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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

The Doctor's singing talent is so appreciated by the Qomar that he is considering resigning his Starfleet commission and staying on with his millions of adoring fans.

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

Voyager is trapped in orbit above a strange planet where time passes thousands of times faster than in the surrounding galaxy. As the population of the planet evolves Voyager becomes an integral part of their culture. Eventually they develop technology that allows them to send someone to the Sky Ship. Written by Jonathan Stevenson

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.2
43 min

The crew of Voyager take part in Tom Paris' latest holodeck getaway: Fair Haven, an Irish coastal town of the early 20th century. The program is left open day and night as a morale booster while Voyager rides out a nucleogenic wavefront. Janeway gets close with Micheal Sullivan, a pub owner in Fair Haven. She adjusts his appearance, education, interests and personal life (delete the wife) to make him her perfect guy. After several special days together, Janeway realizes even though her love is real, he is not, and real loves you accept as they are. When Voyager hits a rough patch exiting the wavefront, the program is damaged and Paris and Kim can save 10% but must rebuild the rest over many weeks. Janeway decides to back off of her relationship, and makes the computer prohibit her from making any changes to Sullivan in the future. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Everyone's favorite holo-addict Lieutenant Barclay (guest star Dwight Schultz, Star Trek: The Next Generation) has found a new obsession: Starship Voyager and her crew. When Enterprise visits Earth, Barclay reunites with his former counselor Deanna Troi, recollecting for her the events leading up to his dismissal from Pathfinder and ban from the research, involving his own holodeck version of Voyager where he is the most popular crewman. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Seven of Nine upgrades her Borg alcove to assimilate mass amounts of data in short periods of time. The data leads Seven to theorize several conspiracies aboard Voyager involving their presence in the Delta Quadrant as an intentional act. Voyager meets Tash, an alien far from home building a catapult capable of launching ships hundreds of light-years in an instant. As Seven assimilates inconclusive data, her paranoia and imagination fills in the gaps and plants the seed of doubt among the crew. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Voyager encounters a graviton ellipse, a phenomenon that emerges from subspace on rare occasions. The anomaly engulfed a manned vessel during a Mars mission in 2032 and Chakotay is determined to retrieve the debris from inside the ellipse. Chakotay, Paris and Seven take the Delta Flyer in, but when an asteroid strikes, Chakotay, obsessed with retrieving the module, disobeys Janeway's order to leave. The collision renders the Flyer flightless as the ellipse prepares to return to subspace. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Voyager is pulled into a sub-space corridor, traveling 200 light-years until pushed out by the Turei who claim ownership of the labyrinth. After refusing to let the Turei wipe Voyager's computer of data regarding the corridors, the ship lands on a nearby planet. 900 years ago the population sought shelter from nuclear winter in stasis pods, intent on waking 5 years later. As Voyager helps the Vaadwaur rebuild, Neelix and Seven of Nine uncover historical data that the Vaadwaur were once ruthless conquerers in the Delta Quadrant. Uncovering the Vaadwaur plot to steal Voyager and her technology, Janeway must try to wiggle free from the Turei above and the Vaadwaur below. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

Returning from an away mission, the Delta Flyer is boarded. Tuvok is assaulted by a cloaked alien from a xenophobic race called the Ba'Neth. Neurological damage leaves the once-disciplined, logical Vulcan with the mentality of a lost and scared child. With Neelix's help, Tuvok discovers new hobbies and embraces the concept of 'fun.' Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.5
43 min

The crew discovers a space age junkyard near their course. Desperate for supplies Voyager finds an eager trader. After an exhaustive search of the ship and the junkyard a list of items developed for trade. Avid pilot Tom Paris notices a race car among the assemblage. Paris convinces Chakotay to acquire it to have an extra away ship. Paris begins cleaning and repairing and slowly becomes obsessed with this very unique space vessel. Written by tafkas

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The Doctor's experiment with daydreaming gets out of control when his program is compromised by an alien race. The aliens bully passing ships for supplies, but, before doing so, they first consult their command; The Hierarchy. One of the aliens mistakes the daydreams for reality, and gets permission to attack. Upon realizing his mistake, he offers to help Voyager, but only if they act out one of The Doctor's fantasies where he is in command of Voyager. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.4
43 min

When her shuttle crosses paths with an ion storm, B'Elanna Torres is severely injured and slips into a coma. She envisions Klingons killing her crew mates and her, and then finds herself on the Barge of the Dead traveling to Gre'thor, the Klingon version of hell. Just before the dream ends her Mother appears on board with the rest of the damned souls. When she regains consciousness in sickbay she experiences a crisis of faith. Despite the support of the friends B'Elanna is convinced that her Mother is dead and suffering dishonor because her daughter never embraced her Klingon heritage. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Stardate 53049.2 Voyager docks at a space outpost filled with a variety of Delta Quadrant aliens. Eager for some culture exchange and friendly first contact, Captain Janeway grants shore leave to her crew and rolls out the welcome mat for visitors. Tuvok worries about security, Kim and Paris get drunk and start a fight, Naomi Wildman makes a lunch date with Seven. Despite a crowded ship, a few thefts, security breaches, and the gift of a plant (that bites!) all seems to be going well. Seven of Nine is approached by an alien who holds relics from her Borg days, actual Borg relays from her original unimatrix. Upon seeing the relays she is overwhelmed with images and strong memories of when she was last in contact with the items. She eagerly accepts them and promises compensation, not recognizing the man as Two of Nine (guest star Vaughn Armstrong,) a former member of her original unimatrix. Enter flashbacks: Eight years ago, Seven of Nine and her unimatrix crashed their sphere on a ... Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Temporarily shielded from the alien attack, Janeway orders that their first priority is to find the Equinox, stop Ransom and recover Seven of Nine. Chakotay disagrees but obeys. Voyager finds Equinox and captures a few of its crew members before they escape again. Chakotay stops Janeway within seconds of sacrificing the Equinox crewman and Janeway relieves him of duty. Meanwhile, the Equinox EMH, posing as Voyager's doctor, keeps in contact with Ransom. The Doctor, on-board the Equinox with his ethical subroutines disabled, performs surgery on Seven that will extract information but destroy her brain. Ransom has a change of heart and decides to surrender to Janeway. In disagreement, his crew stages a mutiny. Janeway finds the Ankari, a race that can mediate with the attacking aliens, makes contact with them and agrees to turn over the Equinox in exchange for Voyager's safety. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Voyager encounters the Federation Starship Equinox, a Starfleet vessel trapped in the Delta Quadrant by the same alien who brought Voyager there. Equinox is heavily damaged and running with a skeleton crew. Happy to have found each other, Voyager assists Equinox in fighting off an non-humanoid alien race attacking them. But Equinox has earned the aliens hostility. Captain Ransom and his crew have been kidnapping and killing the aliens and using their unique physiology to enhance their warp drive. When Janeway imprisons the Equinox crew they stage a revolt. The Equinox EMH commandeers The Doctor's portable emitter and poses as The Doctor aboard Voyager. The cliffhanger leaves Equinox in retreat, with The Doctor and Seven of Nine hostage, and Voyager under attack by the alien race. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

Voyager answers a distress call from an alien device with bio-neural circuitry and sentience. Voyager beams the 'survivor' aboard, and further scans show it is a highly-sophisticated warhead capable of mass destruction. The Doctor, who speaks its technical language, fights for its rights when the rest of the crew seeks to distance the ship before the warhead fulfills its purpose. His efforts are unappreciated when, facing shut down, the warhead's intelligence commandeers The Doctor's program and several ships systems. It's ultimatum is clear: Voyager will deliver the warhead to its target or be destroyed. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

When Voyager is destroyed, Captain Braxton of the 29th Century Timeship Relativity contacts Seven of Nine to travel back in time and discover who planted the 'temporal disruptor.' However, she must do this without being discovered by the past Janeway. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.6

The crew of Voyager swap stories of family histories. Janeway is most proud of her ancestor Shannon O'Donnell, who has been celebrated by the Janeway clan for generations as an astronaut and pivotal member of The Millenium Gate and several Mars projects that followed. When research and history-buff Tom Paris prove the stories wrong, that O'Donnell wasn't the hero Janeway made her out to be, the crew points out that her inspiration made Janeway join Starfleet and that is an accomplishment in itself. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.1

Voyager makes first contact with the Kadi, a ritualistic race with many social protocol. Seven takes the advice of the Captain and The Doctor gives her classes in dating. Neelix plays babysit-the-drunk when Tomin (guest star Scott Thompson,) the Kadi Ambassador turns from preacher to party animal. The Doctor finds himself falling for his student. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

Voyager responds to a distress call of a heavily-damaged Malon freighter. Torres, Neelix, Chakotay, and the only 2 surviving Malon have 6 hours to stop a theta-radiation fallout which will destroy everything within a 3 light-year radius. The away-team must clear radiation section-by-section to reach the control room, and along the way they deal with unstable airlocks and the Vihaar, a Malon boogeyman who is more malicious than mythical. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 5.2
45 min

Voyager gets trapped in chaotic space, a kind of Bermuda Triangle, where sensors are useless and a straight line sends them running in circles. In an attempt to relay to Voyager that they are not welcome, the inhabitants of chaotic space activate a genetic defect in Commander Chakotay, who interprets the warnings and instructions in the form of hallucinations including his Grandfather and his boxing training at Starfleet Academy. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres tie the knot. The enhanced warp drive is up and running and promises to deliver Voyager home in 2+ years. The honeymoon is put on hold when the new core radiation starts breaking down the molecular cohesion of the ship and it's crew. When B'Elanna dies, Tuvok and Chakotay realize everyone and everything are not the originals; they are the silver-blood copies left behind on the Demon Class planet ten months ago. As the crew continues to die, Chakotay tries to convince Janeway to return to the Demon planet, reminding her that Earth is not their home. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

The Varro, a xenophobic, space-dwelling species reluctantly accepts Voyager's assistance with extensive repairs to their ship and Janeway hopes to learn more about surviving long voyages from them. But an unexpected problem arises when Harry becomes intimately involved with Tahl, an engineering assistant he is working with to aid repairs. When he begins glowing - literally - Tahl reveals when her species mate they become biochemically linked for life. Meanwhile, Tuvok finds a stowaway on board; the man claims a resistance is growing on the Varro ship. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.4
90 min

Janeway is confused but won't give up on her crew mate and friend. Two years after being liberated from the collective, Seven of Nine rejoins the Borg, seemingly of her own will. When Janeway finds a history of transmissions from the Borg to Seven, she is convinced that Seven was lured back against her wishes. Meanwhile, aboard the Borg sphere, the Borg Queen attempts to seduce Seven into helping her assimilate Earth. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.4

Members of the Voyager crew train on the holodeck for a raid on a Borg ship. Should they be successful, they will steal the Borg trans-warp coil in hopes of integrating the technology into Voyager's systems. The Borg seem to be one step ahead when the Borg Queen communicates with Seven of Nine. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.6

A stable wormhole leading to Earth suddenly appears in Voyager's path. Everything seems perfect including sensor readings, transmissions from Starfleet, even letters from home promising warm welcomes and promotions. But Seven of Nine insists it's too good to be true and that the Captain should be cautious. When she seeks The Doctor's opinion he is deactivated. When she provides proof she is ordered to be put into stasis. She resists, unsuccessfully, and Voyager falls into a clever alien deception. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

A Voyager shuttle manned by Lt. Cmdr. Tuvok, Ensign Paris and The Doctor is pulled into a subspace gravity well and crashes on a Class D planet existing within it. With the shuttle too damaged to fly, the away team befriends Noss (guest star Lori Petty,) an alien woman who crashed on the planet several seasons before them. As weeks pass, the survivors grow close. Noss learns English and teaches Tuvok and Paris how to survive the other aliens and hunt for food. Noss finds herself in love with Tuvok, and frustrated that he will not allow his emotions to love her back. Through a series of flashbacks, we see a young, rebellious Tuvok who was in love and fought against traditional Vulcan teachings. Back on Voyager, only hours have passed since the ship lost contact with the shuttle. Janeway and the crew must find a way to rescue their shipmates before a local alien ship closes the phenomenon permanently. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

While Tom Paris and Harry Kim are running an episode of their Captain Proton holodeck programs, Voyager gets caught in a layer of sub space. However this layer or 'sub space sand bar' as it is nicknamed is home to a race of photonic aliens. There is one big problem: they are not able to detect Voyager or any carbon based life forms (humans). Instead they transport down on to the holodeck and start a war with Dr Chaotica's army of Evil! When Voyager detects internal weapons fire on the holodeck, Tom Paris and Tuvok are dispatched to find out what the problem is. When they arrive on the holodeck Paris immediately notices something is wrong in that one of the 'good guys' his secretary Constance Goodheart is dead. This is strange - as he puts it 'the good guys never die'. Furthermore, they find Chaotica's robot, badly damaged, and after some minor repairs and Tuvok commenting, Mr. Paris, your knowledge of this technology is impressive, the robot informs them that there are intruders ... Written by Leila Reid

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

The Doctor (Robert Picardo) uncovers evidence his memory was erased 18 months ago. Nearly all traces of a crewman and a fateful away mission have been deleted by Captain Janeway. Confronted by The Doctor's need for answers and Seven of Nine's perspective on the rights of a hologram, Janeway restores the fatal truth about Ensign Jetal, The Doctor's choice that led to her death, and his resulting breakdown. A powerful episode with an outstanding performance by Picardo. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.8
47 min

Voyager passes through a sector of space controlled by a race which is deeply suspicious of telepathic lifeforms. The presence of Tuvok and some telepathic refugees force the Voyager crew to develop a novel concealment approach in order to pass through safely. Written by tafkas

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.2

In a letter to his father, Tom Paris tells the story of the events leading up to his demotion to Ensign and sentence to thirty days in Voyager's brig.

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

An injured cytoplasmic life-form attaches itself to Torres, tapping into her body like a parasite. Unsure of how to save his patient, The Doctor creates a holographic recreation of a non-humanoid exobiology specialist to consult the case. The consult is going well until Torres refuses treatment when it is made known the Cardassian specialist was responsible for tortuous experiments resulting in the deaths of thousands of Bajorans. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Voyager comes in contact with Borg technology which causes Seven of Nine to display multiple personalities.

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