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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Cooper and Truman discuss the opening moves by the fugitive Windom Earle over the discovery of a dead body in Truman's office which is the opening move of a deadly chess game when each pawn is taken, a person dies. Cooper also confides in Truman about his past with Windom Earle and his involvement with Earle's wife that may have pushed him over the edge. Following Leo's rampage and attempt to kill Shelly, he fees into the woods, and ends up in the cabin housing the shadowy Windom Earle. Meanwhile, Andy confides in Lucy about his and Dick's suspicion concerning Little Nicky. Lucy then asks Dr. Hayward for help who then finally clears the mystery about Nicky. Major Briggs also confides in Cooper and Truman about his work for the Air Force's classified search for the so-called White Lodge. At the Marsh estate, James meets Evelyn's husband for the first time, who turns out to be a nice guy. In the nearby town, Donna arrives with money for James, and instead meets Evelyn who tells her that... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Following Major Briggs mysterious reappearance, Cooper and Truman are frustrated as they question him to learn his whereabouts during his absence. At the same time, Cooper assists Bryson and Truman with setting up Ernie Niles to arrest Jean Renault and Mountie King at the Dead Dog Farm house. But the sting goes bad due to Niles' nervousness in which a standoff ensues. Cooper then trades himself for Bryson and Niles and is held at gunpoint. Meanwhile, Hank finally discovers the romantic relationship between Norma and Big Ed, in which he attempts to beat up Ed, but gets attacked and pulverized by the super-strong Nadine. At the Great Northern Hotel, Audrey sees Ben slipping further into insanity by reenacting the Civil War in his office and thinking that he's General Robert E. Lee. Audrey asks Bobby for help with her father's condition. Mike Nelson continues being persuaded by Nadine. Dick Tremayne persuades Andy to help him look up the past of Little Nicky. At the Marsh estate, James ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Ben Horne continues to slip deeper into insanity while Bobby tries to win his admiration by tailing Hank Jennings and photographs him in a drug- dealing meeting. Cooper looks into real estate to buy in thought of staying in Twin Peaks and uncovers recent drug activity at a run-down house called Dead Dog Farm. Audrey helps Cooper prove his innocence of the drug-dealing charges by showing him the photos Bobby took, in which Cooper and Agent Bryson approach the weak-willed Ernie Niles to persuade him to turn in Jean Renault, Hankm and the corrupt Mountie, King. Meanwhile, Truman investigates when Dougie Milford dies from a heart attack on his wedding night, over which Mayor Milford insists that Lana Budding be charged with murder through sex. Cooper and Truman receive a visit from a visiting Air Force colonel investigating Major Briggs' disappearance who tells them about the Major's top-secret search for the so-called White Lodge. Elsewhere, Dick Tremayne takes Little Nicky out camping ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

Following the mysterious disappearance of Major Briggs, Cooper and Truman investigate his research with the Air Force which was involved in classified dealings with paranormal events which includes an unofficial search for a place called the White Lodge and the Black Lodge. Cooper refuses to offer a defense to Agent Hardy and instead confuses the IA agent with more mystical talk. Later, a transvestite DEA agent, named Dennis (Denise) Bryson, arrives to investigate the drug charges against Cooper. All of Twin Peaks gathers for the wedding of Doug Milford to a young gold digger, named Lana Budding. On the road, James stops in a small town several miles from Twin Peaks where a young wealthy heiress, named Evelyn Marsh, picks him up and offers him a job to fix her husband's car. Back in Twin Peaks, Nadine tries to win Mike Nelson's affections with her super-human strength which instead nets the eyes of the school's wrestling coach. Ben Horne is further distraught after learning from Hank ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Three days after Leland's death following his confession to having killed Laura Palmer while under the control of the evil spirit Bob, Sarah tries to adjust herself to this turn of events with Cooper's consultation. As Cooper prepares to leave Twin Peaks with the Laura Palmer case closed, a new twist comes when Roger Hardy, an agent with FBI Internal Affairs, and a Canadian Mountie, named Preston King, show up where Cooper gets suspended by the FBI for his unauthorized actions in Canada, and Mountie King reveals that Cooper's rescue of Audrey Horne from One-Eyed Jacks ruined a sting operation the RCMP set up to arrest Jean Renault in which the drugs used were found in Cooper's car. Meanwhile, Norma's mother, Vivian, leaves town after revealing that she's the M.T. Wentz that everyone talks about and the one responsible for the bad review of the Double R Diner. Hank also takes Ernie Niles to One-Eyed Jacks where they meet with Jean Renault who wants them to traffic some cocaine for him....

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 9.3
46 min

With the discovery of Maddy Ferguson's dead body, Cooper, Truman, aided by Albert Rosenfeld, push their investigation into full-drive. Catherine, disguised once against as Mr. Tojamura, visits Ben in jail and tells him that she will give him his alibi if he signs the sawmill and the Ghostwood Developments over to her. Ben does, and not surprisingly, Catherine goes back on her word and leaves him without making a statement. Meanwhile, Leland/Bob learns about Laura's secret diary from Donna, who learns about Maddy's murder from Sheriff Truman. James does not take the news of Maddy's fate easily and hits the road on his motorcycle. Andy also learns about Lucy's tryst with the smug Dick Tremayne, and Lucy tells them that she's keeping her baby and will choose one of them to be the father. Norma continues to deal with her difficult mother who constantly criticizes and puts down her attempts to bond. Donna follows a lead from the late Harold Smith leading to a mysterious page from Laura's ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

With Ben Horne in jail for Laura Palmer's murder, Jerry tries to arrange a defense for him. Cooper doubts Ben's guilt, but Truman thinks otherwise. Pete later visits Ben with a taunting audio message from Catherine saying that she only will back up his alibi if he surrenders all his property over to her. Elsewhere, the real killer, Leland (under the direction of Bob) stuffs the dead Maddie Ferguson in his golf bag and goes for a joyride, and leaving evidence to implicate Ben. Meanwhile, Norma's estranged mother Vivian Symthe, arrives for a visit with her new husband Ernie Niles, while Hank reappears after being gone for several days and reveals to have known Ernie from time in prison. Lucy arrives back in Twin Peaks with her visiting, equally simpleton older sister, Gwen Morton, where Andy tells Lucy he wants to get back together with her. Also, the one-armed man attempts to escape from police custody with a warning that Bob is nearby. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 9.4
47 min

Cooper, Truman, and Cole take the one-armed man to the Great Northern Hotel which is hosting a USO stop-over in their search for Bob where 'Mike' shrieks and panics when Ben Horne approaches. Hawk searches Harold Smith's house for Laura Palmer's secret diary only to find Harold dead from a suicide, and his house and Laura's diary torn apart by him. Meanwhile, Maddy says goodbye to James as she prepares to leave Twin Peaks. Shelley tells Norma that she's quitting working at the Double R Diner to care for Leo, while Bobby and Mike find a mini-cassette recording in Leo's boots that reveals Ben giving Leo instructions to burn down the sawmill. Audrey tells her father that she knows about Laura's employment at One-Eyed Jacks, and she tells Cooper about Ben's involvement for which Cooper and Truman arrest Ben as a suspect in Laura's murder. Also, Mr. Tojamura plans to buy the Ghostwood Estates and when he learns of Ben's arrest, Mr. Tojamura goes to the Blue Pines BandB and surprises Pete ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.6
47 min

James and Donna reaffirm their love after he saves her and Maddy from Harold Smith's angry attack, but are forced to leave Laura's secret diary behind. Cooper informs Ben of his rescue of Audrey from One-Eyed Jacks, and Truman identifies Jean Renault as the mastermind behind the whole thing. Later, Gordon Cole, Cooper's boss, arrives in Twin Peaks to assist Cooper's investigation and to help find the mysterious one-armed man who holds a clue to the identify of Laura Palmer's killer. Cole also delivers a chess moves message from the fugitive Windom Earle. Meanwhile, Bobby and Shelly bring the catatonic Leo home from the hospital to care for him, but they are disappointed of the low amount of insurance money they get. Big Ed continues to deal with the crazy Nadine and her super-human powers, while Jonathan threatens Josie that he will kill Sheriff Truman if she refuses to return to Hong Kong with him. Josie then demands the insurance money for the sawmill from Ben who gives her Mr. ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Leland's arraignment is held at the Roadhouse where Judge Sternwood releases him on his own recognizance. Judge Sternwood also rules that Leo Johnson is not competent to stand trial for the sawmill fire. Meanwhile, Donna enlists Maddy's help to help her steal Laura's secret diary away from Harold Smith. Elsewhere, Bobby and Shelly plan to makeover her house to assist Leo's return to take bed-care of him, while Mr. Pinkle gets stuck in a mechanical device showing them how to work it. Cooper figures out that Audrey is being held captive at One-Eyed Jacks and asks Truman to help him sneak into the place to rescue her. Hank is ordered by Ben Horne to follow Cooper to make sure he delivers the ransom money and gets Audrey back. Big Ed brings the crazy and delusional Nadine home from the hospital. At One-Eyed Jacks, Jean Renault plots with Blackie's sister, Nancy, to steal the ransom money for themselves after it is delivered. Also, the mysterious Japanese businessman, Mr. Tojamura, ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

Cooper and Sheriff Truman arrest Leland after he confesses that he was the one who murdered Jacques Renault in his hospital bed as well as the one who attacked Dr. Jacoby that night under the delusion that he was protecting Laura. Andy asks Dr. Hayward about taking a sperm test to see if he really is sterile. Hank Jennings asks Norma to spruce up the Double R Diner when news circulates that a shadowy travel writer and food critic named M.T. Wentz, whom no one has ever met, may be coming to Twin Peaks. Meanwhile, Jean Renault delivers a videotape of the captive Audrey to Ben Horne and demands a $100,000 ransom for her return and he wants Cooper to be the drop-off man. Upon returning to One-Eyed Jacks, Renault murders Emory Battis for treating the captive Audrey badly. Cooper asks Truman to help him with investigating Audrey's kidnapping. Donna continues to meet with Harold Smith who shows her Laura Palmer's secret diary which she gave to him for safekeeping, which increases Donna's ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.4
47 min

Cooper and Agent Rosenfield are alerted when an attempt is made on Ronnette Pulaski's life at the hospital. Meanwhile, Donna meets with the reclusive Harold Smith, an orchid cultivator, whom she asks about Laura. At the One-Eyed Jacks, Audrey is held prisoner by Blackie and Emory who are under the employment of Jean Renault who plans to extract a ransom from Benjamin Horne, as well as kill Cooper whom he blames for the deaths of his brothers Bernard and Jacques. Leland comes to the police station after seeing the police sketch of Killer Bob claiming to have known the mysterious man from his childhood. Elsewhere, Lucy meets with the suave and vain Dick Tremayne where she confides that she's pregnant from a brief fling they had and the baby may be his. The mysterious Asian man staying at the Great Northern Hotel continues to follow Cooper around. Philip Michael Gerard, the one-armed man, has a seizure after seeing the sketch of Killer Bob, and emerges as his alter ego, 'Mike'. At the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.7
46 min

Still investigating Cooper's shooting, Albert Rosenfield tells Cooper that his former partner and mentor, Windom Earle, has escaped from an insane asylum and may come after him. Meanwhile, Donna meets the mysterious Mrs. Tremond and her weird grandson on Laura meals-on-wheels route who direct Donna to the home of Harold Smith who was a special friend of Laura's. Ronnette Pulaski awakens from her coma, but is not responsive. With Catherine missing and presumed dead, Ben and Jerry Horne debate destroying the sawmill ledgers, while Leland apparently ruins the business deal with the Icelandic businessmen by letting the slip about the sawmill fire. Andy angrily tells Lucy that he's sterile and wants an explanation why she's pregnant. Bobby persuades Shelly not to press domestic abuse charges at the brain-damaged Leo so they can take care of him and live off the insurance money. At One-Eyed Jacks, Audrey blows her cover when she interrogates Emmory Battis and learns how Laura came to work ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 9.1
93 min

After being shot by an unseen assailant, a wounded Cooper has a vision of a giant who tells him three clues to help with the investigation. In the morning, Albert Rosenfield arrives back in Twin Peaks to investigate Cooper's attack and to assist. Meanwhile, Leland's hair turns white and he continues to act strangely. James remains in jail after being framed by Bobby who plants Leo's cocaine stash in his motorcycle. Big Ed maintains a bedside vigil for the comatose Nadine after a suicide attempt. Leo remains in a coma after being shot by the murderous Hank. At One-Eyed Jacks, Audrey escapes notice by her father and finds that she's a prisoner there. With both Catherine and Josie missing and the sawmill burning down, Shelly and Pete are also in the hospital after escaping from the fire. Donna, following a tip from the Log Lady, decides to investigate the Double R's Meals on Wheels program that Laura worked at. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 9.2
46 min

In the cliff-hanging season finale, James and Donna search Dr. Jacoby's office and find the cassette recording of Laura Palmer and the half-heart necklace. At the same time, Dr. Jacoby is attacked by a masked assailant while watching the disguised Maddy Ferguson. At the One-Eyed Jacks, the undercover that Cooper sets up Jacques Renault for in a meeting where Renault gets arrested and shot by Andy trying to escape. Audrey is set up by Blackie to prepare herself for the owner who likes the new merchandise unaware that it's her father who's nearby with Jerry celebrating after the Icelandic businessmen sign the papers for Ghostwood Developments. Back in Twin Peaks, Nadine attempts suicide by swallowing a whole bottle of sleeping pills. Bobby begins his final plan of revenge against James by planting cocaine in James's motorcycle and anonymously tips off the police to arrest James. The violent and misogynistic Leo returns to takes his revenge against Shelly by taking her to the sawmill ...

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.7
46 min

Agent Cooper lets the seductive Audrey down easy by having a night-long talk with her about life and love. The following day, Agent Cooper and Bookhouse Boy Big Ed decide to pay a special visit to One-Eyed-Jacks to find Jacques Renault. Unknown to Cooper, Audrey goes undercover as a hostess at One-Eyed-Jacks and persuades Blackie to hire her. Josie Packard shares her suspicions with Truman about Catherine Martell's intentions. But Catherine learns that both Ben Horne and Josie are planing to murder her. A wounded Leo, now a fugitive, learns about Jacques' mynah bird at the police station and plots to kill it. Lucy continues to treat Deputy Andy coldly. Meanwhile, Dr. Jacoby receives a phone call from the dead Laura Palmer (so he thinks) while James, Donna, and Maddy plot to lure him away from his office so they can search it. Jerry and Ben Horne take the Icelandic businessmen to One-Eyed-Jacks to get them to sign the Ghostwood Estates business deal, while Ben makes a call to Leo to ... Written by sebbles and matt patay

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.6
47 min

Cooper, Truman, Hawk, and Dr. Hayward venture into the woods and have tea with the Log Lady and discover a crime scene in the woods. Audrey Horne takes a job at her father's department store to look further into her own investigation where Laura also worked. Hank Jennings returns from prison to a job at the Double R Diner, while Norma is unaware about the two-faced Hank's intentions. James and Donna show Maddy Ferguson there findings and enlist her help in Laura's murder. Meanwhile, Jerry Horne invites some randy Icelandic businessmen to the Great Northern Hotel to get them to buy a piece of real estate called Ghostwood Estates. Hank secretly confronts and beats up Leo for taking over his drug dealing business and letting it get out of control. Leo again takes out his angry by hitting Shelley, who finally loses it and shoots him. A shocking turn is revealed where Catherine becomes suspicious about Benjamin's intentions as they plan to burn down the Packward Sawmill to collect the ... Written by sebbles

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

Cooper and Truman track down the one-armed man and some strange new evidence; Norma goes to a parole board hearing for her husband; Audrey begins her own investigation.

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.4
47 min

The people of Twin Peaks gather for Laura Palmer's funeral. Agent Cooper interprets his dream about the killer. Truman reveals to Cooper the secret of the Bookhouse Boys.

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 9.0
47 min

Dale demonstrates odd deductive techniques for the sheriff's department; Benjamin and his brother take a trip; and Donna and James plan to solve Laura's murder.

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

Agent Dale Cooper finds a damn fine cup of coffee at the Great Northern Hotel's restaurant where Audrey Horne introduces herself to him. Cooper and Sheriff Harry Truman speak to Dr. Hayward about Laura's autopsy. Shelly finds blood on one of Leo's shirts. Cooper and Truman release James into the custody of his uncle, Big Ed. They release Mike and Bobby, too. Ed reveals that his beer had probably been drugged. Nadine tells Norma about her new drapes. Pete accidentally serves Cooper and Truman coffee brewed with a fish. They ask Mrs. Packard about Laura. Mrs. Palmer sees a terrible vision. Benjamin Horne berates Audrey. Major Briggs slaps Bobby. Agent Cooper meets the Log Lady. Dr. Jacoby listens to a cassette tape. Written by J. Spurlin

Country: USA
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HD Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks


Twin Peaks

IMDb: 8.9
94 min | 113 min (video)

When beautiful, young Laura Palmer is found brutally savaged, murdered, and wrapped in plastic, the death of the Twin Peaks Homecoming Queen is big news in the small town. As the news spreads, FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper travels to the Northern Washington State town to solve this and other related cases. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Stella




IMDb: 7.4

In London on a college trip Stella pays a surprise visit to Michael and the pair are invited to dinner with Maria and husband Max, who turn out to be swingers . In resisting their advances Stella and Michael's relationship seems stronger, leading to a proposition of a different kind. Next day however Stella sees a face from the past - somebody keen to come back to Pontyberry. When Mayor Mary Meyer drops down dead in a meeting Bobby sees his chance to impress Ivan - now a reluctant dance teacher as well as an undertaker - but loses the funeral when he turns down Mary's son Ian's offer to be his boyfriend. Jag has cause to be grateful to Carole when his mother visits and promises to look out for her and son Jamie, who has Downs Syndrome. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Newton's Law

Newton's Law


Newton's Law

IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Married with Children

Married with Children


Married with Children

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Al rushes to finish fixing the basement step before his favorite movie, Hondo comes on TV. But, in an attempt to get some new batteries for his flashlight, he finds himself locked inside the store. Meanwhile, Bud and Kelly attempt to celebrate Buck's birthday, much to Buck's dismay. Written by furymachine

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Married with Children

Married with Children


Married with Children

IMDb: 8.0
23 min

Al and Kelly pretend to be sick so they can avoid going with Peggy and Bud to Peggy's mother's place. But Kelly ends up really getting sick and Al has to care for her for the entire week which interrupts Al's fantasies of being with two beautiful women. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Shark




IMDb: 7.9
42 min (DVD) | 60 min

Sebastian 'the Shark' Stark is L.A.'s hotshot criminal lawyer, who can save even the worst violent scum from conviction by a jury, for an obscene fortune. When wife-beater Gordie Brock he got off is arrested for murdering that same spouse Deena six days later, expecting the Shark to save his bacon again, he finds himself infected with some conscience and stops his profit-driven practice. Now mayor Manuel Delgado seizes his chance to convince Stark to join the underfunded prosecutor's office, which never stood a chance against him, and help justice rather then the rich. District Attorney Jessica 'Jess' Devlin, whom he knows to be far below his class talent-wise, becomes his new boss. He already knows from his private files all the inexperienced by-the-book lawyers he gets assigned as assistants, such as senator Woodland's son Casey, and starts teaching them how to use, even bend the system. Their first case in only 48 hours, is star singer Jenny Dennison, who murdered Terence 'Terry' ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps


Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

IMDb: 7.3

Jonny is jealous when Janet finds a love letter from handsome old flame Andy,though she tells him she is merely being nostalgic. To allay his fears she introduces him to 'Andy',who is actually wimpy little Colin from the chemist's. Louise goes off James and wonders if she is a Lesbian,getting Donna and Janet to experiment with her,though it does nothing for her and she realises that she just does not fancy James. Flo meanwhile wants Donna to move out so that she can turn her room into a saucy massage parlour. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps


Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

IMDb: 7.0

When Jonny wins a thousand pounds on a Lotto scratch card everybody has their own idea of how he should spend it, Janet throwing a party in the hopes that he will use the money to buy an engagement ring. However he eventually uses it to hire Bungle, a puppet bear from a children's television show, and a bouncy castle. Louise has a new man, James, whom she sees as a sex machine, though he turns out to be a virgin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Real Housewives of Sydney

The Real Housewives of Sydney


The Real Housewives of Sydney

IMDb: 0
43 min

Athena X has a past life regression and heads back to 1793. Meanwhile, Matty is asked to be maid of honour at Christa Billich's dog's wedding to a cat. Athena hosts Lisa, Nicole and Krissy at an opulent Breakfast at Levendi and has an Oprah moment. Gossip and speculation turns full on rumour amid talk that Charles Billich likes sleeping with his muses but is Matty one of them? Then the big day rolls around and all the housewives join an eccentric crowd of art lovers, be-jewelled animals and drag queens for the notorious Fur wedding which might just end in a cat fight.

Country: Australia
Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Skins




IMDb: 6.8
43 min

Cadie's the one in therapy but it seems that everyone else in her life should be. Her dad is completely absorbed in hunting and macabre taxidermy while her mother strives to recapture her pageant queen glory days via reality TV. Stanley is reputed to be her boyfriend but he's so hung up on Michelle that he seldom notices her. The rest of her so-called friends just tolerate her for the drugs she provides. And her apathetic therapists ask her why she's not happy... Written by Havan IronOak

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Black Jesus

Black Jesus


Black Jesus

IMDb: 7.5
19 min

Our heroes travel through Compton in a food truck, spreading the good word and fish tacos. When Jesus's phone falls into the wrong hands, Trayvon is desperate to get it back.

Genre: Comedy,
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