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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Tom Paris leaves Voyager and joins a Talaxian space convoy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.4
46 min

The Doctor saves a Vidiian dying from the Phage by placing her consciousness in a holographic body and then thinks that he is falling in love with her.

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

While Voyager investigates what appears to be a rogue comet, the crew accidentally releases a member of the Q Continuum who has been imprisoned within it for over 300 years to prevent him from committing suicide. He then requests asylum on the ship, which leaves Captain Janeway to decide whether he should go back into confinement or whether to grant his request for asylum, which would give him the opportunity to end his life. Written by cpc65

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.6
46 min

Voyager comes across a ship that has been destroyed, upon investigation they discover that B'Elanna Torres is responsible! Dreadnought is a self guided missile created by the Cardassians to destroy the Maquis, however the bomb failed to go off allowing B'Elanna to get inside the missile and re-program it to do the Maquis' bidding. Written by Anonymous

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Tuvok investigates the murder of a Voyager engineer. Former Maquis and Betazoid Lon Suder confesses to the murder and offers no explanation or signs of remorse. Tuvok, curious to find a reason for Suder's madness, performs a mind-meld on the killer, only to find himself losing his usual Vulcan control and regressing into madness. Written by Meribor

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 5.2
46 min

After finding a type of dilithium which can survive at a higher temperatures, Tom Paris comes up with the ingenious idea of attempting to cross the transwarp threshold in an attempt to find a way to get home faster. After a bumpy start and the help of Torres and Kim, they succeed in a holodeck simulation. When it is presented to Captain Janeway, she is impressed and gives them the go ahead to try it, but traveling faster than warp 10 has never before been attempted. The first run goes very well. Tom Paris manages to cross the warp threshold which means that the shuttle craft in which he is traveling exists simultaneously everywhere. But Tom then disappears and Harry is unable to find him anywhere within five parsecs. Tom somehow manages to return to Voyager through subspace, but there are unforeseen side-effects of his transwarp travel and Tom begins to mutate. The doctor tries to treat him with a type of radiation that will prohibit cell mutation, however this fails and Tom dies. To ... Written by Leila Reid (edited by Jeff L.)

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Finding themselves the underdog of the Delta Quadrant, Voyager attempts to form an alliance with select Kazon sects. Janeway also inducts the Trabe, a race once made up of tyrants who oppressed the Kazon but now are scattered and vulnerable. When the groups gather for talks, Janeway suspects the Trabe may not be as frail as they claim. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Voyager finds an automated life-form adrift in space. When B'Elanna Torres reactivates it, the unit realizes she may be able to help build more of its kind. The robot kidnaps Torres and gives her an ultimatum: build a working prototype or Voyager will be destroyed. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

Voyager is desperately low on tellerium, a component vital to anti-matter stability. When arranging a trade on a Mokra-controlled planet, Tuvok and Torres are arrested for conspiring with the Alsarian resistance. Janeway is injured and rescued by Caylem, a resistance fighter. Lonely and senile, the man nurses Janeway, believing her to be his long lost daughter. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Seska and the Kazon-Nistrim execute an attack on Voyager, stealing Federation transporter technology. Feeling personally responsible for Seska's betrayal, Chakotay ignores protocol and Janeway's wishes and takes a shuttle and goes after the stolen technology. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Ten months after The Caretaker stranded Voyager in the Delta Quadrant, the ship encounters the alien's mate and a station full of Ocampa with heightened psychic powers. Kes, swept up by the possibility of expanding her own abilities, learns just how turbulent and potent they can be. The female Caretaker seeks revenge on Voyager, blaming Janeway for the death of her mate. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.2
46 min

While on an away mission, Chakotay finds symbols and structures similar to ones he saw when he was 15 on an expedition with his father on Earth, 70,000 light-years away. When the weather, plants and animals of the planet seem to be opposed to the presence of Voyager and it's crew, Chakotay seeks a way to gain the trust of the inhabitants by embracing the teaching of his father and his tribe. Meanwhile, The Doctor programs himself with flu symptoms in order to empathize with his patients. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.9
60 min

Voyager seeks to pass through the space of a psychic, territorial alien. Captain Janeway suffers delusions in the form of characters from her favorite holonovel appearing outside of the holodeck. The Doctor and Kes must find a way to stop the psychic attacks before the whole crew is disabled, lost in their own visions. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.3
46 min

Neelix gets jealous of all the time Tom Paris is spending with Kes, and the two males end up getting in a fist fight over it. However, the two are forced to learn to deal with each other when their shuttle craft crashes on an alien planet, and they take a newly hatched, reptilian alien baby under their wing. Written by Anonymous

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.0
46 min

Voyager encounters a spatial distortion ring that soon surrounds the ship. As it presses closer, it wreaks havoc on systems throughout the ship and reconfigures the layout of the decks and room placement. The crew struggles to find their way around the ship to implement various solutions to save Voyager. Written by C-A

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

Ensign Kim wakes up to find himself in San Fransisco. Not only is he him, but it also appears as if he has never served on board Voyager. Instead he is engaged to his girlfriend Libby and about to unveil a new design for a Starfleet runabout. Since he doesn't remember anything about the design, he complains of feeling ill and takes his leave the meeting. After accessing the Starfleet database about Voyager, Kim goes to Marseilles to ask Tom Paris, who also apparently did not join the Voyager crew, for his help. Paris refuses, and when Kim returns home, he is questioned by Starfleet for his unauthorized look at Starfleet's records of Voyager. Kim finds out from Cosimo, an alien supposed to look after him, that his shuttle craft intersected a time stream that caused him to switch into a reality of his life had he never joined the Voyager crew. Warning that there was no certain way to get home, Cosimo tells Kim on the coordinates at which he could intersect the time stream again and ... Written by Anonymous

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 5.9
46 min

Voyager encounters new life forms that have a very unusual attraction to the ship. Meanwhile Kes's reproductive cycle, called the elogium, is mysteriously triggered. She is not prepared for it, as she is too young. But the elogium occurs only once in the Ocampans' short lifespans, and if she wants to have a child, it must be now. Written by mmfsa2002

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

The program for the Emergency Medical Hologram is activated due to what the computer describes as a ship-wide emergency. When the Doctor asks the computer to scan for the crew, he learns that they were all forced to abandon ship. Later, he encounters Torres, who says that she and the Captain stayed behind to stop a warp core breach caused by a Kazon attack; the remaining crew escaped in lifepods. Informed that the injured captain needs his assistance, the Doctor is sent to the Bridge, courtesy of new holo-emitters installed throughout the ship. After reviving Janeway, the Doctor is summoned to the mess hall to assist Neelix, who is engaged in battle with a Kazon soldier. After the scuffle, the holographic doctor is astonished to learn that he himself is bleeding. When queried, the computer insists that the Doctor is actually Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, the human who created Voyager's EMH. Stranger still, when the Captain tells the computer to shut down all of the ship's holographic systems, ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.5
46 min

Chakotay goes off in a shuttle to honor his dead father. However, he is attacked for being in Kazon-Ogla space by a young Kazon wanting to earn his warrior name. Chakotay defeats the Kazon vessel and saves the young boy Kar by transporting him aboard his shuttle craft before Kar's vessel explodes. When Chakotay tries to return his prisoner to a Kazon vessel, Kar begs to be killed just before they're taken captive. After Kar reveals that he will now never earn his warrior name, Chakotay escapes from the Kazon vessel, and Kar goes with him. While running away, Chakotay's shuttle crashes on a moon full of booby traps used to train young Kazons. Federation and Kazon must work together, both as Chakotay and Kar seek to survive and as their respective crews seek to find them. Written by Anonymous

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

Voyager answers an ancient SOS distress and finds 8 humans - including Amelia Earhart - in cryo-stasis on a nearby planet. There are thousands more Humans living in cities nearby, descendants of Humans abducted from Earth in 1937 by a race seeking to use them as slaves. Both sides are happy to find some answers and new friends. When Voyager's crew is invited to stay and live on the new Earth, Janeway is worried so many will accept she may find herself the only one who truly wants to get home. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

While Voyager's mixed Starfleet/Maquis crew seem to be working out, a few rogue Maquis are fighting the integration. Chakotay selects the most resistant of the group and Tuvok decides to put the rebels through boot-camp, Tuvok style. Meanwhile, Voyager's bio-neural circuitry is afflicted by a viral infection stemming from Neelix's cooking. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Tha Haakonian Ma'Bor Jetrel hails the Voyager, wishing to speak to Neelix. Neelix refuses to speak to Jetrel, revealing that the Haakonians were the enemy of the Talaxians and Jetrel created the Metreon Cascade, which killed thousands of Talaxians on Rinax, Talax's moon, including Neelix's family. Through the persuasion of Kes and Janeway, Neelix finally agrees to listen to Jetrel, who wants to scan Talaxians who helped rescue any survivors of Rinax in case they developed a blood disease from exposure to high levels of Metreon isotopes. While he still doesn't like it, Neelix eventually agrees to allow Jetrel to run some tests and discovers that he does indeed have the blood disease. When Voyager returns to Rinax so that Jetrel can try to find a cure, Neelix reveals to Kes that he wasn't fighting in the Defense Force when the Metreon Cascade went off like he said. He was hiding from them since he believed the war was unjust, leading him to believe later that he was just being a coward.... Written by Anonymous

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Lieutenants Paris, Torres, and Durst are imprisoned by the Vidiians. In an attempt to develop a cure for the phage, a Vidiian doctor splits the bi-racial Torres into two people (one Klingon and one Human) because he believes Klingons are immune to the Phage. The two Torreses escape the prison compound, but the Klingon Torres is fatally injured protecting the Human Torres while the Human Torres cracks the Vidiiam computer to escape. Before her death, the Klingon Torres tells her Human half that showing courage makes her death honorable. The Doctor tells the Human Torres, who has contracted the Phage, that she will not survive unless he re-integrates her Klingon DNA. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

Energy beings from a nebula displace Chakotay's consciousness from his body. The Doctor pronounces him brain-dead and B'Elanna turns to Chakotay's cultural beliefs to try to bring him back. Meanwhile, Chakotay's spirit roams the ship and infiltrates crew members in an attempt to warn his shipmates of the dangers of the nebula, but they mistake his efforts as a malicious alien manipulation. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.7
60 min

After Harry Kim disappears during his 'Beowulf' holonovel program, Chakotay and Tuvok are sent to investigate and they disappear. Not wanting to lose any more crew-members, the Doctor is transfered to the holodek to investigate.

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.6
46 min

Voyager answers a distress call from a Kazon-Nistrim ship, to find all but one of the crew dead in an explosion. Investigation uncovers the Kazon were experimenting with Federation technology acquired from a traitor on Voyager. The Doctor proves Ensign Seska is not really a Bajoran. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

Voyager makes friends with the Sikaris, a hospitable race who values stories and literature from other races. When Janeway realizes the Sikaris have the ability to 'fold' space, instantly transporting people 40,000 light years, she is desperate for the technology, but the Sikaris law forbids it. Several Maquis on Voyager refuse to give up on this chance to get over halfway home and try to make a covert trade. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

A Voyager sensor scan reveals what seems to be a previously undiscovered chemical element in a group of asteroids. Some of the asteroids support a class M environment so, an away team is dispatched to investigate. The away team discovers the asteroid to be a burial ground for an unknown culture. Chakotay, a Native American, advocates a respectful, unintrusive perusal of the bodies and their bizarre web-like enclosures. The unknown new chemical apparently is a bi-product of the bodies' decomposition process. The away team detects a peculiar phenomenon developing and activate their tricorders to investigate. Chakotay calls for a transport off of the asteroid. Before all of the crew can be evacuated Ensign Kim is redirected to another planet and an alien is beamed aboard Voyager instead. A peculiar First Contact offers a chance for Kim to learn about another race, while the Voyager crew is faced with an even more challenging First Contact of their own. Written by tafkas

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.6
46 min

The Baneans wrongfully convict Tom Paris of murder. Technology plus the Banean physiology can access someone's last experiences before death and the evidence shows Tom killing a jealous husband. His sentence is to re-live his crimes through his victim's eyes every 14 hours for life. Written by Meribor

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

The Voyager crew detects a wormhole in the Delta Quadrant, and immediately changes course with hopes it will provide passage home. Upon reaching the opening, the find it to be too small for the ship, but large enough to establish contact with a ship in the Alpha Quadrant. Written by JDH

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 6.4
45 min

With power reserves running low, the crew of Voyager alters course to enter a nebula in which there is a usable power source or coffee as Captain Janeway puts it. However, once they enter the nebula they encounter numerous problems including being attacked by an unknown substance which cripples every defense system on the ship. The crew discovers the nebula was not a real nebula, but was in fact, a life form, and Voyager returns to help the creature recover from the damage they caused whilst trying to escape from it. This episode is the first time viewers are introduced to 'Sandrine's', a holodeck program created by Tom Paris. Written by Anonymous

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HD Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager


Star Trek: Voyager

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

With dilithium reserves running low, Janeway follows Neelix's advice and proceeds to the nearest known supply. When they arrive in orbit, scans reveal a massive supply; however when the away team transports down to the planet there is none there. Completely confused, Commander Chackotay orders the away team back to Voyager but before they return to Voyager, Neelix is attacked by an alien who removes his lungs. The EMH then comes up with a solution - holographic lungs, but this means that Neelix has to stay in a restraint whilst he has the lungs and he is unable to move no more then 0.2 nanometers in any direction. Captain Janeway along with Commander Tuvok and a security attachment return to the planet to find the alien who did this and they make a very gruesome discovery; a laboratory full of alien organs and then realize that there was a life in that very room less then 10 minutes ago. Scans detect the life form and when they catch up with him, Tuvok knocks the alien's weapon out of... Written by Anonymous

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