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IMDb: 7.3
21 min

While in the Frozen North everyone is having fun in the snow when Iago sees the palace of the Ice Efreet and pleads with the others to explore and look for treasure. He is certain the palace is abandoned but that is not the case and they wake up the the Efreet named Frajhid. he is an ice wizard who is not quite as intimidating as he first appears to be. He journeys with Aladdin back to Agrabah and impresses everyone with his ice tricks. But before long he is turning Agrabah into a frozen ice city. Written by tomtrekp

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IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Iago shamelessly bathed in the sultans balms, but thus inadvertently fell into a trap Abis Mal and Haroun set to blackmail his majesty: it will petrify him by evening unless he exchanges the antidote for all Aghraba. No last luxury can console Iago, even Aladdin's promise to save him. Genie suggested that it must have been the effect of a stone ivrite (winged monster)'s poison, but isn't believed. Iago resolves to do a deal with the crook, but at the last minute can't go trough with it. Meanwhile Aladdin and Genie have learned from the hag who sold the monster that the antidote is made from its tail-scales. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.5
21 min

In another absurd attempt to seduce Aladdin, Sadira has enchanted him to forget about Jasmine and concentrate solely on fighting monsters. The princess finds out and gets Genie to use counter-magic. The result for Aladdin is utterly confused, hence most unsafe on such missions as dragon-slaying, but he may not find out what embarrassment he has been put trough. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Iago seduces the magical rain-bird Thundra, pretending he's the sultan's indispensable minister but made time for her. After her claim she can't be missed at all, he first questions how hard her job is, then insists to stand in so she can have a holiday. Het gets the book and amulet, which are meanly tested on Genie and Abu. It soon gets out of control, so Malcho, the evil jungle dragon, from whom Thundra once took them, can steal them back. the whole gang is mobilized while Thundra returns in panic. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Abis Mal wants to eliminate Aladdin's gang by using contagious mood stones, Mechanicles by another series of mechanical insects, rivaling each-other the 'privilege', but after robber leader Akbar knocks some sense in them they join forces and set a trap in a cave to imprison Aladdin's party, then release tiny flying bugs to infect each of them -turning Jago into a womanizer, Jasmine envious, Abu into a ridiculer, Aladin fearful, Genie stuck-up- and a giant mechanical preying mantis to devour them all... Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Aladdin feels guilty he never manages to give Jasmne the romantic evening she craves, and angry at Abu, Iago and Genie, who all too often mess it up for the lovers, everywhere. Still, when a bones-reader predicts Aladdin can find a treasure at full moon on an island, just the evening he promised to take Jasmine 'just us two', he's happy to take Iago's excuse: an island is a romantic retreat. Genie and carpet secretly tag along, searching while he keeps Jasmine -not quite- amused, but soon she notices and allows the gang to continue treasure-hunting. Only when the monstrous guardian werewolf turns into a pretty girl in startled Aladdin's arms, his princess comes close to turning into loveless monster... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Iago hoped for a commercial bonanza on Agrabah's Founder's Day, but during the sultan's celebration speech in memory of his Bedouin ancestor Hamed, the city's founder, a witch uses a magical hourglass to open a time portal, trough which Abis Mal jumps without his faithful Haroud to change the city's history, putting his bloodline on the throne. So Aladdin and his gang jump after him, hoping to cross the 'Abysmal' plan then as they always manage here and now. Jasmine motivates her ancestor Hamed, still a mere caravan merchant, but Abis his, camel-driver Abnor. Abis Mal also brought the hour-glass and has the sultan-to-be thrown trough another portal to the dinosaur age, which makes Jasmine disappear too; this time only Aladdin and Genie get trough, just in time, and so on, even crazier when the hourglass gets broken so various ages mix into a time continuum... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Sand witch Sadira has put a spell on Agrabah so all people and even Genie believe she is the princess and Jasmine a street criminal. When Rajah attacks her, she realizes it doesn't work on animals; she fails to cage the tiger, Iago and Abu, then sends Rasul's guards to bring them in, which only succeeds after they found Jasmine, and Iago has a single success: seeing Aladdin and Sadira riding to the sultan's palace for their official engagement, her heart catches flame for her true love again. They are all thrown in the dungeons on Sadira's orders, but escape before the ceremony... Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Amin Dimoola gets caught again, trying to steal in the crime guild club 'dagger and skull'. After too many clues to miss, Aladdin takes his gang shopping for a locket as Jasmine's birthday present. The nasty, rude vendor takes his gold instead for a stinking teddy-bear, but Iago who hopes the princess's favor is the key to plenty of palace pleasures steals as his present a magic box. When he opens it, an enchanted cuddly creature jumps out, which pleases her with cuteness and Iago as he realizes it grants wishes each time it gets scared, so he substitutes it at night, but is unable to scare it and it gets in Amin's hands... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Abis Mal steals the blue rose from the mystical monks' temple, which makes people who smell it oblivious. It is taken over by Aladdin, but Abis Mal and Haroud get it back, so they can enter the sultan's palace, attempting a coup. Princess Jasmine forgets she loves Aladdin, who is therefore thrown back into the gutter by a grinning Rasul, and even who she is, so Jasmine can be made to believe she is Abis Mal's daughter, an evil desert bandit, and help him seize her real father's throne, but Aladdin isn't the only one who surprises the would-be tyrant unpleasantly... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.3
21 min

When Agraba has been without rain for so long that the last fig trees are dying, Iago and Genie realize the solution can be found is the parrot's native rain forest, where legend has it all rain clouds come from. There Aladdin and his gang follow a rainbow and find at the end that its abundant clouds are magically controlled by the jungle queen, rain bird Thundra. She is instantly smitten with uninterested Iago, who is nevertheless -against Jasmine's leap- tricked into asking her for rain, and after she refuses keeps her busy while Genie steals a cloud. Thundra soon notices after Iago escapes her tender but smothering embrace, and brings all her thunder and lightning... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Agraba and first its confines are terrorized by metal bugs. Aladdin takes too much credit for chasing them without properly acknowledging Genie did most of the work. The gang works out the creator is Mechanikles, a Greek genius mechanical inventor. After a booby bug endangers the sultan, they set out to tackle the problem at the root. Mechanicles proves resourceful enough to handle anything, except dirty chaos. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Aladdin helps Sadira, a street thief, quick and sassy like he once was, escape Rasul's guards. She clings to her savior and turns jealously against his fiancée, princess Jasmine, a rival she couldn't dream of matching. By chance, she discovers the secret subterranean hideout of the sand-witches, who terrorized the land from Agrabah 3000 years ago. She decides to turn their power on the princess, but soon looses control of the invulnerable sand-monster she conjured. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.2
21 min

When the sultan learns a sunk ship has lost a gold cargo, a 10% salvage fee is fixed. Jasmine agreed that's a job for the famous nautical hero captain Albaross, an immensely strong but arrogant macho European. Iago wants the reward and Aladdin the honor, so he enlists as the captain's only crewman, with the animals and Genie's help. In the feared Neptune's triangle, Aladdin and Albatross find the chest and have it hoisted, but are then both captured by a giant octopus- it's actually another steam-vessels constructed by Mechanicles, who planned his fatal revenge on Aladdin. The others dive to the rescue; the ship's water intake swallows them up, after everyone escapes a whale does the same, and the heroes' rivalry isn't nearly settled yet... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Aladdin leads another caravan trough the desert. The gang is delighted to find and frolic in an unchartered oasis. Of course it was too good to be trough: suddenly a mud creature pulls the plug and a vortex gobbles up the, unlike the sultan's guards. They fall into the underground dwelling of Mudder, an evil spirit consisting of mud, who can assume every shape. And the cannibal greats them as soup ingredients. Aladdin must outsmart him to escape and save the others. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Much of Agrabah is flooded by a huge landslide, caused by an enormous cave-in. Then appears a giant insect species which produces spider-like silk. They seem to correspond to the legendary, child-eating Unkboot. Princess Jasmine is abducted by one, so Aladdin's gang risks a rescue into the underground colony. But the princess's arrival prevents a fight and change of mood. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Abis Mal and his loyal Haroud stole Genie's lamp, so he, Aladdin and Abu chase them, although it no longer controls him since Aladdin wished his freedom, he's just attached to his humble 'home'. During the carpet voyage, Genie sees and instantly falls in love with a green, female genie living in a bottle. During their date that evening, Abis Mal and Haroun overpower her present master, a dumb street girl, looking for her lamp-equivalent and thus get magical control over her and attack Aladdin and Abu after making her lock Genie in a safe on the bottom of the sea, but... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.0
21 min

Aladdin is miserable, even feels unworthy of the royal family, after being unable to keep up with posh conversation at a court dinner, where rich merchant Daru stole the show with wit and oratory. Jago volunteers to teach him a crash-course fake culture and manners which impresses the gang, but not Jasmine, and still proves no match for slick Daru. The guards report a fire-breeding centipede-like monster is turning the desert into glass, so the gang rides and faces what turns out to be Mechanicles's latest invention. Overcoming it brings a surprise bonus. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Iago and Abu's thievish 'instincts' get them in trouble again in Agraba, but while Aladdin saves them from merchant Omar's wrath, he gets the same nightmarish vision as Abu, about voices crying for help from a citadel city on a high mountain. Carpet brings them there, Zigurock, where the shaman welcomes carpet as bringer of the prophesied savior from ancient evil which makes foraging terribly dangerous, only his giant statue fits not Aladdin but his monkey! Aladin leads his gang into the jungle, where the danger proves ancient indeed: a live dinosaur with a tail that can smash even Genie, who uses explosives to bury the monster. Alas, during the nightly liberation feast it crawls out of the rock rumble, and this time attacks the city, knocking out Iago, Carpet, Aladdin and Genie in turn: now it's really up to savior Abu to save everybody against odds, if he can... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Twenty years ago, as a youngster, the sultan picked a flower for his bride from semi-vegetable Arbutus's magical garden. Now he's haunted in nightmares by his promise to pay his release with his greatest treasure, which expires now. Aladdin and the gang guard the palace's rich treasury, to realize only when the sultan screams in his dream the real target: Jasmine. Arbutus's invincible spiked vines abduct her to his garden, to be incorporated in his designs of magically sprouted growth. By the time Aladdin's sultanic rescue party arrives, she has learned to understand her captor. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.6
21 min

In disguise Abis Mal sells Jasmine a powder, claiming it's a cheaper and better burning fuel. Believing this could help her people Jasmine gives it to the kingdom despite Aladdin's reservations. They soon realize that, when burned, the power produces a smoke creature trained to steal for Abis Mal. Written by Max Vaughn

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IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Jasmine buys a broken insect toy, which turns out a dangerous flying attack weapon when daddy the sultan repairs it; Aladdin takes credit for its elimination, actually by Genie and Carpet, and volunteers the gang to examine if there are more. When they trace it to a town where the winged bugs are called the golden plague, the scenario is repeated and Aladdin is celebrated as hero, but a survivor informs their creator, Greek genius Mechanicles, who sends a series capable of capturing Carpet and even Genie, undoing Aladdin's local hero status. The mortal gang liberates them by provoking Mechanikles' obsession with neatness, but thus only makes him awake his most dangerous, gigantic bug... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Aladdin and his gang minus Jasmine fly to Waristan, the Las Vegas of the seven deserts, for a holiday; Iago can't wait to try his gambling system in a casino. To their astonishment the local sultan Pasta says it's normal to see his whole city in ruins, it's rebuild daily by Nefir and his team of magical dwarfs, because every night it's completely trampled to rubble by the smashing ballet of the giant rhinoceros Samir the Destroyer. Aladdin's remark how crazy that is gets taken as an offer to deal with Samir, but after failed attempts by Genie, Nefir offers to built a catapult, yet soon is found to have his own agenda, involving magical dance shoes, which Aladdin's side fights in a musical duel... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Aladdin




IMDb: 6.9
21 min

While the sultan and Genie prepare a banquet for another pompous princely suitor for princess Jasmine, who won't hear of another then Aladdin anyway, she's amazed to see him save a rat from the prince's hands. When her commoner lover replies he has lots in common with a real street rat, she takes Iago along for an incognito taste of street life, soon dared to prove herself as a thief. A blind merchant enchants the mirror she stole, so it transforms them into the first thing Iago unknowingly says they could be: she a rat, he a green lizard. Surviving without starving thus not only proves a good lesson about the life of Agraba's poor, it's quit an adventurous challenge to get to and into the palace alive, and past her pet tiger Rajah, who hates rats like everybody else but is naturally equipped as a deadly vermin hunter... Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.2
21 min

The clumsy thief Amin Dimoola barely escapes within an inch of decapitation from the sultan's treasury. As Abu is found holding the golden glove which triggered the trap mechanisms, Aladdin rages that's one theft too many and intends to leash his (too) handy friend, who runs away, followed by ever-greedy Iago. Abu is recruited by Amin, who brings them to the guild of thieves, where his reputation is abysmal, then they set out to steal the glove, which is a thief's ideal magical aid. Without each-other, Abu feels as miserable, guilty and lonely as Aladdin, who sets out with the gang to get Abu back, but Amin already brought him to the palace, where no safety can stop the monkey... Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.0
21 min

Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu and Genie head off on the Magic Carpet to open trade with Quirkistan. The gang is surprised to find Quirkistan a dreary wasteland; it turns out that the land is enchanted, and the weather and states of things are determined solely by the mood of king Mamoud, Quirkistan's bratty boy ruler. He's currently brooding over missing his birthday party, and as a result, the whole land is doomed. So, with the prospect of a rich treasure reward, the gang tries to cheer up the king. Aladdin comes close with his risky sword-juggling act, but only Jasmine's storytelling can engage Mamoud. But Jasmine will have to stay there and entertain Mamoud forever! Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.0
21 min

The guards prove powerless against three tornadoes which mysterious sweep into Agrabah from the desert and rob the merchants. Aladdin is tempted to bet against them that his gang can follow and eliminate the thieving whirlwinds, otherwise Abu will be their to collar as slavish date picker. The find Abis Mal behind the black magic and take him on once more. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

After the Springfieldians have buried a time capsule a freak storm brings Bender, the robot from 'Futurama' from the future to kill Homer but he befriends him instead. Other Futurama characters then appear and point out that they must kill Bart because, due to the time capsule, he has given rise to mutant rabbits which will destroy New New York. The answer is for the Simpsons to go into the future and round up the mutants and send them into space. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.5
30 min

Bart meets former cowboy star Buck McCoy and gets him a spot on Krusty's TV show but Buck is a washed up drunk who makes a fool of himself and disappoints Bart. After sending him to an alcoholics' anonymous group Homer has a plan for Buck to redeem himself in Bart's eyes involving a fake bank robbery in which Buck will prove himself to be a hero. In the event the bank robbery turns out to be real but it does the trick anyway. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.0

A hobo tells the Simpsons tall tales on a train ride to Delaware. In the first story, Homer is outcast from society as Paul Bunyan. Then, Lisa travels the country planting trees as Connie Appleseed. Finally, Bart and Nelson raft down the Mississippi as Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. Written by Mike

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.9

When Homer is searching for food because of a bag boy strike, he finds an old box of animal crackers and discovers that he won a trip to Africa 30 years ago by finding a golden giraffe. When confronting the company who used to make these crackers, but isn't even selling food anymore, they refuse at first, but after Homer hits his eye on a sharp corner on the cracker box they give Homer and his family a free trip to Africa. In Africa, the Simpsons experience a series of events: dancing tribal dance, going on safari, but after being chased by a hippo they are saved by a monkey scientist, and they reveal that the scientist are only using the monkeys to run a diamond mine. When back on the plane the Simpsons discover that their former tour guide is now the president of the country, while the former president Muntu is now a flight attendant. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.4

When Homer tries to enter a phone-in competition, he becomes terribly stubborn and angry for Springfield introducing a new dialing code. In the Town Hall, after the Mayor's meeting about the change, Homer discovers that all the rich people live on one side of Springfield, with the old code, and Homer is left to try and manage with the new code. However, he protests, and ends up splitting Springfield into Old and New. Homer desperately tries different ways to tackle Old Springfield, but in doing so, he only makes them richer when they discover gold at the bottom of the river. Homer finally builds a large wall to separate the two sides, and remembers that The Who are planned to stage at Springfield for a concert. Will Homer manage to convince The Who to play on his side of town instead of the other's? Written by Robert Cathles

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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