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HD Defending the Guilty

Defending the Guilty


Defending the Guilty

IMDb: 7.6

Enthusiastic trainee barrister Will Packham is vying with three others for a permanent place at his Chambers but feels he is just a dogs body to cynical senior Caroline. In the pub with snide rival Liam he meets and sleeps with the flirtatious Selina but she turns out to be a juror at Caroline's murder trial. However he also discovers evidence that discredits Liam and helps Caroline win her case, putting one over on smug prosecutor Ashley. This does not prevent his being mugged by a 'grateful' client. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Defending the Guilty

Defending the Guilty


Defending the Guilty

IMDb: 7.6

Enthusiastic trainee barrister Will Packham is vying with three others for a permanent place at his Chambers but feels he is just a dogs body to cynical senior Caroline. In the pub with snide rival Liam he meets and sleeps with the flirtatious Selina but she turns out to be a juror at Caroline's murder trial. However he also discovers evidence that discredits Liam and helps Caroline win her case, putting one over on smug prosecutor Ashley. This does not prevent his being mugged by a 'grateful' client. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Miniaturist

The Miniaturist


The Miniaturist

IMDb: 7.7
90 min

In 1686 teen-aged Petronella Nella Oortman agrees to marry wealthy merchant Johannes Brandt to save the family fortunes - and arrives at the Amsterdam house he shares with his devout, austere sister Marin and servants Cornelia and Otto. As a wedding present Johannes gives her a dolls' house, a replica of his own home, which she furnishes with beautiful tiny items sent by an anonymous miniaturist who seems to know a lot about the house. More, unsolicited items follow, including figurines of Marin and Johannes. Johannes seems unwilling to consummate the marriage, and Nella soon discovers his secret as more miniature likenesses are sent, including one of Johannes' lover Jack Philips, who unwisely visits during one of Johannes' many business trips. On his return Nella discovers her husband's secret and the plan of his enemies, sugar sellers Agnes and Frans Meermans, to expose his sexuality - leading to his flight. Then Nella gets another shock. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Defending the Guilty

Defending the Guilty


Defending the Guilty

IMDb: 7.5

An idealistic, young barrister is shown the ropes by a worldly mentor.

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

1483:- Elizabeth is concerned when Edward allows Henry Tudor home from exile but he reasons that he prefers to keep his enemies close to him. Soon afterwards Edward suddenly dies of pneumonia, appointing Richard as the regent for his young son Edward. Anne, however, encourages her husband to crown himself king as the country's enemies may take advantage of a boy king. Richard takes the boy and places him in the Tower of London, causing Elizabeth, now powerless, to again go into sanctuary with her children. Richard has Anthony Rivers and Elizabeth's son Richard Grey killed and demands her younger son, though she sends him to Flanders and gives over a changeling boy. Margaret believes that an alliance with Elizabeth, leading to Henry marrying Elizabeth's daughter, would secure her son's claim to the throne but her husband Thomas Stanley reminds her that they must appear loyal to both sides and so they see Richard crown himself king. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

Edward plans a war with the French but, sensing that too much blood has already been shed, makes peace with king Louis, angering George, who will now not assume the title Regent of France. He becomes convinced that Elizabeth, like her late mother, is a sorceress who caused Isabel to miscarry and who has bewitched her husband. Her two sons also stand in his way to the throne. When Isabel dies he accuses Elizabeth of poisoning her but his public outcries and dealings with Louis lead to his being accused of treason and he is arrested. Despite pleas for mercy from his mother and Elizabeth Edward has George drowned in a barrel of wine. This gives his title back to Henry Tudor, whose mother Margaret Beaufort is now a lady-in-waiting to the queen, thus giving her hope that her son is nearer to becoming king. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The White Queen

The White Queen


The White Queen

IMDb: 7.7
61 min

Having witnessed the murder of Henry VI the pregnant Elizabeth is again shocked when she discovers her husband having sex with courtier Jane Shore. Her isolation is increased as Jacquetta falls dangerously ill and, aware of George's dislike of her, she appoints Anthony as her sons' guardian. Also wary of George is Anne Neville, pardoned by Edward for her part in the revolt and reunited with Isabel at court. However Anne is upset that she is not allowed to contact her mother in exile and feels that George and Isabel are controlling her every move. She has one ally in Richard and is unhappy to learn that he is considering marriage to Margaret Beaufort to effect peace. However he proposes to Anne, declaring that he loves her, and she accepts. Edward approves of the match as Elizabeth's new baby son is born. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty


Sons of Liberty

IMDb: 8.4
87 min

As Sam Adams and John Hancock barely manage to escape, the superior British Royal Army massacres the rest of colonial militia at the famed Battle of Lexington. The two forces clash again at Concord, forcing the British to retreat back to Boston. While both sides prepare for an inevitable war, Sam and Hancock work with Ben Franklin to desperately convince the rest of the colonial representatives in Congress to support their cause--independence. When General Thomas Gage learns of his wife Margaret's affair with Sam's friend, Dr. Joseph Warren, Gage launches a full-out assault on the colonists at Bunker Hill. Sam uses the news of the battle to persuade the rest of the colonies to vote for independence. As British warships fire on Manhattan, The Revolutionary War begins, but the rebels will now face their enemy not as individual colonies, but as a single, united country.

Genre: Drama, History,
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HD Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty


Sons of Liberty

IMDb: 8.3
87 min

British troops battle American colonists. Paul Revere sets off on his legendary midnight ride.

Genre: Drama, History,
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HD Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty


Sons of Liberty

IMDb: 8.1
86 min

Sam Adams begins feeling the pressure of taxes as most colonists feel during the American Revolution. Taking a job as a tax broker but feeling no ability to take the people's money, sam is considered an outlaw and on the run. John Hancock offers Sam an opportunity to get out of it... for a price. The governor halts Hancock's selling of alcohol and Hancock recruits Sam, Paul Revere, and others to help smuggle in his production. As the story progresses the people begin retaliating again the British and pressuring the English military to take action.

Genre: Drama, History,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.4

Athena challenges Milo over his ethics and is shocked to learn the extent of the tycoon's ambitions. Max starts a new community of synths and takes matters into his own hands when he learns how far Leo is prepared to go to achieve his aims. Written by Mark_a_Wood

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 7.7

Having said goodbye to her daughter, in a coma for three years , Athena comes to England, ostensibly to work at Qualia UK but secretly to visit Hobb, under surveillance and banned from discussing his work. He offers to help bring back her child for a price. Niska's consciousness assessment - to see if she is human enough to stand trial - begins with Laura as her advocate whilst at the Hawkins home Mattie reanimates Odi and her brother Toby falls for a synth, Renie, at school. Leo's group moves on but Mia stays behind and, having told him her secret, begins a romance with Ed, noted by his friend Danny. Karen and Pete follow up the theft of a Seraphim, a highly advanced synth, and Pete is pleased to think that if there are many of them around it makes Karen less isolated. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.0

Mattie tells Niska she knows she has uploaded the code to give synths more emotions before reading that George is dead and rescuing Odi from a scrap-yard in the hopes that he can tell her more. Laura tries to find Niska a lawyer to represent her for her murder charge, a positive result giving synths more rights. With boyfriend Pete Drummond keeping her secret Karen Voss returns to work to track down a special synth sold on the black market for a huge sum whilst Athena travels to England to locate Hobb. Mia commits a little forgery to help Ed save his café, making him realize she has human traits. She leaves him to join Leo and his group, who learn, after Hester has killed one of their pursuers that captured synths are taken to a place called the Silo. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 7.9

Some months have passed. Niska, in Berlin, has a brief affair with a girl called Astrid before moving on, having sent an email to Global Synthetics boss Milo Khoury. In England. Mia is working in a cafe, restoring its run-down reputation for grateful owner Ed, and a synth names Hester flees from her job in a nuclear plant to meet Leo and Max, who are in hiding. She is pursued by humans claiming her malfunction needs correcting but the trio escape and are joined by Mia, who argues with Leo over his view that sentient synths should not be so high profile. In California Athena Morrow, a pioneer of synth technology, refuses Khoury's offer to join his company and the Hawkins family get a double shock - Joe being sacked and a visit from Niska. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.3
45 min

As protesters march against the increased use of domestic Synths Hobb prepares to experiment on the brains of his captives in his efforts to crack the secret of artificial intelligence. Now fully sympathetic to Anita/Mia and the others as sentient creatures the Hawkins family, assisted by Pete Drummond, threaten to expose Hobb's experiment to the press unless he releases the Synths - which he does though with a tracking device inside Fred. On the run the family and the Synths mingle with the protesters before taking refuge in a church crypt. Here Leo takes a gamble on Karen's loyalty to her kind in order to ensure their future survival. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.6

As Anita explains to Laura that she was created as Mia to look after Leo the pair start to bond. Karen tracks down Niska, revealing that Dr Elster created her in his wife's image but Leo rejected her as a mother and she was presumed 'dead'. She opposes the Synths' plan and draws a gun, accidentally killing George. Niska escapes to the Hawkins' house, where she is joined by Fred, Max and Leo - along with a bewildered Joe, who is persuaded by his family to shelter the fugitives. Unfortunately Karen turns up on the door-step, accompanied by Hobb and a squad of armed police. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.7
45 min

As Laura admits to Mattie that, as a child she felt responsible for her little brother's death, she is overheard by Anita, who briefly recalls how, as Mia, she lost her son. Having supposedly destroyed Fred Hobb has actually hidden him, aware that the five Synths need to meet up for collective empowerment but Fred escapes and goes on the run. Meanwhile a damaged Odi returns to George who, helped by Niska, mends him whilst Mattie contacts Max and Leo. The latter, though injured, explains how the four Synths saved him after his mother's death and how he is part Synth himself. Mattie persuades her mother to help the group but, thanks to Joe, the police give chase and things do not end well. Pete finally gets round to having sex with Karen but is shocked to reveal what she really is. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA | UK
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Leo sends Niska to George for her own safety, though Vera is suspicious. George tells her that Hobb worked with him and Leo's father David in creating the synths and when Pete, still angry with his wife for her dependency on Simon, arrives to tell George that Odi has been sighted, he hides Niska. Mattie meets Leo to discover Anita's original identity but Anita is not forthcoming and Mattie returns home with her. Leo is bitterly disappointed as he needs all the original 'super' synths to come together to achieve advanced consciousness. He is unaware that Hobb's experiments on Fred make this unlikely. Back at the Hawkins' house Laura discovers that Joe had sex with Anita and throws him out. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.6
44 min

After Anita has saved Toby's life in a road accident and is commended by most of the family Laura is dissuaded from sending her back and even begins to warm to her, though she is baffled by the synth's unusually high intelligence and suspects illegal modification, which Anita denies. Meanwhile, to stop Odi from being taken away and recycled, George lets him loose in the woods. Hobb, still trying to find out from Fred the whereabouts of the other missing synths, arrives at the brothel where Niska has killed a punter and he is recognized as being an authority figure. After rendezvousing with Leo who is appalled at her crime Niska picks up a single father in a bar. Leo himself receives a message which he believes to be from Anita though it is from the conniving Matty. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Humans




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

In the near future synths - synthetic humans - are robots who resemble people in every way beyond having emotions and are seen as an ideal workforce. Joe Hawkins buys one to help his busy wife Laura with their children and they call her Anita. She is a model of efficiency and little daughter Sophie loves her though the elder girl Matty is jealous of her and soon Laura starts to find her creepy. They are unaware that Anita is one of three synths with the potential to develop human feelings who are being tracked by a man called Leo with his synth Max after they were abducted. One, Niska, is now a sex worker whilst Fred is being examined for his human qualities. Elsewhere elderly widower George Millican seeks to protect Odi, the synth who has become like a son to him after Odi malfunctions in a store and George is ordered to dispose of him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

After eluding Margo, Jack and Kate take Simone to the CIA station to question her but she's unconscious and the doctor says that waking her up is dangerous. Jack is summoned by the President. He informs Jack that he contacted Margo and agreed to surrender himself and wants Jack to help him get to the location where they agreed. Jack tells Kate what's happening and tells her she needs to get what they need from Simone. So Kate tells the doctor to wake her up even though it's risky. She wakes up but says that Margo is probably gone and on the move that's when she convulses. The President makes the arrangements and says goodbye to Audrey. The man Navarro sent to take care of Jordan calls and says that his body hasn't turned up. Navarro tells him to find him and make sure he's done. Written by

Country: USA | UK
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

After learning the number of the cellphone Margo uses to contact Rask, Jack and Kate learn that the cellphone was with someone who was struck by a bus and is now on the way to the hospital. They learn that the person is Margo's daughter, Simone. They go to the hospital to talk to her. Margo upon learning what happened to Simone sends someone to find out if she revealed anything. Jack asks the doctor to wake her up so they can question her. Kate talks to the girl Simone was chasing and learns that Simone is married to her uncle and that she killed her mother. Kate is talking to Jack on the cellphone while Margo's man listens. He tells her what he heard and Margo decides to send a drone to take out the hospital. Heller confronts the PM about sending MI5 after Jack and he tells Heller he knows about his condition. Jordan is still trying to recover the files that proved Kate's husband was a traitor. So Navarro is instructed to get rid of him so he sends Jordan out on an assignment only ... Written by

Country: USA | UK
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

After the op that was supposed to net Margo fails, Heller decides to let Jack go ahead with his plan. Jack asks for Kate. He plans to go to a man who does business with Margo and tricks him into revealing where she is. But he needs to offer up Kate to the man. After killing Naveed, Margo was about to dispose of his body when they hear his cellphone and hear a voice mail from his sister. Margo sends Simone to find out if she knows anything and if so to deal with her. Heller informs the Prime Minister of Jack trying to find Margo. He is informed of Heller's condition and orders his own people to follow Jack. And the Russians are asking Mark when will they receive Jack and Mark finds himself in a spot because he forged Heller's name on the extradition document. Written by

Country: UK | USA
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

With Chloe's help, CIA find proof that the attack was carried out at Margot's command. The president's people and CIA cooperate in order to stop a potential new attack. Kate receives the news she is off the mission. Margo releases a broadcast in which she directly threatens Heller's life. Jack meets up with the president and later with Audrey. Kate and Chloe work together without anyone else knowing. Written by Andreea D

Country: UK | USA
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Jack breaks into the US Embassy to talk to the serviceman who's accused of firing his drone on American and British soldiers. Kate follows him. Jack talks to the man and convinces him that he believes that he didn't shoot the soldiers and that someone took control of the drone. He believes Jack and gives Jack his control key. Jack tries to get out but is chased and is forced to hold up in a room and take people hostage. He then contacts Chloe who tries to analyze the key and see how it was hacked. Eventually Mark learns of what happened at the Embassy and informs the President and urges him to order an assault to take Jack out. But he wants to talk to him first and does. Kate after talking to the serviceman believes that Jack is trying to stop an attack. She listens to Jack's conversation with the President and believes him. Mark convinces the President that what Jack is saying is impossible and to authorize taking Jack out. Audrey is upset with Mark. Kate upon learning of the attack ... Written by

Country: UK | USA
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Jack figures out there's another player when he finds the dead body of Yates. Chloe is opening herself to Jack. Jack asks for the help of Chloe's friend, Adrian. However, Adrian has other intentions for Jack. President Heller goes on with the speech. Written by Andreea D

Country: UK | USA
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Kate begins an investigation into Chloe O'Brian, using her informer in the London police. Chloe returns to her hacker friends and is followed by Jack, who's trying to catch Yates, a hacker who's been hacking military drones and plans to murder Heller. The military believe one of their own was responsible for the attack and the death of four soldiers. Jack is getting close to Yates when the CIA intervene. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA | UK
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