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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.8
43 min

A birthday road trip takes an unexpected turn; April makes a decision.

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

By a dirty trick to discredit 'too friendly' police detective Anthony Newsome, Kim's lawyer prevents the Grey case going to actual trial at all. However, an anonymous tip leads to a ruthless disciplinary procedure for illegal euthanasia, which sees her suspended indefinitely, pending formal proceedings. Savi finally learns about Harry's restaurant's financial peril and decides to foot the bill anonymously. Sam takes due offense at Kim's bitterness over his family loyalty and truthfulness. To Josslyn's horror, boss Olivier, for whom he wrecked her lesbian partnership, returns to Paris. April's daughter Lucy goes missing, actually a fugue, Paul insists on passing her a keepsake. Kim's practice partner Jacob Pollack reveals he reported Kim, as she totally violated his trust, and won't accept her back even if she gets her license back. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.4
44 min

To avoid a euthanasia trial, Kim counted on Sam, her lawyer on practice partner Jacob Pollock's willingness to present as if solid a 'presumed' alibi, but Sam's truthful testimony plays in his mother's hand, like seemingly friendly police detective Anthony Newsome's, and Kim refuses to lie along. Cued by Josslyn that Savi received paternity test results but locked them away, Harry tries to get access in hospital, in vain despite charming the receptionist. Richard Grieco and April agree to 'just a lay date', but agree afterward both want to resume dating properly. Olivier is amused by Josslyn's routine in taking clients to nightclubs, her lesbian partner suddenly terribly jealous when she learns they slept together. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Sam not only assures Kim he disapproves of his mother's vindictive homicide charge, hiring loyalty-caught Savi's law firm, he secretly arranges for a decent defense counsel. Harry no longer being around to do handyman work or take general charge of the household, Savi must learn to cope alone, but Dom steps in, alas just when Harry volunteers once more to repair the shower. Joss gets into Olivier's favor by arranging short-term saucy entertainment for juiced clients which she may keep as reward. Richard duly scolds April for wining endlessly about Paul remaining in her life and 'stalking' Lucy, then protesting when he fields his fists. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Harry plays along keeping their separation secret when Savi's mother arrives for a surprise visit, to announce her move to Brazil, but Savi remembers her abysmal parental record. Sam's mother Elizabeth Grey gets Savi and her standing-in colleague and lover Dom to proceed against Kim, who ends up subpoenaed as suspect in Sam's father's death, which Kim now suspects Elisabeth of. As Savi feared, Josslyn's joy over an invitation to come along is soon squashed, unlike mother's infatuation for barman Diego, who actually accompanies her. Richard keeps delighting April, but ex Paul isn't ready to give her up, nor left town. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

While Savi can produce no paternity test, Dom refuses to sign anything without and Harry to save their marriage if she keeps a bastard. Jacob Pollock gets suspicious of patient Sam's rapport with Kim, who goes warn his mother only to unwittingly confess she was his late father's lover. April can't handle husband Paul's 'resurrection' and explanation that he staged his death, feeling an utter failure, and raised a son with Miranda, so she reconsiders the payoff. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Harry learns from business partner Jacob that his restaurant needs more capital and volunteers, to Savi's delighted surprise, to accompany her to a crucial law firm party, considering they shouldn't neglect their professional prospects regardless of the marriage crisis, but can't resist the impulse to knock down her lover colleague Dom, who realizes she ignores her baby's father. Scorned Sam distantly 'stalks' Kim, who maintains it's not dangerous, even when police detective Anthony Newsome, who just closed her practice's burglaries case, privately inquires on. April's specter of Paul spoils her date prospect with play dates suitor Richard as it proves real. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Harry isn't ready to deal with Savi's adultery, so he refuses to answer her proposal to change law firm and negotiate less hours, buries himself in work and furiously denies any infidelity with his foxy MD. Karin's practice partner Jacob is furious when she refuses to explain why a break-in in their offices must be about her, even before she finds a message suggesting Sam is involved. Josslyn misses her old boss and lover, especially as his French successor Olivier Dubois demotes her, yet is confident he too can be manipulated trough his interests, even bananas. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Harry works out that Savi's erratic behavior and complaints point to pregnancy and insists on a test, which is interrupted by bleeding, after which she finally admits it, even that he may not be the father. Paul handles far better then April that their pre-teen brat daughters ditched class together to attend a pop star's book signing, driven by a third classmate's mother, and ends up in bed with her. Harry is not amused to see that Joss takes in just-dumped lesbian Alex, who seduces her, while continuing one-night stands with male hotties, rather then working on an actual relationship. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Sam deduces, doubtfully in Kim's eyes, from his father's legacy that the old man would want him to pursue his passion, photography, rather then safer economics studies. He also aims for Kim as romantic target, but is turned away after a stolen kiss. Harry is happy again, although swamped with restaurant work, but ignores that Savi is pregnant as well as unfaithful. In order to have paternity test, she asks Dom to take over a key meeting in the career-crucial Sullivan case, which he now gets assigned instead. While Ron is dating April again, April claims part of Paul's inheritance as alimony for his bastard son Scotty, whose hospital bill she volunteers to pay when the brat incurs a fracture. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Hearing Sam is using his father's city flat as study residence, Karen can't resist sneaking in to check it for clues of her affair with his father, but thus actually leaves her sunglasses, which arouse the Grey family's suspicion of adultery. While Harry sweetly seeks to work out things with Savi, lover-colleague Dom isn't amused to be blamed for her adultery and duly angry when suggesting the major Sullivan case they're working on does't require both, as that wrecks his promotion prospects. Joss's French new boss Olivier Dubois isn't easily impressed with her charms and sales techniques, even cuts back her homes list until she earns it, which requires selling a lunatic rock-star villa as a festive chick-magnet, using Harry as caterer. Richard has been stood up too often by April to consider her romantically again, so she must explain about Paul's son with his mistress. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Harry's sweet attitude makes it only harder for Savi to decide whether to tell him after warning Dominic her adultery was a one off. Sam sweetly ad politely seeks conversation with Kim before he leaves to college, only to be rudely chased suddenly. Savi helps April check out late husband Paul's lover Miranda's claim that he fathered her son Scotty Nickelby, who then deserves part of his inheritance. Josselyn keeps testing the boundaries of Savi's hospitality and her one-night lovers' eagerness. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Mistresses




IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Savannah and her husband are faced with fertility issues, and finds herself attracted to a colleague; April becomes convinced that her husband is alive; Karen deals with the ramifications of an affair.

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 9.2
43 min

After Patrick solves a fatal dorm drama without even concentrating, distracted by the prospect of Lisbon moving to DC, the team is commandeered 'no excuses' for a high-profile case. An anonymous letter, claiming to be from a cocky killer, gives a clue about the old, unsolved society murder in the Florida keys of Don De Jorio's first wife, mother of now adolescent daughter Christie. While investigating and trapping suspects, Patrick enjoys sort of courting Lisbon, which is cut short by an embarrassing truth coming to her ears. The trap works, but Jane only cares to act for once out of passionate emotion, regardless of the risks. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

In a barn in Ellison farm town, three 20 year old corpses are dug up. The case gets Patrick's full attention when he discovers Red John's smiley on the back of the barn. He helps the team work out the farm was one of several set up by Brett Stile's Visualize cult in a bid for self-sufficiency, which quickly failed by lack of agricultural knowhow, despite illegal drugs for the overstretched laboring cult members. Locals where also involved, including present police chief Rick Anaya. Lisbon is startled to discover after her ten years surprise party that FBI agent Ray Haffner, who offers her to start a firm with him, also belongs to the cult. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Rural fireman Paul Satterfield is murdered shortly after a heroic fire rescue and abandoned in a marsh. Patrick suffers partial amnesia after near-drowning at the hands of a hooded man who hid there. Satterfield knew about his loveless wife's adultery with a colleague and never followed the rules, which was hell on his partner. Patrick also takes an interest in a concurrent bank-robbery nearby. Having forgotten about his family, Patrick also relapses into his medium con act. Finally he sets a trap, but now not without ulterior motive. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Hedge fund Wilder broker Timothy Hartley, Nathan Vella's partner, is shot and has his throat slit in a field 100 miles from his even richer wife Peregrine née Cook's Hillsborough mansion. The corps is stolen by two armed men during transport in coroner Steiner's van. Given two earlier victim thefts inter-state, the FBI suspects organ tissue trade and sends special agent Craig O'Laughlin. Tim also was treated for an alien abduction delusion in that distant field. The coroner is allowed to collaborate clumsily for a morbid reason, which Jane helps carry to the bitter end. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Dr. Alicia Seberg calls Jane from the Zitek Biosystems lab at Los Corrados to report she's (being) murdered: someone opened a flask of airborne Cryptohansa-B, one of the biological warfare germs Zitek develops antidotes against. Alas this one needs to be taken in advance. Her husband Dr. Cliff Edmunds and further colleagues Griffin Welks, Dr. Florian Tripp and Lilith Nash also had access to it. Alicia had an affair but Cliff knew and both accepted an 'open marriage'. Jane discovers the biometric access equipment was disabled for two months and manager Price knew. Janes takes offense at CDC inspector Dean Harken's arrogant rank pulling and sets an apocalyptic trap. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

A chef is poisoned to death during a competition, and CBI is forced to find his killer among his competitors, his estranged wife, and his ambitious assistant.

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Californian state senator Melinda Batson's recently graduated aid Kristen Marley was pushed from a Sacramento bridge, staged as a suicide. The rumor of an affair with Melinda's husband and chief of staff Elliot is denied and he has an alibi, but Jane taxes their marriage loveless. CSI concentrates on Kristen's dubious stepbrother Harlan McAdoo, who expected a false alibi from her in another crime. Patrick turns a false trail into a crucial clue. And handles Bosco's obstruction in his Red John interest. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Killjoys




IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Dutch and John take on a seemingly simple warrant to retrieve a missing migrant worker on Leith -- only to discover a dark secret lurking beyond the edge of the farm. Meanwhile, D'avin accompanies Pawter on a medicine run in exchange for a rubber stamp on his Killjoy pysch evaluation. But Pawter's assessment brings into question D'avin's fitness to become a Killjoy.

Country: Canada
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HD Orphan Black

Orphan Black


Orphan Black

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

The formal alliance between the sisters on one side Susan/Rachel/Ira on the other side begins in earnest. Cosima has arrived on the island where she and Susan will begin the process of finding a cure for both Leda and Castor by developing original DNA in the absence of Kendall through fertilization of one of Sarah's eggs with Ira's sperm, while Sarah and Felix meet with Rachel and Ira to discuss the next step in bringing down Evie Cho and restoring Susan as the head of Neolution. As Evie ramps up her media campaign to bring BrightBorn's work to the masses, Sarah, Rachel, Felix and Ira learn that two women, Tabitha Stewart and Kendra Dupree, have escaped from BrightBorn's facility, Tabitha near the end of her pregnancy and Kendra with her newborn. Rachel believes that what Tabitha and Kendra know and bringing it to public light is the key to exposing Evie's work. Sarah is determined for her side to do the work in finding the two women despite Sarah being Evie's primary target, having... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Five-0 heads to Mexico where Chin risks his life to rescue his kidnapped niece.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Five-0 must free McGarrett's mother, Doris (Christine Lahti), when Catherine (Michelle Borth) informs them that she was captured and is about to be executed after attempting to free Wo Fat's imprisoned father. Also, Chin loses his appeal to have Sara's adoption delayed, and she must move to Mexico.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

When a friend of Nahele dies from an overdose, it seems like he took new drug which has been killing a lot of people. Steve sets out to stop it so he arrests a known dealer and gets him to say where he got it from. And he says the one he got it from is a pilot who claims to be only a delivery man. Steve tells him to tell who he works for that he can't make the next run and that he has another pilot who can replace him--Steve. Danny goes with him and it's while they are in flight that someone in a helicopter shoots at them and Steve is hit and passes out, leaving no one to fly the plane. So Danny radios for help and reveals he's a cop making the guy he's with pull a gun. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Steve decides he's finally ready, to date again. But things get out of hand very soon, when the couple finds an abandoned plane on a deserted island. Meanwhile, Grover, Chin and Kono trying to enjoy some free time visiting a high-school football game. Written by Faith Randon

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The team helps find a boy's father, and discovers that his disappearance is related to moonshiners and a reclusive bank robber.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

An apparently haphazard group of Springbreaker's rented boat and its captain seem the latest victims of a wave of pirate attacks, which only a female crew member survives, apparently hidden, while a pirate's corpse is left behind. However huge collective ransom is demanded for the youngsters. The team finds the corpse was actually killed before the attack and the earlier, bloodless pirate raids's gang has an alibi. One hostage is slaughtered after his father tries to pay an advance against police advice. The murderous captors demand the surviving crew-girl delivers the full ransom. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Danny's ex-partner from the Honolulu P.D. is found dead in a luau barbecue pit. Danny demands the team must take his word that the man was incorruptible, although evidence piles up that he was involved in corruption surrounding the Mexican Ochoa cocaine cartel. Internal Affairs Sergeant Cage, who damaged Chin's reputation, is on the case but fails to shield it as HPD Detective Ahuna discretely joins the Five-O investigation. The deeper they dig, the dirtier everyone looks. Jailed human trafficker Sang Min holds a trump card, so Danny bids on it. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Hawaii Five-0

Hawaii Five-0


Hawaii Five-0

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Tycoon Ian Adams, who marketed the North Shore surfing ethos, is expertly shot from the hills during an annual surfing event. He was Kono's benefactor, but greedily lost touch with morality like his business partner, real estate fellow tycoon Carlton Bass. Their greedy development plans were unconditionally opposed by the 'ka-po', Kawika's native Hawaian heritage defense 'militia', including two recently released ex-cons he denounced, and by regular ecologists, including Carlton's thus estranged son Ben, who turns out to be Ian's surprise heir. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Sam manages to activate an Ancients' device they found at the Glastonbury site and she and Mitchell are shifted into a phase that makes them invisible to everyone. Daniel soon figures out just what is going on but Dr. Lee's proposed solution sends Daniel to the same plane as Sam and Mitchell. There he is able to translate information explaining that Merlin had created a weapon against the Ori - and provides a gate address where it can be found. Meanwhile, Teal'c travels to a Jaffa planet that has sent out a distress call. The two events are related. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

The plague continues to spread among the US population and the President has quarantined the nation. Teal'c is pleading with the Jaffa High Council to reject Origin, but Gerak arrives, having been transformed by the Ori into a prior. Cameron and Daniel seek the blood of the prior that caused the plague in order to cure it, but have once again been captured by the Sodan. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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