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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

County's armored transport carrying arms to be destroyed is successfully ambushed, exploded, robbed, both cops killed. A hair found at the crime scene points to Brazilian Pedro Salavado, incarcerated Baracas drug prince Clavo Cruz's cousin. One of recently released murderer Gilberto Tavez's minor sons, Jesse, is shot in the garden, his footprint is in the blood. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Cuban baseball promise Ario Pastano is killed by a landmine on a Miami beach. He was shipped in, illegally, by sports agent Walter Dunley, like surviving compatriot Jorge Zamareno. During the forensic investigation at Roberto Chavez's bar, Eric gallantly defends Carmen Henney, only to be slapped with malicious charges. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Benjamin Rhodes drowns in his own blood at home with a mystery wound. Fingerprints were left by contractor, Jeff Murdock, who could have left them when making a HiFi installment quote. Found on the body is his therapist Lauren Sloan's blood. Natalia warns Maxine in vain against dating her own ex, crime scene cleaner Nick Townsend. When Nick is found killed, skull crushed, a possible conflict of interest hands the case to the night shift led by MPD detective Jake Berkeley. However Horatio's team manages to keep an eye out and steer forensics. Both cases may link together, and Nick has a fight with his colleague Phillip Craven. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

After Sonya Barak's hearing, attorney Russell Tanninger who got her bail till the Al Quadir terrorist bombing trial in four weeks is shot with anti-patriot Craig Edwards's gun. His confession proves false, the real target was Sonya. Street thug Hector Rivera is arrested with her car, which he confesses having jacked. In the boot is the corps of his gang Craneos's deserter Gabriel Cervantes. That proves no coincidence, in several ways. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.0
60 min

The death of a Marine recruiter ultimately leads Horatio to open an investigation into the death of another Marine in Iraq. The brother of the Marine who was killed in Iraq claims responsibility for the death of his brother, but Horatio suspects a cover-up. Written by Good2Go

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

George Kornspan pays $100,00 at Peter Kinkella's children charity date auction for the company of two young women. While he gets Viagra, blindfold Rebecca Roth(19) is stabbed to death with a letter-opener, her ring stolen. Katie Watson claims she left to avoid a threesome. The ring was bought and sold by her recently heart-broken would be-fiancé Carl Thornton. He saw her flirting with detective Jake Berkeley. He investigates Kinkella's heroin dealing. Peter's charity is bogus, his place was bugged by a Homeland Security undercover. This leads to bigger fish. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Toll booth girls report a bloody bill with the message he's going to kill me handed from a sports-car, unidentifiable on video because of a photo-shield. At a beach jetty down that motorway, Leslie Anderson's corps is found with traces of handcuffs and struggle fitting the girl in the car, but Leslie was asphyxiated two days earlier and has clay tile mortar traces as used in old buildings, like the abandoned one next to the restaurant mentioned on a valet parking ticket recorded on the sports-car's toll video. There are struggle signs, but the only man present, Mercedes-driver Tommy Boyer, was just looking for his fiancée Jill Gerard, missing since two days. The safe contains serial killer trophies, including pictures of Leslie and Natalia's sister Anya Boa Vista, not seen for two days by her roommate since a photo-shoot with a man fitting the profile who promised her a magazine cover. The press is shown all other pictures, apparently taken willingly, immoral TV reporter Erica Sykes... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

In an illegal 'sideshow' teenage stunt driver Dex is decapitated by a street party lights cable. The show was staged to launch heiress Brynn Roberts' website on the 'new macho sport'. Her helper Evan Dunlar nearly dies when his car explodes, rigged with kerosene stolen from a public pipeline from his dad, contractor Steve's construction site. Dex's 'friendly rival' Luke Baylor stole his car, and was probably part of a car theft epidemic, and maybe more. The 'accident' resulted from a radio wave-triggered hydraulics system. Meanwhile only Ryan agrees to collaborate on the TV documentary the city wants Mike Doyle to produce to restore CSI's image. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Alissa Valone, an advertising agency's rich workaholic president, was murdered with a golf club, not hers given the size, in her home, where devout Latino Catholic Eric Delko tells Ryan to do the scene because he respects the Christian elements in the Santeria form of voodoo she practices, there's even a real goat's head. DNA from skin under her fingernails points to Ed Smith, whose trial for a gold robbery starts the next day. Using blowfish poison tetrodotoxine, used as zombie power in Santeria, Ed faked his death and was carried into the morgue, where Ryan now fears to go mad as he saw him rise from the slab and the poison on the stretcher numbs his hands. Alissa's boyfriend Jeremy Fordham lies about buying the poison with her -he was seen with her- or placing the small coffin near her, but claims to believe it must be burned or it causes another death. Alissa's ex, Dr. Trevor Valone, admits he signed Smith's fake death certificate to help stage his friend's death but denies a deal... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

When a city councilman is found murdered in his home, Horatio and the CSI team find themselves in the middle of an eminent domain case - involving the city appropriating peoples' homes so a developer can build a hotel on the property. Ryan Wolfe finds himself the subject of a complaint by a sheriff's deputy after he tries to stop the deputy from taking a family's property, and when Horatio checks further he discovers that his old enemy - Judge Joseph Ratner is the judge hearing the eminent domain case. Even more chilling is a young girl's body that turns up in a neighbor's yard, and the owner apparently was given full market value for it while other neighbors' values were reduced by half. Natalia Boa Vista comes under harassment by her ex-husband, and she discovers a chilling truth - the dead girl is Judge Ratner's biological daughter! Another link to the fiendish trial judge is discovered when the owner admits he was paid by the judge to kill the girl. Horatio arrests the smug judge in... Written by medic249a2

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

A husband who finds his wife in bed with a young hunk pulls his revolver and chases him to the marina; when he starts the yacht's motor, the water colors red from a floating corps. The victim was killed earlier in a car hit with a black Mercedes, which is leased by the agency J.A. Models for its rising client Jason Hollings, who recognizes the mutilated victim's picture as his colleague Steve Dixon, says Steve used steroids and was loaned the car to date agency employee Abby Biggs, against the firm's rule not to date clients; her panties were in the car, but she claims Steve was allergic to steroids. After examining an incident with a tiger, his murderer confesses. Then Latino model Cody Lane is found dead, probably pushed from a balcony; he slept with the agency's senior partner Janet Sterling. There are striking links with the first murder investigation. They weren't the first dead J.A. models, none other by the hand of the arrested killer, and it's not the latest victim of the plot... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

At a fancy pool party, Miami socialite Ethan Parker is shot during a hold-up while starlet Dakota Hudson's diamonds are stolen, she was also shot in the pool. Another plausible motive is to cash in on the 'death pool' bet organized by Hover Gambling on its cruiser, Fortune maker. Furthermore the diamonds prove to be fake and there is a particularly immoral case of extortion going on. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Billy Gault falls from his apartment building on 38th St. to his death unto a marquis, but was shot. Calleigh Duquesne's car is brutally run into the Everglades by a mysterious black car, presumably to prevent her bringing in the evidence, but a surviving note in his wallet shows he belonged to the Crypt Kings, a secretive macho Harley bikers gang, which points to the rival Iron Reepers. They were infiltrated since two years by ATF agent Jake Berkeley, 'Billy Gault' was his colleague Ken McCarthy's undercover alias. Gang leader Hawk Reed's intimidated girlfriend Angela Downey drove the black assault car. The shooter must have been hiding in the adjacent park and used military top-tech 'corner shots', but left a half-eaten apple, with a printer from Ken's jealous widow, who has a record. Jake and Ken were rivaling within the ATF. The Crypt Kings were involved in the trade in stolen Israeli tactical arms. The murder weapon was a registered Glock, but... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Drug lord Antonio Riaz is released in Rio after the evidence about his murder on Eric's sister Marisol during her wedding with Horatio is dismissed because the witnesses are in a US protection program. Horatio's brother Ray Caine is involved in drugs again, precisely in Riaz's 'favella' (slum) gang, but found left bleeding to death, just able to urge saving his son, Raymond Jr., who becomes a courier back to Miami. Meanwhile the 'headless' home front must handle the case of Carl Silvers, who found and/or killed his wife drowning in her own blood, and is believed guilty by his stepson Scott Satlin. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Several members of the Mala Noche gang are killed with a Russian automatic gun, heavy caliber, only presumed target Antonio Riaz, who also ordered the killing of Eric Delko's sister Marisol, got away. While investigating the crime scene Biscayne villa, uniformed officer Jessop is killed by a grenade booby-trap. He was a 27-year old police academy mate of Ryan Wolfe, who is the first in the lab to find their every move is now openly shadowed by the FBI, which has been following up since month suspicions that the Miami CSI would be tampering with evidence and stealing $12,000 in cash, and digs into individual CSI's records, tipped off by at least one mole, only Ryan's forensic expertise gives the whole investigation a decisive turn... Meanwhile Memmo, the Nicaraguan Mala Noche killer of Horatio's wife, tips him off that Riaz was dealing with Rafik Omad, whose trade includes Russian firearms, a line of investigation with a surprising twist... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

As Horatio and the team are on the verge of putting away members of the dangerous Mala Noche gang, a tragedy strikes.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Celebrity Nikki Beck is found electrocuted by a tan-lamp -but she sprayed- in her bath during a fancy party. She was redressed by her manager. Rivaling colleague, April Goodwin, and personal assistant, Melinda Carson, blame each other for Nikki's undigested designer drugs. These were traced to research Professor Colin Danville, stolen from him by the Salvadorian drug and people trader, Dario Sanez. The tan lamp is traced to Nikki's boyfriend, pop star Brandon Hess, already involved with April. A steam trick reveals footprints. Eric is reluctant to attend his terminal sister Marisol's wedding to Horatio. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

Brenda Collett is kidnapped but manages to miss-dial a stranger on her cellphone. Her husband, accountant Mitchell Collett, didn't dare inform the MPD. SWAT traces the call and shoots an armed man storming out, but unrelated, his partner just found the phone, which was automatically recorded in secret by Mitch's employer. A fingerprint leads to Brenda's former lover, who engaged someone just to scare her, but alleges this partner decided to ask a $5,000,000 ransom. Mitch brings in a ransom note with a severed ear, but it's from an anonymous corpse. Meanwhile Ryan asks Eric about dating Natalia. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

Masked men rob a spa's locker-room, mainly for the luxury car keys. Only Victoria Moreno, who uses pepper spray, is wounded, later dies of cardiac arrest, despite first aid administered by Pete Nealy, who didn't come forward because he only saw everything as peeping Tom. Among the unharmed witnesses is Eric's sister Marisol. Tracing the stolen cars by GPS partially fails as one GPS was removed, Ryan freezes while facing a thief but is saved by Horatio, who also makes him claim he didn't have a clear view. There are also private life trails. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Angela Ross crashes her sports car, fatally. Her trunk contains a male body, strangled and stabbed post mortem. Eric proves she was bumped off the road by a silver Porsche, rented by Russel Miller. He admits the boot man was parking valet Luis, who supplied him with a prostitute but got stabbed in a fight over the price. DNA shows Luis was the prostitute - he threatened to tell Russel's wife. Angela was an accidental witness of their fatal struggle but was struck on the head after the crash, by another. A diamond in her car leads them to identify her alternate alias (Barbara Sommers), and presumable involved in the theft of a $4,000,000 necklace from her employer, jeweler Chris Kaiser. Her fatherless young son, Danny Sommers, is home alone, traumatized. Fingerprints on her windshield lead to paroled Michigan tourist Howard Benchley. Barbara has 14 wounds, from years of abuse. She is a member of the same anonymous organization as Natalia Boa Vista, and has an interesting ex. Things tie... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

A month after his release on parole, pedophile Philip Gordon is murdered by multiple beating and a single, ultimately fatal stab-wound in a Miami park. His blood trail leads to local Victor Terraza, concerned father of young Isabella, who says Philip scared her. More marks and traces provide additional suspects. Four fathers confess the beating, none the stabbing. Posters warning against him were posted by Dr. Alexx Woods, a local parent herself. Philip lived with married brother Robert Gordon, whose house was vandalized by a mother with a secret. Convicted voyeur Ned Ostroff send him an incriminating 'pornado' virus and is roughed up himself. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

A trip to the beach for Eric Delko turns sour when a body is uncovered beneath the sand. The man was killed elsewhere and dumped here. Elsewhere, Horatio is certain that his old enemy from New York is back when two murders occur in Miami. He immediately contacts Jennifer Wilson whose parents were killed by the same murderer, Walter Resden, many years back when she was still a little girl. Written by Ploy P.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Two people died in a party from a drive-by shooting, yet none of the guests heard gun shots. The team believes that a silencer was used. One of the victims was a member of the Mala Noche gang who was just recently promoted, as shown by his new tattoo. The other was an employee of a pharmaceutical company which is on the verge of launching a new drug. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

New technology on DNA testing reveals that a man convicted of a rape six years back is innocent and he is promptly release. Now a free man, he is eager on pressing charges against the department and the crime lab for his false conviction. Meanwhile, Horatio and his team reopen the case in hope to catch the real rapist. In the morgue, Alexx examines the body of a young woman who died from infections caused by a piece of cloth left inside her after an operation. She is intent on finding the surgeon responsible for this untimely death. Written by Ploy P.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

In Jay Fisher's home, where he was gun-murdered, fellow drug-dealer Johnny Nixon (also colored) suddenly falls on the corps, trough the shattered glass roof-window. Hoping for a deal, while denying any guilt, Nixon points out he knows a Cuban cop-client: Erik Delko, who has been erratic for weeks. While the team's minds are mainly with Eric's IA case, handled rather harshly as IAB sergeant Rick Stetler failed to get a promotion because of Horatio, yet it ends up void because of 'poisoned fruit' evidence and irrelevant because of the real user. Still the evidence is duly processed, and soon indicates two separate shootings, one being the work of ruthless Californian bounty hunter Duane 'Bull' Merrick, who stops at nothing to collect on his man Byron Diller... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

The ATM refuses to give cash to Eric Delko, although he just deposited his pay. Eric goes inside where an armed robbery is in progress, committed by three armed men who first shoot the cameras. Eric ducks and calls for the help of a hit woman. The robbers leave the bank with the manager in car with a Miami University sticker: it's been stolen from the campus. There Kim Mills is found covered with paint from the loot (just $18,000 cash; a water mark on the bag indicates she lies about finding it in the washroom. The bag came from the hockey ice-maker, where bank manager Greg Welch is found tied up. He reveals that they made him disclose the location of the weekly Federal reserve cash delivery: due to take place (by helicopter) 20 minutes after he's found. The MPD is in time to catch them on the spot. However one perp says 'We're still on play', which Ryan guesses it refers to a video game. This fits with the rape. A counter found in the bank and other details of Urban Hell raisers made... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Contractor Karl Lampley reports he found Brenda Hall (39), killed bled to death by four raging nail gun hits. She was the ex of construction site owner Gary Hall, who claimed not to know what she was doing there. Brenda had sabotaged both his divorce and future wedding plans with Charlene Hartford (his live-in, former secretary). The fight was long and bitter and Brenda was financially wrecked. Ryan was called, his 13th consecutive day, as Eric failed to respond, again. An answering machine message incriminated Gary, whose skin was found under Brenda's nails (according to him after 'ex-sex') but her apartment had only traces of a fight. However, the answer machine message was left when he was leaving his ten year-old son Lucas's baseball game. The message turns out to be edited from five separately recorded messages, framing him. The fatal nails don't match the gun at the site. A fingerprint on the answering machine points to the contractor, who had a violent record. When Ryan ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Dragging up a sports car driven from a bridge by two drunk floozies who are all right, the team find the two days old corpse of attorney Rachel Turner, which Horatio was probably the last to see, having met in court and accepted a home dinner invitation from her. He insists turning in his badge and weapon to MPD Detective Frank Tripp during the investigation. Traces at the dinner table, including Horatio's blood, indicate an expert staging after an earlier killing and cleaning. The car drove trough a spike strip, but it's gone, no accident, and the size for a CSI Hummer, traceable from tarmac to airport rental. Horatio's suspicion is confirmed when carpet fiber lures him to a nearby construction site, where never convicted New York serial killer Walter Resden, who locked up children while he tortured their parents to death, planted Horatio's fingerprint on the knife used to kill Rachel, enough for IAB Sergeant Rick Stetler. A forensic duel ensues, the key being a recent Orlando crime ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Pool employee Armando Diaz's bloodily battered corpse is found in Craig Seaborn's 5-star hotel Graciana's gardens. He was killed in the penthouse, where three wives had a 'husbands nor sex' weekend. Beth Jacobson admits she had sex with him, but when he called her too unattractive to get hard a fight ensued, so she struck him with a towel bar, thrice. He also had safe sex with Felicia Hardy, who claims she didn't realize he was badly wounded when passing out after hitting his head against the bed. Wolfe follows a third blood trail, to the staircase and more suspects. It must all be tied in. Meanwhile chief James Burton warns Horatio his team is under scrutiny, just now there are tensions about sticking up evidence kits, labor division and Wolfe's media ambitions, apparently paying off a TV reporter. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Tina Saunders reports missing Sara Jennings, a Georgia classmate age 18 on the Miami first leg of a Bahamas 'ultimate student dream trip'. Sara's rental, illegally provided by Ted Griffin's travel agency, is founded abandoned, with traces of blood and a spy-camera. It shows her and Brad, the bouncer of the night club where Tina claims to have left her 'early' at 2PM, but traces later to the hotel-room of her overprotective step-dad. Someone saw her dump her purse, indicating she was was drugged with a novel power drink. Sara's corps is found, died recently. She had sex during an after-party on Jeff Marshall's yacht, with his mate Thomas Woodward. Confusing forensics pile up, but are hard to process. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

A yacht is stranded on a sand dune and is on fire. Julie, the daughter of the family, decides to jump into the water despite there being many sharks around. Her brother Luke jumps in after her. Both of them disappear and one of them is possibly dead. The CSIs have to hurry as their crime scene is sinking. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

An inmate arrives to pay respect to his mother at her funeral. As he approaches the casket, he is gunned down, along with his police escort and the other guests, by a man who has been hiding in the coffin. The case becomes more complicated when the gunman later broke into a house and brutally raped the house keeper before stealing one of the cars. Back at the lab, the members are introduced to the newly assigned Natalia Boa Vista who will work on unresolved cases. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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