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IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Frasier has been asked to be the visiting scholar at the University of Bologna in Italy for a 6-month tenure, and he asks Diane to come along. Although she implies that she will, she is less than enthusiastic. Frasier obviously picks up on this. She mentions Sam's fragility about the last time she left as one excuse, but she reassures Frasier that she really does want to go. In private with Sam though, she accuses him of thinking that this incident will lead to the end of hers and Frasier's relationship for a variety of reasons. Sam however is sincere in his want to see Diane and Frasier happy. So Diane plans to leave Cheers forever. After Diane's bon voyage party at the bar, Sam and Diane have a private moment together to clear the air, but it leads to a passionate kiss and embrace. However things don't continue to bed as an on-going conflict between the two rises to the surface. So Diane leaves, but before she does, Sam gives her the option of coming back to him if the one day at a... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Norm's boss, Mr. Hecht, comes into the bar looking for Norm. Norm's afraid that Hecht has come to fire him for slacking off. Hecht does indeed want to talk to Norm about being fired, but it's not quite what Norm thinks. Hecht wants him to the corporate killer i.e. the person who notifies employees that they're being fired. He states that the company wants to find someone as non-threatening as possible to do the job, as studies have shown that people having just been fired feel more humiliated when done by someone in power. Norm has nothing in his life that anyone could envy or resent, thus he's the perfect person. This job change is not a request from Hecht, but a directive, albeit one with a 300% salary increase. After doing his first firing with much difficulty which results in Norm in tears, Norm thinks that he isn't well suited to the job. A company henchman, who witnessed the firing incognito, disagrees, he who tells Norm that the way he did the firing was brilliant: the victim... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Loretta has left Nick to pursue a singing career. What's worse for Nick is that Loretta gets everything in a divorce based on their prenuptial agreement. As soon as Carla sees him, she knows that Loretta's dumped him. Nick asks Carla for a second chance, not only for herself but also for the kids. Carla rebukes him, as does everyone else in the bar... that is, except Sam. Nick begs Sam for a job doing odd jobs around the bar, and Sam ultimately relents. After three weeks of working at the bar, everyone thinks that Nick is making a real effort to turn his life around, everyone but Carla. Sam and Diane suggest to her that he may be worth giving another chance, but Carla's not too sure. Even after Carla witnesses Nick's harsh reaction to Loretta when she comes into the bar, she's not too sure. Even after she and Nick go off and do family things together, she's not too sure. She just doesn't believe he'd stay with her if Loretta wanted him back. She tests him by calling him pretending to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
24 min

Paula Nelson, a beautiful and intellectual reporter for Boston Scene magazine, is doing a story on the Boston single's scene. While at Cheers, she interviews Sam for her story. Sam being Sam, hits on her, but his womanizing approach gets him nowhere with her. He realizes that to get anywhere with her, he has to think like Diane. Although initially turned off by Sam, Paula eventually decides to go out with him based on his Diane-isms. She even agrees to go away with him for the weekend, to someplace that he once took Diane. Meanwhile, Diane and Frasier are having a tiff partly on what Frasier sees as Sam's attempts to win her back; this argument places Diane in a vulnerable emotional state. Diane is impressed by the new Sam she sees, the one who has a new passion for the arts, although she does not know that he is only using this information gleaned from her to impress Paula. A series of misunderstandings makes Diane believe that Sam wants to get back into a relationship with her, when... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

An old friend of Sam's, Eddie Gordon, comes to the bar. Friend is probably too strong a word as Sam can't remember who he is. He is indeed not a friend, but someone who bet Sam, while Sam was on a drunken spree a year ago, that Sam would marry Jacqueline Bisset within a year or turn over the bar to him. Eddie has come to collect on his bet, which was written on a piece of paper signed by Sam. Sam has until the end of the day tomorrow to marry Jacqueline Bisset or perhaps lose the bar. Sam doesn't know what to do, and even he admits that he wouldn't be able to woo Jacqueline Bisset enough in one day to marry him. Carla comes up with a bizarre idea: the bet does not state that Sam has to marry THE Jacqueline Bisset, and supposes that there must be another Jacqueline Bisset somewhere in the U.S.; get her under the Sammy spell, get a quickie wedding and a quickie annulment. The gang comb through telephone books from all over the U.S. looking for a Jacqueline Bisset. They eventually find... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.0
30 min

There's a chill in the air, even in the bar where there's a blockage in the furnace vent. The furnace repairman is delayed in his visit, so in the meantime, the collective in the bar suggests that the skinniest person try and shimmy down the furnace vent to unblock the clog, that person being Diane. Diane gets stuck in the vent, which is located underneath the floor, but that doesn't stop her from dispensing her wisdom to the gang as the bodiless voice. The chill is also affecting Cliff, who is under the weather, even so much so that he's come into the bar during the middle of his route to get something hot to drink. He's obviously sick, but won't let that affect him finishing his route. Actually he used all his sick days to take his trip to Florida. Norm, being the friend that he is, tells Cliff that the remaining handful of letters he can deliver for Cliff. Although initially reluctant to let Norm do this for him if only because of what he sees as Norm's lack of postal delivery ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Sam is being very secretive. Diane finds out that his secret is that he's gone back to school. But later, initially to her horror, she finds out that he is not getting his college degree, but rather his high school diploma, which he will earn if he passes the one course he is taking. Coach shows some interest in going back to school as well, and although Coach needs a few more credits than Sam to graduate - actually a few more years - he decides to take the same Geography course as Sam. Nearing the end of the course, Coach and Sam are getting the highest marks in the class and are enjoying their experience. Coach is getting his good grades through hard work and studying. Sam on the other hand, as Diane eventually deduces, is getting his high marks because he and Miss Purdy, the teacher, have a special relationship, not quite typical of a teacher/student. In other words, they're sleeping together. Diane chastises him, although she doesn't need to as Sam knows what's happening is wrong.... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Despite not usually into such things, Sam has agreed to play in a charity baseball game. The gang at the bar soon find out why: the opposing team is comprised of Playboy Playmates. Sam is relishing the fact of having his cake and eating it too. But beyond the Playmates, he is taking this game seriously, practicing his pitching with Carla. On game day, he blows the Playmates away with eighteen strike-outs and a 7-0 final score. He's thrilled that his baseball arm is back. But the Playmates are now mad at him and did not come back to the bar after the game as they said they would. Although Sam stands up for what he did, Diane puts it into perspective for him: he would rather beat the Playmates than to sleep with them. With that, he realizes that he is a sick man with his competitiveness. However, upon further discussion, Sam exposes the fact that Diane is just as competitive. They compete to see who is less competitive. This culminates in an all-night ping-pong game. The question is: ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Frasier comes into the bar a little down. Work is getting to him. Diane suggests to Sam that he ask Frasier to tag along on the guy's fishing trip with Norm, Cliff, Tim and Alan. Sam doesn't want to ask the depressed, outdoor inexperienced and boring Dr. Crane, but does so when he feels like he can't avoid it. Frasier, thinking that it'll do him some good to get away and do some male bonding, agrees. But the trip ends up being slightly different than what both Sam and Frasier first envision. The gang decide to go snipe hunting instead, initiating Frasier into the ritual as being the one who actually holds the gunny sack in the bagger's position and does the snipe call while the others go off and search the snipe out. The catch: there is no such thing as a snipe, so there is no reason for the others to search out something that doesn't exist. In other words, they left Frasier out in the woods by himself holding a gunny sack purely as a gag. Diane is furious with them. Just as Diane ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Frasier and Diane bring Dr. Bennett Ludlow, Frasier's mentor, to the bar for a drink. Both Frasier and Diane are in awe of the man. Two weeks after that night, Carla has been getting expensive flowers from a secret admirer, and Dr. Ludlow has been canceling plans with Frasier and Diane. Frasier and Diane think that Dr. Ludlow doesn't want them as social companions. However, Sam believes that the coincidence between Carla's flowers, the nights she wants off and the nights where Dr. Ludlow cancels plans with Frasier and Diane is just a little too much. Could Dr. Ludlow be Carla's secret admirer? Frasier and Diane think the idea ludicrous. They learn that night by witnessing Dr. Ludlow and Carla's embrace that Sam is indeed right, much to Diane and Frasier's horror. Frasier implies to Dr. Ludlow that he would be better to return to his own social circle after this walk on the wild side, but they all, including Frasier and Diane, come to accept and support the relationship once Dr. Ludlow... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6

Sam hits on a woman in the bar named Amanda Boyer, and is successful in charming the socks off her. They makes plans to go out, however Amanda has to wait to meet a friend, who just happens to be Diane. When Diane finds out that Sam has made plans to go out with Amanda, Diane warns him not to go out with her, only implying that Amanda's crazy, the specific reason beyond that Diane won't give. Sam thinks Diane is just still full of sour grapes over their past relationship. Sam ignores Diane's warnings and goes out with Amanda. After Sam returns from dinner alone, Diane grills him about Amanda and his plans with her. Although he doesn't think Amanda's quite his type, he does plan on asking her out again. To spare Sam, Diane finally tells Sam about Amanda: the two met at Goldenbrook, the sanitarium. Amanda's problem is that she is obsessive and possessive with men with whom she is fixated. After Sam gets a taste of Amanda's possessiveness and fixation, Sam and Diane discuss the best ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Diane and Carla make a bet about who can make the most tips in one evening, the tips a measure of who is the better waitress. Even giving her a $10 head start, Carla is $9 ahead with 1 minute to go, however a last minute $20 tip puts Diane over the top. Diane is elated, but Carla is crushed by the defeat and mopes around for weeks. The only thing that will get her over the funk is Diane admitting she cheated. Although she didn't, will Diane do so if only to get Carla out of her funk? Meanwhile, Norm, who just landed a new job, had to take a physical for such, and the x-ray showed a spot on his chest. He questions his mortality and what little he's accomplished in his life. Later, he luckily finds out that the spot was just an error. He breathes a big sigh of relief but still does question what he's accomplished in his life. He now wants to stop and smell the roses. Ultimately, he decides to quit his new job and live his fantasy life: to sail to Bora Bora on a cargo ship and live in a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Nervous because they think he still has feelings for her, Diane and Frasier tell Sam that they are moving in together. Sam is happy for them, as happy as he can be for Diane and Frasier. But in a private discussion between Sam and Diane, each has an underlying but unspoken air of apprehension about this move. After Diane moves in with Frasier, she develops a constant tickle in her throat and sneezing fits which she attributes to being allergic to Frasier's dog, Pavlov. Sam thinks her symptoms are psychosomatic, masking a reality of not wanting to live with Frasier. When Sam agrees to take Pavlov after Frasier offers to give her up for Diane, Diane seems somewhat annoyed. After Pavlov leaves the Crane-Chambers household, Diane develops another symptom in addition to the tickle and the sneezing, that of a voice change. This added symptom is also despite the house being fumigated, the upholstery changed, and the wallpaper stripped. Finally Frasier is fed up, and faces the reality that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.2
30 min

Nick and Loretta - Carla's ex-husband and his new wife - come to the bar to talk to Carla. Loretta can't bear children, so they want to take one of Carla and Nick's existing five kids, namely the oldest Anthony, who is under Carla's custody. Carla is incredulous and refuses. Nick threatens to take her to court, stating that in comparison to his stable life, she is an unfit single mother who works in a seedy bar night after night. She still refuses. It isn't until Nick speaks to her alone that she agrees. Everyone is stunned that Carla gave in. Although she says she's happy with one less child, they can tell that she truly is crushed. She finally admits that she could never stand up to the powers of Nick Tortelli, who has this secret magic over Carla and all women. The gang at the bar proclaim their support for Carla to stand up to Nick and not sign the legal papers. When Nick and Loretta come back with the legal papers, Carla tries to resist the powers of Nick, which, if she succeeds,... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Frasier, his mother - Dr. Hester Crane - and Diane are having dinner together at Melville's. Diane is nervous enough meeting her for the first time because she's his mother and could be her future mother-in-law, but Dr. Crane senior is also an eminent psychiatrist who may analyze every minute detail of Diane's behavior. When they meet, everything is rosy as both women seem to like each other. However, the first moment Hester gets Diane alone, she threatens to kill her if she continues dating Frasier. Diane is shocked and stunned, and Hester continues the threat through what seem to be harmless innuendos to the uninformed. Diane, not knowing if Hester is serious or kidding, decides to take action which places Frasier in a precarious position. Elsewhere in the bar, it's Norm's 36th birthday, and he drops hints to everyone as such. Although his words say that he wants no special treatment, the tone of his words, on which everyone picks up, is that he wants special attention. He does get ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

It's been a couple of weeks since Coach and Irene got engaged and since Irene won $2 million in the lottery. However, Coach hasn't seen her at all. In fact she's postponed the wedding a couple of times and even moved, which she didn't tell Coach. It's obvious to everyone at the bar that it is over between Coach and Irene, everyone that is except Coach. Sam takes Coach aside to give him the facts. Just before Sam states the final obvious fact that Irene no longer wants to get married to Coach, Coach asks Sam to be his best man. Sam no longer has the heart to tell Coach the truth. Irene finally shows up, basically telling Coach that things are over between the two of them since money changes people and she is a changed person. Coach still thinks Irene is only going through a phase, and that she will eventually come back to him. So Coach still prepares for the wedding. By the scheduled wedding day, Coach, having every faith in humanity, is still certain Irene will show up. With others ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Mother and daughter, Irene and Sue Blanchard, come into the bar for a drink. There is an intense and immediate eye contact between Coach and Irene, following which Coach says to Sam that he is going to marry her. Needing some support and a distraction for daughter Sue, Coach asks Sam to come with him to introduce themselves. Despite the fact that Sue is not Sam's type, he agrees to support Coach. Following introductions, Sue apparently is not attracted to Sam either, which makes Sam now interested in getting her to go out with him. With Coach and Irene, there is a sense of nervousness on Coach's part but Irene seems equally as interested him. After three weeks of dating, Coach announces to everyone in the bar that he is going to ask Irene to marry him, they who are happy about this news and wish him good luck. The Coach takes Irene aside in the bar and in a roundabout way asks her, to which she says... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Sam dumps his latest conquest, Maxine, because she has just told him she's married. Even Sam has his standards. After everyone has left the bar for the night, Maxine's husband, Marvin, comes by the bar brandishing a gun, threatening to kill the man who is cheating with his wife. Sam reasons with Marvin, telling him that he didn't know she was married and when she told him, he ended things with her. Marvin finally admits to himself that Maxine is, in his own words, indeed a tramp. Marvin is a bit despondent, but Sam manages to get the gun away from him. Thinking that it would be safer there, Sam starts to put the gun in his back pocket when the gun goes off - Sam has shot himself in the butt. The next day, Sam comes into the bar with a cane, limping. He tells everyone at the bar of being held up at the bar last night, fighting off the assailant, and getting shot in the leg after which the assailant runs off. Everyone in the bar think Sam's a hero. As Sam's story changes slightly, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.1

Everyone at the bar is in costume, which means it's Halloween. Late arrival Cliff is dressed as Ponce de Leon, who is still going on about his trip to Florida. The gang get into an argument about Cliff and women, specifically that he never seems to have been on a date. Then, as Cliff is boring a bar patron about Florida, a woman dressed as Tinkerbell shows some interest in him. They have a good time that evening as Ponce and Tinkerbell, and decide to meet the following night as their real selves at the bar, which means that Cliff will be going on an actual date. Will Cliff actually go through with meeting the woman underneath the Tinkerbell façade? Meanwhile, Diane, with an extra ticket and no Frasier available, takes Sam to the Boston Pops with Frasier's blessing. Diane isn't nervous about being on a date with Sam until they're ready to go home. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Three people say things that they perhaps should not have. First, Cliff anonymously tells his supervisor that his colleague and former bodyguard, Lewis, has been pilfering fragrance samples from magazines to be delivered. Lewis is fired and asks Cliff to find out who squealed on him. Cliff is scared of Lewis, but will that ultimately stop him from telling Lewis the truth? Second, Frasier tells Sam a story about himself and Diane through the old a patient of mine... scenario. What he mentions is something that third, Diane said in the heat of passion when she and Frasier were making love: she yelled out her old boyfriend's name. That old boyfriend obviously is Sam. Next he sees Diane, Sam drops strong hints that he knows that she said his name while she was making love to Frasier. She is humiliated, and also furious with Frasier for telling Sam. In the light of reality, Sam and Diane reassure Frasier that they feel nothing at all for each other. However when Frasier leaves the room, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.0
30 min

After 10 days of therapy with Dr. Crane and AA meetings, Sam realizes the destructive ways of his recent drunken carousing behavior. Diane comes back to the bar wanting to talk to Sam. Each is afraid that the other is still in love with the other, but they simultaneously tell each other that they are over the other. However Diane goes further and tells Sam that she and Frasier are going together. Sam passes this news along to everyone else in the bar. As Julie, the latest waitress quits because of Sam's cheating ways, Sam needs a new waitress and suggests Diane come back to work there. Both Diane and Frasier are individually reluctant for her to do so, but the Coach, acting as the psychologist, may be able to convince all concerned that it's a good idea. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.0
30 min

It's been six months since Diane walked out/Sam kicked her out of the bar, and it hasn't been a good six months for either. Sam has gone back to his carousing drunken ways, none of which he attributes to the break-up with Diane. Diane has spent the last three months as a voluntary patient at Goldenbrook Sanitarium. Upon her release, she seems happy but she is still jumpy and nervous and can't even say Sam's name. The break-up and Sam's behavior has had an affect on others in the bar. Sam has continually slept with the replacement waitresses, who have in turn quit when things went sour with Sam. This instability has taken its toll on overworked Carla. However, the one positive thing for Carla is that at least Diane is gone, and Carla has stipulated that no one is allowed to even mention Diane's name in the bar. But hardest hit is Coach, who lived through Sam's previous life as a drunk. Coach takes matters into his own hands and goes and sees a just released Diane. Coach tries to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Phillip Semenko has got Diane to pose for him, despite Sam forbidding her to do so. Phillip is having troubles with the painting, not knowing why, but he comes to the conclusion that Diane has lost the anguish that was making the expression of the portrait so brilliant. In their discussing Sam, Diane confesses that their relationship is a troubled one, where they are two opposites, and she gets the feeling that Sam often likes to hurt her, which Sam had admitted to others in the past. That discussion was enough to bring back her anguish, and Phillip can finish the painting. Diane loves it and thinks that Sam will as well. Regardless of Sam's feeling about the painting itself, Phillip tells Diane that Sam will not be able to get over the fact that she went behind his back and the painting will be the impetus for the last time Sam and Diane will ever see each other. To make up for their previous fight, Sam makes what he believes in a grand gesture to Diane. But when Sam finds out about ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Sam tries to pass off quickly to Diane the fact that he was interviewed for Boston Magazine's article on the 20 Most Eligible Bachelors. Diane is livid. Sam and Diane are close to the breaking point in their relationship and this article may be the nail in the coffin. Sam knows that it will take a highly romantic gesture on his part to placate Diane and to save their relationship. Carla suggests he have a portrait of Diane painted. Cliff knows a renowned painter who lives along his postal route. Phillip Semenko ends up being a temperamental bohemian artiste, where the art is more important than money. Upon meeting, Semenko takes an instant dislike to Neanderthal Sam, and the feeling is mutual. Just as Semenko is about ready to leave the bar, he runs into Diane, of whom he immediately feels the need to paint a portrait. She knows his work and is in awe. When Sam finds out, an argument ensues between Sam and Diane and he threatens to break off their relationship if she goes off with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Norm brings a beautiful new client, Emily Phillips, into the bar for a drink. All the regulars in the bar believe that Emily's friendliness is Emily coming on to Norm. As such, the regulars egg him on. Diane and Sam are the only voices of dissent in believing that even if Emily wants him, he shouldn't be unfaithful to Vera. Regardless, Norm loves the attention and half-seriously goes along with the kidding. Or perhaps Norm is serious in wanting a liaison with Emily. He has to make a decision on what to do when Emily invites him to her place for a quiet dinner. Not only does his marriage factor into the equation, but also Emily as a client, which is what Norm's professional self sorely lacks. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Coach has gone to Phoenix for the funeral of his best friend, T-Bone Scappagioni. T-Bone and Coach played together in the minors and coached together for the Red Sox. Sam admits that he personally never liked T-Bone, the reason he didn't go to the funeral. Coach, having returned to the bar, admits that the funeral was a bit impersonal since T-Bone had lived in Phoenix for only a short time, so not that many there knew him well. Diane suggests that they should hold a memorial at the bar in Boston where all his old friends still live. After the plans for the memorial are all set, Sam tells Diane the reason that he didn't like T-Bone: T-Bone once made a play for Coach's wife, Angela, who confided the incident to Sam in secret. Coach overhears their conversation. Despite the fact that Coach now hates T-Bone, Sam and Diane tell him to at least deal with his feelings. Coach decides to go through with the memorial, where he wants to spill his guts about his hard feelings toward T-Bone. The ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

It's George Washington holiday weekend, a weekend that Carla lets slip to Diane that Sam traditionally goes on a ski trip with his buddies to chase snow bunnies. Diane thinks now that they are dating that Sam won't go. But when Sam makes an excuse to take a trip to ski resort Stowe, Vermont - he states he needs to go there for an uncle's funeral - Diane knows that he really is going with his buddies once again to chase snow bunnies. Although Diane doesn't let on that she knows, she says something to Sam time after time just as he is about to leave which makes him think that she may know the truth. And time after time, Sam, who actually makes his way close to Stowe, comes back much to Diane's certainty and much to Carla's consternation. With others in the bar, Coach tests fate when he's close to beating his monthly record for the fewest glasses broken. And Cliff is jealous when Norm starts hanging out with a new friend by the name of George Foley. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Much to Sam's consternation, the Coach buys a non-returnable fortune-telling scale for the bar. The one who is however most concerned is Carla, who says that the fortunes the scale is spewing out are actually coming true. She believes the scale is possessed and evil. The scale is a big hit with the customers although unlike Carla they are getting their fortunes just for fun to see if they do come true. Diane is one who doesn't believe in the fortune-telling abilities of the scale, that is until she gets her fortune, which says, deception in romance will prove costly. Obviously Diane did something deceptive against Sam, despite she being a stickler for honesty in a relationship. Later, she admits to Sam the reason for her nervousness and her deception: she went out on a date, albeit harmless one, with another man to an event she knew Sam did not want to attend. Sam thinks that perhaps they should break up as he obviously doesn't fulfill all her needs and she doesn't fulfill all his. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Tough guy bar patron, Victor, has taken a dislike to Cliff and his know-it-all attitude. Carla eggs Cliff on to confront Victor, as she says he is just a blow-hard who will back down once Cliff shows he's not afraid of him. Reluctantly Cliff does so, but Victor doesn't back down, wanting to take things outside. While Victor goes out waiting for Cliff, Cliff sneaks out the Melville's entrance. The next time Cliff comes to the bar, he brings his tough guy colleague from the post office, Lewis, in the off chance that Victor shows up as well, which he does. Knowing that Lewis is there, Cliff verbally pushes Victor more. Lewis defends Cliff until what Victor says about Cliff makes Lewis think that Victor is right. Without his bodyguard, Cliff uses the oldest back down statement in the book: that he knows karate and his hands are lethal weapons. Victor says that he will leave Cliff alone if Cliff admits that he's a loud mouth know-it-all. It's time for Cliff to put up or shut up, Diane ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Sam and Diane are having an intimate night at Diane's apartment when the Coach barges in on them. Although they are at a crucial time in their relationship, they ultimately let the Coach stay for the evening as they realize they have the rest of their lives together and the Coach is all alone. However this night is just the start of the Coach joining them in on everything without them even asking him. To get him off on his own, Sam and Diane, with the help of Carla and the rest of the gang, try and set him up with a woman that he has admitted that he likes. After they finally find out who she is, Sam and Diane go on a double date with the Coach and Katherine. They end up back at Diane's place for an after dinner coffee, where the Coach and Katherine seem to be having a good time. The Coach offers to escort Katherine home, or so he says. He drops her off at the bus stop and comes back to Diane's alone, saying to Sam and Diane that Katherine, as nice as she is, doesn't fit in with their... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Unemployed Norm is forced to take a job washing dishes at Melville's. Diane and the gang at the bar suggest that Sam hire him as the bar's accountant. Sam confides in Diane that he doesn't want to do it, since the bar is important to him, and its finances a big part of that. But reluctantly, he agrees. Norm immediately goes to work on the bar's tax return, and after all is said and done, he nets the bar a $15,000 return, a net return something Sam is not used to. This work puts a bounce back in Norm's step and confidence back into his abilities as an accountant. However, financially conservative Sam doesn't tell Norm that he didn't actually submit this return, but rather the one done by his old accountant since he didn't trust Norm. If Norm ever were to find out that Sam didn't submit his return because he didn't trust him, it could be a deal breaker in Norm's association with Sam and Cheers. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Carla comes into the bar in a huff. Her ex-husband Nick is getting remarried to stereotypical dumb blonde Loretta, and Carla is invited to their wedding that evening. What Carla is upset about is that he is marrying a dish, while he knows that there is no one special in her life; he is rubbing his happiness in her face. Diane suggests that she bring to the wedding someone who would make Nick jealous. Carla jumps to the conclusion that Sam would be the perfect person. Sam and Diane are scheduled to go away for the weekend, and thus he declines Carla's offer, that is until Nick and Loretta show up at the bar and do indeed rub Carla's nose in their wedding bliss. Sam and Carla go through with the charade of being boyfriend/girlfriend through the wedding, and post-wedding at the bar, where Nick and Loretta show up. Their charade does the trick as witnessed by a resulting act by Nick. But at the end of the day, Carla may still feel that she got the short of the life stick. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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