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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

Businessman Victor Emparo reports a car crash which kills driver Karen Emparo, not teenage passenger kid Greg and Lily. Yet nothing is what it seemed, e.g. the other car was technically stolen by Victor's sister Marta from her ex, to whom he was returning it. Karen's blood show an excessive alcohol level, she certainly cheated on husband Andrew. The car however shows evidence of marijuana dealing and apparent sabotage. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
44 min | 50 min | 60 min

Miami would-be-model Ashley Tanner was murdered, as turns out carved up alive. She was tricked by fake agent Jimmy Burris, a ruthless pimp. The MO corresponds with a murder in Las Vegas, except another limb was severed. So CSI Dr. Ray Langston flies over to collaborate on the investigation. The instrument, a professional meat cleaver, is traced to butchery chain owner Nathan Cole, who is linked to Burris trough the vicious Zeta Boys gang. But it's more complicated, in fact not even limited to two murder scenes. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Rich Timothy Hewitt's heiress Kim is left at the altar as the groom is missing after a wild stag night. The best man and his buddy are found handcuffed in a public fountain soiled with blood. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Eric is back on the job. When Lucy dies of sudden poisoning, the first suspect is her fiancé Ethan Durant. While the team traces her fatal e. coli infection to the greens supplier, Sheldon Parks's firm, Ethan enters a toxic coma himself, but his germ terms out to be botulism. Jesse's field team has to use alternative methods to work out the infection, absent from the fields, stems from irrigation water. Horatio tackles Jerry Mackey's pseudo-bio company, which controls Parks. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Just when Horatio's former firearms forensics assistant Jesse Cardoza returns to transfer from LAPD back to Miami Dade, he and civilian CSI staff are taken hostage by a man, who visited the building all week under the alias Tom Wells, a desperate divorcee and failed businessman. He's later identified as Mathew Sloan, after wounding a hostage, demanding $100,000 from a specific cash shop and switching places with Jesse to escape, leaving the cash behind. Horatio suspects and proves his motive wasn't money, but forcing investigation of a crime. The team finds and solves more then one, on top of Sloan's. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Delko is comatose in hospital, badly shot in the Everglades. Horatio remembered how they met in 1997, working with his trusted assistant Jesse Cardoza's last day in his police unit on the murder of Steve Bowers's wife. Eric was a tow-truck driver, but showed keen interest and a sharp mind. So did newbie Calleigh. Still uniformed Tripp also earned trust. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

CSI connects a hand grenade explosion in a restaurant that killed two people to a credit card scam, while Horatio tries to help a waitress at the restaurant regain custody of her child.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

One of the finalists in a Bachelor-style reality show is killed, and the team must find the killer among the other contestants, the host, and perhaps even the Bachelor himself.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Rich Steven Corbett's laboring neighbor, Tyler Marr, discovers in the wood shredder that the gardener left running, a man's bloody remains. Bone marrow donor DNA identifies the victim as plastic surgeon Dr. Ethan Reeger, perfectionist partner of pragmatic Dr. Sean Loftin. Ethan's patients include Corbett's wife Elisabeth, who is obsessed with endless facial surgery. And Bonnie Galinetti, mother of teenager Lucas, who was there. So was IA sergeant Rick Stetler's protected witness Ron Saris, so Horatio warns their ex, Julia Winston, Kyle's ma. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Currency exchange broker Ian Warner is shot in his home office. His safe was robbed, probably $2,000,000 in cash. The thief diluted the strongbox's marker die in the pool and base-jumped to a nearby roof. There a shred of Jim Colton's parachute is found. The Russian mob torturer demands Ryan 'fixes it' and kidnaps Sarnoff victim Mark Gantry's little boy Billy as 'incentive'. Ryan plant security guard Ben Porterson's fingerprint in the safe, not enough for an arrest. Mark panics and informs Horatio, who takes charge. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

An ambulant cook, beaten and robbed of cash at home, is suspected of robbing her rich clients. Investigating this, Horatio and Ryan discover the recent villa burglaries wave is more likely to involve fake paparazzo Cameron West and/or private trainer Tony Ramirez. Horatio visits vindictive Russian mob lord Ivan Sarnoff in jail, just after major cahoot Sergei Patrenko, after finding a link to him and indications that his whole CSI team is being targeted. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Flight attendant Suzanne Grady's bloody corpse rolls off the luggage conveyor belt at Miami airport, in a leaking suitcase. Kyle is doing great again in her autopsy. She had a steamy affair with the adulterous pilot and raised great envy with low-paid coworkers. She signaled a passenger for smoking in the lavatory, who turns out to be a soft stalker. The air marshal denies having seen the corpse being removed passed his seat. Several people aboard were mixed in drug smuggle. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Chloroform-drugged and hanged Roger Lansing's corpse suddenly falls from the gazebo during the divorce party thrown by his teenage son Heath's mother Brianna and her gay best friend Glenn Wagner, who expected only an effigy. The team finds Roger secretly lead a double life as his own business partner under an alias, Faber, with another wife, Katherine Faber, and a teenage daughter, Amy. But who knew enough to kill the bigamist and why exactly? Because Horatio's irresponsible ex Julia Winston nearly got their son Kyle killed driving her, Horatio has Kyle recruited as autopsy intern, with his own apartment. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Miami star defense lawyer Derek Powell's yacht is attacked during a party, his partner Nadine Alcott is fatally shot. The stolen jewels are all found in the thief's speedboat, which is found with city contractor Ken Taber. Only Powell's notebook remains missing. It contains no major court case data, but a copy of Eric Delco's Cuban birth certificate. Horatio manages to plant a hit-woman and finds out that Russian mobster Gregor Kasparov has a contract on Eric's head. The team must solve opportunity and motives, including that of Eric's DNA-proved relative Alexander Sharova. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
55 min

A man, wanders through Miami covered in blood but claiming total amnesia, except that he had killed someone. The blood is from insider trading-accused Mitch Crawford, his wife and their daughter, who were seen leaving by car early that day by courier Walter Leeson, who 'borrowed' their luxury pool. The amnesiac's only memories allow Eric to guess the triple knife murder site. His bloody wallet identifies Doug Benson, whose hammer on site wasn't the murder weapon. Using victim shots as a memory stimulus links with Doug's youth trauma. Horatio finds and links two other suspects. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

While investigating a homicide at a seedy motel, CSI discovers that Delko has been staying at the hotel and may have been the target of a shooting himself.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
55 min

Dade student Kathy Meyers is blinded and tortured to death with starter cables. Her steady boyfriend has a criminal record. The OM recalls a case detective, Reggie Mastell, failed to make a case stick against optician Max Paulson. Mastell claims it's his work again and grossly disrespects procedure. Jessica Davi, who survived a similar attack, accuses him of dismissing her report, her fiancé Dennis Chilton is violently protective. Shortly after addict Rachel Calvado is killed the same way, but sloppily. How do the cases really link? Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 8.1
55 min

Stuart and Jill Walsh reports baby Sophie (10 months) stolen by a couple whiled they shopped at a mall. Ransom is demanded. DNA on the baby's dumped cloths identifies kidnapper Marty Ellis, but he's killed by his female partner. Teenage son, Keith Walsh, takes ill-considered action. DNA proves Sophie's biological father is the neighbor, photographer Brad Garland. The fatal bullet traces to Carla Hoyle, who reveals another crime and everything is linked. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

Eric and Calleigh guard William Campbell, crown witness against Miami's shortly released top mob capo Joseph 'Joey' Salucci, for the personal murder on AJ Watkins, who accidentally killed Joey's wife in a beach race. The safe house is physically wrecked by contractor Travis Drake's crane from a nearby inactive site, Campbell falls to his death. Ryan finds a drop of amphetamines-addict Kurt Greenfield's blood in the crane. Salucci's poker buddy Mick Ragosa's car left a paint trace on the site during the attack. The crane's computer recordings indicate it worked by remote control from a nearby parking tower. It has surprising DNA traces, leaving Horatio's team with two cases, plus finding Watkins's missing corps. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

Kim Walderman (17) dies when the dress she was being fitted for in Oscar Serino's fashion boutique booth explodes. Horatio learns that his ex, Julia Winston, is broke and fails to take her pills. She claims investment expert Leonard McBride ruined her, but he claims her last lover Ron disappeared on a brand new yacht. Horatio's son, Kyle, is worried sick and works his frustrations out on rude neighbor Bryce Kerwin, who is later killed in a hit and run. Kyle would rather take the blame than let his his mother, Julia. The bomb and the dress, which was stolen, are traced. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
55 min

Dying from stomach stab wounds, Russian extreme fighter Vince Koslov stumbles into Forest service employee Daniel Nash. Koslov bit off a tattoo from his presumed hit target, Russian mob burglar Andrew Brodsky, who is found bled to death but didn't touch the fatal knife. The knife traces to diving equipment salesman Greg Donner, who sold it to Brodsky's girl Cassandra Gray. She falsely confesses to the stabbing, apparently under the duress of a death threat from the Russian mob. Horatio believes that Ivan Sarnoff's fight club is actually a Russian mob killer training program. He finds in the club the blood of corrupt yacht owner Nathan Madden, missing since two years, according to wife Susan. But how does it all tie together? Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Horatio investigates the fatal stabbing of Chelsea, the 16 year-old daughter of Dr. Rachel Marsh, a rich psychiatrist who treats both frustrated kids and people in court-ordered therapy, as well as Eric. Although Rachel conducts professional confidentiality in her business, various patients make the suspect list for Chelsea's death, including Chelsea's lovers and drug dealing clients. Patient files were stolen. Eddie Dashell's fingerprint is found but he has an alibi - he was with his son. Only his ex had the opportunity to set him up. Then Rachel is fatally shot. Her teenage son, Justin Marsh, who didn't think of his house as a 'home' as his mother devoted all her time to her patients, is found washing blood from his hands. The case takes another weird twist. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Told that Horatio, Kyle and Julia are dead, the team is determined to find out how. Blood on the plane belonged to convict Brett Hansen's, killed the day before. It is traced to Miguel Diaz, recently released from prison. Miguel, a Juan Ortega ammo gang member, confesses to taking a picture to stage the murder. The team believes that agent Evan Caldwell killed Horatio, but Ryan confirms his protestations that he is following secret orders: from Horiatio, who protects Kyle at any cost, calling markers to trap evil step-dad Ron Saris. On a gangland ride, a virtual death sentence unless he talks, Ortega claims the power balance is shifting. He escapes during a money transport hold-up using fused alloy ammo by a Crypt King, proof other gangs are already supplied. Undercover ATF agent Jake Berkeley is involved. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Perfect Strangers

Perfect Strangers


Perfect Strangers

IMDb: 7.5

Larry is sent by the paper to teach an introductory journalism class sponsored by the paper at a local university. Balki decides to enroll. Larry sets very high standards and gives all of the students including Balki low or failing grades.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Freddy's Nightmares

Freddy's Nightmares


Freddy's Nightmares

IMDb: 6.7

A formerly fat college student returns to her childhood home to babysit two monstrous children who have a penchant for junk food. Meanwhile, a man wishes that he could spend a day in the life of someone else, but he soon regrets making that wish. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
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HD Married with Children

Married with Children


Married with Children

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

When Al challenges the selfish and ungrateful family members to earn a dollar of their own, Peggy tries scamming money from others because of her loath for working. Meanwhile, Bud appoints himself as Kelly's agent a lands her a job as a 'rock video slut'. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD George Lopez

George Lopez


George Lopez

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

In exchange for George granting permission to his father-in-law and his best friend who wish to date his long lost sister, Linda Lorenzo (recurring guest star EVA LaRUE), George considers taking bribes from the two men.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD George Lopez

George Lopez


George Lopez

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

In a plea to get Max additional help in school, George confesses to his long-lost sister, Superintendent of Schools Linda Lorenzo, that she was given up for adoption at birth, and worse, Benny is her real mother.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

When one of the CSI's biggest enemies is murdered, Horatio must determine which of his team members is a suspect.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

When a beloved tennis coach is nearly killed, Calleigh discovers a personal connection to the case. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

When the sisters of a Miami sorority are knocked off one by one, the CSIs try to end the murder spree. Written by CBS Publicity

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

When a skydiver is murdered, the CSIs discover that he has more than 100 children and all of them are suspects. Written by CBS Publicity

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