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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 6.8
12 min

Drakken's shrink ray misfires, turning his pet poodle into a 50-foot colossus.

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 6.6
21 min

Kim's family and Ron go to Florida to help Kim's grandmother move into her new retirement community. Ron has a ulterior motive: to meet girls at spring break parties. Kim's Nana is very protective, and tries to talk Kim out of being so gutsy in her life. As fate would have it, Drakken's also in town. He's attempting to use the spring breakers' MP3 players to induce hypnotic trances and create a zombie army. Instead, he taps into hearing aids, and inducts an army of senior citizens. He decides to use them anyway, especially after he discovers Kim's grandmother is among them and makes yummy lemon bars. Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Could it be possible that there's something in the world that Kim can't do? It certainly would seem that way when she and Ron struggle with Middleton High School's driver's education course, and doesn't help when she realized Bonnie passes with ease. In the meantime, a self-driving sport utility vehicle built with artificial intelligence named S.A.D.I. seeks Kim's help in finding Dr. Freeman, her manufacturer who has just been kidnapped by Drakken so he can force him to perfect his army of destructo-bots. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Kim's father calls on her skills to help recover a robot that was stolen from a top-secret deep-space project, headed by a Dr. Phen, who doesn't really seem adept at handling robots. The prime suspect is his former lab partner, Vivian, a gorgeous blonde. She is rumored to be hanging out at The Robot Rumble, where robotics hobbyists design battle robots and have them fight. Kim's cousin Larry gets Kim and Ron into the Rumble, where she confronts Vivian. Vivian's boyfriend, Oliver, is angry at the accusation and challenges Kim's robot (her Kimmunicator) to a fight. Even with Wade piloting it, Oliver's robot crushes it. It's then that Kim realizes that Oliver's robot is the one that was stolen from the Space Center. Kim and Ron sneak back into the Robot Rumble HQ when all the humans have left and take Oliver's robot and return it back to Dr. Phen. Back home, Kim's brothers are working on a robot for the Rumble, but its programming needs much work. Their father comments that sometimes ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

During a mission in Florida, Kim's jeans are ruined by an alligator. She has no choice but to go to the local Smarty Mart store to get a replacement. Once back in Middleton, she goes to Club Banana to buy a replacement pair. On their way to the store, a new villain - Frugal Lucre - interrupts all TV signals to inform the world that he'll destroy the Internet unless everybody sends him $1.00. Dismissing him, Kim finds that she can't buy anything at Club Banana because Lucre has jammed the Internet with e-cards. She goes home, and asks Wade to trace Lucre. They replay his video and discover that he's broadcasting from a Smarty Mart store. Kim taps into their computer network and gets data than pinpoints who Lucre really is: Francis Lurman of Philadelphia. Kim and Ron go to confront Francis, but get trapped in a net guarded by snapping turtles. They get by the turtles and go after Lucre. At the store where he's employed, Lucre finds that only 17 people have sent him any money, so he ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Monkey Fist learns a prophecy from an oracle that will make the leader of the monkeys unstoppable. So he searches for the perfect monkey leader, and he find this monkey in Middleton. Meanwhile, Kim's father sponsors a yearly Rocket Booster Club meeting at his lab. He's brought Kim to it every year since its inception, but she feels she's too old for the club. (Her club T-shirt is a midriff-shirt now.) But she and Ron go anyway. Once there, Dr. Possible introduces all the kids to a new astronaut - Frederick the Chimpanzee. Ron is fearful of monkeys, and he and Kim leave the building. At the same time, Monkey Fist arrives to kidnap Frederick and take him to the new space station where he can plot to take over the world. Frederick wants no part of this, but relents when Monkey Fist threatens the children present. Meanwhile, Kim and Ron notice trouble when a security guard is missing. They discover Monkey Fist and his Monkey Ninjas, and begin to fight them. Ron hides in a cargo module... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

A new fad has hit Middleton: Animology, an elaborate cross between astrology and a personality quiz(as Kim puts it) with animals and colors used to measure people. Kim is completely disinterested in it, until Ron leaves his animology book behind, thus turning her into a believer. As usual though, Kim has much more important matters to deal with. She has to recover a stolen cryovation device owned by mini corn-dog entrepreneur Pop-Pop Porter, which Señor Senior Sr. vows to use to in a revenge plot against the billionaire's club that expelled both him and Señor Senior Jr. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Kim learns that Dr. Drakken has robbed a secret lab and plans to travel there. However, her parents tell her that she has to babysit her brothers, and the only way she can complete her mission is to take the trouble-making twins with her. The technology-minded twins are excited to visit a secret lab, where they seem to know about all the inventions already. Learning that the device Drakken stole was a mind control device, Kim, Ron, Jim and Tim head for his lair in Peru, where Drakken has already placed Shego under his control. Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Ron, wanting to write for the school newspaper, interviews Kim, but takes her quote about quarterback Brick Flagg being hot out of context. Ron's article embarrasses Kim and leads to Brick asking Kim on a date, which she is reluctant to go on. Meanwhile, Ron, Jim, and Tim are fans of TV stuntwoman Adrena Lynn, but Kim considers her a bad influence on children who imitate her stunts (such as her brothers). Kim catches Adrena Lynn faking a stunt, and Ron's report on the fraud makes national news and causes Adrena Lynn's show to be canceled. As a result, Adrena Lynn plots revenge on Kim and Ron. Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

During a mission, a kind of super compact battle armor attaches itself to Kim's wrist. During Halloween, Ron wants her to go trick-or-treating with him, her parents want her to help them with a Halloween event and there will be a Halloween ball which Kim's love interest, Josh Mankey, will go to. When Kim starts to lie to her parents and Ron in order to be able to go to the ball, the armor begins developing. Wade informs her that the mechanism is based on stress, which Kim experiences heavily when she lies. Meanwhile, Drakken and Duff Killigan race to steal the armor. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Respected archaeologist Sir Montgomery Monty Fiske seeks Kim's help in retrieving an ancient idol, which unfortunately for Ron is shaped like a monkey. The mission would seem good for Kim, though, because it gives her the chance to get away from a visit by her nerdy cousin Larry - that is until the idol is stolen by a ninja. Ron's persistent monkey-phobia makes him suspicious of Sir Fiske, which Kim blows off, until she finds that Ron was right about him all along. With the help of a holographic version of herself invented by Wade, Ron realizes Fiske's hands and feet were surgically mutated as monkey appendages, and he uses the idol she recovered and three others to transform himself into a future monkey kung-fu master of the world known as Lord Monkey Fist! Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Kim takes over coaching her brothers' soccer team, but her hyper-competitiveness means that she may be the only one playing! Senior Senior Junior plots his first evil scheme... but why does it look more like he's setting up a disco?

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Kim's efforts to run for school council president are setback when she has to bodyguard a spoiled prince.

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Ron wants to belong to a group in school, and he decides becoming the only male on the cheer squad is what to do. Kim wants to be supportive, but seeing Ron's mad dog mascot routine (complete with head mask and rabid foam) makes her doubt Ron's place is on cheer squad. This angers Ron, and he storms away. Meanwhile, two local scientists are kidnapped. While at the site of the second one's disappearance, Ron sees an old college picture of the two missing scientists and Kim's dad. Ron (with Rufus's help) realizes that Dr. Possible is the next target. Still being mad at Kim, he decides to handle this lead himself. He makes a mask of Dr. Possible, borrows Dr. P's car keys, and goes out to his car. Suddenly, the roof of the car is punctured and three robots take Ron away. Later, Dr. Possible arrives at Kim's cheer practice, mad at what Ron has done to his car. Suspecting foul play, Kim asks Wade to track Ron, who traces him to a local hotel. Once there, Kim and Dr. Possible notice that ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Kim is called for help from Dr. Drakken, but not; the voice isn't his, but of a Pvt. Dobbs. Drakken has used a brain-switching machine to trade bodies with Dobbs. Kim and Ron go to rescue Dobbs from Drakken's lair. While there, they battle Shego and accidentally get brain-swapped themselves. Meanwhile, Drakken has used Dobbs's body to get into a top-secret project area and steal a new military weapon. When he returns, he finds his new lair destroyed, so he and his henchmen move. While unpacking, he discovers that his body is missing, and he wants it back. While Wade tracks down where Drakken has moved, Kim and Ron get a good taste of what it's like in each others shoes: Ron being bullied and Kim being over-tasked. Wade finds Drakken, and Kim, Ron, and Dobbs return to Drakken's new lair to retrieve the weapon. After battling Shego, Drakken senses a loss and sets the self-destruct on his new lair. With mere seconds to go, Kim and Ron re-switch their brains. Unfortunately, Ron and Rufus ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Kim's parents won't simply buy her a new fashionable jacket from Club Banana. So she must apply for a job at Bueno Nacho to save the money. She puts in an application for Ron as well, feeling working together would make it a better experience. Both are hired by Ned the assistant manager. But Kim isn't as adept at the job as Ron, who soon replaces Ned (and acquires the clip-on tie of assistant managership). Kim also is trying to foil Dr. Drakken's latest scheme (covering Wisconsin with magma), so her paycheck keeps suffering from her frequent absenses. She goes off on a mission when Wade relocates Drakken; Ron stays behind with his newfound job responsibilities. But when she's captured, Wade calls Ron on Bueno Nacho's drive-thru channel. Ron decides that friendship is more important than the job, and leave to help Kim. They defeat Drakken, sealing him and his henchmen in molten cheese (Wisconsin, y'know). Back home, Ron buys Kim the jacket she wanted. But when Ned walks by wearing the ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.9

Just when Kim thinks she can have a break from fighting freaky super-villains with a relaxing school ski vacation, she finds that her parents have replaced the original chaperones and are sure to embarrass her, and Ron(as well as Mr. Barkin)seeks photos of a mythical beast that a tabloid newspaper claims has been hiding in the mountains. As it turns out the beast is real, and is among other creatures created by the hyper-affectionate mad scientist and cuddle-buddy lover Dr. Amy Hall, a.k.a DNAmy, a woman skilled in genetic splicing with a habit of making her own real-life versions of her beloved plush toys. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.4

In Kim's first encounter with Dr. Drakken, she must retrieve an experimental robot tick that Drakken has rigged to explode.... but first she has to escape detention with Mr. Barkin.

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Kim feels Ron needs a better haircut, so she has Francios, a friend of hers from Paris, redo his 'do. Ron doesn't like it until the girls at school take notice of him. Wade then calls with a mission: some unknown entity is draining Europe of all its electricity. Investigating, Kim and Ron find an island populated by Senor Senior, Sr. and his son, Senor Senior, Jr. Junior's sun lamp (50 ft. across) is what's draining the European power grid. Kim and Ron explain to the billionaire and his son about global resources, and Senior agrees to be more careful with his use of them. Ron then comments how lair-like their private island is. Senior doesn't like the reference, even as Ron details what other items he'd need to make his lair complete: self-actuating lasers, missiles, piranha moat, escape boats, and spinning tops of doom. Kim and Ron leave, but now Senior is of the mind that being a super-villain would be a good hobby. Back home, Ron's haircut is going to his head, and he's acquired a ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Kim has developed a crush on Josh Mankey, a creative artist-type student at her school. She wants to invite him to a school dance, but keeps balking when she's alone with him. Meanwhile, Dr. Drakken and his new sidekick, Shego, have stolen robotic technology from Japanese toy mogul Nakasumi to build a doomsday robot. With Wade's help, Kim and Ron find Drakken and destroy his new robot. Kim finally builds up the nerve to asks Josh to the dance. Written by Tony B4

Country: USA
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 7.5
30 min | 22 min (DVD)

Roz introduces Frasier to her new boyfriend, Luke, and the two men hit it off as well. When she catches Luke cheating on her, she dumps him. Frasier, however, hides his continuing friendship with him while supporting Roz during her heartbreak. Then when Roz gets back together with Luke, she hides that fact from Frasier as well. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.1
23 min (DVD)

Frasier and Niles put themselves forward as candidates for two vacant memberships in Seattle's exclusive Empire Club; upon learning that there is only one vacancy, they try to sabotage each other at the opening cocktail party.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

IMDb: 9.1
24 min

As members of the Banks family and Geoffrey prepare for their moves, Will tries to pretend that he also has big plans for moving forward. After admitting the truth, Will makes a decision to stay in California and finish school.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD King of the Hill

King of the Hill


King of the Hill

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Hank is devastated when Peggy uncovers some unsavory facts about the founding of the town of Arlen.

Country: USA
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HD The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

IMDb: 7.6

Vivian and Philip clean up their old neighborhood and everyone in the family has to pitch in. Vivian acts strange all day, and she finally tells Philip the reason - she is pregnant.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD King of the Hill

King of the Hill


King of the Hill

IMDb: 7.9
23 min

When Dale is ridiculed by the Arlen Gun Club for accidentally misfiring a weapon, his friends must come up with a plan to help restore Dale's self-esteem.

Country: USA
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HD Torchwood




IMDb: 7.9
50 min

Torchwood is called into a murder investigation when a suburban couple are found in their beds with their throats slit and TORCHWOOD written on the wall in their blood. Gwen convinces them to use the gauntlet to reanimate the victims to see if they can get the identity of the killer. They have little success but when they learn that their former colleague Suzie Costello had a connection to the victims, they decide to revive her. Normally, the dead can only be revived for a minute or two at most but in Suzie's case, she seems to have been reanimated permanently. When they learn that she is drawing her life force from a member of the Torchwood team, the others have to find a way to stop her. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone

IMDb: 6.7
25 min

Singer Floyd Burney, the Rock-a-Billy-Kid, goes deep into the back woods hoping to find his next hit record. He no sooner arrives than he hears a beautiful singing voice which draws him deeper into the woods. He eventually meets Mary Rachel who tells him the song he heard belonged to someone and that she's forbidden to tell anyone about it. When she finally reveals it to him, Floyd learns that his future is preordained. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone

IMDb: 6.8
25 min

Confederate Sergeant Joseph Paradine goes into the nearby town and finds that the Union forces there seem to be frozen in time. He learns from an old man that being a male witch he cast a spell on them using his book of magic. The old man sees the Yankees as invaders and is keen that the South win the war. Anticipating that he is going to die by sunset, he gladly gives his book of witchcraft to Paradine to support the cause. When he returns to camp, Paradine's commanding officer is far more concerned about the battle they will enter into the next morning than about the book his Sergeant has in his possession. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Good Luck Charlie

Good Luck Charlie


Good Luck Charlie

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

The family attends the Denver Pest Control Association's annual dance.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family,
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HD The Sarah Jane Adventures

The Sarah Jane Adventures


The Sarah Jane Adventures

IMDb: 7.4
28 min (DVD)

Paul uses the pendant to buy his son's love with material goods, but it starts to take him over, entering his skin as he and Clyde approach a harbour. Sarah Jane finds them and, primed with knowledge about the pendant that Alan Jackson has found by hacking into UNIT's computer,takes advantage of the fact that Clyde still recognises her.The possessed Paul declares that he is the Berserker and Clyde is his soldier, but Sarah Jane breaks the pendant's hold by showing Paul himself in a mirror and, helped by his mother Carla, talking Clyde through his past life. Clyde, after throwing the pendant into the sea, rejects his father, but Sarah Jane, orphaned as a baby, becomes wistful, thinking about her parents. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Family, Sci-Fi,
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HD The Sarah Jane Adventures

The Sarah Jane Adventures


The Sarah Jane Adventures

IMDb: 7.3
28 min (DVD)

Rani finds a pendant which can be used to control people and takes it to Sarah Jane's attic for Mr. Smith to analyse, but there is noone there and she leaves it. Clyde's estranged father Paul comes to see him, though he has never been much good to his son. Clyde takes him to Sarah Jane's house to prove to his father his accounts of his adventures, but Paul sees and pockets the pendant. When Rani's father challenges him and explains its powers Paul forces him to do press-ups in the street and tells Clyde to forget his mother and his friends in favour of his father. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Family, Sci-Fi,
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