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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 7.9
54 min

Abby, furious with Ray's silence and his suspected infidelity, donates some of Ray's suits to a thrift shop. Bridget befriends Marvin, a neighbor kid about to be adopted by a rap star; Ray is making the arrangements. Ray also sets in motion a plan to get Mickey back in prison. Ray takes Bunchy to receive his million-dollar settlement for being abused by a priest; under Mickey's influence, Bunchy refuses to make Ray his guardian. Ray sends a limo to bring Abby to Ezra's gala party he unveils plans to build a hospital wing in honor of his dead wife. Is domestic peace at hand? A squirrelly FBI agent pulls Mickey's chain. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 8.0
53 min

Ray has a myriad of problems: his father, a malignancy fresh out of prison, has inveigled his way into Ray's family, spending the day with Abby and the children. A client won't report to a move set because his house has been broken in to. Another client, a closed homosexual whose action blockbuster is about to open, is at risk of blackmail over a sex tape. Ray has to find out who staged the break in and who has the sex tape, then he has to administer justice. Abby remains angry with Ray, so he sleeps away from home. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 8.0
59 min

Ray Donovan is a Hollywood fixer, a transplant from Massachusetts with two psyche-scarred brothers who depend on him, a wife who wants to live in Beverly Hills, and opportunities to be unfaithful, particularly with a client's mistress with whom he has a history. Ray is also not above hitting ne'er-do-wells with a baseball bat. His equilibrium is upended when he learns that his father has been released early from prison and is headed to California to seek revenge. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Finding Carter

Finding Carter


Finding Carter

IMDb: 7.2
41 min

Carter uncovers a shocking truth after someone close to her is murdered which will change everyone's lives forever.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Finding Carter

Finding Carter


Finding Carter

IMDb: 7.0
40 min

Carter vows to put an end to Lori's manipulation, but Lori drops a bombshell.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Finding Carter

Finding Carter


Finding Carter

IMDb: 6.4
40 min

While on a camping trip with friends, Carter considers revealing a secret.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Finding Carter

Finding Carter


Finding Carter

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Carter is grounded; Madison arrives with alarming information about Lori.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Finding Carter

Finding Carter


Finding Carter

IMDb: 6.4
42 min

The school counselor advises Carter to take her studies more seriously; Taylor learns the truth.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Finding Carter

Finding Carter


Finding Carter

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

A person from Carter's past offers new, game-changing insights on Lori; Joan's intervention.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Finding Carter

Finding Carter


Finding Carter

IMDb: 6.5
40 min

The Wilsons celebrate Joan and Buddy's anniversary; struggling, Max must take a job.

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 8.3
62 min

Believing that Nessa was killed by an Israeli-backed terrorist group the American government prepares to accept Palestine as a sovereign state and Julia Walsh accuses Palestinian sympathizer Monica of helping to engineer this, using Nessa as a pawn. Nessa comes to in a house with Kasim and rings Shlomo to announce that she is alive. Acting on the call Hayden-Hoyle persuades Atika, who was aware of, and part of, the plot that she owes it to Nessa to rescue her, which she does, killing the father of Al-Zahid, who ordered her rape and her family's murders. Though mortally wounded Atika helps Nessa and Kasim escape to Israel and back to England, where they visit Rachel and her new-born baby. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 7.7
58 min

After rough sex with the casual bar pick-up Tom Crace turns into a violent sexual assault, Hayden-Hoyle convinces Nessa she needs help and takes her home, revealing that he knows what happened to her in Gaza. He also relays the accusations of bias over the Kidma university admissions after the death of the whistle-blower. Nessa learns that Ephra secured her freedom from the kidnappers by agreeing to the wire-tapping, which leads to a sibling rift. She agrees to businessman Jalal El-Amin taking on the cabling work on condition he release Karim as she believes he was abducted to secure Jalal the contract. Hayden-Hoyle tells Ephra he knows about the terms of Nessa's release and he also learns that Samir Meshal said She will agree before he died, apparently killed by the Americans though Julia Walsh advises him against pursuing that line. At home Atika drops her bombshell on Rachel and Ephra. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

Whilst in captivity Nessa is raped and gives birth though, to preserve the good name of the foundation, Atika claims that the child is hers. In England Ephra gives way to pressure from Shlomo to lay cables in Istael though Monica demands Ephra resign as the CEO of the foundation to secure his sister's release, which follows soon afterwards. Hayden-Hoyle continues to press Ephra about Nessa's abduction but gets no joy. In the present Nessa learns that the late Nathaniel was dealing with Monica behind her back with incriminating facts about Shlomo, regarding the use of the optic cables, which were apparently used in wire tapping, though Shlomo denies this. At the Israeli university of Kidma there are accusations that the Stein Foundation prefers to give grants to former Israeli soldiers rather than Arabs whilst in London Nessa is subject to surveillance. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 8.1
62 min

2006:- Anjelica Hayden-Hoyle berates her husband for his cowardly stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict whilst Ephra and Rachel celebrate their daughter's birth. Nessa travels to the West Bank to unveil the university funded by the family foundation, meeting her translator Atika. However the university principal queries why the money should be forthcoming, suggesting that it was sent to Gaza instead. Nessa cannot understand why and gets no joy from a call to Ephra so she and Atika set off for Gaza, where they are abducted by Al-Zahid for a ransom. Nessa rings Ephra and he asks Julia Walsh for help. She contacts Monica but there is no immediate ransom and Nessa and Atika are sexually assaulted, Atika killing her rapist. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

Nessa gets an enigmatic phone message - Is your secret safe? - prompting her to surmise that the abductors of Kasim are the people who kidnapped her and Atika in Gaza eight years earlier. Hugo latches onto the fact that Nessa went missing at the time when he discovers that Ephra was running the foundation on her behalf and passes on to Ephra his awareness of the fact. Ephra's wife Rachel, not blind to her husband's infidelity with Atika, forces a DNA test to prove that he is Kasim's father but the test proves negative whilst the recovering Nathaniel establishes that there was a conspiracy to force the injured abductor, Michel Getz, to kill himself and, against Nessa's advice but supported by Frances, conducts his own investigation - to his cost. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 7.7
58 min

As Nathaniel lies in a hospital bed the wounded abductor in the next ward takes a phone call which results in his killing himself. Nessa is given a new bodyguard, with whom she has sex, but she deduces that he has been sent by Hayden-Hoyle to spy on her whilst Ephra cheats on pregnant wife Rachel with Atika. Police commander Garrett discovers that the kidnappers are ex-Intelligence Corps. Meanwhile Monica accuses MI6 boss Julia Walsh of exploiting Hayden-Hoyle to get rid of Nessa whilst Nessa herself, against the advice of P.A. Frances, distinguishes herself in the House of Lords with her speech on the Palestinian conflict. Hayden-Hoyle interviews Meshal's lover Rebecca Lantham to ascertain if he really killed himself and finds out that she is an FBI agent - which ultimately seals her fate. Nessa receives a mysterious message to tell her that Kasim is alive . Atika's response is to say They know. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

As a child Nessa Stein and her younger brother Ephra witnessed the murder in public of their father Eli, an Israeli arms dealer. Twenty-nine years later Nessa, her father's heiress, has turned the firm around, specializing in promoting communications between Israel and Palestine and establishing a charitable foundation for which she has been made a peeress in the English House of Lords. Nessa is about to deal with Palestinian businessman Samir Meshal, to the annoyance of family friend Shlomo, a deal which attracts the attention of Hugh Hayden-Hoyle, an MI6 operative on the verge of retirement, and Monica Chatwin, his rival and designated successor. Meshal kills himself, a death Nessa finds suspicious and she is reminded of a successful attempt to kidnap her in the Gaza Strip eight years before. Sadly there is another abduction in the present, when Kasim, the little son of Ephra's nanny Atika, is kidnapped . Nessa gives chase and the abductor draws a gun on her. He is killed by ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The victim: Judge Natalie Rodman, one of Angie's old law professors and someone who was instrumental in her changing her life around and getting into police work. The killer: Lexi Moore, one of Judge Rodman's new law clerks. The case, which starts off as an arson call at Judge Rodman and her writer husband Brent Rodman's house, has Angie as acting Staff Sergeant with Oscar's retirement, Brian trying to avoid Sergeant Saunders who wants to speak to him, and both Angie and Brian being reunited with a now more mature face from their professional past. The arson in question was an exploding barbecue, which the arson detectives discover was a purposefully set bomb of sorts in the form of three hidden butane tanks planted inside the barbecue which would explode when ignited. The Rodmans believe that if it was indeed a murder attempt, Judge Rodman was the target as the known chef between the two of them, and as she probably has many enemies that have come before her in her court. ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The victim: pastry chef Chelsea Richmond. The killer: pilot Brad Calgrove, a first officer for his airline. He is engaged to wealthy art gallery owner Nicole Gaynor who was recently mugged. Chelsea had recently moved from Florida to Vancouver, her cocktail dress clad dead body found frozen in the freezer in her rented house. She was knocked unconscious before being frozen. Her body is found by her absentee landlady, as Chelsea was supposed to be out of the house two weeks ago. Because of the freezing, Betty cannot pinpoint how long she has been dead, it being anywhere from forty-eight hours to six months. As such, the detectives have to work backwards to determine when she died. They will learn that Chelsea was let go two months ago from from her latest job at a casual chain restaurant, where her perfection did not mesh with the style of the restaurant itself. Her move to this job was surprising as she came from a more lucrative high end restaurant job in Florida, and had a similar ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 9.1
43 min

The killer: undercover police officer Doug Slater. The victim: Samantha Turner, Sergeant Cross' current girlfriend and the prosecuting attorney in the upcoming League of Nations trial in which Mark is the star witness as the undercover cop who infiltrated the gang. Slater was also present at the scene ten years ago as a first responder in the Alfonso Dyer shooting, the truth of the shooting which has haunted Mark and Angie all these years. Samantha is found strangled to death in her apartment, with the signature League of Nations burnt tongue signature present. Because of Mark and Samantha's connection, Bloom immediately removes him from the case, despite he being passionate about being involved in finding who killed his girlfriend. However, Angie and Oscar cannot rule him out as a suspect, despite the League signature to the death. The detectives do question the key League of Nations players: incarcerated Virgil Maddox, the gang head who despite his incarceration would still be ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Sonia Brauer, a newly married travel agent recently moved to Vancouver. The victim: Brendan Kendall, executive assistant to Jimmy Ramsay, the head of Cybrex Plastics. Brendan's dead body is found in his hotel room of the hotel where Cybrex is holding their corporate strategizing meeting. Betty surmises that Brendan was poisoned by cyanide, which leads to Angie believing the killer is a woman. Initially, Homicide believes Brendan's murder has something to do with the Cybrex meeting, especially as Ramsay had a communications lock-down in and out of the meeting, including no telephone calls and/or Internet, and it was deemed that Brendan had a hidden cell phone. But when they determine the method that the cyanide was administered, they come to the conclusion that Brendan was not the intended target. They have to find out which of Cybrex's other employees at the meeting was the target, and who might want to kill him/her, especially as the killer will probably find out the ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.6
55 min

After Allison has a skin graft on her left hand after a kitchen accident, it begins to act rather oddly. Her hand will grab onto people or objects, including the television remote control where is will constantly change channels. At the same time she is having dreams about a young woman, a doctor, who is assaulted and put into the trunk of a car. She eventually concludes that the skin graft she has received came from the dead woman but how to prove that her hospital colleague is responsible for the young woman's murder is the puzzle Allison has to solve. Bridgette meanwhile seems to have become a soccer star all of a sudden. She hasn't told her parents about her sudden success - they think she is the team's equipment manager - and for good reason since she is actually receiving ghostly coaching. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3

The anniversary of his daughter's death re-opens old wounds for Devalos, but Allison's dreams and other clues could lead to the girl's true reasons for her actions. Also, Bridgette meets an interesting character while working at the library. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Medium




IMDb: 8.1
41 min

Allison continues to dream about the eye-gouging killer and comes to realize that her new boss, Mr. Lydecker, is out to protect the killer's identity. As she sees more and more in her dreams, she sees that Lydecker himself is in danger and that he is being set up by a third person. Ariel meanwhile continues to see images of her replacement teacher having been butchered. She's keen to take the prescription medicine now approved by her doctor, but is afraid that if she does, the images will stop and she won't be able to help the teacher. It turns out that Ariel's visions are interconnected with her mother's. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Medium




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

While at her new job at the Lydecker Corporation, Allison shares the dreams she's been having of the serial killer in Phoenix with Devalos and Scanlon.

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IMDb: 8.4

Tom Van Dyke gives Devalos some surprising news that affects his candidacy, and Allison tries to unravel the mystery of why a woman she consulted for on a haunting later committed suicide.

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

In a scene right out of The Exorcist, Allison dreams about a priest dealing with an obviously disturbed young woman whose bed levitates before him. At work the next day, she learns that DA Devalos' life long friend, Father Armando Avilar, was killed in a fall down the stairs at a wealthy family's home. It's the same man as in her dreams. As the dreams continue, she begins to doubt that his death was an accident. At work, Joe is hoping to get involved in a secret government project but is having trouble passing the mandatory lie detector test. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Allison dreams about a red-headed woman who is visited by a ghost-like man in the night. She also attends a parole hearing for Sam Elkin who was convicted of murdering his girlfriend 5 years ago. He has always proclaimed his innocence but at this first parole hearing, he admits he is responsible. DA Devalos questions his sincerity but Allison realizes the similarity between Elkin and the man she saw in her dreams. When Allison finally tracks down the redhead, Kathleen Walsh, she learns that she is blind and has been repeatedly complaining to the police that she senses the presence of someone in her apartment. Allison thinks she's right and Kathleen bravely agrees to act as bait to trap the man. Joe meanwhile is under a lot of pressure at work. He's worried about a new hot-shot engineer, Edrick, but Allison's sense of the man is somewhat different. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Allison has a recurring dream where she seems to relive the life of Beverley Waller, a woman who was committed to an insane asylum in 1959. The woman she sees in her dream claims to be Allison Dubois living in 2005. The woman is there not only for being delusional but for having killed her baby girl. As she learns more, it becomes obvious that Beverley has a secret and is protecting someone. Meanwhile, Allison has been working on a case with District Attorney Devalos where a young man who slaughtered his parents claims to have multiple personalities and therefore is not responsible for their death. All Allison can see of the case is a series of numbers which she thinks is a bank account, but isn't sure. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Medium




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

DA Devalos is prosecuting a local hood for the murder a a respected policeman. Allison has been dreaming about the policeman and knows where the murder weapon can be found. The defense attorney, Larry Watt, calls her as a witness however and both she now and Devalos are afraid she may have to reveal her abilities on the stand. Allison decides to take on Watt head on. Meanwhile, Allison is happy to learn from a fellow psychic that Joe's upcoming biopsy results will be negative. She has a vision of Joe caressing an attractive young woman. When Joe starts working late almost every evening with a consultant named Kelly, she imagined the worse. Written by garykmcd

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HD Orange Is the New Black

Orange Is the New Black


Orange Is the New Black

IMDb: 9.4
92 min

The SIS visits the prison due to Vee severely injuring Red and to find out who did it, but due to Vee's request, Janae and black Cindy put the blame on Crazy Eyes, while Red and Sister Ingalls talk together in the ER, as Red plots against Vee. Piper gets a devastating visit from Alex and another visit from Polly and Larry, while Miss Rosa gets devastating news too. Poussey and Taystee are now friends again, Healy continues his safe place club, but when no one joins, he decides to cancel it, affecting Pennsatucky, and due to Sister Ingall's hunger strike, the nuns protest outside the prison affecting Caputos good day. Written by James Hake

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Orange Is the New Black

Orange Is the New Black


Orange Is the New Black

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

A storm brings all the prisoners to leave their normal places and be all together. After one of Red's groupies accidentally doesn't kill Vee but someone else who looks like her, Vee and Red start an all out war. Piper has gotten notification to leave Litchfield and go to a prison in Virginia, which is very upsetting. Poussey has a tantrum and destroys all of Vee's merchandise, which doesn't go so well for Taystee, Diaz and Bennett try to deal with their baby daddy issue, and at the same time Figueroa and Caputo have trouble with each other. Written by James Hake

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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