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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Riva Santel is the center of a national personality cult. She plans to suspend the upcoming elections and rule as a dictator. Craving eternal beauty even more than power, the IMF lead Santel to believe that Cinnamon is actually a woman in her late 60s. While Santel is preoccupied with the IMF rejuvenation procedure, Barney and Willy edit her national speech into a farewell address. In the end, an extremely youthful looking Riva Santel is kicked out of her own home by security personnel who don't recognize her. Written by eem

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Information vital to the defense of the U.S. has fallen into the hands of an enemy power. With no hope of retrieving it, the IMF stages an elaborate plot to try to make the foreign country's diplomats believe that the information is true -- hoping that if they discover that the U.S. is behind this plan, this knowledge will ironically cause them to disbelieve the information. Written by aldanoli

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Milos Kuro, the Minister of Culture of the UCR, a country behind the Iron Curtain, bombards his country with anti-American propaganda, hoping to undermine the pro-Western Premier Leon Vados. The IMF tries to discredit Kuro by enticing him with an anti-American play that they hope he will stage in his home country -- then using some classic IMF techniques to make a few carefully calculated changes to the text of the play. Written by aldanoli

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

The episode opens with a mission already underway in a foreign country. But an unforeseeable accident causes Cinnamon Carter to be captured by the foreign government just as she completes the original mission successfully. With time running out as she's being interrogated by her captors, the rest of the IMF hatches a desperate plan to regain her freedom: break the other country's top spy out of prison in the West, try to trick him out of the information he's holding, and then offer to exchange him for Cinnamon. Written by aldanoli

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

The IMF infiltrate a high tech maximum security prison behind the Iron Curtain to free a resistance leader being held in a glass cell that's continually monitored. Cinnamon's persona of a neurotic bureaucrat distracts the prison commandant, while Barney and Willy stage an abortive prison escape. It's all part of an elaborate scheme to convince prison officials that the freedom fighter in their cell is an imposter. Written by em

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

The key witness in the trial against mob boss Constantine Victor, aka Mr. V, has been killed. Only Victor's close friend, casino manager Johnny Costa knows enough to send Victor to prison for life. The IMF have 24 hours to convince Costa that he's the next name on Mr. V's hit list. Written by EEM

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Walter Townsend, an enemy agent working in the U.S., has been allowed to obtain false information that, if believed by his home country, will cause its leaders grave embarrassment (and discredit Townsend). But another spy from Townsend's home country also working in the U.S., George Simpson, tells his superiors that the information supplied to Townsend is false. Because Simpson and Townsend are known to be rivals, their home country sends its most brilliant agent, Stefan Miklos, to determine the truth or falsity of the information Townsend supplied. The IMF's job is to assist Miklos in reaching the correct conclusion -- while letting him believe that he has determined for himself that the information is true. Written by aldanoli

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

The IMF manipulates a naive intelligence officer in order to free an agent who can expose a deep-cover mole. In addition to rescuing the agent, they create an elaborate ruse to neutralize the Machiavellian security chief who is on the verge of discovering the mole's identity. Written by EEM

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Rollin takes the place of a human test subject for a type of meningitis being developed into a weapon. Cinnamon approaches Dr. Beck, the mercenary scientist in charge of the project, with a better offer if he'll work for her. Meanwhile, Phelps and Barney work to convince Beck's government monitor (Captain Onli) that the scientist has already accepted the counteroffer and has decided to kill him and a military representative with his bio-weapon. Written by eem

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Industrialist Carl Vandaam claims to have a hydrogen bomb for sale. He invites representatives from a variety of countries and factions to participate in an auction for the device at his company's headquarters. As the bargaining goes on, Barney performs one of his tunnel-crawling assignments, climbing up and down an elevator shaft to get access to the room where the bomb is housed - hoping to substitute a dummy unit for a critical part of the bomb's hardware before the sale to an enemy power is completed. Written by aldanoli

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

In the first of two parts, Dr. Erich Rojak, a brilliant scientist, is being held in an underground bunker containing a laboratory where he is forced to work on a small but extremely powerful long-range missile. If he succeeds, the missile has the potential to change the balance of power between the East and the West. Rojak is cooperating only because his totalitarian government is holding his wife, Anna, and threatens to kill her unless he completes the missile. The IMF's assignment is to rescue Rojak and his wife and to destroy his missile research. But another unfriendly government has sent professional killer Alexander Ventlos to make certain Rojak never completes his work. Written by aldanoli

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

General Zek, a military officer of a Middle Eastern kingdom, bitterly opposes the peace treaty signed by the progressive young king of his nation and a neighboring republic. Zek conspires with a munitions maker to use nitroglycerin to blow up the kingdom's Government House, thereby eliminating the peace-minded king and also provoking war with the republic. The IMF's mission: prevent this terrorist plot, and do so in a way that will ensure General Zek never again threatens the peace. Written by aldanoli

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 6.4
60 min

Anton Valdas, the highest ranking intelligence agent for an enemy power, is believed to possess a master list of Western agents who have defected to his government. Jim Phelps and Rollin Hand take on the mission of retrieving the list. While doing so, however, Phelps is shot and Rollin forced to flee without Phelps. Phelps' recovery and his plans to escape receive an unexpected boost from Nicole Vedette, another enemy agent who risks her own safety to help him escape -- and with whom Phelps uncharacteristically begins to fall in love. Written by aldanoli

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

When a benevolent President plans to use the 40 million he has saved to help his country, he entrusts the money to the country's finance minister who is his confidante. But what the President doesn't know is that the minister kept the money for himself and is planning to use its disappearance as a means to have the President removed from office. So IMF must stop the minister but it won't be easy cause the President trusts the man so much that merely telling him what the minister is planning won't be enough. So they try to get the man to implicate himself. Written by

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Only Norvan Kruger knows the location of a submarine that will launch nuclear missiles against the United States. To complicate matters Kruger has been captured by a third party also hostile to the United States. After spiriting Kruger from his captors, and injecting him with a drug that causes temporary retrograde amnesia, The IMF make Kruger Rollin's interrogator. Kruger's assignment: force Rollin to reveal the location of a submarine that will launch nuclear missiles against the United States. Written by EEM

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Jim Phelps is the new leader of the Impossible Missions Force, with no explanation, or even reference made, about the departure of predecessor Dan Briggs. First up for Phelps is a mission involving the drug trade. Cresnik and Walters have cornered the heroin market and sell it at a handsome profit to gangs around the world. Phelps devises an operation which will drive a wedge between the heroin dealers and their customers. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

Jack Cole was arrested and imprisoned for stealing art treasures of a Latin nation. The mission for Phelps and his crew is to get the precious objects back. But that won't be easy. Cole is being tortured by the colonel who heads the prison -- and the colonel is a traitor who wants the treasure for himself. The IMF plans calls for playing the two men, each deadly, off each other. A further complication occurs as Cole begins to go blind after being forced to stare at the sun as part of being tortured. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

An enemy agent has kidnapped two scientists and their wives and is holding them in San Francisco. He wants a third scientist, who can help develop an ultimate weapon. Phelps devises a plan where he'll pose as the scientist being sought and the rest of the IMF fakes an earthquake. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Belzig, head of a bank in East Berlin, tricks unwary people anxious to escape to the West that he will help them. Instead, he steals their money and kills them. He is amassing a fortune to launch a new Nazi movement. The mission for Phelps and the IMF is to put him out of business. Belzig keeps the stolen money in the high-security vault of his own bank. The vault also has a passageway. Belzig tells his victims to stay to the left and they'll find freedom. Instead they end up falling to their deaths. Phelps devises a plan where that passageway will be Belzig's undoing. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

The Impossible Missions Force takes on the absolute ruler of a Middle East nation who is running a secret slave market. Barney poses as a slave, part of an effort to construct a replica of the slave cells, before escaping. Phelps poses as a slave trader and Rollin as an Interpol investigator. Finally, Cinnamon will be the bait for the trap. The ruler of the country has a brother who married a British wife, Amara. The brother, if he assumed power, would abolish slavery in the country -- but he has accepted assurances that slavery doesn't exist there. As part of the plan, Willy abducts Amara and she is put in the IMF replica of the slave cell. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Phelps and Co. continue their plan to smash the renegade slavery operation of the absolute ruler of a Middle Eastern nation. Phelps, posing as a slave trader, works his way into the confidence of the ruler. In that role, Phelps sells Cinnamon into slavery. Meanwhile, the rest of the IMF team is preparing to pull a switch that will force the ruler's brother to confront the situation and force the end of slavery in his nation. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Cinnamon poses as the wife of an archaeologist with a serious heart condition. He needs to be rescued, and an assassination plot needs to be foiled.

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

The IMF's target is DuBruis, a corrupt financial speculator in an African nation. Phelps and Co. get DuBruis's attention with counterfeit money, virtually the same as the nation's currency except for the quality of the paper. The elaborate game plan calls for Cinnamon to tempt DuBruis with supposed insider information about a mining company and Phelps and Rollin posing as criminals who've developed computerized counterfeiting. Barney is also on hand to make the computer work. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Taggert, a U.S. industrialist, has acquired a jade figure, which has great religious significance to Kuala Rokat. That nation is a small but strategically located nation which borders China. Taggert's acquisition threatens to undo years of sensitive U.S. diplomacy but there is no legal way to force him to give the figure back. Phelps devises a plan which, among other things, calls for causing havoc with Taggert's mainframe computer, Rollin impersonating an academic from Kuala Rokat and using a highly trained cat in getting the jade away from Taggert. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

The Hagars (Fritz Weaver and Hazel Court), a married couple, collect money for charity, but keep it for themselves in the form of platinum bars they keep hidden under their pool table. Phelps and his Impossible Mission Force must retrieve the platinum and put an end to the Hagars' scam once and for all. Written by C_F_K

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

A top mob leader, Frank Wayne, is endangering the U.S. economy. Phelps's plan attacks Wayne on various fronts. First the IMF watches as Jimmy Bibo, one of Wayne's associates is forced to dig his own grave. The IMF has a doctor ready to revive Bibo -- if Wayne's killer leaves the scene in time. Second, Phelps has a cover as an ambitious prosecutor on Wayne's trail. Finally, Rollin is ready to take Wayne's place. But once Rollin has made the switch, other mob bosses want Wayne to leave the country -- which will ruin the complicated plan. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

IMF agent Rollin Hand, impersonating mobster Frank Wayne, has a counter-proposal for the other mob bosses. He says he'll undergo plastic surgery to look like a different man. In comes Cinnamon. In reality, she is undoing Rollin's makeup; she can afford no mistakes because the other mob bosses are watching the entire time. Meanwhile, a doctor working for the IMF is performing plastic surgery on the real Wayne -- making him to look like Rollin. All of this is part of Phelps's plan aimed at getting access to Wayne's records. But Phelps himself will face an attempted hit before the mission can be concluded. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

An opposition leader of an Eastern Bloc nation has been captured by the chief of the country's secret police. Also seized was microfilm with a list of people who secretly support the opposition. Phelps develops a plan that plays upon the astrology obsession the nation's leader has. Cinnamon poses as a famous astrologer while Barney and Rollin will have to operate from the cargo compartment of a plane transporting the captured opposition leader. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

The team has to stop a German who is being groomed to be another Hitler. They decide to get his biggest backer, a German industrialist who knew Hitler to turn on him. And part of their plan is to get the industrialist to relive his wife's death at the hands of Hitler. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

The team's latest mission has them trying to root out a network of spies, who were brought in by an American photographer. The problem is the code that he and his handlers communicate with is unbreakable. So they devise a plan to get him to reveal the method of decoding his communications. And their plan has him asking for Cinnamon to pose for him. During their photo shoot she displays knowledge of bio chemistry which the photographer decides to exploit. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

The exact rendering of a map is duplicated in order to fool a female spy. It's the second part of an overlay that details NATO's missile defense system.

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The IMF's target is an international chess grandmaster who also is planning to steal gold seized from the opposition movement of an unnamed Soviet Bloc country. Rollin poses as an amateur chess player, helped by a computer Barney is running that is unbeatable at chess. The plan, devised by Phelps, also calls for a devious way of snatching the gold from both the chess player and the authorities. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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