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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.9
54 min

The police quickly catch up with Ray Speltzer and they do a brilliant job interrogating him and getting a confession. She and others are shocked however when a judge ruled the arresting officers had violated his Miranda rights and releases him. When he shows up on the sidelines of his latest victim's funeral, Deb goes berserk and decides they have to get him at all costs. Dexter decides it's time for him to do what he does best. Meanwhile, the police are still raiding the strip club and owner Isaak Sirko decides it's time to give the police what they want and frames someone for the hit. Sirko knows that Dexter made the assassin disappear and has every intention of getting even. He has his own special reasons for doing so. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.8
56 min

With Deb keeping a close eye on him, Dexter is starting to go stir crazy. He desperately wants to satisfy his dark passenger but first decides to get Louis Greene out of his life forever. Deb is growing increasingly frustrated at the lack of progress in finding Mike Anderson's killer. The murderer's employer, Isaak Sirko, is having much better luck and actually traces his former employee right to Dexter's boat. Dexter wants to kill someone and focuses on the recently paroled killer Ray Speltzer. Dexter is convinced that Speltzer will kill again and tries to convince Deb that he can eliminate him before some young woman gets killed. Deb won't hear of it....but begins to question her own moral code when Dexter proves to be correct. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.9
59 min

With Deb having found all of Dexter's paraphernalia, including the blood slides, he has little choice but to admit everything. She decides not to arrest him or let the police know what he does during his off hours. She does decide she's going to try and cure him and keeps him on a very short leash. Dexter is wondering more and more what to do about Louis Greene who he is convinced sent him the hand from the Ice Truck killer case. Louis doesn't scare easily however. The police continue to press the investigation into Mike Anderson's death not knowing that Dexter has already taken care of the killer. They're raiding the strip club regularly and the owner comes to the US to take care of it personally. Meanwhile, a convicted serial killer offers to tell the police where some of his victims are buried. LaGuerta continues to research the blood slide she found at the site of the Marshall killing. Written by sayemuddin28

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 9.5
55 min

Having been caught in the act of eliminating Travis Marshall by his sister Deb, Dexter has to scramble to come up with an explanation. Deb is understandably shaken by what she's just seen but accepts, somewhat reluctantly, Dexter's explanation that he's suffered momentary madness. As she thinks about it, Dexter's explanation makes no sense and decides to dig deeper. Captain LaGuerta meanwhile is puzzled by a piece of evidence she found at the scene of the Marshall killing. When a member of the homicide squad is killed, Dexter goes all out to stop the killer before he leaves the country. Louis Greene starts to meddle with Dexter's computer accounts. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 9.2
51 min

Stuck in the ocean miles from shore, Dexter is rescued by an old boat carrying illegal immigrants to the US. He even manages to render them a service. Once ashore, he heads home hoping to figure out where and when Travis will stage his last tableau. Travis has holed up in a small house and has killed the occupants. While he's away, the police show up and Dexter has something of a surprise waiting for him. Dexter makes it to son Harrison's school recital only to have Travis take the child. Meanwhile, Debra has a plan to catch Travis and gets LaGuerta's support for her plan. Debra also comes to terms with her feelings for Dexter. In his final confrontation with Travis, Dexter has him tied down on his execution table. Someone walks in just as he's committing the deed. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.4
48 min

Dexter finds himself at the yacht where Travis and his accomplices were preparing the next tableau, Wormwood. They quickly realize that Travis is planning a gas attack. Worried that Batista has not been seen since the previous day, Quinn sets off to find him. Travis meanwhile sends Beth Dorsey to Miami Metro homicide with a canister of deadly gas and orders her to meet with Lt. Morgan. Deb has dinner with Deputy Chief Matthews and discusses the case of the dead call girl. The next day Deb realizes that Laguerta is very adept at office politics. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.2
49 min

Now realizing the error he has made, Dexter redoubles his efforts to track down the doomsday killer and eliminate him. He plants evidence in the church to keep the police off the scent and sets out to find DDK. He manages to track down Holly, the woman Travis freed, but too late. From the evidence at the crime scene, Dexter believes he knows what DDK will strike with next, though he has no idea where. With Quinn hung over and not at work, Batista sets off to interview a person of interest which may have major ramifications for him. Meanwhile, Deb goes through the evidence from the dead call girl case and now knows who was with her and who Laguerta is protecting. Louis the crime lab intern is more than a little deflated when Dexter slams his new computer game. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.6
50 min

Having rescued Travis at the church, Dexter now tries to figure out what the next tableau will be. With Travis having agreed to help him, Dexter gets him a room in a hotel to keep him safe. A clue from one of the paintings eventually leads Dexter to a Professor Casey, an avowed atheist. He tries to warn Casey about what may happen but the professor brushes him off, claiming to get threats all of the time. Unfortunately, the doomsday killer strikes again. When Travis disappears, Dexter traces him to the church. Dexter finds him alive but also makes a startling discovery. Meanwhile Batista takes Quinn to task when he fails to show up for work and apparently left his phone and gun behind in someone's car when he left the strip club. Debra decides to reopen the case of the dead call girl despite Capt. Laguerta's objections. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.0
52 min

Dexter returns to Miami after his road trip to Nebraska and get a frosty reception from Debra who has been under pressure to get results in the doomsday killer case. He does his best to make amends, but doesn't share what he knows about Travis and Professor Gellar. Thanks to Masuka's intern Louis, the police now have a list of 200 of Gellar's former students living in the Miami area and the team fans out to interview them all. It doesn't stop the Doomsday Killer from striking again with a new tableau: the Whore of Babylon. Meanwhile Capt. Laguerta takes a particular interest in the death of a high class prostitute and seems desperate to have the case ruled an accidental death. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.0
52 min

Having avenged Brother Sam's death, Dexter gets some bad news from Deb - it appears the Trinity Killer has returned to kill his wife and daughter, leaving his son Jonah as the only survivor. Dexter knows that Trinity is lying in pieces at the bottom of the ocean and immediately suspects that Jonah may have taken over where his father left off. He sets off for Nebraska to confront Jonah accompanied by someone from his past. When he confirms Jonah's role in the deaths, Dexter clearly has a choice to make. Back in Miami, the team gets a significant lead when they locate the girl Travis released. But with Dexter unavailable, the squad is missing a key expert to analyze what they've found. Travis stays with his sister and seemingly ends his relationship with Gellar. Captain Laguerta embarrasses Debra at a meeting. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.6
54 min

As Dexter is following Travis in the hope of finding Professor Geller, he learns of Brother Sam's shooting. He races to the hospital to learn Sam is unconscious. He sets out to find the killer and is quite certain who the culprit might be. During a brief lucid period, Sam asks him not to avenge his death. Deb tells Batista to get Professor Porter down to Miami for further questioning but realizes the whole case is in jeopardy when she learns Quinn spent the night with her. At the police psychologists suggestion, Deb decides to throw a house warming party. Meanwhile, Travis seems to be having trouble following Geller's orders and must decide what to do with the young woman they've kidnapped. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Dexter looks into Travis' background and learns that he has no criminal history, not even a traffic violation. Travis is also an expert in old documents and was once James Gellar's student. Batista and Quinn travel to Tallahassee to see what they can learn about Geller. Batista finds something interesting while Quinn gets to strike off an item on his bucket list. A murder suicide results in Deb getting a new place to live. Brother Sam spends an evening at Dexter's apartment but has a surprise waiting for him when he returns to his shop. Travis and Gellar kidnap their next victim. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.6
52 min

Dexter is in awe of the latest display from the Doomsday killer: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse made up of mannequins and human body parts. Testing confirms that the human parts all came from the same body. Deb Morgan, in her capacity as the new Lieutenant in homicide, holds her first press conference which she concludes did not go well. She is certainly very blunt. Meanwhile, Geller is unhappy with Travis' decision to go on a date with a pretty waitress. There's a price to pay for that. Dexter has a family crisis when Harrison has a burst appendix. Back in the lab, Masuka finally learns what Ryan has been up to. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.4
50 min

Deb faces her first day as the homicide squad's Lieutenant. She isn't sure she's made the right decision given that she not used to the administrative side of the job and the fact that she is also supervising her now ex-boyfriend Quinn. She also has to deal with Captain LaGuerta who seems to want to do both her new and her old job. The police find another body on the shore. The dead woman may have been a prostitute but it's her missing tooth that sends Dexter to an old scrap book. He finds a newspaper clipping for a serial killer from Oregon who the press labeled the Tooth Fairy after the fact that he kept a tooth from each of his victims. Masuka shows intern Ryan Chambers some evidence from the Ice Truck Killer case. He also manages to ask her out on a date. Gellar and Marshal meanwhile have taken a jogger prisoner. Marshall tells the man he will have to repent for his sins. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.2
53 min

Dexter lines up his next victim, Brother Sam a criminal who claims to have found religion and while still running his body repair shop, gives other ex-cons a chance at rehabilitation. Dexter isn't buying any of it and is certain that Sam will be his worthy next victim. Doesn't quite turn out that way. The investigation into the dead man with the snakes put into his torso advances when one of the students finds heavy metals in their system. The two men responsible for that killing continue their preparations. Deb meanwhile has a day to remember. Still getting praise from her colleagues over the restaurant shooting, Quinn has a surprise waiting for her in the refrigerator. It's left to Deputy Chief Tom Matthews to spring the biggest surprise of all however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.7
54 min

Life for Dexter is returning to normal. He's taking care of his son with the help of Angel Batista's sister Jamie. He dispatches two EMTs who have been killing patients to harvest their organs and he's looking forward to his high school 20th anniversary reunion. Not surprisingly, Dexter was something of an outsider in school but one girl, Janet, was at least nice to him. She dated and eventually married the schools star quarterback Joe Walker but committed suicide after they were married. Dexter is certain that Joe killed her and his main interest in the reunion weekend is to get a DNA sample from him. Elsewhere, Maria LaGuerta has been promoted to Captain and she and Angel are divorced. They're still friends and she is recommending him as her replacement as Lieutenant. Deb and Quinn are still living together and he is getting ready to pop the question - only to be interrupted in a restaurant in an unusual way. Finally, the entire squad has to deal with the disappearance of a roadside... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

The newly regenerated Doctor travels to present day London and Rose is happy to be home. Her mother is happy to see her, her protestation to the contrary. The Doctor isn't well however suffering from what he describes as a surplus of energy. While he is in a coma-like state, the people of the Earth are threatened by the Sycorax who threaten to destroy one-third of the planet's population if they don't surrender. The Prime Minister, in the apparent absence of the Doctor, asks for assistance from Torchwood but it's slow in coming and the end is fast approaching. Rose's mum Jackie has the cure for the Doctor, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD Psych




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Knucklehead Fred Turk believes to be abducted by aliens after the police finds him naked in a field, yet Shawn eagerly takes the case. Shortly after, another man is found their stripped and dumbstruck, later a corpse. Shawn searches for a link between the men, which may be found either in a tanning salon or a speed dating club, where he finds fraud after he, Gus and two cops enter, but neither works out in an obvious way. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

Having completed their deal with Tuco in the junkyard, Walt and Jesse realize just how crazy and violent he can be. Jesse is convinced that he's seen Tuco's black SUV going up and down his street. Walt puts it down to paranoia - until he sees a black SUV parked just down the block from his house. Jesse's solution is to shoot Tuco before he kills them but Walt has a better idea. Panic sets in however when they think Tuco is killing his associates. Hank reviews the security surveillance footage of the warehouse break-in without realizing it's Walt and Jesse. Skyler tells Hank about Marie's shoplifting and gets a surprising reaction. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.8
48 min

Having made a deal with Tuco to provide him with two pounds of crystal meth the following week, Walt learns from Jesse that they may have problems getting a key ingredient. Enjoying his new Heisenberg persona, Walt delivers only half a pound to Tuco but demands the entire amount of cash with the promise that he'll deliver four pounds the following week. Jesse reels, but Walt has a plan. They will have to break into a pharmaceutical supply warehouse however. Skyler's sister Marie throws a baby shower for her and her gift is a baby's tiara. Deciding that it's too extravagant, Skyler tries to return it to the store with surprising results. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.2
48 min

Walt begins his chemotherapy and returns to cooking crystal meth with Jesse. Soon Jesse is selling their superior product on the street but he only manages to sell an ounce making each of them only $1300. Walt pushes him to be more imaginative and find a distributor to whom they can sell in bulk. Against his better judgment, Jesse approaches Krazy 8's replacement as a drug wholesaler, a big time operator named Tuco who doesn't quite do business the way he had expected. It's left to Walt to sort it all out, telling Tuco his name is Heisenberg. Walt's having a hard time dealing with his chemo and is frequently ill. DEA agent Hank traces the gas mask they found in the desert to Walt's high school and makes an arrest. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Chuck




IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Premier Alejandro Fulgencio Goya of Central American Coast Gravas, who survived three murder attempts by Casey, won the White House's favor by promising to announce election. So now the team must protect him while in California for life-saving heart surgery, performed awesomely by Devon. Gratefully, he insists to invite the Woodcomb couple and Chuck fro a gala ball in his consulate. This proves most dangerous for everybody, as the Ring has its own agenda. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama,
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HD Chuck




IMDb: 8.3
44 min

It turns out she's about to marry arms dealer Victor Federov. The trio infiltrates, but Casey soon discovers she's a French spy, who played him all along. Meanwhile Awesome's 'anniversary' plans with Ellie are spoiled when she insists on a less practical joint self-present and Morgan is supposed to counsel them.An Intersect flash notices Ilsa Trinchina, who broke Casey's heart years ago. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Shield

The Shield


The Shield

IMDb: 8.1
60 min | 45 min

As Dutch's theory about a serial killer preying on prostitutes proves true, he convinces Aceveda to launch an all out effort to find him before he strikes again; Julien decides to bring down Vic for stealing drugs.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.8

Lisa becomes disheartened when she learns the shocking truth behind the tween lit industry and her beloved fantasy novel characters. But Homer decides to cash in on the craze and forms a team to group-write the next tween lit hit, with the king of fantasy, Neil Gaiman, lending his expertise to the effort. After catching the eye of a slick industry publisher at the Springfield Book Fair, the team gets an advanced copy of their work and discovers that the corporate lit business is a bigger operation than they imagined. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.7

A Russian mole discovers that scientists in the U.S.S.R. have developed a lethal serum that instantly kills anyone exposed to it. He steals a vial of the serum and contacts his friend Archangel for help in escaping the country with his family. Archangel dispatches Hawke and Santini for the rescue effort, but Airwolf can't handle that much passenger weight -- unless all her armaments are stripped leaving the supercopter defenseless. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD Friends




IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Gary wants to ask Phoebe to move in with him. Phoebe is freaked because it's so soon and asks Chandler to make him afraid of commitment so Gary won't ask her. Joey and Ross throw a ball back and forth without dropping it for hours. Rachel buys a very expensive naked cat. Monica joins the boys in their ball throwing game. Rachel's cat isn't as cute as Rachel thought it would be but the store won't take it back. Phoebe agrees to move on with Gary. Rachel sells the cat for $1,500 to poor Gunther. . Phoebe breaks up with Gary because he shot a bird. Monica, Chandler, Joey and Ross have been throwing the ball all night when Phoebe puts down the ball, refusing to play. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Californication




IMDb: 7.7
29 min

Atticus throws a party. Faith provides the girls, The Dealer provides the recreation, and Hank's old friend provides the entertainment. Hank gets a taste of his own medicine with Karen. Atticus tries to recreate rock'n roll folk lore with one of his biggest fans, while Charlie reunites with The Widow. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Californication




IMDb: 7.4
28 min

Ken discovers Charlie's secret. Atticus sends Hank and Charlie on a hunt, so they enlist the help of Hank's rehab partner Faith. Marcy makes a decision about Stu that is influenced by her man-hating spiritual guide, Ophelia Robbins.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Babylon 5

Babylon 5


Babylon 5

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Sheridan is kidnapped onto an alien ship and General Hague makes an unofficial visit to the station.

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Sarah finds herself in a business transaction with a mysterious business man named Sarkissian, who claims to be in possession of the stolen Turk computer system and wants an exorbitant amount of money for it. Cromartie closes in on John at his school, and Cameron thinks of a way to throw him off John's trail. Derek recalls his childhood before the so-called Judgement Day in 2011, when a nuclear war triggered by Skynet will destroy the world. Agent Ellison finally discovers that the terminator Cromartie is impersonating an FBI agent, and makes arrangements to apprehend him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Sarah visits Myles Dyson's widow, and Sarah ends up meeting Andy Goode along the way who ends up being an inventor of a chess playing computer named The Turk. Meanwhile, John and Cameron try their best to fit in on their first day at the new high school, with John trying to catch up on the eight years of history lost and Cameron trying to mimic the human emotions of her fellow students. Elsewhere, Agent Ellison tries to piece together the mysterious mass killing of four unidentified men, while Cromartie the Terminator tracks down a scientist to assist him in his regeneration. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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