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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.2
47 min

While mapping some wilderness in Alaska, MacGyver discovers an abandoned ship. On it, a Russian stowaway tells him that the crew were all scared off, by Bigfoot!

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.7
48 min

Jack Dalton helps MacGyver to steal back the jade dragon statue in order to free his former lover being held captive. However, it turns out she may be working with the Russians.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.5
48 min

Soviet agents use a former lover of MacGyver's, who he thought to be dead, as a pawn to steal a valuable Chinese jade dragon statue.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.1
49 min

In Santa Monica, a sunny paradise for the Minnesota boy, Mac accepts to get his martial arts sparring partner Lisa's 14 year-old brother Paul Chan. Only a Macgyverism gets him access to the Chinatown establishment where scientist Dr. Shen Wei is authenticating the teenager as the legendary Wish Child, so Shen can advise the Hong Kong magnate Lee Wenying that Paul is the real one; Lee pays crime baron Ston's finder's fee. Mac is knocked down and can barely escape from Lee's cargo freighter, before learning from petty crook Sam and Dr. Shen enough to go after the boy, whose presence would allow the aging Lee to survive his life-span, reason to keep the kid captured, but Mac is determined to rescue him... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 6.9
60 min | 48 min (DVD)

In the opening gambit, Mac takes a diplomatic case during an criminal hand-over, and outsmarts he armed fiends making use of the site, a car demolition junk-yard, which almost ended fatally 'depressing' for him. - In the main story, the Pentagon lost an airplane carrying weapons, including a secret canister, over Burma (SE Asian, bordering Thailand) and Mac accepts the search mission. The region in the 'Golden Triangle' is controlled by the sinister war lord general Nairan, whose goons terrorize the rural villagers to work poppy fields for his opium - and arms trade. Mac observes the abusive overseer Truang at work, gets the brave teen boy Chan to show him the crash site but is captured by surprise; Nairan orders him slowly executed 'as an example', bound on a rack in the sun. Chan's sister Lin is too scared for reprisals -whole villages were brunt down for disobedience- to help, but Chan gets him a stolen army knife. In no time crafty Mac frees himself, overcomes his guard and his ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

An MP who once worked with the team when they had a case in Lejeune who is now in Quantico called Gibbs asking him to see him. When Gibbs goes to Quantico he discovers the man died in an accident. But when Ducky checks him out, he doesn't classify it as an accident. Gibbs learns the man may have taken an interest in the wife of another Marine. But with no idea what his interest is, Gibbs sends McGee and Bishop under cover as the a Marine couple. Written by

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Gibbs regains consciousness, and he says that he remembers the explosion; however, he does not recognize or remember Ducky. A neurologist says that Gibbs's organic injuries (his lack of brain damage) are inconsistent with an erasure of 15 years of memory even with a memory of his trauma; the physician suggests that the cause is not a physical one but rather an emotional repression of memory. Gibbs starts to remember a few things; Jen helps, then an old buddy does, then Ziva. Gibbs regains his memory, and he recalls the details of the operation on which he sustained his recent injuries. He figures out the bad guy, gives a severe warning, becomes ignored, then quits. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Aboard a Turkish-flag cargo ship in a port at Hampton Roads in Virginia, an explosion occurs, killing one person and leaving Gibbs comatose with burns, abrasions, and a concussion; EMTs take him to the emergency room at the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth; Jen and Abby follow to the hospital; the rest of the team investigate. A Navy medical officer recognizes Gibbs from Kuwait in 1991, when he treated him after an injury. Abby and Ziva express a difference to each other; Tony starts to sound like Gibbs, and others notice. Gibbs remains in a coma; eventually Ducky, a neurologist, and a nurse welcome him back; however, Gibbs does not recognize or remember Ducky. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

Wesley is on leave from Starfleet Academy, but gloomy, moody and even rude. The Federation has concluded a peace treaty with the Cardassians, which reassigns several planets, including one where a tribe of American Indians relocated twenty years ago. Picard grudgingly accepts the assignment to relocate the colonists, who refuse to be uprooted a second time in two centuries. Their chief even claims that Picard is there to acquit his ancestor's part in a slaughter of his tribe 23 generations ago. The Cardassians arrive six weeks early for a 'legal' survey of the colony, stirring resistance. This is fueled by Wesley, who accepted an invitation from an Indian, who claims to have seen him during his vision quest, to undertake his own. It leads to Wesley's late dad, telling him that it's time to take a different path from his. Picard tries to get through to Cardassian commander Gul Evek. Wesley makes a major discovery and choice. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 5.8
45 min

The Enterprise comes to the rescue of a transport ship after it is attacked while carrying Ambassador Ves Alkar to a mediation between two constantly warring planets. Alkar asks for another freighter to avoid a military appearance but Admiral Simons agrees security requires Picard remains his host. Alkar arrives with his 93-year old mother, a witch whose aggression and warnings not to have close contact with Ves are rather scary, as her hateful thoughts are to Troi, but soon she is found dead in his quarters. Dr. Crusher doubts a natural cause of death, but without danger to the ship, Picard must respect the ambassador's objection against an autopsy on traditional grounds. Troi accepts to partake in a ceremony requiring empathy, after which she turns much more emotional, irritated and seductive, even scratching her lover Riker. Troi is also aging rapidly, so now Picard allows an autopsy, which proves the late Sev Maylor is no genetic relative of Alkar, who admits the joining drains ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Commander William Riker has been on an acculturation mission under an alias for months on the Malcorian planet, surgically altered to appear like a local, but he gets badly wounded, beyond their medical skills because his internal organs are unknown to them. Captain Jean-Luc Picard decides to speed up his official diplomatic approach, formally the First Contact, and intercede on Riker's behalf, but they are told by a fascinated open-minded Malcorian scientist that her planet's culture is particularly xenophobic so they reject any alien being as being unequal to them. The Malcorian government keeps the matter secret but is internally divided: while the chancellor Durken is in favor of Riker's release without the people finding out and establishing friendly relations with the Federation, his powerful security minister Krola is prepared to go to any length to preserve their traditional way of life, so he finds Riker and fakes his own murder.... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

The Enterprise is conducting a security sweep in an area near the Neutral Zone when they are probed by what Captain Picard thinks may be a secret Romulan base. Commander Riker, who has just had a birthday, leads an away team composed of Geordi and Lt. Worf when they are overcome by methane gas. He awakens in Dr. Crusher's sick bay to be told that he is now Captain of the Enterprise - and his last memory of being on the methane gas planet occurred 16 years ago. Dr. Crusher tells him he's been in a coma for 10 days as a result of an attack of encephalitis which has also caused his memory loss. He has several surprises in store not the least of which is that he is a widower and has a son. He's also supposed to be negotiating a major treaty with the Romulans. There are anomalies however and nothing is as it appears. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 9.3
45 min

Commander Riker had no choice as acting captain but fire full force on the Borg starship, despite Picard being on board of it, altered to a Borg calling himself Locutus, both ships are damaged. Emergency repairs shouldn't take too long to make the appointment with Admiral J. P. Hanson, who announces Klingons coming to the rescue, but Picard seems lost forever: Riker is granted full command. Technology is adapted to render it unpredictable, such as randomized phaser settings. Hanson's communications are cut, the war must be going badly. To avoid musical chairs, Borg expert Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Paula Shelby is acting XO. Locutus refuses to come to terms, separation and fire are engaged, including anti-matter spread. Data and Worf beam into the Borg ship, overpower and get Locutus into a shuttle and beam aboard before it's shot down. If Crusher can awake Picard, he may now have decisive Borg info, but meanwhile declares himself Borg spokesman. While earth's own solar system is ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 9.4
45 min

Admiral J. P. Hanson personally boarded the Enterprise to join the investigation of a destroyed Federation-colonized planet, suspecting the feared Borg. Before this is confirmed, he points out Commander William T. Riker has for the third time refused a command, preferring the Enterprise. Shortly after an enormous Borg ship is found, it engages in battle with the Enterprise, which draws it away. Novel tactics are conceived. Captain Jean-Luc Picard is ordered to come aboard for unprecedented discussions, and kidnapped when he refuses. He finds they tolerate no resistance, and intend to turn him into a Borg. Riker suddenly finds himself acting captain.... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 46 min (DVD)

The Enterprise encounters a message from a planet offering to sell them arms. The messenger, essentially a holographic image, invites them to the planet below. There, the away team led by Commander Riker comes under attack from a myriad of weapons leading Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher to also beam down to the planet. They too are attacked and Dr. Crusher is seriously wounded. Aboard the Enterprise, Lt. Laforge is left in command for the first time in a crisis situation. He not only has to deal with being under attack from these unknown weapons systems, but also deal with a colleague who feels he should be given command of the ship. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Taylor agrees the museum is a bust. Lorelai meets to discuss selling the Dragonfly while Rory starts her new internship with Logan's father. Friday night dinner with the grandparents goes great for Logan and Rory while Lorelai, after begging to attend, gets the cold shoulder. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

After realizing that casual dating isn't for her, Rory tries to break things off with Logan, causing him to agree to see her exclusively. Logan's family isn't happy about the match despite Rory's breeding. Luke's patience is tried as he takes over as temporary chef at the Dragonfly while pregnant Sookie is ordered to bed rest, but Sookie has trouble giving up control of her kitchen. Meanwhile, Paris finds out where Doyle has been all weekend. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers


Fawlty Towers

IMDb: 9.3
31 min

When Mrs. Richards, a demanding woman who is hard of hearing, checks into the hotel, Basil, Sybil and Polly find themselves with a very difficult customer. Meanwhile, Basil bets on a horse that is sure to win, however he must not let Sybil find out. Written by Nadia Nassar

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers


Fawlty Towers

IMDb: 8.6
28 min

Over his wife's objections, Basil hires his usual firm of incompetents (O'Reilly's) to do some carpentry work in the hotel lobby. With both Basil and Sybil out for the afternoon, they leave Polly in charge. She decides to have a nap, leaving the English-challenged Manuel in charge. When Basil returns, he finds a solid wall where once stood doors to the dining room and still no door to the kitchen per his work order. Sybil takes an I-told-you-so attitude and insists he hire a qualified builder to fix the mess, but Basil decides to get O'Reilly back to right the wrong, but he still makes a mess of it as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 8.3
45 min

Jake hesitates whether to accept the sheriff star or exact revenge. By the time he makes up his mind and rides after mates who planned to 'spare him' involvement, Major Edward Beck is on to them and shows it's pointless: Constantino was shot resisting arrest. Stanley Richmond's happy after signing a tax deal, although it takes brutal re-negotiating to make it actually advantageous. Chavez and Hawkins hope the surprise visit from Cheyenne-based president Glen Tomarchio will offer a forum to compose and publicize the truth. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Terry meets his lifelong hero, a famous author who's received death threats. In other events, Gina tries to choose the location of the Boyle family vacation and Amy sides with Kevin in his argument with Holt over a math puzzle.

Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Morgan finds Lot a difficult ally as he kills Arthur's foster mother and threatens to take Camelot. In order to show that Arthur is a potentially powerful ruler worthy of allegiance Merlin arranges for him to remove the Sword of the Gods which is embedded in rock at the top of a waterfall and can only be removed by the true king. Helped by his foster-brother Kay,Arthur accomplishes this and is duly crowned,seeing at his coronation Guinevere,a girl about whom he has dreamed,though she is with her lover Leontes. Lot mounts an attack but is killed by Sir Ector,Arthur's foster father though Ector also dies. Arthur is keen to sue for peace with Morgan but she rejects this and goes into the woods to seemingly consort with a wolf. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 8.3
62 min

Believing that Nessa was killed by an Israeli-backed terrorist group the American government prepares to accept Palestine as a sovereign state and Julia Walsh accuses Palestinian sympathizer Monica of helping to engineer this, using Nessa as a pawn. Nessa comes to in a house with Kasim and rings Shlomo to announce that she is alive. Acting on the call Hayden-Hoyle persuades Atika, who was aware of, and part of, the plot that she owes it to Nessa to rescue her, which she does, killing the father of Al-Zahid, who ordered her rape and her family's murders. Though mortally wounded Atika helps Nessa and Kasim escape to Israel and back to England, where they visit Rachel and her new-born baby. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman


The Honourable Woman

IMDb: 7.7
58 min

As Nathaniel lies in a hospital bed the wounded abductor in the next ward takes a phone call which results in his killing himself. Nessa is given a new bodyguard, with whom she has sex, but she deduces that he has been sent by Hayden-Hoyle to spy on her whilst Ephra cheats on pregnant wife Rachel with Atika. Police commander Garrett discovers that the kidnappers are ex-Intelligence Corps. Meanwhile Monica accuses MI6 boss Julia Walsh of exploiting Hayden-Hoyle to get rid of Nessa whilst Nessa herself, against the advice of P.A. Frances, distinguishes herself in the House of Lords with her speech on the Palestinian conflict. Hayden-Hoyle interviews Meshal's lover Rebecca Lantham to ascertain if he really killed himself and finds out that she is an FBI agent - which ultimately seals her fate. Nessa receives a mysterious message to tell her that Kasim is alive . Atika's response is to say They know. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Teachers




IMDb: 8.0
19 min

The teachers say goodbye to another school year; Ms. Cannon's lack of gifts from her students makes her question her worth.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Motive




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

The victim: former Olympic boxing gold medalist Mark Machine Mason, the co-owner of and chief trainer at Machine's, a fledgling boxing gym which doesn't look like it will survive unless changes are made in the business plan. The killer: Joey Mason, the recently wheelchair-bound other co-owner of Machine's, its chief ideas man, and Mark's brother. Mark was found in the gym stabbed to death in the back, but not before his knee was savagely beaten. The dead body was reported by Joey. The Homicide detectives initially look at anyone who had a key to the gym as a suspect, although that thought quickly goes out the window when they find out that the gym door was broken, meaning that anyone could have gotten into the gym with ease. Mark's missing Olympic medals, which were prominently displayed, are thought to be the initial motive for at least the break-in, the primary suspects then being disgruntled competitors and vagrants. But when Joey is caught in a lie, Angie focuses her attention... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Medium




IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Allison wakes up one morning believing she is Sandra O'Bannon. She obviously knows a great deal about the woman - where she lives, the location of the spare key and the access code to the house. She dreams that she and her husband, Tom O'Bannon, are in a car accident and subsequently meets Tom and Sandra at a hospital finally realizing that something is very wrong. Her dreams however provide an explanation to what happened to the real Sandra O'Bannon. Written by garykmcd

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.3

It's Halloween, and Spider-Man is in for a treat. All the trick-or-treating kids have been turned into the real life versions of their costumes, and it's up to Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Doctor Strange to turn the city back to normal.

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

Spider-Man and Ant-Man must shrink down to miniature size in a special submarine to rid Nick Fury's body of nanobots implanted by Doc Ock.

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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2

After Preston calls the loan due on the homestead while Sully is gone, Dr. Mike reluctantly accepts Daniel's offer to pay it off, further straining relationships. Things are also complicated because Daniel has fallen in love with Dr. Mike.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2

Sully's best friend Daniel arrives for a visit, but the relationship becomes strained when Daniel offers Sully money at a time when Sully desperately needs it to save the homestead.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.6
46 min

When Jake and Preston run against one another for mayor of Colorado Springs, they both want Dr. Mike's endorsement, until she is arrested and thrown in jail for treating a fugitive Indian. After Sully and Cloud Dancing rescue the Indian from the Army and Dr. Mike is arrested for treating his wounds, Dorothy hatches a plan to set her free. Meanwhile, with the election only a few days off, Jake promises Robert E a seat on the City Council if he can deliver the black vote, and Jake and Preston hold a debate so that the townspeople can decide who is the better man.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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