the other victims. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.6
62 min

Millionaire shipping magnate Theodore Swift arrives from America with an armed bodyguard of Pinkerton detectives,to buy out the ailing Argentine Marine shipping line. Reid sees it as no accident that the body of Samuel Fanthorpe,the engineer who has designed a revolutionary engine which will save the company,is fished from the docks. At the same time journalist Fred Best finds out that Jackson is actually Matthew Judge,a renegade Pinkertoon officer,who abducted Swift's daughter and killed a man in the resultant shoot-out. Frank Goodnight,Swift's chief bodyguard,is out for revenge. Following a raid on the brothel and the disappearance of Fanthorpe's wife Reid discovers the double purpose of the Americans' visit,leading to an opportunity for Jackson to find redemption. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.1
62 min

Joshua Bloom is killed in an explosion at his house, supposedly by one of his homemade bombs as he was a member of a radical Jewish group. The group is linked to a strike at the docks, but Jackson establishes that Joshua was murdered. Joshua's brother Isaac tells Reid it was because he had recognized a spy for the Russian secret police, who had come to Whitechapel. Going undercover as a striker, Jackson identifies the spy, whose assignment is to whip up hatred against Jewish groups by launching a bombing campaign for which the Jews will be blamed. Reid is appalled to learn that the thuggish special branch officer, Constantine, approves this. Reid has to prevent a bombing outrage on a scale far larger than Constantine had imagined. Reid also confides in Deborah Goren how he lost his daughter, whose body was never found after a boating accident. They kiss but are observed by Drake. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.3
62 min

The area is hit by a series of robberies in which safes are blown open. Madoc Faulkner, Drake's former commanding officer, comes to see him and is bitter about the treatment of ex-soldiers now fallen on hard times who are seen as scroungers. Reid's inquiries lead him to George Doggett, another ex-soldier, who agrees to a deal and tells him when the next robbery will take place. Drake, now aware that the perpetrators are his old comrades and disgruntled former soldiers, finds his loyalties torn and opts to put duty before old friendships. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.1
61 min

After Susan declines to give pregnant Lucy Eames her job back in the brothel, Lucy is found wandering,blood-stained and dazed. In a nearby tenement,due for demolition to make way for the rail-road,a rent collector and Lucy's mother are found dead but Lucy has no recollection of events and Reid brings in progressive psychiatrist Dr Crabbe to try and help her remember being in the house. Reid discovers that Susan was instrumental in helping Lucy,making her a suspect,though she also informs him of Lucy's medical condition,which made her stay at the brothel impossible. However the detectives' investigations turn up the name of one other who would definitely benefit by the death of one of the victims. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

People are dying in the streets of Whitechapel and it seems that cholera has returned caused by a contaminated water pump. Jackson,however,examining the first victim,a man who has come from the city of London,detects the cause of death as ergotism,which sends its victims mad before they perish,and which has been deliberately added to the flour at Flora Gable's mill by a self-imposed judge of morals,who is also seeking notoriety in excess of the Ripper. With Reid's wife among the stricken the Whitechapel force must combine with Inspector Ressler from the city to catch the killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

Elderly toy maker Ernest Manby is murdered and robbed,his tongue cut out and the local vigilance group arrest fourteen year old street urchin Thomas Gower,who is found with Mr Manby's money box. The boy is sentenced to hang,having said nothing to defend himself,but Reid is aware that Gower was part of a street gang of boys whose leader ordered the killing. Thomas agrees to talk to Reid but the gang goes after him,killing the lawyer who tried to protect him. Thomas takes refuge at Deborah Goren's orphanage,from where he was taken to work the streets,and is joined by Reid and Drake. A siege ensues before Reid learns the real reason for the toy masker's slaying and justice is done. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

Whitechapel,1889. It is some months since Jack the Ripper last struck but, when another young woman is found slain with 'Down on Whores' daubed on a nearby wall, the supposition is that he has returned. Tough inspector Reid,however,forces journalist Fred Best to confess he added the paintwork to perpetuate interest in the Ripper. American police doctor Jackson agrees that this is a different murderer and,through his friendship with brothel keeper Long Susan,finds that the victim,Maude Thwaites,was a married woman who posed for pornographic photos to support her unemployed husband Christian. Reid and his sergeant,Drake,save Christian from intruders but he later kills himself. Surviving an attempt on their lives Reid,Jackson and Drake are given a lead which takes them to their murderer - a man with an unhealthy interest in photography. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD I.K. - Ivar Kreuger

I.K. - Ivar Kreuger


I.K. - Ivar Kreuger

IMDb: 0
58 min

Genre: Biography, Drama,
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HD I.K. - Ivar Kreuger

I.K. - Ivar Kreuger


I.K. - Ivar Kreuger

IMDb: 0
55 min

Genre: Biography, Drama,
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HD I.K. - Ivar Kreuger

I.K. - Ivar Kreuger


I.K. - Ivar Kreuger

IMDb: 0
58 min

Genre: Biography, Drama,
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HD Tusen år till julafton

Tusen år till julafton


Tusen år till julafton

IMDb: 5.0
14 min

The 14th century: A day at the knights school. Two prospective children arrive at the knight's castle to be trained to knighthood by an old squire and a lovesick lady in waiting.

Genre: Family, History,
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HD Tusen år till julafton

Tusen år till julafton


Tusen år till julafton

IMDb: 5.0
14 min

The family takes on life as thralls. The thrall family wakes up to another day of the master and is told that they will be sold, one by one, before the day is over.

Genre: Family, History,
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HD Tusen år till julafton

Tusen år till julafton


Tusen år till julafton

IMDb: 4.5
14 min

A lone viking mother prepares Christmas celebrations when the children's father comes home after having been away on a journey of trade and raiding for three and a half years.

Genre: Family, History,
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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 8.6
42 min

As the FBI copes with a tragedy, Weller finds himself the center of a surprising event. Jane faces an uncertain future.

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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The team finally cracks a member of Sandstorm, leading to a huge breakthrough in uncovering Phase Two.

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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Zapata is sent to jail alongside Devon. The team must go to exceptional lengths to help Zapata get out.

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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Jane and Weller go undercover on a high-stakes scavenger hunt run by powerful hackers. Shepherd journeys to Thailand to procure a dangerous weapon.

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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

As the team tries to defend itself against an old rival, a tattoo leads them to a mysterious death at a foster home.

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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Jane and Oliver end up in a dangerous situation that reveals their secrets.

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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Weller and Jane face off against an old foe when they come face to face with Nas's source in Sandstorm.

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