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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Brigadier General Clayton is worried about his favorite M*A*S*H, the 4077. They treat so many casualties, so close to the front; he fears the 4077 is operating under more pressure than it can stand. Gen. Clayton sends a psychiatrist, Capt. Hildebrand, to evaluate the group on the QT. His report will determine the future of the 4077. Does Henry understand the concept of QT? Is Capt. Hildebrand smarter than he looks or does he have his own agenda? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.1
25 min

The Miller Sisters, ensemble orchestra and obnoxious emcee Jackie Flash, are among a group of USO entertainers visiting at the 4077. Doubtful for once, Francis Mulcahy has a crisis of faith as he compares his life's work with that of Hawkeye. Serious for once, Dr. Pierce has good advice for the good father. Fun for once, Frank is the mad prankster, giggling wildly and trying to get a rise out of Hawkeye. Ignoring the 4077 for once, Radar and Henry pace the floors, awaiting the birth of Henry's son. A trio for once, Trapper, Margaret and Ugly John are rumored to have eloped; for days they have toiled to keep a patient alive. Ultimately, USO entertainers get to go home; for the team at the 4077, it is always showtime. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Brigadier General Clayton calls Henry to give him the straight poop, directly from CINCOMPAC: It is unofficial, but a cease-fire has been arranged! Everyone is over the moon--everyone but Trapper; he is a cynical, old campaigner and non-believer. Trapper will believe in the cease-fire when he is back home refusing his first house call. As they all get drunker and drunker, everyone handles what the news means to him/her differently. Radar seeks meaning in messages gathered for his scrapbook. Margaret goes from brave princess to suicidal sweetheart. Klinger sells his entire clothing collection while Hawkeye gives away every person, place and thing within his reach. When the new morning sun rises, who will be the first to snatch at it? Will Trapper make Hawkeye pay him the $50.00, on top of everything else? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

The usual banter in the O.R. turns rancid when Frank makes Nurse Ginger Bayliss cry. Hawkeye and Trapper react just as expected: they comfort their friend and then they cause Frank to go wee-wee in his cot. But, when the duo goes on to encase Frank's right hand in a hook and then, humiliate Margaret publicly, the Majors both demand immediate transfers. This is very funny until Henry transfers all of their work load onto Trapper and Hawkeye. Frank might not do much but Margaret is a highly competent head nurse who runs half the camp. It is incumbent upon the drunken duo to pull a fast one... quickly. How does one tap into the three basic human emotions: greed, fear and greed? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

A typical day at M*A*S*H 4077: A Poker marathon culminates in the O.R., where Hawkeye publicly mocks Frank's surgical ineptitude. When Frank asks Hawkeye a serious question at dinner, Hawkeye is unnecessarily nasty. A surgical patient of Hawkeye is getting worse; and Frank rubs Hawkeye's nose in it. Hawkeye obsesses over this patient; he will not play poker or panky and moves out of The Swamp so he can think. Radar reports these facts to Henry so he can do the worrying. Henry proves why he is C.O. as he tosses the gauntlet to Hawkeye: is it his patient or is it his ego bothering him? And as Hawkeye explores the answer to this and other questions, Frank steps up; he says the right thing. Does ego drive the doctor or does the doctor drive the ego? And, at what point does the patient enter into the equation? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Everyone at 4077 is excited over the annual grudge fest of the gridiron (and possible payday) the Army-Navy Football Game. As a small crew gathers around the radio in Henry's office to monitor bets, drinks and yardage, the 4077 is suddenly pinned down by enemy fire. When an unexploded bomb lands in the middle of the compound, everyone protects the patients. As Henry lies wounded and dazed, the fainting goat, (Frank) is briefly in command. Hawkeye and Trapper step over Frank to examine the bomb, which they hear ticking with their stethoscopes. When Henry wakes up, he is furious: the Army blames the Navy, the Navy blames the Army and Henry is not sure they all understand there is a bigger game than football getting ready to kick off. Hawkeye gets the serial number from the casing and no one can quite believe who sent the bomb. Can Yankee ingenuity and a few hands of poker diffuse a bomb before it explodes? Are all bets off if the bomb blows up the 4077? And, if Navy won and Army lost, ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.3
25 min

In the midst of a blizzard, Henry and Radar write to Quartermaster Corps, thanking them for the mosquito netting and summer underwear and asking for winter clothing; they try to get warm by burning orders rescinding orders that were never sent. The only one in camp not freezing to death is Hawkeye, who is wearing beautiful, double-weave semi-woollen long johns, soft as a baby's bottom. But Hawkeye's heart is as soft as the long johns...or the baby's bottom because when Trapper gets a cough, Trapper gets to enjoy them. Then Radar has 4 10's and wins them from Trapper, a cook trades a lamb and mint jelly to Radar for them, Frank weasels them away from the cook, Hotlips shames them from Frank, Klinger lifts them from Hotlips' tent, Father Mulcahy gets them from a repentant Klinger and Henry gets them from the good Father. Now, if only Hawkeye and Trapper can keep Henry's appendix from bursting, Hawkeye might get his long johns back. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Hawkeye is bored and tired, the best time to pen another missive to his father. He describes Klinger's sheer white wedding gown, which does little to hide his white boxer shorts but is better than Hawkeye's naked dining fiasco. There is more fun to be had over Hotlips' recent tiff with Frank; he got drunk on gin and confided that his own brother used to call him Ferret Face. Radar is now a real, honest to goodness mail order graduate. But, Captain Casey, the new boy genius of their surgical team, is not really a doctor; Hawkeye's failure to throw the book at him causes Casey to reassess his career choices: and an R.C. priest named Schwartz is born. Henry conducts the doctors playing and Hotlips singing My Blue Heaven but no one is listening. Hotlips is really selling it, but it is hard to get the Army behind any color but olive drab, Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.7
25 min

Margaret's in the mood for love...just until Frank gets near her, dips her and blows out his back. Margaret and Frank nag at Henry, until Henry recommends Frank for the Purple Heart for his frontline injury. A genuine hero and old friend of Hawkeye, Tommy Gillis, visits the 4077; he used to be a correspondent, reporting the war; but now, he is a foot soldier, living the war. Tommy tells Hawkeye and Trapper about his novel You Never Hear The Bullet, of which he is very proud. A young Marine, Wendell (Ronny Howard) visits the 4077 with a burst appendix. At first, Hawkeye promises to keep it secret when he learns Wendell is actually Walter, the 15-year-old younger brother, trying to impress the girl back home. But after Tommy dies on the table, Hawkeye cries; Henry tells Hawkeye two immutable truths about war. Rule #1 is apparent: Tommy is dead; but, Hawkeye realizes he CAN do something to change Rule #2. lt would involve breaking a promise... and invoking the Order of the Purple ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Trapper and Hawkeye treat Colonel Buzz Brighton (Leslie Nielson), a seemingly OK guy, for a bullet wound in the leg. Buzz is what Hawkeye calls a ring banger, the gung-ho quarterback who has to stay in the game: no matter the cost. According to his Army service record, Buzz racked up twice as many casualties while gaining only half the ground; this fact alone makes Hawkeye and Trapper want to bench this QB. Hotlips, on the other hand, is dazzled by his reputation and his good looks. Can the doctors pull off the Gaslight of the century and send Buzz reeling, packing and rolling? Will Frank ever learn to keep his pumps in his footlocker? Will Hotlips have her way with Buzz? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Throughout his childhood, Hawkeye had an imaginary friend, Tuttle, who knocked over garbage, broke windows and wet the bed. When Hawkeye resurrects Captain Tuttle to requisition food and supplies for Sister Theresa and the orphanage, he stirs up a mare's nest. Henry orders his newest officer to take on O.D. duty, Frank is miffed that Tuttle has not reported to him as 2d in command and Hotlips is just, plain soon as she reads the official record (as written by Hawkeye, Trapper and Radar). The 6'4, 195 lb. auburn-haired, hazel eyed Captain Jonathan Johnny Tuttle, M.D. makes great reading. Hotlips calls General Clayton to check on Tuttle and Hawkeye impersonates Gen. Clayton. When the guys arrange for Capt. Tuttle to receive 14 months of back pay, this turns into a special citation and award ceremony for the industrious hero. Will someone appear to accept all of these military honors or will Hawkeye finally be busted? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Radar receives a Dear John recording on 45 RPM from his fiancee, Linda Sue. He is so distraught, he cannot eat or sleep and makes hash of the 4077 requisitions and reports. Henry, Hawkeye and Trapper are so concerned, they put Radar through a physical. They quickly learn: Radar has a 1-A body and a 4-F brain. When pretty Lt. Louise Anderson visits the 4077, Radar is smitten. Hawkeye helps Louise unpack to learn about her literary and musical tastes. Hawkeye describes her as highbrow and the guys, together with Father Mulcahy, help Radar brush up on Bach, Tolstoy and Italian classic poets. But not everyone is happy about the mixed (enlisted and officer) romance in the offing; a very nasty Margaret threatens to call Gen. Clayton if Henry does not break them up. Hawkeye wonders how Hotlips would feel if her own romance with Frank was threatened. The hapless Ferret Face is like chloroform in the hands of the masters. But, can the guys actually force Hotlips to say Uncle? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.1
25 min

Edwina Eddie Ferguson, R.N. is equal parts nerves, calamity and klutz. Around a guy, Eddie is all thumbs; he would need a suit of armor to escape unscathed. A few weeks before Eddie ships home, the 4077 gang throws a surprise party to celebrate her 28th birthday; she confides to Margie Cutler she is still virgo intacta. Radar overhears the nurses plotting in the ladies' showers: if one of the guys does not step up to the plate and/or bite the proverbial bullet, the girls will insure there is no action at the brickyard for the foreseeable future. Henry and the guys decide they should all draw straws to choose the date for Edwina. Old Ferret Face says he wants no part of the unholy confluence, but the penalty for sitting out is being stripped naked, painted purple and dropped by helicopter behind enemy lines. No one is more delighted than Frank when Hawkeye draws the short straw. The great lover of the 4077 is about to meet his match. Will Hawkeye survive a date with Edwina...and ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Just like in the pilot, Hawkeye directs a few words to his father in Maine; this time, in keeping with Christmas spirit, Hawkeye writes them down. Hawkeye describes his first Christmas in Korea: the good Father is giving the camp a Yuletide look...and also helping Klinger make one of his first fashion statements. Trapper is delivering smiles, lollipops and a bouncing baby calf; Radar is delivering a jeep (and a gigantic hernia) to Ottumwa, Iowa. Henry is a much superior friend than superior officer; his lectures on sex are legend because, even with diagrams, no one can figure out how Part A inserts into Person B. The Captains inject Major romantic chaos into date night while Hawkeye gets Major bliss from free samples. Trapper has the heart of Santa Claus, but for once, Hawkeye has his red suit. A helicopter is like a noisy sleigh without reindeer... swinging from a rough, rope ladder, SantaHawk and his medical bag are a sight for sore GIs. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Pai, a severely injured North Korean POW is taking up a valuable bed in Post-Op and Pai requires AB- blood, the rarest type of blood in both Caucasians and Asians. So, naturally Frank wants to ship off Pai to the POW section. Pai is Hawkeye's patient; and Hawkeye will not release Pai. But, the whole 4077 Post-Op situation is dire and Henry takes Frank's side; and the guys tell Henry he is turning into a real Army clown. (Cue M*A*S*H, the movie.) Ruefully, Henry has to acknowledge their censure and he tells Trapper and Hawkeye to care for Pai for as long as they want, but to keep Frank (aka Mrs. Henry Blake in Army drag) OFF Henry's back. With Pai a guest I n The Swamp in Hawkeye's cot, the next issue is blood: Radar scours 4077 personnel records to find their rare blood donor. Poor Frank has a dream he is a giant soda with a big straw sticking out of him! When Pai takes a turn for the worse, the original Swamp Rats, Radar and the crew work overtime to keep one Major Montague from ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Men of medicine, like the Swamp Rats, are supposed to excel at curing rashes. But, when the rashes are not itchy, red bumps but result in ill-gotten booty (or ill-booten gotty) found in Hawkeye's footlocker, the consequences can be serious. It is no laughing matter when your best friends think you could be a thief, when you are relentlessly pursued by a bush and a malicious P.A. system and needle-nose non-comms count the scalpels faster than you can wield them. Hawkeye is the past master of pranks and immature behavior; no one is really surprised. But, if Hawkeye is telling the truth and he is not playing a joke on the entire camp, then there must be a thief at the 4077. It will take some quick hands to beat Hotlips and her Court Martial forms... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

The original Swamp Rats (Spearchucker, Trapper and Hawkeye) are happy for their CO when Radar reads the telegram from Gen. Hammond. The 4077 has the best and highest efficiency rating of all the M*A*S*H units in Korea and Henry is receiving a citation. But the citation comes with a promotion in Tokyo, leaving Frank in charge. Like the other Huns, Frank has no consideration for the officers, NCOs or enlisted men. He expects Radar to work past 2 a.m., and then he orders reveille at dawn, calisthenics and snap inspections. Then Ferret Face really joins the Weasel family: he confiscates the still. Desperate times scream incessantly for desperate measures. Thank the one above (not MacArthur) that doctors are trained to measure... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Henry is in an incredibly crotchety mood; neither Trapper nor Hawkeye can kid him out of it. When one of the chopper pilots, Cowboy, is wounded for the umpteenth time, it is not very serious, but Hawkeye sympathizes with him. Cowboy has been expecting a letter from his wife that is long overdue; Hawkeye tries to talk Henry into allowing Cowboy a short leave. Henry is not himself: he sides with Frank, refusing to allow Trapper borrow his jeep, he snaps at Radar and he denies Cowboy's leave. Strange incidents begin to befall Henry (i.e. the latrine blows up with Henry in it). It is driving the entire camp crazy trying to avoid being part of Henry's next accident. Everyone wants their CO to take a trip, for his safety and their sanity. But, will Henry really be safer away from the 4077? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

After hours of surgery with no break, Hawkeye and Trapper yearn for some RandR and come up with an ingenious plan to get some by Hawkeye feigning mental illness. Unfortunately, the plan backfires when the psychiatrist assigned to examine Hawkeye, who also happens to be one of Margaret's former lovers, decides that Hawkeye should be sent to Tokyo immediately for 48 hours of psychiatric evaluation. However, Hawkeye and Trapper soon come up with a plan that will not only save Hawk from the loony bin, but get even with Hot Lips. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1
25 min

Brig. General Clayton sends Lt. Bricker with Special Services to make a special film documentary at the M*A*S*H 4077: Yankee Doodle Doctor. Henry, Hotlips and Frank are all agog from the prestige; Frank is narrating the film. But, Hawkeye and Trapper are soon disgusted with the pious hypocrisy and propaganda and they decide to scrap the film: literally. With the help of Nurse Cutler and Radar, the good doctors borrow from the Marx Brothers to make a film a little more to their liking. But will Gen. Clayton like it? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Cultures clash as the Swamp Rat Trio (Hawkeye, Spearchucker and Trapper) encounter bigoted Sgt. Baker who owns what the Army calls a moose or a young girl named Young Hi, who does all of his personal chores and domestic work. From musume (Japanese for girl) a moose is basically, a slave. Ho-Jon and Radar try to explain how poor families sell female children like Young Hi and it is considered a duty and an honor for the girl to help her family. Henry is not able to help and Baker cannot be bribed nor bought. Young Hi is a very personable young woman with an agile mind (Young Hi tells the doctors she does not make monkey business with Baker) and the doctors want to see Young Hi make something of her life. When the stakes are high for the 4077, the means must be commensurately low. Poker, anyone? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1
25 min

The Swamp Rats make fun of Frank as he types a form newsletter to his patients in Indiana called What's Up Front, Doc? Hawkeye invents the perfect martini: drink 6 jiggers of gin while staring at a photo of Lorenzo Schwartz, inventor of vermouth as Trapper soaks his feet in bedpans. In the O.R., Frank is humiliated; every doctor, nurse and orderly asks Hawkeye for help and advice and never asks Frank. Henry resolves this touchy issue by appointing Hawkeye Chief Surgeon. But, Frank's typewriter never runs out of ribbon; and General Barker receives a letter from Frank and Hotlips complaining about Hawkeye's promotion. It does not help, when Barker arrives, Hawkeye and Trapper are playing poker, Henry is playing with worms and Spearchucker is playing strip domino with Ginger. Could things possibly get worse? With Klinger on Guard Duty, anything is possible. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Hot Lips sends away her newest recruit, Nurse Cutler, to another unit on the claim that she distracts the doctors. Outraged at losing such an available and able nurse just because they hit on her, Hawkeye and Trapper go to Henry for help. Henry says he'll only help if one of the two fights in a boxing tournament. Hawkeye weasels Trapper into entering the fray. Will Nurse Cutler come back? Or is it goofnight, nurse for Trapper? Written by irishdramagirl

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Dateline: Korea, 1950 and the 4077 Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (M*A*S*H) and their personnel are located 3 miles from the front and the fighting. In The Swamp, the tent shared by a few of the physicians, Maj. Frank Burns, Capt. Hawkeye Pierce, Capt. Oliver Spearchucker Jones and Capt. Trapper John McIntyre, Hawkeye and Trapper plot to raffle off a nurse for a good cause: to send their houseboy, Ho-Jon, to medical school in the States. Lt. Colonel Henry Blake, their commanding officer, tosses a temporary spanner into their plans and places the square Maj. Burns (and his sidekick, Maj. Margaret Hotlips Houlihan) in charge of the 4077. Hawkeye and Trapper are determined to have their hellacious fundraiser, but they know, to succeed, it will require a real shot in the arm...or somewhere in the anatomy. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.6
39 min

When Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat (Kristin Kreuk) discover they lost control of their secret, they finally admit it might be time for life on the run. Vincent realizes he must face his past, while Cat worries about how much they have to lose. Austin Basis, Nicole Gale Anderson, Nina Lisandrello and Michael Roark also star.

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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Leonard is still pining over Penny, but comes to the realization that she is out of his league when he sees her with her handsome latest date. Moving on, Leonard decides to ask out his colleague, Dr. Leslie Winkle, instead, who wants to treat this event like a sped up science experiment, with the results being more important than the process. With Leonard still thinking about Penny, Sheldon clarifies to Leonard that Penny has not rejected him since Leonard has never asked her out. But Penny's interpretation of Leonard's question makes Leonard reevaluate how to approach their first date. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Fear the Walking Dead

Fear the Walking Dead


Fear the Walking Dead

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Abigail is anchored and Travis is trying to fix the cooling and the filtering systems that are clogged up with pieces of corpses. The group sees wreckage from a plane crash on the land and Nick, Alicia, Chris and Daniel use a boat to seek supplies for them. Meanwhile Madison confronts Strand about their destination in Mexico. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Community




IMDb: 8.6
22 min

The study group pitches in to help when Annie decides to move in with Troy Abed, but the plan breaks down when she becomes frustrated by their fun-loving lifestyle. Elsewhere, Dean Pelton discovers Jeff at the mall and blackmails him into spending a lovely afternoon together. Written by NBC Publicity

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Resurrection




IMDb: 8.8
42 min

With the help of Bellamy and Sheriff Fred, Tom leads the charge in the search for Rachael, but her situation becomes increasingly dire as her captors grow more desperate. Maggie and Dr. Ward continue their medical research on the resurrected subjects and a series of shocking discoveries sets them on the brink of a game changing find, however, their focus shifts when Arcadia is suddenly in the throes of an epidemic. Written by Jiilo_Kim

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Resurrection




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Maggie turns to a man from her past, Dr. Eric Ward, now working for the NIH, for answers to Arcadia's mystery. She insists Ward is there as a friend, but Bellamy is suspicious of any outsiders. Rachael's secret falls into the wrong hands. In the wake of recent events, Pastor Tom and Bellamy try to reassure Arcadians they have nothing to fear from the returned, but some residents have other ideas. Written by Jiilo_Kim

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Body of Proof

Body of Proof


Body of Proof

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

When a body that was buried starts sticking up, Megan goes and she learns the body was dismembered and not all of the parts are there. They somehow learn who the person is and go to this apartment and it's there that they find the rest of him, in the freezer. They learn she has a daughter who's married to an apathetic man who's irate that her father came to them for money. They also learn that his neighbors don't like him, too. They learn he went to a casino and won some money but it's not at his place so did the killer take it. And Lacey wants to go to Megan's place of work and record her and her co-workers. When she goes Megan establishes some ground rules but Lacey feels like she's tying her hands and not showing her anything meaty. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Family Guy

Family Guy


Family Guy

IMDb: 7.2
20 min

Meg takes advantage of Peter's temporary job as principal to get even with her bullies; Brian and Stewie open a BandB that quickly turns into a brothel.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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