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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Radar has the toughest duties at the 4077. He has to disturb the officers' slumber if there is an emergency; Margaret is not all sweetness and light when she is wakened. It is Radar's responsibility to safeguard all valuables belonging to wounded patients. When the jeep of Col. Chaffey and his men is run off the road by a U.S. tank late one night, it is SOP for Radar to take Chaffey's vintage 1884 Colt .45 chrome revolver with bone grip and give him a receipt. Frank helps Radar store some rifles later that night and they both admire the beautiful old gun. Radar is the only one with keys to the gun cabinet and to the other bins where possessions are stored; he even showers with these keys. When the Colt .45 turns up missing, it is Radar who faces 15 years in the stockade. Radar says he will enter during infancy and leave during his adultery...Radar is so upset, he gets drunk on 1 beer. Everyone tries to help their pet Corporal; the camp is searched. Will the thief allow Radar to be ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7

The rampant camp fever has the doctors stumped; HQ believes the fever is carried by rat-borne mites and fleas. Fr. Mulcahy is in Seoul, trying to dig up more info on the fever. HQ has also issued a directive regarding a contest, Soldier of the Month, to be judged by second in command. But Ferret Face is also Rat Officer; he is a busy boy. Frank totally misses the lack of renal output from the fever victims, disagrees with the idea of restricting fluid intake, as expected. (The disease, hemorrhagic fever, is more common sense medicine than anything else.) Frank comes down with the fever and is extremely sick; he cannot judge the contest. Klinger steals a peek at the test for Soldier of the Month. During the oral test, Klinger's calisthenics make boot camp look like standing at attention. Who will BJ and Hawkeye name as the Soldier of the Month? Frank makes a will...Margaret gets a last kick in the gut. Will Frank get any better ... and will that be an improvement? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Frank and Hawkeye race back to the 4077 after spending an entire night at the site of a bus meeting a land mine. Tired, cranky Hawkeye splashes dirt on an uppity Col. by accident. Sgt. Zale turns to BJ for marital advice when he receives a letter from his wife, Hillda, confessing to an infidelity. Colonel Spiker, who took such an instant dislike to Hawkeye, wants to go to the 121st Evac.; he refuses to have the able surgeon anywhere near him, but Col. Potter orders Hawkeye to operate. Frank is bomb-crazy and he harangues the locals who work at the 4077. Margaret finds Hawkeye sleeping in a cot next to his angry Colonel; she credits Hawkeye with doing his best work and for saving the Colonel's life. Potter repeats similar words to Col. Spiker. BJ learns another lesson about Korea: the moose tradition. When BJ finds Zale hoist by the petard of his own double standard, he urges Zale to sign a forgiving letter to his wife. Frank urges everyone to dig for hidden bombs. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

BJ writes home for the 3d time this week; Davis, a patient Frank gave up for dead, now has BJ to thank for his life. One of Father Mulcahy's superiors, Col. Maurice Holister, Divisional Chaplain, is coming to inspect him. The Swamp Rats enjoy Peg's first overseas package. BJ tells her how Hawkeye keeps the 4077 crew from going nuts. Hawkeye read in Life how Caltech students squeezed 15 people into a VW bug, so he organizes a similar foray inside a jeep, trying to beat the record. Even Hotlips participates in the merriment...but when Col. Holister drives up, he finds Father Mulcahy at the bottom of the pile. Col. Holister wants to turn mild-mannered Francis into Elmer Gantry. Potter wants to train Koreans to work in the wards; Frank is first to teach them some English. Later, Hawkeye gets to teach the VIP verbage. Holister forces Father, against his own better judgment, to write a letter to the family of an unstable patient. Luckily the young soldier pulls through and Fr. learns a ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Incoming wounded include a Captain who identifies himself to Radar and the doctors as Jesus Christ. He does not appear to be bucking for a Section 8 and seems placid and harmless. Radar is particularly taken with the gentle Captain. But, naturally, Hotlips and Frank are offended; they think BJ and Hawkeye are up to something. Col. Potter dismisses them as snitches, so they call Crazy in Army, Col. Flagg. Flagg brings the dossier of the fallen Captain, Bombardier Pilot Arnold T. Chandler of the 428th Bomber Squadron, shot down after flying an inconsequential 57 bombing missions and earning all possible medals, honors and decorations. The doctors think Chandler has battle fatigue. Flagg thinks he has turned chicken and wants to turn up the heat. Potter is not Henry: he stands right up to the bullying Flagg, which makes Hawkeye smile. Hawkeye suggests Dr. Sidney Freedman; Potter and BJ are meeting the good, the bad and the ugly in this episode. Sidney thinks Chandler lost himself ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Potter thinks Hawkeye is a pip, as he has a comeback for everything. But Frank's Purple Heart (for an egg fragment in his eye) is no joke and Hawkeye does not find it funny. Civilian Nurse Meg Cratty (Ann Doran) and her orphans are being shelled; like Blake, Col. Potter is happy to extend the hospitality of the 4077 to Nurse Cratty, her kids and Sung Lee, a pregnant girl who stopped to see her in-laws. All tents (and most hearts) are opened as the kids are bedded down all over the camp. The pregnant Sung Lee stumbles in, shot by a sniper; BJ, fresh from residency, gets to do the Caesarian. Frank is obsessed with thievery; the featherweight Father has to wrestle him to scrub. When Frank finds his Purple Heart is missing, he suspects one of the kids. But, Hawkeye and BJ believe any baby who is shot in the rump on his own birthday is much more worthy and deserving of the honor. Margaret watches the entire ceremony, grinning from ear to ear. As Nurse Cratty and her brood leave, they are ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Radar is trying too hard. He has the same kind of ESP with Col. Potter that he enjoys with everyone else, but Radar thinks being around Potter is like staying with his aunt instead of his mother - he just cannot relax. Col. Potter writes home to Mildred to wish her Happy Anniversary: he, too, is having trouble relaxing. He is the new kid on the block and although he likes most of 4077, they all have their foibles. He finds Hotlips and Frank curious when they come to take his photo. A wild wounded horse is spotted by a chopper pilot; Radar insists BJ and Hawkeye help rescue the animal. In his letter to Mildred, Potter playfully gossips about Frank and Hotlips and gives tidbits about the others. Frank and Hotlips have commissioned a bust of Potter in wood for the Anniversary. Animal lover, Radar, determines to keep the horse. Henry used to allow him to keep pets; but, as BJ aptly points out, Potter is not Blake. Radar cannot hide a horse from an old cavalryman! At the unveiling of ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1
25 min

The 38th Parallel Medical Conference: just an excuse for boozing one's brains out! Radar drives the 4077 bus back to camp with Potter and the 3 doctors and realizes they are lost. When they stop the bus, it will not start again. They have no food, water, communication, blankets or maps and it is nightfall; plus, Hawkeye is hung over. Frank is secretly hoarding chocolate and talking gibberish on one-half of a set of busted walkie-talkies. BJ suggests the guys tell fun stories when Radar goes to the latrine. He disappears for a long time and Potter, Hawkeye and BJ are worried. A wounded N. Korean soldier appears in the night; he throws off his gun belt and surrenders. The first night guard patrol is Frank's, but Radar catches him with his eyelids down...and chocolate bars flying. The next day, things look brighter: Radar determined they are not in enemy territory and he finally puts to use the fine art of blackmail carefully learned at the knees of his Uncles Trapper and Hawkeye. The N.... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Ah, the cleanliness of military war: one hand washes another. After 30 years, Sgt. Kimble is going home; his medical records must be fixed so he travels by boat and not by air: Kimble is bringing home tons of restaurant ware to open his own Korean cafe stateside. BJ and Hawkeye are each willing to live and let live, but Kimble's problem requires 3 doctors to sign the certification...and there is the matter of a stolen microscope which Kimble promised to replace. Frank refuses to sign. Intense sniper fire causes Potter to get help: the British 29th Brigade comes to the rescue. Lt. Chivers is a nice chap who needs help on the QT with an ingrown toenail; British COs are rabid about proper foot frost toe, and Chivers could lose rank. Another visitor, Commander of Army 1st Cavalry Tank Brigade, Col. Griswold, also needs help on the QT. But his situation is no clapping matter and Griswold could lose his favorite little soldier without the proper medical care. Hotlips is turned ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2

Klinger and BJ are mystified; Hawkeye's father called the 4077 in the middle of the night and asked for BJ. When a morgue attendant, Digger, tries to retrieve the body of one Capt. BF Pierce and shows the death certificate, things start making sense. Eisenhower is coming and all the lines are tied up; Hawkeye is going crazy over how his dad is taking the news. BJ tries to put a fun spin on it and hosts a wake for his buddy: not only is there a eulogy, but there is also rebuttal. But the death thing finally wears at Hawkeye and he plans to go home. Henry is dead and the casualties keep coming. Trapper went home; that did not even slow down the flow of wounded. But when the choppers sound, whether by rote or right, Hawkeye gets off Digger's bus and joins the land of the living. Once he speaks to his father, he is not as worried about his demise. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

It is a long night of nerve-wracking shelling and artillery. One of BJ's black patients is fading, which is not helping the 97.8% health rate enjoyed by the 4077. With B+ type blood, which, is neither rare nor common, BJ, Hawkeye and Margaret are all worried. Luckily, Klinger is B+ and his swarthy Lebanese carcass is conveniently located in the next bed. Radar is scared to death when he is asked to wake Colonel Potter, but the old guy jumps to attention. He calls strange officers as well as his own pals to get the shelling to stop. To take the sting out of working a night shift with Hawkeye, Hotlips writes a sweet love note to Frank: she watches in disbelief as he tears it up. Margaret always saves ALL of his notes... and this really gets Frank thinking. As Hawkeye, BJ and Margaret work into early morning, saving lives, a Ferret named Frank tears apart Hotlips' tent, trying to find his love letters to her. He hopes quick action now may save his future neck. His neck is not so lucky.... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.3
25 min

It is 19 Sept 1952; the Army sends a full bird Colonel, Sherman Tecumseh Potter, veteran of WWI and WWII, to command the 4077. Potter finds Radar suntanning, with metal plates, the same way Henry Blake taught him. Frank runs away from home and Hotlips tries to hide it. The new Swamp Rats used Frank's old bed frame, added lights, made it into a bar; they named it in honor of Lt Colonel Henry Blake. Change in command is Frank's ticket back to The Swamp. Potter is a tough cookie; he orders Klinger to burn his bloomers and does not automatically believe in Radar's ESP. But he loves his wife, Mildred, and he loves his horses, (even though the only actual horseflesh he brought was his saddle). The guys worry about Potter's medical skills, but he is a pro; he even helps BJ through a rough patch without a second thought. The new Swamp Rats learn Potter is a champion drinker, singer of songs and all-around great guy, and they realize life at the 4077 might have possibilities. When Klinger ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.6
50 min

In a contrived plot where Hawkeye takes a separate RandR in Tokyo from fellow Swamp Rat, Trapper, Hawkeye returns back to the 4077 in a rickshaw. Frank and Hotlips are letting power go to their beady little heads, not realizing the Army never entrusts the command of 100+ Army souls to an officer with less than the rank of Lt. Colonel. Our Trapper is already gone (with the same ill wind that took Henry Blake) and America never gets to say a real farewell to Trapper John Francis Xavier McIntyre. The young replacement, whose file inspires hope in the small heart of Hotlips, is Captain B.J. Hunnicutt. Two months ago, he was doing his residency in Sausalito with his wife, Peggy, eight months pregnant in their Mill Valley home; a five week crash course at Fort Sam Houston was his prelude to the wilds of Hawkeye, Radar and Korea. Frank and Margaret wish they got their paws on BJ first but he was obviously always 100% Swamp Rat. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.4
25 min

Major General Bartford Hamilton Steele (the incomparable Harry Morgan) is one of three Steele brothers from West Point, all generals. As Trapper aptly observes: 'Hey, the word's out that general's a little bit el wacko.' Gen. Barton certainly has a bee in his bonnet regarding military uniforms, protocol, waste and (dubiously) quoting great warriors of history, like Hannibal. (He was a darky, you know.) When black chopper pilot, WO Martin Williams, gives Steele the stats on his daily chopper runs, Steele wants to move the 4077 closer to the action...just to conserve fuel. The officers are aghast: such a move will get them all killed. An order is an order, but although Steele is a 2-star general, he is a 3-star loony, a fruitcake with raisins for eyes. Hawkeye suggests they disobey him but Henry cannot disobey a general unless he gets an order to disobey. But when an order of Steele threatens the life of one of his patients, Hawkeye has no similar compunction; he gives an orders to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 9.7

As Tommy prepares to commit the most audacious crime of his career, an unexpected blow forces him to face his worst fears in a race against time.

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 9.1

Tommy plans the arms robbery but Polly is troubled to think that he is about to kill Father Hughes and confesses to a priest. Meanwhile the Shelby women feel used and threaten to go on strike unless they are kept in the loop about events and given a cut of profits. Tommy enjoys sex with Tatiana, who shows her dangerous side, though he voices his suspicions to her regarding Hughes. However, thanks to Polly's confession he is arrested for plotting to kill him, beaten up and forced into an arrangement, giving him little choice but to betray the Russians to save his family. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 9.1
58 min

Responding to the Italians' actions, Tommy is set on a path of deadly vengeance that could take him to his darkest place yet, and threatens to splinter the family. Responding to the Italians' actions, meanwhile, as he makes plans for his mission on behalf of the Russians, he realises there is a traitor in his midst. Written by Ahmed EL Masry

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 9.2
57 min

Tommy is approached by a priest, Father Hughes, an agent for a group of establishment types anxious to prevent a communist revolution in the country, leading to a meeting with Tatiana's uncle, Grand Duke Petrovna, to discuss the arms deal. Meanwhile Vicente Changretta, leader of a rival Italian gang, suggests a truce, which the headstrong John Shelby, to Polly's anger, rejects. As a result there is a renewal of a violent turf war, culminating at Tommy's evening in aid of his charitable foundation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 9.6
59 min

Thomas cons Solomons into giving a share of his export business as well as getting the murder charge against Arthur withdrawn, freeing his brother As Derby day arrives he writes a letter to be opened in the event of his death - stating that Campbell has forced him to kill Field Marshal Russell, so that the culprits appear to be the IRA, undermining Home Rule. With his gypsy allies he plans to take over Sabini's race track licences, explaining that he will be creating a diversion to distract the police. At Epsom he bids a cryptic goodbye to May though somewhat incongruously Grace arrives, pregnant by and claiming to love him. Helped by his secretary, ex-prostitute Lizzie, Thomas kills Russell whilst the Blinders destroy Sabini's gaming licences in the knowledge that, thanks to May, they will revert to Shelby. Polly gets her revenge on Campbell but Thomas is abducted by members of the Ulster Voluntary Force on Campbell's orders and taken away to be shot. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 8.9
59 min

Whilst Irish gangs fight each other in Birmingham Arthur is threatened by the mother of the boy he killed in the boxing match and who is not appeased by promises of money. Thomas and his gang go to London to join up with Solomons, who makes it clear that he is the boss. Sabini decides to send Thomas a message and has his men kill the Digbeth Kid, one of the Shelby gang, for which Thomas swears revenge. He decides to buy a race horse, thus giving him a credible reason to infiltrate the race courses dominated by Sabini's men and at an auction meets well-to-do trainer May Carleton. Returning home he and his gang are ambushed but they kill the assailants. Michael, who has watched it all calmly, makes it clear that he wants to stay with his new family. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 8.7
59 min

Two years have elapsed. Freddie has succumbed to illness and at his funeral Thomas asks Ada to return home though she is scornful that he has been so successful with his mix of legal and illegal businesses. When his pub the Garrison is blown up he goes straight to the Black Lion to accuse his Irish rivals, who have a proposition for him involving murder. Returning home he informs the family that he plans to expand his bookies' business to London but John's wife Esme warns him of its dangers given the existing racial turf wars. He takes Arthur and John to London to a club run by Darby Sabini, who controls the southern race courses, where they are anything but welcome. Back in Birmingham Ada is abducted by Sabini's thugs, who give Thomas a severe beating, his being saved by the reappearance of Chester Campbell, who has told Churchill that he has a new undercover agent working in the area. Polly meanwhile visits a medium for news of the children who were taken from her in infancy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD 12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys


12 Monkeys

IMDb: 8.2
47 min | 60 min

27 years after a virus wipes out most of humanity, scientists send a man (James Cole) back to 2015 to stop the plague from ever happening. Cole's only lead is a virologist (Dr. Cassandra Railly), who knows the dangerous source of the outbreak.

Country: USA
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HD En fyra för tre

En fyra för tre


En fyra för tre

IMDb: 0

Genre: Comedy,
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HD 24




IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Family troubles: Jack with his brother and father while Morris worries about his own brother.

Country: USA
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HD 24




IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Jack finds himself confronting his father while the lead terrorist needs help if he's to explode the remaining bombs.

Country: USA
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HD 24




IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Four more suitcase nukes are out there, and Jack's only lead takes him to the home of his brother.

Country: USA
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HD 24




IMDb: 9.1
44 min

While Jack has problems with Curtis, CTU discovers a nuclear threat and raids a terrorist warehouse, and a shocking explosion shakes LA.

Country: USA
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HD 24




IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Can Jack and an unlikely ally stop a suicide bomber and track the architect of these acts of terror?

Country: USA
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HD Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie


Little House on the Prairie

IMDb: 8.5

Jonathan has some break-ins at the freight office, so he becomes part time sheriff to help catch the bad guy. When they bring the boy's father in and tell them they are pretty sure he's the one who's been stealing from everyone they ask to search his room. Sure enough, he's been hiding stuff in his attic. Unfortunately, the self-proclaimed personal security guy who claims that he's helping out by taking a night watch for the business owners who pay him to, has been helping to unload and sell the stuff they sell, so they bust him too. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Glee




IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Will is struggling to coach the Vocal Adrenaline as they refuse to listen to him. Rachel, being evicted out of her house because her dads finally sold it, is having a hard time. Both the Glee Club and Sue welcomes Sheldon Bieste with open arms and tries their best to make him feel at home after his gender transition.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Sue is at it again, trying to mend relationships that she thinks need mending. Meanwhile, Kitty helps Rachel find the perfect set list to win the invitational and Sam recruits football player Spencer to join the glee club.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Rachel proposes an idea to Mr. Shuester in order to improve the club's chance at the invitational. Meanwhile, Sue conjures up a plan (with the unintentional help of Sam) to destroy the Glee club once again.

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