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HD Rocket Power

Rocket Power


Rocket Power

IMDb: 8.4
24 min

Tito Tells The Gang About The Shack's Famous Wall Of Fame, Where People Who've Performed Amazing Feats Are Honored.During A Camping Weekend, Otto, Twister, Reggie And Sam Convince Ray To Let Them Go Fishing By Themselves In The Boat.

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HD Rocket Power

Rocket Power


Rocket Power

IMDb: 8.4
24 min

Ray And Tito Take The Kids On A Snowboarding Weekend, Where They See A Class Of Physically Challenged Snowboarders.When Sam Finds An Unusual Shell, He Takes It Back To The Shack To Show The Gang.

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HD Rocket Power

Rocket Power


Rocket Power

IMDb: 8.4
24 min

Ocean Shores is overrun with Shoobies so then Otto decides to pull shark hoax tro make everyone leave the ocean.

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HD Rocket Power

Rocket Power


Rocket Power

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

After Otto fixes anew skateboard, The Rocket Gang realizes they can make money by fixing sporting equipment. Business starts slowly, but soon booms after Otto gets the word out. Otto, however, has an agenda of this own.

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HD Janet King

Janet King


Janet King

IMDb: 8.7
57 min

Janet enlists the assistance of DPP Tony Gillies to persuade ICAC Commissioner Roger Embry to withdraw the corruption allegations against her. With the Royal Commission into Gun Violence back on track, the team is able to put faces to the big players in the gun importation racket, with some interesting results. Suspicion continues to grow that there is someone within the team who is involved in the conspiracy surrounding the guns and Ash's death. The full genetic screening results, combined with circumstantial evidence, provoke Andy and Bianca to precipitately arrest their suspect. Janet and Richard clash over his decision to represent his former colleague at her bail hearing. However, just when she thinks the danger to herself and the twins has passed, the results of the DNA phenotyping of Ash's murderer arrive in Janet's inbox. She immediately recognises the suspect and it's not the person who's safely in custody. A dramatic finale ensues, during which Janet confronts Ash's killer ... Written by Duchess of New Town

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Janet King

Janet King


Janet King

IMDb: 8.6
54 min

The undercover operation goes awry, with deadly consequences. Her cover blown, Bianca offers protection to Felix. Janet, Richard, and Lina prepare for their anticorruption hearing.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Janet King

Janet King


Janet King

IMDb: 8.4
56 min

With increasing political pressure for the Royal Commission to deliver results, and the container full of handguns so far yielding nothing, Janet is forced to fast-track the undercover mission.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm


Curb Your Enthusiasm

IMDb: 8.6
33 min

An ice-cream truck triggers a painful childhood memory for Larry that impacts a softball title game, a therapist's fees, Bill Buckner's legacy, and his new girlfriend's travel preferences.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm


Curb Your Enthusiasm

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Larry learns his lawyer isn't kosher, and rescinds a cookie order from the Girl Scout daughter of a beleaguered sports owner.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm


Curb Your Enthusiasm

IMDb: 7.9

Larry joins the Make A Wish foundation, and swaps his smoking jacket with Hugh Hefner.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm


Curb Your Enthusiasm

IMDb: 8.3

Larry questions a weatherman's ability to manipulate the media so he can have the country club to himself.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm


Curb Your Enthusiasm

IMDb: 8.2
31 min

It's December 23rd, and Larry gets up to get a midnight snack. He eats some cookies in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, those cookies were a nativity scene that Cheryl's devoutly religious sister was preparing, and being Christmas Eve, it's too late to get a replacement. Larry scrambles to find a replacement, which he does in the form of a live nativity scene at a local church. But a hair stuck in Larry's throat means no nativity scene. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Horned Demon Skyler offers the slayers to sell them the Books of Ascension for $5,000, so he can flee from the Hell-mouth by plane; Faith informs the Mayor, who makes her steal them and kill Skyler, then turn to Angel 'scared' to seduce him but fails. Buffy consults the gang plus Wesley, they find a reference to a 1723 precedent when a whole English village disappeared. The mayor enlists someone in a ninja suit who manages to turn Angel back into Angelus by stealing his soul with Faith's help, they become lovers. The mayor demonstrates his invulnerability and approves Angelus's plan to capture and torture Buffy, just not kill her soon to avoid a replacement, again Faith helps, but actually... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.0

The television Antiques Road Show comes to Dibley. Alice is convinced that a small plastic model of a Smurf given her by her father must be valuable. To prevent her being disappointed Geraldine bribes expert Hilary Kay to say it is worth two thousand pounds. When Alice wants to sell it to an antiques shop for charity,Geraldine offers to do it for her but has to sell her own belongings to make the two grand. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 7.8

It's the vicar's fortieth birthday and the villagers club together to buy her a present - an evening at a speed-dating session. Unfortunately the one handsome young man there,Steve,gets snapped up by a blonde girl. The other male participants are all council members. Geraldine is cheered,however,when the parish council all agree to back her support for the Make Poverty History campaign after watching a moving film about orphans in Africa. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.3

Christmas coincides with Geraldine's tenth year as vicar and David suggests she apply to be a bishop. A coincidental visit by Rachel Hunter leads Alice to believe that Geraldine is gay but plans go ahead for her to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury to discuss her promotion. At her party she dives into a chocolate fountain, emerging to meet the Archbishop. Sensing she has blown the promotion she gets drunk and delivers a bizarre midnight mass, whilst Jim's winning entry in a carol contest is similarly unusual. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.2
40 min

During a blisteringly hot summer a drought is declared in Dibley but soon afterwards Water Board officials arrive,announcing that the village is to be evacuated in order to make way for the site of a new reservoir. Geraldine leads the villagers in a mass protest,chaining themselves to the church, but it is Jim who saves the day,thanks to his 'endangered species'. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.2
40 min

It's Spring and time for Alice and Hugo's baby to be christened. As Geraldine is one of the godparents the Bishop arrives to perform the ceremony. Somewhat surprisingly David proposes marriage to Geraldine,who says that she will consider it. However,after Sean Bean has appeared to her in a dream telling her not to go through with it,she turns David down. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.7
40 min

For Christmas Geraldine plans to stage a Nativity play in front of the church. David will play Herod,showing his kindlier side, and Owen wants to be the King - cue his Elvis Presley impression. Alice and Hugo play Joseph and Mary and,amazingly, learn to speak perfect Hebrew. During the play Alice goes into labour and gives birth,prompting an audience member to declare it is the most realistic Nativity play she ever saw. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.3
40 min

Alice and Hugo return from honeymoon,having been imprisoned for accidentally helping a drug smuggler. Alice is pregnant. Simon Horton has come to see Geraldine and they have great difficulty in spending time alone at the vicarage as different council members keep dropping by. Eventually Simon appears in a dressing gown and the villagers know he is sleeping with the vicar. However he does not commit and finishes with her. She considers resigning but everybody talks her out of it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Hugo and Alice are finally married,with two bridesmaids dressed up as Teletubbies. There is a nasty moment when a woman bursts in and accuses the groom of being already married but,not to worry,she's gone to the wrong church and everything else progresses smoothly. For Geraldine there is possible romance in the air as she meets,and steps out with, David Horton's charming younger brother Simon. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.2
29 min

Geraldine is invited to talk on the religious radio slot 'Pause For Thought' after the planned speaker has dropped dead. She becomes an instant celebrity,appearing on several popular television shows and the parish council fear that she is distancing herself from them. However she makes amends by performing a comedy dance routine with ballerina Darcey Bussell at the village charity gala,along with Frank's boring impressions and Owen's farting duck,though all are over-shadowed by Jim's Full Monty routine. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.1
29 min

Geraldine decides that,as an experiment,Dibley should have its own local radio station. Alice is due to interview David but he is rude to her on air so Geraldine devises a quiz,pitting them against each other and,as Alice's questions are all about her family,she wins it. Frank has an hour's slot all to himself but,as he is notoriously boring,nobody listens to it - thereby missing his public confession of coming out as being gay. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.4
39 min

Geraldine is at a loss for an interesting front page story for the parish newsletter. Alice and Hugo are a couple but Alice complains that Hugo has yet to kiss her so Geraldine urges her to take the initiative. As a result the couple are found,lying on a path having a kiss which lasts four hours. They can't stop kissing. Finally Hugo stands up to his hectoring father and announces that he and Alice are engaged to be married,giving the vicar her front page story. She herself,though,manages to talk her way out of Owen's proposal to her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Geraldine is struck at how upset people are when their pets die and resolves to hold a special day when everybody brings an animal to church. David is appalled and tries to get the bishop to prevent but the bishop allows it,provided Geraldine takes the blame if it fails. A gutter press journalist turns up and tries to belittle the event with a stupid banner headline but the day turns out to be a huge success with the furry and feathered congregation on their best behaviour. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

The local election is coming up and David will doubtless be reelected as councillor for Dibley. Geraldine is appalled that he abuses his position to take free trips to supposed twinning sites when the local bus service is woefully inadequate. The other members of the parish council persuade her to stand against him,which she does but she drops out. However,she gets a load of pensioners to invade the golf course to 'persuade' him to do something about the buses. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

During a fierce storm a beautiful stained glass window in the church is destroyed when a tree smashes through it. Geraldine seeks a sponsor to replace it,persuading businessman Daniel Frobisher to put up the money,his philanthropy being celebrated as a result. However,when Geraldine learns of an earthquake in South America,she donates most of Daniel's eleven thousand pound gift to its appeal,settling for a plain window as a replacement instead. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.4
29 min

David Horton always opens the village fete but Geraldine wants a real celebrity this year - somebody like Elton John, Reg Dwight himself. Luckily Reg turns out be Alice's cousin and gets booked but unluckily he's just Reg Dwight and not Elton John. With the crowd getting impatient to see a celebrity it's a good thing Kylie Minogue is in the area and has come to the fete to see her friend Elton. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Dibley is chosen to feature on 'Songs of Praise',a television show which broadcasts church services. Everyone wants to be in the choir and,amazingly,Owen turns out to have a beautiful voice and is a star singer. Geraldine is smitten by Tristan,the producer,and David falls for Ruth,one of the technicians. Numbers are exchanged but Tristan and Ruth share the same number so they must be an item. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley


The Vicar of Dibley

IMDb: 8.2
29 min

When the ancient Reverend Pottle dies the village of Dibley looks forward to its new vicar's arrival. Staid,Right-wing parish council chairman David Horton is horrified when this turns out to be switched-on,plain-speaking Geraldine Granger. However she is popular with other council members,eccentric culinary experimenter Mrs. Cropley,grubby farmer Owen Newitt,hesitant Frank Pickle,slow-talking Jim Trott, David's put-upon son Hugo and the dizzy church warden Alice. And the village turns out in force for her first sermon - after all,it's not every day they get a female vicar. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Being Mary Jane

Being Mary Jane


Being Mary Jane

IMDb: 8.3
41 min

Mary Jane moves into primetime position at SNC, just as Sheldon and MJ settle into their relationship, she receives mind-blowing news about David that shakes up her world. Meanwhile, the Pattersons celebrate PJ's graduation.

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HD Being Mary Jane

Being Mary Jane


Being Mary Jane

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

When Mary Jane's 'Ugly Black Woman' rant from episode 210 goes viral, it turns her into an overnight sensation, and opens up a huge opportunity for her at SNC... but it comes with several conditions, and at Cynthia's expense.

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