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HD SunTrap




IMDb: 7.5
28 min

Woody is hired by Pirate Pete to go undercover on a rival company's pirate boat which he claims is aiming to put him out of business. However it is a trap and Woody is taken prisoner. Only after he has been made to walk the plank does he discover who is behind the abduction, requiring luck as well as his talents as a mimic to get him safely back on dry land. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD SunTrap




IMDb: 8.1
28 min

Record producer Senor Big throws a party to launch singer Elton Juan's new record 'Sandal in the Wind' but Elton is pushed to his death from a balcony and Melody, whom he recognized from the past as a possible husband killer, is arrested as the prime suspect. Woody plies Brutus with a drink containing the perfect memory reviver which leads to the exposure of the real culprit - plus a chance for Woody to impersonate a lifeguard and for everybody to hear 'Sandal in the Wind'. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD SunTrap




IMDb: 7.7
28 min

Zorro the barman has lost Brutus's bar by using it as a stake at the local casino but casino manager Mr De Luca will waive the debt if Woody can find out who is stealing from him before his fearsome bosses arrive in town. Posing as a female croupier and an American magician Woody exposes the guilty party though it also means putting an end to Zorro's romance with the lovely Coco. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD SunTrap




IMDb: 7.4
28 min

During the local hypnotists' convention The Fabulous Mark mesmerizes a volunteer into believing that he is a gunman out to kill him but the man flees the stage and disappears. Whilst Mark hides out with his wife Woody impersonates him at the convention and when the man is located it turns out that there are more hypnotists in town than expected - and some with sinister motives. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD SunTrap




IMDb: 7.8
28 min

Short of cash Woody agrees to deliver an antique urn to a nearby island on behalf of supposed courier Maria but finds he is the decoy whilst she delivers actual drugs. At the same time Brutus's wife Beverly turns up at the bar. Years earlier he had faked his suicide to get away from her and now she wants half of the bar so at Woody's suggestion he fakes a second death. This serves a dual purpose as Maria turns out to work at the local undertakers but in trying to get payment from her Woody nearly ends up dead himself. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD SunTrap




IMDb: 6.1
28 min

Cheeky investigative reporter Woody, set up by his editor after an attempt to test Buckingham Palace security, flees to Spain to seek refuge with bar owner and ex-colleague Brutus - who, recalling an incident with a crossbow - is less than happy to see him. However they join forces when fugitive fraudster Donald Hammer and his trophy wife Melody engage them to find Donald's missing parrot Wally. Woody adopts various disguises to locate the stolen bird but falls foul of Donald in the process. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 8.2
55 min

The surprise arrival of the hotel chain's European Director Adrian unsettles the staff further. Only Rebecca knows he's there for more than purely business reasons - the two of them had a fling a few months before. Adrian proves to be only the start of their worries: a star witness, Mr Wiltshire, is being housed at the hotel during the course of an infamous gangland trial. Tony is nervous about the risk to staff and Charlie has the unenviable task of looking after the guest. Whilst Tony attempts to forment a mutiny amongst the staff, Rebecca finds herself being wooed by Adrian with an offer of promotion abroad - and a new life with him. Meanwhile, Charlie builds up a rapport with Mr Wiltshire, and realised that he's come to the hotel just to die away from prison. Rebecca is put on the spot when her husband arrives for a surprise anniversary dinner organised by the staff. Forced to choose between her career and her marriage, she hesitates. But before she can make up her mind, gunshots ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Riled and suddenly untrusting, she not only interviews all of the staff, but also calls in an auditor - much to the distress of Gino and Jackie, whose stocktake figures are complete fantasy. Meanwhile, Anna is leading a teenage virtuoso violinist into naughtiness. Derek the doorman manages to persuade Rebecca, via Charlie to interview his wayward son for a job at the hotel. The lad is rubbish, though. About to break the bad news to Derek, Charlie realises the awful truth from something the dooorman says - Derek must be the hotel thief. Rebecca must maintain her professional stance and hand Derek his P45. The anguish doesn't end there, despite Tony's good work in heading-off ball-crunching auditor Ms Merchant with some well-placed bribes. A disgruntled hotel guest surprises everyone by revealing himself to be a hotel inspector - and issuing a damning threat! Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 8.3
55 min

Already spooked after Tony tells them a grisly tale of murder at a nearby hotel, Anna and Max are further unsettled by the disappearance of security guard Jagdeep. Anna is sent to deliver a bottle of whiskey to a sheik, who is staying at the hotel after buying antique pistols at a Sotheby's auction. On her way back, she becomes convinced that she's heard a guest murder his wife in one of the bedrooms. Charlie refuses to take her seriously, despite having seen the guest, Mr Johnson, arguing with his wife earlier. As the night wears on, Mr Johnson's behaviour - like sneaking his suitcases out in the middle of the night - worries Anna more and more. With Charlie's help, she snoops around in his room, and is appalled to discover blood streaks in the bath and a bag of rope, tape and rubber gloves. In the bowels of the hotel, Charlie discovers Jagdeep seriously ill in a toilet cubicle. Meanwhile, Anna is terrified when Mr Johnson tries to make her accompany him. Seeing how scared she is, ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.8
55 min

Below stairs, we witness a world the guests never normally get to see - the immigrant labour that really makes the place work. A raid on the hotel by Immigration Officers forces Jackie into a dilemma when she's reminded by the officials about her own immigration status. What can she do to stop them deporting her? Gino has less serious problems - in order to keep the tips from a particularly generous guest flowing, he has to pretend to be gay. Can even Ben help him convince in the role? Meanwhile, Charlie is asked by a guest, Liz Sykes to help cover up an affair she's been conducting at the hotel. Rebecca takes a hard line with him and orders him not to intervene, disarming him by implying she knows something about his fraudulent past. When Liz's lover, John Fuller, returns to the hotel with yet another woman, Charlie realises that Liz is being spun a line. A quick phone call leads to an uncomfortable confrontation for John. But Charlie's actions lead to an inevitable showdown when ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.6
55 min

When Anna bumps into - literally - wealthy American lawyer Richard, she becomes convinced they're fated to be together. In a delusional whirl, she stops at nothing to get this man (and the lifestyle) that she's after. And if it means breaching the 'strictly no guest/staff relationships' rule, well, Anna's always felt rules were meant to be broken. With General Manager Rebecca on her back, only the quick thinking of fellow receptionist Ben keeps Anna's indiscretions under wraps. Charlie is happy to let beautiful female guest Alice massage his bruised ego after colleague and love interest Jackie goes off on a date. Alice turns out not to be all that she seems, robbing her date and making off with Pete. When the date is found drugged in his room the next day, Charlie realises he's had a narrow escape, and that he should value Jackie more. Meanwhile, James and Gino bicker over the treatment of a couple who won a stay at Hotel Babylon in a competition. Rebecca confronts Pete over Alice, ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.6
55 min

Charlie only agrees after Tony reminds him of how much cash they could make from delivery scams at the event, realising it's the one way he can raise the money to bribe Pete out of telling Rebecca about his past. Finding an agreeable suitor is easy enough, but can they convince Natasha's billionaire father Vladimir, and more importantly Rebecca, that the wedding is genuine? The whirlwind of wedding plans catch Rebecca on a personal level, but it's obsessive compulsive guest Mr Daniels who makes her realise that hiding in the hotel isn't going to solve her own relationship problems. Charlie's scams earn him enough to pay off Pete, but the whole affair has made Rebecca suspicious. She takes the initiative, and delves a little into his employment history. Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.8

Unfortunately for him, Rebecca puts him in charge of keeping suicidal guest Mr Machin alive, while concierge Tony has to deal with the repercussions of mistaking a legitimate guest for a hooker. But this is the least of his worries as Rebecca's re-branding of his job has severely rocked his confidence. The staff help an elderly ex-worker celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary, forcing Rebecca to reflect on her own marriage. Meanwhile, shady limousine drive Pete is becoming more demanding as he threatens to divulge whatever it is he knows about Charlie's mysterious past. Written by Rune Thandy

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.6

Head receptionist Charlie Edwards very badly wants Hotel Babylon's General Manager Rebecca to promote him to management. During the interview process, Charlie is faced with a number of challenges, including a rock band on a tight budget, an assault on one of the chambermaids, a mysterious man who may not be who he claims, and stiff competition from a receptionist at a rival hotel. Written by Ron Kerrigan

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Merdle's suicide note reveals that he was a swindler, robbing his investors and leaving thousands ruined. Mrs. Merdle agrees to Fanny's suggestion they do a 'moonlight flit' to escape creditors but Arthur submits to imprisonment in the Marshalsea, where the Plornishes bring food and optimism and John Chivery makes him realize Amy has always loved him. He succumbs to a fever and wakes up to find Amy has come to the Marshalsea to nurse him back to health. She tells him she loves him but he replies that, now he is ruined, he would only drag her down. Rigaud returns to taunt Mrs. Clennam, revealing what he knows from the stolen documents. Her hard heart drove her husband into an affair with another woman who bore a son, Arthur, whom she snatched and brought up lovelessly. The woman died and Mr. Clennam's father, seeking to help someone else who was disadvantaged, bequeathed money to Amy. Rigaud wants £2,000 to keep silent but instead she gets up and hobbles to the prison to confess to Amy... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

After Mrs. General rejects his proposal of marriage, subsequently giving her notice, Mr. Dorrit falls spectacularly apart at Mrs. Merdle's masked ball, thinking he is back in the Marshalsea, and delivering a humiliating outburst to that effect. Soon afterward he passes away, as does Frederick, seemingly out of grief for his brother, and Amy returns to London, where she is given a home by Fanny and Edmund. Arthur seeks out Miss Wade for news of Rigaud's whereabouts. She cannot help, but explains that she is an orphan, hence her patronage of Tattycoram, and that she was slighted in love by Henry Gowan. She had intended to pay Rigaud to kill him but drew back. After another unsuccessful effort to warn his mother about Rigaud,Arthur bumps into Amy, who wounds him by saying she wished they had never met. That evening Mr. Merdle's doctor is summonsed to a bath-house where the 'marvel of the age' has committed suicide. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

The Sparklers return to London with Mr. Dorrit, who is thrilled to be seen as part of Mr. Merdle's world, and, like countless others, is keen to invest his wealth into the Merdle funds. So is Arthur, now running his business alone whilst Daniel takes up a six month appointment in Russia. Arthur asks Mr. Pancks to find Rigaud, and Flora calls on Mr. Dorrit, asking him to do the same, in which capacity he visits Mrs. Clennam, who is as icy as ever and throws him out. Wounded by her tone he starts to unravel, over-reacting when a cab driver mentions the Marshalsea, and being aggressive when John Chivery visits him, although he calms down and apologizes to John. He believes that Merdle's circle scoff at him because of his past and hurries back to Italy, where his ramblings make no sense to a concerned Amy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Pa and Ma Meagles arrive in Venice as Pet gives birth to a son, assisted by her good friend Amy. For all their differences Amy and Fanny are mutually horrified to see Mrs. General woo their father and Fanny finally marries Sparkler, to escape having to have Mrs. General as a step-mother. Amy is deeply upset when her father forbids her to return to London with the newly-weds. Due to Mr. Merdle's influence Sparkler is given a job at the Circumlocution Office. The sycophantic Dorrit congratulates him but Mr. Meagles is critical of the office's uselessness and tells him to recall how Arthur used to canvass there in vain on his behalf. He is not pleased to be reminded of his past. In London 'Wanted' posters appear for Rigaud. He was the last person to be seen with Flintwinch's twin before he did away with him for Mrs. Clennam's box. Cavaletto informs Arthur that the man is a dangerous criminal, and Arthur goes to warn his mother but she is dismissive of his anxieties and sends him away. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

In Venice Fanny continues to cold-shoulder Edmund and spar with his mother, who writes to her husband to employ him,to get him out of Fanny's clutches, in the Bank. The bank is highly successful and Mr. Pancks tells Arthur to invest in it to increase capital for his business. Arthur is also a witness to a row between Mr. Meagles and Mrs. Gowan over the marriage neither of them wanted. Rigaud returns to London and Arthur sees him talking to Miss Wade, whom he follows to Casby's house where Flora flirts with him and Mr. F's aunt insults him. Pancks tells Arthur that Casby holds an allowance in trust for Miss Wade,hence her visits, but Arthur is not wholly convinced. Later he catches up with Rigaud at his mother's but she refuses to disclose their business. In fact Rigaud is seeking to blackmail her over the contents of the box he stole from Flintwinch's twin brother, but she is unaware that he possesses them and feels that she has no cause to fear him - wrongly, in the event. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

The newly-rich Dorrits leave the Marshalsea and Amy is appalled at how coldly her father treats Arthur when repaying the money he owes. Her snobbish siblings are equally as dismissive of Arthur. Rigaud visits Miss Wade, who pays him to befriend and travel to Italy with the newly-wed Gowans and to harm Henry. The Dorrits also arrive in Italy on the Grand Tour, in the company of Mrs. General, who William has employed as a companion to his daughters. At an inn they meet the Gowans and Rigaud, who is intrigued to hear who they are. Pet and Amy bond, with a mutual dislike of the Frenchman and their regard for Arthur, Back in London, the Plornishes are planning to buy a shop with money given them by Amy, where they will look after and employ Maggy. Whilst pretending to be pleased for them Casby plans to double their rent. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Amy accompanies Fanny on a visit to the rich and haughty Mrs. Merdle, mother of Fanny's admirer Sparkler, and Amy is shocked that Fanny, who clearly does not love him, is happy to be bribed to keep away from him. Mrs. Merdle takes some pleasure in informing her son of the transaction. Later she and her reserved financier husband give a lavish dinner party where a guest describes him as the most influential man in London. Arthur and Daniel set up their work-shop, employing Cavaletto. Flora visits, getting Arthur to send Amy to her on the promise of work, though she seems more interested in telling Amy about her former relationship with Arthur. Mr.Pancks bribes Mr. Chivery to look into the Dorrits' background from old prison records, whilst Mr. Chivery asks Arthur to put in a good word for the unhappy John with Amy. Whilst Arthur is talking to Amy Maggy arrives with begging letters from Amy's father and brother Tip for Arthur, who refuses the brother.Amy later rounds on Tip and is ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Death in Paradise

Death in Paradise


Death in Paradise

IMDb: 7.7
62 min

Valerie Dupree is found floating in the pool at Jeremy Cutting's cosmetic clinic. Dr Anna Jones claims she was suicidal after her divorce but Poole suspects she was poisoned by the cup of tea she left half drunk. Fellow patient Jayne Smythe believes Valerie was having an affair with the younger Paul Vincent but Dr Jones admits she was sleeping with him,giving him an alibi. It turns out that Valerie had made an urgent call to a lawyer in France and Poole suspects she was about to sue the clinic for botched surgery caused by Tipping's failing eye sight. But events take another turn when the clinic is exposed as giving criminals new identities - and faces. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK , Guadeloupe
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.8
29 min

Encouraged by Taylor Saffy finishes writing her play,'Self-Raising Flower',about her oppressive life with Patsy and Eddy,who do not share the rest of the family's enthusiasm to attend the opening night. Indeed Eddy unsuccessfully tries to get it banned. However she and Patsy cannot resist turning up at the last minute. The play,with Patsy portrayed by a man,is a roaring success but only because people mistakenly believe it to be a comedy and Eddy and Patsy become celebrities as a result. Saffy also gains an admirer in Kasha,the actress playing her on stage. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Cuckoo




IMDb: 8.3
27 min

Assisted by Dale Ken is enjoying hosting the mother and baby group at his house but is forced to confess to Lorna that he was present when Jess's baby was born, whereupon Lorna demands that he leave the group. Ken is unwilling - until Jess makes a play for him, forcing him to leave her house in a hurry. Unfortunately this leads to a mix-up which requires Dale to sort it out, though he is less amenable when he sees Rachel with a man she has met through a dating agency. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Cuckoo




IMDb: 8.3
25 min

Lorna's baby is a week late but she also has a great new job lined up, meaning that Ken could be stuck with an unwanted paternity leave. Rachel is still seeing boring Ben so all three are delighted when Dale returns from China, fleeing an irate father. Dylan, his reluctant room-mate, is less enamoured. Lorna's labour is miraculously induced by some bizarre Eastern methods practiced by struck-off doctor Steve but at the hospital Ken almost misses the birth when he gets caught up with another pregnant woman, Jess - who fancies him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Coupling




IMDb: 8.8
30 min

When Steve tells that Susan redecorated his bathroom, without a lock, Jeff considers this problem #1: a women-made hell where no man can ever de-clench again. Sally is toxic jealous when told Patrick, whom she hypocritically told to go for an open relationship, has a girlfriend, Jennifer- he believed to simplify matters by telling her Sally is a lesbian. Jane is madly in love, at first at sight, of a studly pizza delivery man. At a dinner, all the friends and their present significant others meet, in various rooms, ways and moods, never comfortably. Steve sings the praise of the toilet as modern man's version of a cave of last retreat in face of absurd female interests such as potpourri. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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