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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Jamie and Jenko encounter a girl who mentally unhealthy. Clealry she should be in a facility but her father can't afford it and doesn't want to put her in a state facility, So they talk to her case officer who says she told her father his options when he decides he doesn't want to do it, she says that's it. When some cops and fire fighters have a confrontation because the fire fighters think the cops are walking all over them. Frank hears about this and tries to work things out with Chief of the Fire Department but the man has a lot of resentment for the police department. And when a cop is injured because the fire department chose not to assist the police, Frank tries again to make peace. When Erin fails to convict a man she's been gunning for, for years, she decides to reopen an unsolved case wherein the man is suspected of being the one who committed the crime. She asks one of the investigators who's the cop who worked the original case. He contacts another cop who worked the case ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.6
41 min

A reporter goes on a ride along with Jamie and Jenko. they give him a police jacket to wear. While on patrol they answer a 911 call. They go there and tell the reporter to stay in the car. They check it out and find nothing, they wonder what's going on that's when they hear shots and they find the reporter's been shot. Frank who was urged by Garrett to authorize the reporter's ride along tries to find out what happened. All signs lead to someone wanting to shoot a cop and mistook the reporter for a cop because of the jacket he had on. Danny goes to talk to the reporter but he says he can't remember anything. Danny investigates and finds a lead on the shooter. The reporter makes a sketch and posts it on the web. Obviously the guy is trying to make a story and doesn't want the police in his way. Danny tries to get Erin to help but Erin tells him to be sure if he's trying to find the shooter or appease Linda who is afraid that someone like the shooter will get Danny. Danny finds the man ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Danny and Maria investigate a possible serial killer who sends a chilling message to Danny, and Erin toys with the idea of applying for a judgeship. Also, Frank is in a bind when mayoral candidate Katherine Tucker (Mary Stuart Masterson) accuses him of secretly investigating her husband, and Eddie faces her estranged father when he winds up in the hospital.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.2
41 min

Danny and Jamie get tips on a possible attack. Danny from a guy who's ranting and raving in a foreign language. He says he saw 3 bombs in an apartment. Danny goes there and finds only two bombs. Jamie from a girl who works in a club who says one of her regulars said something which makes her think he's a suicide bomber. Erin warns Frank that he was walking a thin line. Danny learns the man the girl at the club reported is one of the men staying at the apartment. So they have to find him. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

A celebrity chef from reality TV is murdered and a suspect readily confesses to the crime, but Danny and Baez think there is more to the case. Jamie and Jenko investigate a bizzare assault and elsewhere a senator uses his friendship with Frank to ask for a favor regarding a DUI charge.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

When a man in Brooklyn is killed in a heinous manner and no one in the area reports it, Frank is upset. A TV reporter covers the thing and has residents cry that NYPD is doing nothing. Frank talks to the reporter who doesn't back down on her stance. When she interviews the one who killed the man. Frank asks her who he is but she refuses to divulge his identity. Erin decides to take her to court to get her to reveal his identity but when she refuses she's held in contempt and placed in jail. Erin decides to look into the murder of Alex's mother despite him telling her there's nothing. Carver has Danny take a young offender with him as a part of a program to deter them from becoming criminals but the girl is very difficult. . Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Eddie goes undercover for the first time when she tries to take down a kidnapping ring, which is luring in young women with websites for phony youth hostels. Elsewhere, Frank assists a woman who wants to confront the inmate who murdered her family. Written by Dean Platt

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Erin's unnerved when someone breaks into her apartment, and then she discovers her coworker was attacked. Elsewhere, Jamie and Eddie find a pipe bomb in a senior citizen's home; and Frank investigates a charity that's supposedly helping the NYPD. Written by Dean Platt

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Danny is investigating a murder committed by someone wearing a mask. When he discovers the person has killed again, he learns that both victims have ties to the adult film industry. They talk to their boss who tells Danny that a girl who tried to join the industry committed suicide and her family blames the industry for her death. Frank attends the promotion ceremony of various officers and when he meets the father of one of them, he can't help but think the man is familiar so he detains him and learns he's a man who's wanted for killing a cop almost 40 years ago. And Henry was the one who initially investigated and then passed it to Frank who then passed it to Danny. The man denies killing the cop. But they decide to press charges and when Henry talks to Erin, he mixes up details which makes Erin want to plead the case out which Frank doesn't want to. Jamie and Jenko arrest a man who struck a girl with his car. He confesses to hitting the girl. But Jenko finds a witness who says the ... Written by

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Three community leaders are killed in apparent hate crimes, and Danny and Baez investigate as Frank meets with folks who want to ensure the gravity of these crimes is not ignored. Meanwhile, Linda wants to protect herself with a gun after getting mugged. Written by CBS Press Release

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Frank appears on television with the New D.A. and he says something that Frank disagrees with which makes things between them turn heated. And when Erin learns of this she finds herself in the middle because till recently she was seeing the D.A. and when Frank figures it out it makes things tense between them. Danny's new boss decides to go out with him and they come across a shooting wherein several people including a pregnant girl is shot. At first they thinks it was drug related because some of the ones who were shot were drug dealers. But they later learn they were collateral damage and that someone else was the target. And Danny and his boss disagree on so many things. Jamie and Jenko find a girl who appears to have committed suicide. The detective who's assigned to the case is very passive, he even asks them to inform the girl's family. Her grandmother doesn't think she killed herself. She wants them to look into it and the detective refuses to do anything and they decide to ... Written by

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

A dangerous man whom the NYPD has been trying to nail, just assaulted a man over a parking space. Danny goes to see the man he assaulted and he says he will testify against him but when he goes to pick him out of a lineup he backs out claiming the man is threatening his family. Danny tries to find someone who is willing to testify or some other evidence. Garrett tells Frank that there's a warrant for the man in another country and he thinks it would be best to let them have him. But Frank doesn't agree. Erin who's prosecuting the man goes up against a former law schoolmate who offers her a job at her firm. Written by

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Jamie comes across a woman who appears to be in fear for her life. He talks to her and she says her ex is threatening her. He gives her his card and offers to help but she leaves. Later Danny is called to the hospital when a woman who was beaten is brought in. It's the same one Jamie spoke to and she says she tried to stand up to her and ex and even told him she has a cop who will help, he didn't back down and she says he will go after the cop. Danny finds out it's Jamie. Danny tries to get him to stay off the streets till they find the ex. Jamie refuses to. Henry while attending a function is asked by a friend about the threat on Jamie and Henry goes off how he would deal with it if he was still commissioner. What he doesn't know someone recorded it and placed it on the web which causes problems for Frank. Danny finds the ex but he denies doing anything. While Jamie's on patrol someone sets fire to the car and he barely gets out. Danny's determined to get the guy. And Erin learns ... Written by

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Danny chases an armed robber who is black. Eventually he chases him into an apartment building and when the guy is cornered he jumps out a window and when he lands Baez catches him. He then cries out Danny pushed him. Reverend Potter shows up and cries out police brutality and demands Danny's badge. Frank knowing that Potter has an agenda tries to be careful how he handles it. Written by

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

When Erin is assigned to investigate a case in which an on-duty police officer is accused of killing a suspect already in custody, Frank urges her to stick to the facts to avoid a publicity scandal for the NYPD. Meanwhile, Jamie urges Eddie to forgive her father for his past mistakes. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Danny's loyalty is tested when he is assigned to the case of a childhood friend, Mickey, who is under investigation for having ties to an infamous mob family. Meanwhile, Frank gets word that crime is on the rise due to a recent judicial ruling about the legality of the stop and frisk policy. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

A cop is shot while responding to a robbery, and later dies at the hospital. Frank then orders that everything be done to find the shooter. Danny investigates and gets second hand info on a suspect. He finds a witness who may have seen the shooter but is not sure. So they bring her to the station to look at photos but she fails to identify him, Danny does a little maneuvering to get her to say it's the suspect. So he picks him up and puts him in a line-up. The witness is still uncertain. Erin tells Danny they don't have enough. He, Henry, her boss and the whole department are upset with her. So much that cops who are suppose to testify say they're unavailable. Frank upon learning this intervenes. But they are still unable to get the man they think shot the cop. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

When a man is shot in broad daylight, Danny investigates and learns the man had no enemies or reason for someone to kill him. But another person is later killed and there appears to be no connection between the two victims. He later learns that the second victim got away with murder so he thinks someone is trying to get payback. Erin takes him to the D.A. who prosecuted the second victim, the man's irate about the victim because he feels she should have been convicted. And when a third person is killed, Erin figures out what the link is. Jamie finds a boy wandering the streets with blood on his clothes. He takes him back to his parents and can't help but wonder if there's anything wrong at their home. An astronaut who just retired, who's also a friend of Frank's comes to the New York. They meet and the man drinks very heavily and he talks about his family. But Frank learns the things he said about his family is not true and tries to help him. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Amid protests over the NYPD's new stop, question and search policy, Erin and the entire Reagan family are targeted by a protest group's photographer, who is publishing the photos to a website. When a rape victim that Erin is preparing for trial appears in some of the photos, Erin confronts the photographer. Danny and Detective Maria Baez investigate a young Bonnie and Clyde type couple who rob a bank and steal an off-duty police officer's gun in the process, but the intrusion of the FBI threatens their progress. Elsewhere, Frank considers getting romantically involved with an ACLU representative named Whitney, who is an acquaintance of Erin's and close to Erin's age. Written by Christina Downs

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Danny and Jamie are playing basketball with some other guys. A guy Danny knows gets into it with a guy Jamie knows; the guy Danhy knows smacks the guy Jamie knows. The one who was smacked has to be hospitalized and he demands that the one who smacked him be arrested and Danny reluctantly does it. He tells the guy he knows that his sister is the D.A. and maybe he can talk to her. Erin is approached by a man who asks her to re investigate his daughter's unsolved murder which is 15 years old. Erin goes to Danny and asks him to look into the man's daughter's murder. It seems the man thinks that his daughter's boyfriend who's the son of a wealthy man should be considered. Danny agrees, if she helps his friend. Danny goes to see the detective who investigated the murder and he tells Danny that he had an alibi and took a polygraph and passed. Erin informs Danny that his friend has a previous record which means he has to be indicted. Jamie offers to talk to the guy he knows. Erin and Danny ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.9
41 min

The mayor forbids Frank to cause a panic and ruin holiday business by calling for the public's help in search of a sniper who kills drivers who have no connection, except their cars' excessive CO2 footprint, a line thought brilliantly suggesting by Jamie's study of the unusual ammo used. Despite being distracted by Sean's bad fall while bicycling Danny finds a clue, but the resulting suspect died in a staged suicide. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

College student Conor, a small dealer, is murdered on campus. Bullish narcotics detective Eddie Stone, working on that market, gets the chief of detectives to impose his help. Another student dealer points at Danny's regular informer, major dealer Otto, who claims it's the work of a white man who thus dares his Mexican cartel. Jamie stands by Harvard law school friend Dana, who gets mugged while distributing help to the homeless, and rewards him with romantic interest. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Danny is called to the scene on Halloween night, when a man in a priest costume is attacked by a figure dressed as a skeleton. Detective Kate Lansing is assigned to help on the case and she recognizes the skeleton costume as the garb of Baron Samedi, a Haitian spirit of death. Written by Ursidae

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.0
41 min

An illegal street peddler, whom Jamie allows Vinny to let off with a mere warning, tips them off about drug trade. Despite his rookie status, Jamie investigates and discovers she uses a fake name and has a dealing record. Danny is grumpy, too broke to have his second car mended and too proud to accept help from relatives. Erin gets him assigned to mind the crown witness in a case against dodgy medical doc. Ed Greenfield, spoiled-rotten art photographer and philanthropist Vance Bradley, who becomes the target of attempts on his life, but that's not his whole story. Frank has a hard time convincing grandpa Henry it's time to stop driving giving his accidents and poor eyesight. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Erin's ex-husband comes for their daughter's birthday and opposes her in court. Frank spends the day with a young man who won a contest. And he tells Frank that he doesn't think that the police give equal priority. He talks about how his mother was killed and how it's still unsolved. And Danny is investigating the murder of two men who along with two others were charged with raping a girl. But because of a technicality they got off. Danny wonders if he should really give it his all. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Jamie has a poor first impression of his cocky new partner Vinny Cruz, from a different precinct. Ignoring PR advice, Frank compromises himself when visiting the family of an honest cop's hasty mistake fatal victim, then antagonizes the while force by bluntly apologizing in the media, yet makes up by preventing the traumatized cop's suicide attempt. Incorrigible criminal Benjamin Walker, who lost everything when duly arrested by Danny, finally made parole and is likely to make true his promise to exact revenge, on Danny or his family. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Booth and Brennan investigate the death of a motorcycle racer, and when another seeming accident occurs on the track attention turns to the team owners and a reporter, meanwhile Dr. Sweets manipulates them into a social outing with him and his girlfriend. Written by layle

Country: USA
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HD The Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy


The Casual Vacancy

IMDb: 7.4

As Terri's attitude seems to improve Barry's widow Mary confides in Colin that she believes his civic duty killed her husband and warns Colin against accepting the vacancy. Colin reckons that he will lose and does so by one vote to Miles. This gives the Mollisons the deciding vote on the future of the community hall and Miles predictably backs his father though he defends Samantha against Shirley at Howard's birthday party, where Arf snaps Howard having sex with business partner Mo. The result ends up on the Ghost's website. Krystle is shocked to see Terri back on the drugs and flees the house with Robbie. Something very bad happens as a result, for which several people feel responsible though they must get on with their lives. The Ghost's identity, though revealed to viewers, goes undetected to most of the village. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy


The Casual Vacancy

IMDb: 7.3

Barry is laid to rest but a blogger claiming to be his ghost posts online messages, exposing Simon as a thief and causing him to withdraw from the candidacy. The Mollisons are highly amused - until the ghost points out Miles's shortcomings and then Colin is attacked online, having rowed with his teen-aged stepson 'Fats' over the boy's sexual involvement with Krystle. Krystle herself has only fond recollections of Barry's kindness to her and her family. Samantha Mollison holds a dinner party for other candidates and their associates, including Kaye and married doctors Parmender and Vikram, who supported Barry, but it descends into chaos and argument as Parminder locks horns with Howard. That night Howard has dreams involving death. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Two and a Half Men

Two and a Half Men


Two and a Half Men

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Alan is made to admit to Charlie, who keeps hitting it in, he has hit rock-bottom now his brainless girlfriend Kandi has moved in with his ex. It's all so confusing that Jake would prefer dad's ladies to be lesbians, then tells him Kandi's ma Mandi has joined Charlie's endless list of sexual conquests. Alan can't talk to Kandi, she just repeats Judith's phrases, clearly without understanding the words, but he sees her dad, Mandi's ex Andy, arrive on blind date with his own ex Judith. Frolicking finale at Judith's, in rooms, bed and hot-tub... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Two and a Half Men

Two and a Half Men


Two and a Half Men

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

The Harpers's world is inverted: Charlie's ex Kandi, of his countless girls about the dumbest, not only became Alan's lover but even says she prefers sex with him, and has been living in Charlie's beach-house, as unnoticed as several furniture changes, for three weeks since she was evicted. Charlie has suffered a sexual drought even longer, by now even Berta and her cousin in prison begin to look somehow attractive. Judith finds out, and is shocked Jake is exposed to such a floozy; despite his brother's warning to keep love and business apart, Alan tries her as secretary in his surgery, with even more and worse results then either could fear... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Two and a Half Men

Two and a Half Men


Two and a Half Men

IMDb: 8.1
19 min

After being tricked into helping Alan and Judith produce Jake's classroom musical, Charlie is flattered to find out that the kids know all the words to his jingles. Alan is blind-sided with divorce papers from Judith, causing strife which results in Charlie, who refuses to deal with the pre-pubers without a snootful, having to produce the play on his own. Jake is crushed when he realizes that a reconciliation between his parents may never happen. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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