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HD Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground


Lucha Underground

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

No Escape. Our Main Event gets even bigger. For the first time ever in Lucha Underground...A Steel Cage Match.

Genre: Action, Drama, Sport,
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HD Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground


Lucha Underground

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

A War Started In Mexico... A rivalry is renewed from Mexico, Dario Cueto pairs two luchadores with a history of bad blood. Huge Main Event.

Genre: Action, Drama, Sport,
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HD George Lopez

George Lopez


George Lopez

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

In the season premiere episode, just as George and Angie finish sending their daughter off to college, Angie discovers that the Lopez family could be growing.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD George Lopez

George Lopez


George Lopez

IMDb: 8.2
23 min

In the Season finale, everyone in the Lopez family faces a crisis. Ernie tells George that the factory is moving to Mexico, and they'll both be unemployed. When the police want to question Benny about her part in an old robbery, she flees.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Hannibal with the aid of Deputy Ef Wiley builds and tests the scaffold as Wihbone and Mushy buy and load supplies. As the Hammerklein boys and friends gather, Wishbone and Mushy try to protect Hannibal. The result is them being returned to camp tied up along with Hannibal who is tarred and feathered. The next day the stubborn Hannibal returns to Deadhorse to finish the job after explaining to Favor and the men why. Favor tells the men it is none of their business but they are determined to help Hannibal. The result is a potential showdown between the drovers and the Hammerklein friends and boys with several dying on each side. The Sheriff finally decides to do his duty and face down the Hammerklein side and carry out the Judge's orders. Jud, realizing his sons' lives are on the line, orders them to turn over their weapons telling them it is his turn to save them much as their mother had done before when they were younger. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.5
60 min

The leading citizen, Jud Hammerklein, is found guilty of murdering a gambler who had killed his son in cold blood earlier. Judge John Jefferson Hogan sentences Jud to hang. Since no one in Deadhorse is willing to be the hangman, the Judge sends for a professional executioner. Rowdy and Quince spot a mule which leads Rowdy to a pile of rocks. It is a grave but the man inside it is alive. The man, Hannibal H. Plew, recovers but Hey Soos has an uneasy feeling about him. When a rattlesnake bites Hey Soos, Hannibal teaches the men a new way to treat it that saves Hey Soos. Hannibal must be in Deadhorse by the thirteenth so he rides in with Wishbone and Mushy who go there for supplies. After he examines the scaffolding being built, they go to the saloon where he reveals to the men and Jud who he is. The Hammerklein boys admit trying to kill and stop him even though their father had promised everything must go by the law up to 3:00 pm on the thirteenth but he does not expect to be hanged - ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 9.0
52 min

Favor and Rowdy are scouting ahead to find a trail for the herd, a trail that has water and grass for the cows and goes through the Lost mountain range. As they prepare to camp music leads them to a well dressed older man MacKay watching a ballet dance. Once the show is over he offers to show them a pass and water but leaves before they can return. Trying on their own the path is blocked by Indians as they mysteriously allow MacKay to pass. They return to Endicott where they hire Joel Turner as a guide. Barbara Fraser asks to join them to find her missing father but Favor refuses. In the mountains the men find Fraser on her own thrown from her horse. The next morning Joel finds two men trailing them but they kill Joel before he kills them. Without a guide the trio is lost with no water as are the two men who killed Joel. Tyree and Banning spot an Indian who is killed by Banning who in turn is killed. Tyree is taken prisoner while the trio follows an Indian to MacKay's mine where Tyree... Written by chipe

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Pete discovers a waterhole has gone dry overnight. Dan Fletcher from the area tells Favor a spring feeds it from above that never goes dry. Rowdy and Dan are sent to investigate. As they approach Dan's childhood home, they are fired on by Cal Fletcher, Dan's brother. The family house burned down the night before. Cal tells Dan Frank Travis has built a dam above to drive the Fletchers off their farm. At the Travis home Frank tells them water should flow again in a couple of days and he is sorry about the Fletcher home but he will release the water now. Cal tries to kill Dan with a falling rock but instead Rowdy's ankle is sprained. They take him into the Travis home where Frank's beautiful daughter Flora tends to Rowdy. When Favor and Wishbone arrive to treat Rowdy, Rowdy asks Favor if they can stay a couple days so the men can help rebuild the Fletcher home. Favor agrees but tension builds between Cal and Dan along with Frank and Flora. Ma Fletcher is forced to tell Frank that Cal is ... Written by Anonymousd

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.1
60 min | 51 min (DVD)

The owner of a remote trading post and his wife are coerced into backing a rustler's scheme to get the drovers drunk, swipe the herd and sell the beeves to hide skinners.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.6
60 min | 51 min (DVD)

Mr. Favor is stuck in a house, because the owner of the house is attacked by some men.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 9.3
42 min

On the surface, everything seems to be going perfectly now for Rebecca and Josh's wedding to be the dream she's always envisioned, the ceremony which is taking place in a couple of days. She sees the wedding and associated marriage as the answer to all her problems. Valencia has taken over and thus freed Rebecca from the planning. Both Rebecca's parents are in West Covina, her father's presence in particular which she believes is the beginning of a new relationship between the two of them, and in the process negating the fact that he not only abandoned her when she was a child but purposefully has remained out of her life until now. And most importantly she is marrying Josh, the man for who she moved to West Covina, with the ceremony to take place at the core of West Covina identity: next to the beach. Some of those that know Rebecca and Josh hope that they can overcome their individual issues to make the marriage a success, while others foresee disaster as two people who are not ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Paula faces some turmoil in her home life, with no one to turn to to provide her any emotional support. When Rebecca finally learns what is going on with Paula, Rebecca senses an opportunity to get back in good with Paula first by issuing an unconditional apology and second by offering to look after precocious preteen Tommy for two days while Paula heads out of town for a class field trip, both items from Rebecca which Paula accepts. Despite having no kids of her own, Rebecca figures that taking care of Tommy will be the easiest two days of her life, which ends up not being the case. Things get even more complicated when out shopping, Rebecca and Tommy run into Josh, this encounter the first time Rebecca and Josh have seen each other since they broke up. Knowing that Josh is facing a minor issue in his life, Rebecca decides to make a grand gesture to get in good with Josh again. As Josh goes through something monumental in his life which he wants to share with Anna, Rebecca faces a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Rebecca and Heather have moved into their new house, one that has a mysterious past of which they are unaware. With Rebecca and Valencia now having bonded over their respective pasts with Josh, Rebecca, Valencia and Heather have formed an official gurl clique as the brainy one, the sexy one and the cool one respectively, this gurl grouping which is unfamiliar territory for all of them. However, in Rebecca's mind, Paula is the missing gurl, she who Rebecca tries to bring into the fold by inviting her, Valencia and Heather to a themed party at the house, without telling Paula that it will not just be the two of them for the evening, without telling Valencia and Heather that she invited Paula, and without telling any of the three that the party has this special theme. Beyond the as so far unspoken issues between Rebecca and Paula potentially coming to the surface, one unexpected occurrence after another colors the nature of the party. Meanwhile, Darryl and Maya, between who there has ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.4
39 min

Because Rebecca is torn between being with Josh and being with Greg, she, in her romanticized view of the world, believes that she should be in a thruple with them. Learning that polyamory is not a default for not being able to choose - especially as she has not cleared anything with either Josh or Greg - she looks for a definitive sign of whether she is destined to be with Josh or Greg, she believing that her destiny is to be with one of the two of them as opposed to any other alternative. This search for the sign is despite the professional advice she receives about the reality of her situation. After receiving what she thinks are a series of small signs pointing her equally in both directions, she receives what she thinks is the definitive sign. The issues are whether it was a sign at all, and even if it was whether signs that others involved in her fantasy receive are compatible with Rebecca's. One of those opposing signs relates to Greg, who is given an opportunity which would ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.3
41 min

Despite Josh unofficially living with her, Rebecca still looks for opportunities to spend time with him, especially as he seems to be doing things with his guy friends doing what are usually considered stereotypical twenty-something guy things. So when Josh says he is spending this upcoming Friday with his friends, Rebecca decides to hound in on the outing, pretending to like doing such guy things, which is the furthest thing from the truth. She takes the lie one step further when she learns the outing is to a new table tennis cocktail bar, ping pong which she claims to once being an expert at. Not wanting to be caught in the lie, Rebecca goes on a crash course to learn the game,... all the while looking hot for Josh while doing it. Meanwhile, Greg believes that the worst is now behind him with his drinking, as he is religiously attending his AA meetings. He doesn't realize however that things that happen in his everyday life may throw his sobriety out the window. Learning of Greg's ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

It's been three weeks since Jayma's wedding, the night when Rebecca and Josh had sex for the first time. Since, Rebecca and Josh have continued a sexual relationship, and Josh has been staying with Rebecca as he has left what was his and Valencia's apartment to her. But things between Rebecca and Josh are not totally all right as after their sexual encounters, Josh spends the rest of the night on Rebecca's sofa, he admitting to himself that staying at Rebecca's is more a move out of necessity as he can't stay with any of his other friends, going home to his parents is an even less desirable option, and he doesn't have the money to live on his own. Although Rebecca tries to convince herself that she was able to talk her way out of the admission to Josh that she moved to West Covina for him, Paula knows that that is the crux of the problem, i.e. the reason Josh feels compelled to sleep on the couch. Although Rebecca told Josh that she and Greg are over as couple, Josh believes Greg is *... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Now that Rebecca and Greg are having sex with each other, they have to figure out what it all means. The balance of power in their relationship may also shift because of it. Most people around them know that both are getting it and most that see the two of them together know that they are doing it with each other. Josh is somewhat in denial about it, as he is feeling pressure from Valencia to get married as they deal with Josh's sister's wedding. The one person who has not seen the two of them together is Paula, who knows that Rebecca is getting some, which she is perfectly fine with in the state of what is happening between her and Josh, as long as that person with who she is getting it is not Greg. As such, Rebecca has to decide what exactly to tell Paula. Rebecca and Paula also have to figure out what will replace Rebecca getting together with Josh as the focus of their friendship. Although they may try to fill that void, a question becomes whether that issue can sustain their ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

It's been two weeks since the break-in at Rebecca's apartment, and Josh has not been in contact with her at all, making her think that perhaps she has lost him forever this time. Even though Paula's latest scheme to get Rebecca and Josh together, which involves Rebecca telling Josh that she has started dating an old colleague from Harvard, does have the intended promised effect of getting the two of them together for dinner, it doesn't quite turn out the way Paula had envisioned. However, Rebecca, Paula and Mrs. Hernandez simultaneously come up with a brainchild for which they just have to flesh out the details: Rebecca has to manufacture something for which she will be Josh's lawyer, so that they would have to spend time together. Rebecca comes up with a legal issue which she doesn't even have to manufacture, and that would play up to Valencia's thirst for Josh to make more money. While the case expands into ways Rebecca did not envision for good and bad, she finds that there are ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Now that Rebecca is no longer in denial about being in love with Josh, Paula believes Rebecca can get back on track in her true pursuit of him as her boyfriend. The next opportunity Paula and Rebecca see is when Josh mentions that he volunteers as a counselor for underprivileged youth who are going on their overnight camp, and Rebecca being there also as a counselor to rekindle the memories of when they dated at camp ten years ago. It would especially show up Valencia, who doesn't like Josh doing this volunteering, she who would rather him work extra hours to make more money. Although they don't need any extra counselors, Rebecca is able to bribe her way in to the overnight camp, she who will be providing a mandatory seminar for the young women on female empowerment. Against Paula's advice, Rebecca also hopes to read to Josh a love letter she wrote to him ten years ago at camp but never got a chance to give to him in his hasty departure. Rebecca will find if the magic from ten years ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Paula refuses to help Rebecca get out of her continual messes until she stops being in denial about being in love with Josh. The latest example of that denial in Paula's eyes is that Rebecca tries to infiltrate Josh's group of friends not because she wants to be closer to Josh, but because she wants to be within a community of friends and she sees Josh's friends as her friends. Regardless of if Valencia has ulterior motives - which she does - Rebecca is buoyed when Valencia invites her along with Josh's friends on their weekend outing to the beach. In her want to impress Josh's friends and especially Josh in being within the group, Rebecca decides on a grand gesture of renting a party bus for their trip without telling them beforehand. In the confined space of the bus on what is generally the four hour trip to the beach (two without traffic), Rebecca will discover whether Josh's friends truly are her friends. It also provides a backdrop for Josh and his friends, especially Greg, to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Paula is irked that Rebecca spent Thanksgiving with Greg instead of Josh, and that she is happy about Josh and Valencia moving in together, Rebecca having even bought them the meaningful house warming gift of a rice cooker to bridge their two cultures. But an incident makes Rebecca come to the realization that she isn't really as happy about Josh and Valencia as she had made out. Against the advice of the hallucination of Dr. Phil, Rebecca decides the best way to make herself feel better is to self-medicate. As she threw away all her prescription anti-anxiety medications, she does whatever she needs to to get whatever drugs she can to replace those, which may end up getting her into deeper trouble. Her anxiety issues come at a bad time professionally as Calvin Young, the biggest potential client Whitefeather has ever had, is in southern California from his hometown of Tuscon specifically on a real estate lawyer shopping trip. But it may be Paula, and not Rebecca, who could be the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Rebecca and her new best friend Paula go on a search for Josh, frequenting where he is known to go, while Paula discloses why she feels a connection to Rebecca. Their joint focus on Rebecca's love life may pose problems at work, that is unless Rebecca can show that her Harvard law degree is worth its reputation. Their new BFF status is threatened when Rebecca does eventually run into Josh, his girlfriend Valencia, and by happenstance Greg while she is out alone without Paula. Despite Josh's coded message to her not to get too close and not to disclose the nature of their summer together, Rebecca does whatever she can to get to know Valencia to get closer to Josh. What she learns about Valencia besides being a beautiful woman, is that she is a yoga instructor, is controlling, is jealous by nature, and has no women friends in her belief that other women find her too threatening. Rebecca also eventually learns that Josh and Valencia have been a couple for a long time, even before Rebecca... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Musical,
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HD Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter


Relic Hunter

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Sydney, Nigel and Derek Lloyd go to the Peruvian jungle to look for the Paracelsus scrolls, that contain the formula for turning lead into gold.

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HD Highlander: The Raven

Highlander: The Raven


Highlander: The Raven

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

A baseball prospect who was convicted of murdering his manager is out of prison, and he is targeting the people responsible for putting him there--including Nick, who was the lead detective on the case.

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HD The Wild Thornberrys

The Wild Thornberrys


The Wild Thornberrys

IMDb: 7.0
24 min

The Thornberrys visit the land of happiness to film the black-necked crane migration dance, but due to tourist limits, only two of them can enter the city. After it is decided that Marianne and Debbie go, Eliza and Darwin sneak inside the border. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD The Wild Thornberrys

The Wild Thornberrys


The Wild Thornberrys

IMDb: 7.1
24 min

The Thornberrys are in Egypt to film the elusive Caracal cat. While Marianne and Nigel go off via camel to film Eliza, Tyler and Darwin go exploring. While wandering through the desert they fall into an ancient burial chamber. Eliza and Tyler will have to work together to avoid the booby traps that have been set to discourage grave robbers. Meanwhile Debbie is convinced she is a descendant of Cleopatra. Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
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HD The Wild Thornberrys

The Wild Thornberrys


The Wild Thornberrys

IMDb: 7.3
24 min

The Thornberry's trek their way up into the snow-capped Himalayan mountains to capture some rare footage of the local snow-leopards. However, something eerie looms in the distance. Eliza sets out to discover the secret of the ancient Yeti! Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD The Middle

The Middle


The Middle

IMDb: 8.7
21 min

Sue keeps a holiday secret from the family. Meanwhile, Brick agrees to watch three kids, but later on regrets it. Also, Mike doesn't know how to react when Bill Norwood gives him a Christmas gift for the first time ever.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Zapped




IMDb: 7.1
31 min

At a Save the Throck meeting Brian meets the beautiful Effandra and, when Howell accidentally releases a fire sprite with the ability to grant one wish, Brian wants to use it to return home with Effandra. Howell also wants it to escape the wrath of Slasher Morgan but when Effandra's sickly pet throck, Mr Wuffles, needs healing, Brian decides to do the altruistic thing and save it. However the wish is ultimately wasted with Brian ending up in Effandra's bad books and with no hope of going home. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy,
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HD Zapped




IMDb: 7.1
29 min

Brian hopes to infiltrate the vault where the amulet is kept by taking Howell's charisma potion which will allow him to charm the fairies into letting him take it. Howell in return wants Brian to retrieve the Necromancer's book of spells. However the plot falls apart when the potion wears off and Brian is beaten up by the fairies and thrown out. The culprit is Steg, who has used some of the potion to make his mermaid girl-friend Lorelei human but the spell goes wrong, ending badly for him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy,
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HD Zapped




IMDb: 6.8
30 min

Down-trodden courier Brian Weaver finds and puts on a bracelet which, unknown to him, is a magic amulet which transports him to the parallel universe of Munty and Herman's tavern, where he meets soothsayer Barbara, Steg, whose parents were a giant and a dwarf and the wizard Howell, who claims the amulet belongs to him. Howell attempts to sell it to the fearsome Slasher Morgan but it gets confiscated by the fairies, a posse of butch bullies, leaving Brian with no means to get back home. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy,
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HD Conviction




IMDb: 7.8
41 min

The CIU re-investigates a case that Wallace personally prosecuted with alarming results.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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