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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Jack, Locke and Kate learn more secrets about the hatch when Desmond tells them why he is there and to punch in the number code every 108 minutes or a reaction will occur. More of Locke's background story shows a young John Locke becoming acquainted with Helen whom he meets at an AA meeting. Meanwhile, after being beaten and taken captive, Sawyer, Michael and Jin wonder if their captors are fellow survivors or the dreaded Others. Written by Anonymous

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Michael is drowning and Sawyer saves him, while Jin is missing. Michael recalls his fight against Susan for Walt in the justice and the reasons for Michael's desperate obsession for his son. They drift on a wreckage of the raft, with the menace of a shark. Michael blames Sawyer for the abduction of Walt and promises to bring his son back. Meanwhile, Kate releases herself from Desmond's captivity and escapes through a ventilation duct, while Locke tries asking Desmond questions about the underground facility they are in and about the use of the mysterious numbers. At the end, Michael and Sawyer reach the beach, and they see Jin escaping from The Others. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.3
43 min

After blowing the hatch open, Jack recalls the accident of Sarah, as well as a meeting with a guy called Desmond and how successful the surgery was. Kate shows the word Quarentine in the hatch door. While looking for the dog Vincent, Shannon has a vision of Walt telling her to beware of the others. Jack returns to the caves and gives hope to the other survivors. Kate descends in the shelter and vanishes, and Locke tries to find her when she is captured. Jack comes back to the shelter trying to find Kate and Locke and finds a familiar face: Desmond. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.6

A visitor to the encampment could be a threat to Claire's son.

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.5
85 min

The four castaways on the raft are surprised at sea by something unexpected: the appearance of four of the others from the island who abduct Walt. Meanwhile, Jack, Kate, Hurley and Locke attempt to blow open the mysterious hatch. The French woman, Rousseau, abducts Claire's infant, forcing Charlie and Sayid to chase after her in the jungle. Also, more background stories of the survivors final hours before boarding their doomed flight which led them to the island are shown. Written by Anonymous

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.3
43 min

Danielle Rousseau arrives in the camp of survivors at the beach and advises that The Others are coming. There is black smoke in the sky, and they have three choices: run, hide, or die. Jack recalls his meeting with Ana-Lucia Cortez in the airport. Meanwhile, the group is about to launch the raft. Sawyer tells Jack the conversation he had with his father in a bar in Australia. Jack, Kate, Locke, Hurley and Leslie Arzt go on an expedition to bring explosives from the Black Rock to blow the hatch. There they can shelter the survivors against The Others. Meanwhile, Jin and Sun make peace and there are farewells to Michael, Walt, Sawyer and Jin as they finally set sail on their makeshift raft to find help and safety. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft and the suspects include both Kate and Sawyer. Meanwhile, more of Kate's background story is revealed involving her continuing fugitive status and her old school friend and the events leading up to his death. The mysterious hatch is shown by Locke to Jack and Sayid, and Walt gives Locke a warning not to open it. Written by Anonymous

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

After the death of Boone, tempers flare as the castaways' suspicions of each other grow, while an unlikely survivor (Shannon) vows revenge against Locke, unfairly blaming him for Boone's death leading her to steal the keys to the late marshal's briefcase containing the guns. Meanwhile, Claire and Charlie struggle to calm her newborn baby boy. Sayid meets with Locke in the jungle and learns of the existence of the mysterious hatch, leading to more of Sayid's background story about why he came to Australia and was blackmailed by the CIA to nab an old friend whom was a terrorist suspect. Written by Anonymous

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Claire goes into labor while a helpless Charlie goes into panic mode, leading to Kate and Jin to assist with the delivery. Meanwhile, Locke goes missing after he returns with a critically wounded Boone after his fall from the Cessna plane. Jack tends to the wounded Boone as more of Jack's background story reveals his troubled engagement with his fiancée Sarah. Also, Sayid presents Shannon with a romantic surprise getaway down the beach. Written by Anonymous

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.2
43 min

Locke and Boone build a trebuchet in an attempt to open the hatch, but Locke is injured when the trebuchet fails. Literally following a hallucination, Locke and Boone discover a small plane crashed high in a tree. Sawyer, suffering from severe headaches, is forced to turn to Jack for help. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.2
43 min

When Hurley becomes obsessed with the mysterious French woman, he heads into the jungle to find her. Jack, Sayid and Charlie have no choice but to follow. Hurley's background story is revealed how he won a multi-million dollar lottery, which brought nothing but back luck to everyone around him, leading to why he ventured to Australia to search for the source of a series of numbers which led him to win the lottery. Meanwhile, Locke asks Claire to help build a mysterious item. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.6
43 min

When Jin Kwon is having a serious quarrel with his wife Sun Kwon, Michael Dawson defends her. Later, when Michael's raft is set afire and Jin has his arms injured by heat, Michael and Sawyer blame him for the incident. Sun finally reveals her secret when she speaks in English to defend her husband and he feels ashamed leaving her. Jin recalls how his love for Sun was destroyed by her evil and unscrupulous father. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.8
43 min

James Sawyer Ford wakes up from a nightmare with a boar inside his tent. He finds his canvas in the woods, but is attacked by the animal. He decides to chase the boar with Kate Austen following its track in the forest. Along their hunting, Sawyer recalls his dark past since he was a child until his final revenge against the con man that destroyed his family. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.6
41 min

After the missing Claire returns with no recollection of what has happened since before the doomed flight of Oceanic 815, Jack and Locke formulate a plan of defense against her kidnapper, the mysterious Ethan Rom, who threatens to kill off the other survivors unless Claire is returned to him. Meanwhile, the disappointment Charlie feels when Claire does not remember him triggers recollections of Lucy, a woman he had let down in the past back in England where Charlie ruined their engagement so he could steal money from her to fuel his escalating heroin addition. Written by Anonymous

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

John Locke is teaching Walt Lloyd to throw knives, and Michael Dawson feels jealous with the situation. He forbids Walt to meet Locke, and recalls his romance with Walt's mother Susan Lloyd (Tamara Taylor), an overachieving executive who took the infant Walt away, and having an awkward reunion 10 years later with the uncertain and spoiled Walt in Australia. Walt becomes upset with the situation and decides to hike with his dog Vincent into the woods. At the end, Locke and Boone Carlyle find Claire Littleton wandering in the forest. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Claire begins to have reoccurring nightmares which one night result in her turning up with bloody hands, which leads Charlie to find out what is really going on. However, Jack isn't sure that anything really happened. Meanwhile, Hurley finds the flight manifest and discovers something shocking about a certain passenger. Written by Patience_Is_A_Virtue

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When the asthma medicine of Shannon Rutherford finishes, she has a chronic respiratory attack. Her brother Boone Carlyle convinces the survivors that James Sawyer Ford has stolen her spare medication, and Sayid Jarrah tortures Sawyer trying to find the drugs. Sawyer discloses an innermost secret to Kate Austen. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Dr. Jack Shephard is not able to save a survivor drowning in the sea and he becomes affected by the incident and the pressure of the community pointing him as a leader. Jack has visions of his father in the island and tries to chase him. Jack's background story is revealed showing the relationship he had with his difficult and unscrupulous surgeon father, and the reason why Jack ventured to Australia. Meanwhile, the finishing water supply is stolen, and everyone suspects the nasty and selfish Sawyer. But Jack resolves his inner problems with his past and finds a source of water for the survivors. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.2
42 min

Flashback to Locke's life before Flight 815: his job, time in Australia, the crash...and a major secret is revealed. The camp is invaded and Sawyer's scavenging falls under scrutiny. Food runs out and Locke comes up with a solution. Jack organizes the handling of the dead and a memorial service is arranged. Rose has everyone concerned. When Boone and Shannon end up at odds, Shannon enlists Charlie's help just to spite Boone. Shannon strikes up a friendship with Walt. Michael and Kate escape something in the jungle. Written by IMTammyP

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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

The U.S. marshal's assignment is revealed. Later, there is a difference of opinion between Jack and Sawyer as to how to help the critically injured marshal. Flashback to what Kate was doing in Australia. Scenes of the crash from Kate's POV. A small group sets off with a transceiver in an effort to send a mayday signal. Michael forbids Walt to speak to Locke. Locke later extends an act of kindness toward Michael that may help the father-son relationship. Sayid makes a bid to organize some island committees. Written by IMTammyP

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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.3
40 min

Jack, Kate and Charlie return to the group, but the transceiver is broken. Sayid Jarrah fixes the apparatus and organizes an expedition with Kate, Charlie, Shannon Rutherford and her brother Boone Carlyle and the dangerous James Sawyer Ford to hike and climb a mountain to transmit a SOS. The group receives a sixteen years old distress call from a French woman in the island instead and kills a polar bear. They return to the survivor's base and decide to hide the information to preserve the hope of the group. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.4
42 min

Following a horrific plane crash, 48 survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles, California, USA, find themselves on an uncharted tropical island in the South Pacific Ocean that is full of secrets, as they come to learn. The first day on the island is full of monsters, countdowns, screams, stories of the past and an unfolding love story between the quick-thinking Jack Shepherd, a doctor, and the level-headed Kate Austen, a mysterious young woman. Jack, Kate and Charlie, a former British rock music player and heroin junkie, venture into the jungle to locate the pilot cockpit to find the transciever and come up against a mysterious and unseen island beast. Other survivors with mysterious pasts are introduced: The Iraqi with personal demons Sayid; the bumblingly awkward Hurley; the determined John Locke; the unpleasant and unfriendly self-serving swindler and sociopath Sawyer who tests everyone's patience; the very pregnant Australian teenager Claire ... Written by JohnnyDtheLost

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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.7
41 min

Henry awakens to a cursed Storybrooke and discovers Emma has been in the mental hospital, and the Black Fairy is the new mayor. Henry attempts to help Emma regain her memory while Gold tries to find out what has really happened to Belle. Meanwhile, Snow, Charming, Regina, Zelena and Hook are trapped in a crumbling Fairy Tale Land and desperately try to figure out a way to be reunited with Emma and Henry.

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Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

In flashback, Snow makes a wish that causes everyone to burst into song, infuriating the Evil Queen. In Storybrooke, this wish comes back into play as Emma and Hook prepare for their wedding, and the Black Fairy announces her plans.

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Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The Black Fairy's past is revealed as we learn the real reason she gave Rumple up. Meanwhile, Gold goes after Gideon's heart.

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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Zelena and Regina's relationship is tested by the Black Fairy while Charming and Snow disagree over Emma's wedding plans. In flashbacks, Zelena befriends a young woodcutter who has been cursed and turns to her for help finding a new heart. Zelena is forced to choose between keeping her powers and her friendship with him. Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Zelena decides to take on the Black Fairy and put a stop to her once and for all, against Regina's wishes, and the Charmings disagree on Hook and Emma's wedding plans..

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Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.6

Hook aligns with Tiger Lily in Neverland, where they take on the Lost Boys. Meanwhile, Regina works to break David and Snow's Sleeping Curse; Gold and the Black Fairy reach an impasse; and flashbacks reveal what Snow and Charming sacrificed for Emma in order for her to become the Saviour. Written by Amanda

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Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Emma must team up with Gideon if she has any chance of saving Hook, but are his intentions all good. Meanwhile Hook makes a deal with Blackbeard to get home to Emma. Whilst flashbacks reveal Gideon's time in captivity with the Black Fairy...

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Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

When Hook is trapped in another realm with the Nautilus and her crew, he returns to Emma before Gideon executes the rest of his plan. In Storybrooke, Regin, Snow take Emma out to get her mind off Hook's disappearance. And in flashback to Agrabah, Jasmine befriends Ariel, try locate Prince Eric. Written by thefutoncritic

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Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The Evil Queen uses Robin as bait in order to trap Regina into battle; Hook goes to Captain Nemo for advice so he can make things work with Emma; Enchanted Forest flashbacks include the Evil Queen's father trying to give her advice on how to be a better queen for the people while she's chasing Snow White.

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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

When Gideon resumes his mission to kill Emma and become the Savior, Gold steps in to ensure that the use of dark magic does not poison his son. Meanwhile, Robin proves willing to ally himself with anyone offering the possibility of escape from Regina and Storybrooke. Hook gathers the courage to come clean to Emma, but not before she discovers he's been keeping a secret.

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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Before Hook takes the next step in his relationship with Emma, he wants to make sure David sees him as more than just a pirate. So when David asks Hook to help him uncover the truth about his fathers death, Hook agrees. Meanwhile, Regina works to acclimate Robin to life in Storybrooke, but soon discovers he has a dark side that makes the task much more complicated than she anticipated.

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