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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.3
24 min

Roy moves into his new flat and is then mistaken for a window-cleaner; and celebrity status for Moss comes easy when he reaches new heights on the renowned quiz show Countdown, leading to exclusive membership of the 8+ Club. Jen is envious to know just what is going on in the Heads of Department meetings where soft, white dressings gowns are involved. She's feeling very left out and eager to find out. Written by Cinema_Fan

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

To further promotion chances Jen becomes the firm's entertainment manager and is asked to accommodate three of Douglas's business associates, John, John and Phil. She plans to take them to a show but Roy points out that they want sexual entertainment and likens Jen to Fredo, the pimp in 'The Godfather' films. In the event the trio are heartily entertained by Moss's new 'Dungeons and Dragons' game and, at the same time, Douglas receives the Shithead of the Year award from the feminist committee, having been nominated by Jen. He throws it out of the window, narrowly missing Jen, who assumes he is trying to kill her, given the fate of Fredo in the film. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 7.8
23 min (DVD)

Roy tries to hookup with a girl on the seventh floor by shooting a sexy calendar as a fund raiser for her brother's disability. Unfortunatly Jen didn't go for his preferred theme, the girls of the seventh floor, and he had to find a less appealing alternative. Written by David Foss

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.6
23 min (DVD)

The IT crowd joins the social network Friendface which enables Jen to reconnect with an old friend. Of course she has to make up an alternative persona because her real life is pitiful. But then she has to make it real for her school reunion. Written by David Foss

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 9.0
24 min (DVD)

Jen has to give a speech when she is named employee of the month so Moss and Roy give her the Internet in a box to use as a visual aid. Meanwhile, Douglas begins a wild love affair with a reporter who is interviewing him and she used to be not a beautiful woman. Written by David Foss

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.2
22 min (DVD)

Jen interviews with another company to escape Douglas' advances but finds her ignorance showing. Roy has trouble hanging onto his shirt and finds himself topless on the upper floors until security tracks him out and tosses him out on the street penniless. Written by David Foss

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.4
22 min (DVD)

In order to be 'proper men' with street cred Moss and Roy learn football jargon from the website and are befriended by a trio of Cockneys in a pub, with whom they go to a match. Later Roy innocently acts as getaway driver when the trio commit an armed robbery, ringing the police as he is unaware that his new friends are the robbers. When they find out he has to be rescued by Moss, who cannily takes some of the loot for himself. Jen meanwhile is dating Michael but she thinks he looks like a magician. As a result he learns some card tricks but he is rubbish so she dumps him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 7.8
23 min (DVD)

Gary, a builder, has come to do some work for Jen but Roy convinces her that this is the Builder From Hell, notorious for urinating in his customers' sinks so she rigs up a CCTV to catch him. Douglas finds a gun and a note from his father, telling him to kill himself if work gets too much for him but Douglas accidentally shoots himself in the leg, summoning help from Moss, who takes the gun from him and threatens a group of teenagers who are harassing him. The injured Douglas then goes to a meeting with a Japanese investor, conducted by video link, but somehow the video tape gets swapped for the one that Jen took of Gary weeing in her sink. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 7.7
23 min (DVD)

Douglas concocts an elaborate plan involving a blind Irish sorcerer, a love potion and a promotion, to bed Jen. Moss and Roy rejoice in the sudden freedom, set on achieving all activities forbade by Jen, only to realize an important lesson. One will rise to be a surprising hero, one will be replaced by a voice machine and one will be obnoxious and naked. Written by irisca

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 7.9
24 min (DVD)

When Jen's bra causes her discomfort Moss stays up all night to perfect the latest in living bras, the Abracadabra, which moves in line with body contours and is never too tight, Fearing competition from rivals he calls himself Stephen Fennell but gets confused whilst waiting to be interviewed for a television show and accidentally answers to Stephen Fremel, discovering that he is supposed to be an expert on Iraq. Jen wears the bra during a presentation but it responds to body heat and burns her. Ultimately the trio tout for money to market the bra on TV show 'Dragon's Den', where the sample bra spontaneously combusts. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.6
22 min (DVD)

Jen and boyfriend Peter are planning a dinner party for six single friends but the three men are all indisposed so Jen asks her three work colleagues. Roy is pleased to sit next to a model but as her face is bandaged after a car crash he is unable to see what she looks like. Moss gets stuck with drunken Margaret, who argues with him but Richmond and the hearty Jessica appear to get on. However Jen discovers that Peter's name is Peter File and, as this sounds very much like paedophile and is embarrassing, she dumps him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.3
23 min (DVD)

Whilst Jen flees Doug's advances and looks for a place where she is allowed to smoke Moss, feeling that he spends too much time with Roy, answers an advert for what he thinks is a German cookery course though in fact Johann, the German who placed the ad, is a cannibal who wants somebody to eat. Hearing that Johann has a state of the art television Roy pretends to offer himself as a victim, solely so that he can watch his new pirate DVD. Before anybody is eaten though there is a police raid but they are more concerned with the pirate DVD than cannibalism. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

Moss finds a web-site which claims to exactly foretell when a person will die. In Roy's case it would seem to be Thursday afternoon at three. In the meantime Denholm commits suicide when the firm is investigated for fraud. His funeral takes place at three on the Thursday afternoon and during the ceremony Roy's phone goes off. He thinks that his time has come and starts screaming and swearing. Douglas, Denholm's son, arrives for the funeral and takes over the business from his father. He seems a highly sexed man and is delighted when given Roy's phone and it vibrates in his pocket. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 9.4
24 min (DVD)

Jen is thrilled when the handsome Philip asks her out to the theatre though less so when Roy and Moss also invite themselves along. The play in question is 'Gay', a screamingly camp musical which Moss loves but Jen begins to question Philip's sexuality and is not flattered when he confesses he fancies her because she looks like a man. Roy meanwhile fakes an accident in the disabled toilet which results in his being loaded into a mini-van bound back to Manchester with other disabled play-goers and Jen is surprised to see Moss working behind the bar after he used the staff toilet. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.2
26 min

For Jen it is the time of the month when she suffers heavy period pains which she names Aunt Irma. Somehow Moss and Roy get sympathy pains, broadcasting the fact on the Internet and becoming celebrities, even sparking off Aunt Irma riots world-wide. Moss has been seeing the firm's psychiatrist Dr Mendall, who confesses to having feelings for him which lead her to end their sessions. To celebrate the successful completion of the Icarus Project Reynhams throws a party where all the staff get very drunk. Next morning Moss is seen coming out of Jen's bathroom whilst Roy wakes up with Dr Mendall and Denholm with Richmond. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.5
24 min

In an effort to stop office Lothario Bill Crouse pursuing her Jen asks Moss to make up an excuse for her so he tells Bill that Jen has died. Unfortunately Jen is unaware of this and carries on working, being mistaken for a ghost. After Roy has tried to pull the glamorous Julie from the fifth floor but only succeeded in attracting Judy, the chubby cleaner, a memorial service is held for Jen, complete with a musical tribute from Elton John. Still unaware that she is meant to be dead Jen attends, believing it to be the Employee of the Month presentation. However Small Paul has genuinely died so the service is altered to cater for him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.0
24 min

Jen is curious about the red door behind Roy's desk, which she has been forbidden to open - so she opens it and finds Richmond Avenal, a lonely Goth who was once Denholm's right hand man but fell out with him over the band Cradle of Filth and has been banished to solitary confinement. Feeling sorry for him she determines to restore him to his former glory and also helps Roy, who has become trapped under a woman's desk whilst trying to sort out an IT problem. Moss meanwhile finds that having his face on the bottom of his new mug does not prevent it from being stolen like his old mug. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Deciding that women only like bad boys Roy goes on a blind date with a changed image as a womanizer. Security guard Daniel, impressed by Jen's trivia knowledge, asks her to be his Phone a Friend when he goes on TV quiz show 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?' but unfortunately she gets flustered when he asks for a date on live TV and makes a fool of herself. Nonetheless Roy and Jen plan to take their dates to dinner at a smart restaurant but, due to a mix-up over names, go to an inferior joint and the dates walk out on them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.3
25 min

After Jen has bought a stylish but crippling pair of shoes Denholm announces that the IT trio must attend an anti-stress course. A machine that measures stress is brought to the office but Roy and Moss replace it with a dummy and plan to show how calm they are by setting off a fire. Jen, injured by her shoes and frightened by the fire, is on the verge of hysteria but stays calm so as not to get the sack. The fire brigade finally arrives and declare that the anti-stress machine is not working. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

Arriving for a job at Reynholm Industries, Jen Barber bluffs her way through her interview by Denholm Reynham by claiming an extensive knowledge of computers and is hired, acting as supervisor to Roy and Moss in the IT department. They soon see through her lie and are about to expose her but decide against it when Denholm announces that he will sack anybody who does not display teamwork. As exposing Jen's lack of computer skills would be considered a lack of teamwork, Roy claims they were there to inform Denholm of the new voice activation they have installed on his computer, which is untrue. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

When Charlie and Don are specifically asked for by a bomber who's rigged a bridge, it puts them on a trail of espionage in- and outside the states, and a devastating betrayal.

Country: USA
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Charlie splits his genius between solving a plane crash and the burglary at his home.

Country: USA
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HD New Girl

New Girl


New Girl

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Jess struggles not to show favoritism to Ryan now that they are officially a couple, leading to a disastrous class field trip. Meanwhile, Schmidt gets an ulcer and Winston becomes obsessed with wearing a crystal. BONUS: Series Premiere of new drama EMPIRE included for free in this 2 for 1 download.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Bleach




IMDb: 7.4
24 min

The Women's Soul Reaper Association is hosting a New Year's party in the Soul Society, when Hitsugaya and the other male Soul Reapers come crashing in.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 8.1
24 min

Las Noches. Long ago, Apache, at the time still an Adjucha-class Hollow, was hunted by other Hollows when Halibel saved her life. Apache soon joins Halibel's group consisting of Sun-Sun and Mila Rose.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 6.6
24 min

Lieutenant Nanao Ise is paired up with Katenkyokotsu Wakizashi, the shorter of Captain Kyoraku's two swords, to hunt for Sword Beasts. But Nanao finds Wakizashi's malicious and distrustful nature to be quite difficult to work with.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 6.5
24 min

The assailants who attacked the Kuchiki mansion are identified as Sword Beasts, manifested Zanpakuto of Soul Reapers who lost their lives during the battle with Muramasa. Due to the potential danger, an order is issued throughout the Soul Society to hunt down all remaining Sword Beasts, including ones who have escaped into the World of the Living. Toshiro, Hyorinmaru, Rangiku, and Haineko go after a Sword Beast who is in the World of the Living searching for its master. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 6.9
24 min

With the defeat of Muramasa, peace has returned to the Soul Society. Renji, Rukia, and the other Soul Reapers are having a good time at the Kuchiki mansion's party, when the place is suddenly attacked by two unknown beings. Having left her Zanpakuto behind, Rukia falls into danger when, to her surprise, the manifested Sodenoshirayuki comes to her rescue. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 7.6
24 min

Ichigo battles Muramasa in order to save Head Captain Yamamoto from captivity. Meanwhile, Yoruichi, Shunsui, and Jushiro notice that the Zanpakuto are trying to prevent them from reaching Ichigo, and quickly realize that he was the key to Muramasa's plan all along. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 7.4
24 min

Yoruichi has located Muramasa's hideout where Head Captain Yamamoto is being held. A team comprised of Ichigo, Shunsui, Jushiro, Kenpachi, and Yoruichi sets out to rescue the Head Captain, but the group soon encounters the Zanpakuto who were anticipating their arrival. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 7.8
24 min

Ikkaku and Yumichika are sent after a Hollow that ran away to the World of the Living. They have no prearranged lodging, so they decide to stay at the Asano family house.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 8.7
24 min

The Soul Reapers are defeated one after another at the hands of Ayon. Seeing this, Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto decides to get involved. He hits Ayon with one of his attacks, but Ayon doesn't even seem to be hurt by it.

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